Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Biodigious

  1. Peat

    Did grass grow over them?
  2. You cant skip the night

    Because he's been playing too much Don't Starve.
  3. I hope everyone has room in their hunger bars.
  4. Anything Significant Happened Lately?

    In case you missed it. THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT!! THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT! THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT! THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT!.......Bobby Thomson hits into the lower deck of the left-field stands! The Giants win the pennant and they're goin' crazy, they're goin' crazy! HEEEY-OH!!!
  5. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    With dunk talking about steam power, the mod's time period would progress into Earth's early 1600s-early 1700s.
  6. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    So why is a saw required to make a crafting table?
  7. Link for Update/How to update?

    Why are you using Magic Launcher if you've already placed the files into the jar manually?
  8. Winter not working

    di, you're Russian, and transcengopher apparently lives in Russia. People, 7 + 7.
  9. Ores are too hard to find starting off.

    He doesn't encourage it, he just takes Pacific Bluefin Tunas as, uh, gifts.
  10. Winter not working

    Is the bug that your achievements are in Russian? Because you haven't told us anything.
  11. Game Crashes :(

    You're right guys. I shouldn't be singling people out to insult them. Instead, I should be insulting everyone at all times for no reason. Srgnoodles and Kimbblesrath deserve all the credit for opening my eyes, without you two this never would have happened, thank you.
  12. [Web] cannot access submenu

    The page wasn't fully loaded at the moment you were trying.
  13. Game Crashes :(

    You're right guys. I shouldn't be singling people out to insult them.
  14. Game Crashes :(

    TheGrimCreeper, don't listen to the idiots saying that this crash was caused by not having enough RAM. The solution is to just revert back to OptiFine D3. D4-D7 will cause the crash. Good job reading the actual crash report and not just what the person said. Dumbasses.
  15. Magic

    The whole point of magic is to make life easier. Unless the main focus of the mod switches to being purely magical, this suggestion would be extremely overpowered in the TFC universe.
  16. About meals

    Why do people think they have to instantly convert resources into something that takes up more space or they don't use right away? Make things as you need them. So, do what politehnik said.
  17. agriculture: possible adjustments & suggestions to consider.

    Holy shit! A hard to read wall of text. Hard to read because of how you 'structure [your] words, sentences, paragraphs, and mannerisms.' Learn what capitalization is, it would make this a helluva lot easier. So, photosynthesis, ever wondered what photo- meant in that word? The plants you want to change require it, and they aren't going to grow very well in torchlight. All you'll be able to grow are mushrooms and organisms that chemosynthesize around Bioxx's possible 'seismically active zones'. Atlantis? That example doesn't support your suggestion. Atlantis was an above-ground city with above-ground farms.
  18. are Performance updates in the future?

    Holy shit, it's like you don't even attempt to research things before you say them. 'More Biomes'? There's only been one break-off mod and that wasn't it. And I know the mod creator's real nickname is seven letters long and therefore tl;dr but that doesn't mean his nickname is 'TL;DR'. In fact, there's nobody on the minecraft forums by that name.
  19. Balancing the Chisel

    First, we should probably determine how many blocks would be fully removed when detailing (512 uses) with a t0 chisel; I'm just using 10 blocks as an example. So, 10 blocks × 512 little detailed pieces is 5120 total uses1. People won't usually remove anything close to the full 512 so the chisel will last for much longer than 10 blocks. To counter anyone thinking they can still just chisel slab mine and only use 10 uses per block, an extra 256 uses2 is taken off the chisel whenever it is used to remove the last bit of a block. This would only allow 20 blocks to be removed with t0 5120 use chisels. I'd like to see each action of smoothing, slabbing and staring3(Don't blink. Blink and you're dead.) only use one durability and that's what the above suggestions are based off of. For the hammer, I don't think it needs to lose durability when chiseling. Half of chiseling is done with gentle little taps and it's only hitting a wooden handle. Footnotes4: 1. We should get such a large number because dunk, and hopefully Bioxx, apparently loves seeing chiseled creations and nobody likes using a tool up after only a few blocks. 2. Depending on the actual durability compared to a pickaxe's, this may or may not be necessary but was added as a just-in-case precaution. 3. I know the proper incorrect word would have been 'stairring' and the proper phrase would be 'making stairs' but I did it for the lulz. 4. Adding these 'reasoning why's into the text was making it a bit too crowded for my tastes, so I added footnotes.
  20. So that's what these past seven posts by you and JAG are.
  21. Graphical things that TFC could use.

    NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!1! He was so close to being completely converted to the dark side.
  22. TFC (b72) crash when generating new chunks

    Link to what's going on with OptiFine.
  23. [b71] Crash: Null Pointer->WorldGenTFC->CreatingOreVein

    Yes, D4, D5 and D7 are a problem only when generating new chunks. In already generated chunks, they'll do exactly what they are supposed to do and not crash. Previous chunks good, new chunks bad. Can't be sure what you're trying to say in the second sentence.
  24. [b71] Crash: Null Pointer->WorldGenTFC->CreatingOreVein

    Oops messed up here. D3 is the last version you can use without this crash. I forgot I generated my world differently when I tried D5, so the crash didn't have a chance to present itself. Still not Forge's fault.
  25. [b71] Crash: Null Pointer->WorldGenTFC->CreatingOreVein

    Yep, thought so, something in D4 was bugged. Use D3 or D5, haven't tested D7 yet. I test all my mods, one-by-one, after a reoccurring crash like this one, so I'm 100% sure that it's *probably* D4. Also, "(Built using Forge x.x.x.x)" doesn't mean, "Use this and only this version." It means, "Don't use versions before this because certain features probably won't be there; but newer versions are ok because the features used in x.x.x.x are still going to be there in the newer ones. Though take note, there is an extremely small chance, like one grain of sand from all the beaches in the world small, they (Forge) will have rewritten or removed a feature we (TFC) used and will crash the game, but again, extremely small chance, to the point where it has never happened and never will."