Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EternalUndeath

  1. [Clarified] Gardening

    Loving the sugarcane reinterpretation. I hope it makes it in. ... I hope even more that it replaces the retarded RPG leveling up crap recently added when it does
  2. Big List of Mobs

    I already asked dude, I'm 'light goldenrod'
  3. Scaffold

    ...but help me follow the logic here... He's saying he blatantly wants to copy a mod whose author is a massive tight-ass about copyright and people stealing his shit. That's what I'm getting from this. this SUPPOSED to be a bad idea? Because it's fucking horrid.
  4. Gems + XP = Idea!

    FoD was my favorite childhood movie. <3 When I was between 7 and 12 I used to have my mom make constant trips to Blockbuster to rent the VHS of it over and over Now that I'm much older, I have the DVD sitting on a nearby shelf and I now notice many rather startling similarities between myself and Peter, lol
  5. Scaffold

    soooooooooo, exactly like the ones in Industrialcraft
  6. Pottery

    Having just 'alloyed' a 1987 penny in my bathroom sink using a kitchen oxyacetylene torch, I can definitely call this myth-
  7. Easier way of making charcoal?

  8. Gems + XP = Idea!

    OH MY GODS SOMEONE ELSE KNOWS THAT MOVIE <333 *ahem* I have to say, I do rather like the direction this thread is taking, Magics in TFC should be difficult to master, require sacrifice, and be very difficult and dangerous. On other vanilla and bukkit servers I have always tried to be the 'village mage' by having potion shops, variable enchanting tables, and the best XP farms on the server, but the thing is these are all comparatively easy things that anyone can accomplish. Just like servers have their farmers who fully understand crop rotation and seasonal planting, and smiths who've memorized the exact patterns for the perfect steel breastplate - I want to be able to built a big ol' fuck-off tower either on the edge or in the center of town, buy up all the 'useless' gems people have been keeping in their chests wasting space, and start providing unique wares that others on the server genuinely cannot make for themselves, just like the average joe can't make a red steel helmet, or grow a whole field of barley to harvest.
  9. error 500

    Nah nah, change it to this Then add '500' after error
  10. Gems

    HA. I really the only one who got this?
  11. Alchemy

    Smaller bottles would be useful to shop owners. Yeah you'd only ever use flasks for yourself to save on inventory space, but others might not be able to afford that much potion at once with your prices
  12. Big List of Mobs

    ...But the trolls in the books had huge noses and ate small people (mistaking the hobbits for kids, I believe), as well as turning to stone at sun-up. You're thinking of the cave-troll from Khazad-Dum, which was a different species, and was also dictated by Peter Jackson, not Tolkien
  13. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    Well I originally thought that I might put this into one of the repair/improvement threads already out there, but I feel this constitutes a significant enough difference from those to warrant its own thread. So here's the idea - in D&D (which we seem to be drawing a lot of inspiration from lately), there's a variant of any given weapon called a 'Masterwork' weapon. It confers a bonus to hit chance, but not to damage, and is non-magical. Only masterwork weapons and armor can be enchanted. Well, I looked at that, and I figured... 'What if there was a way to get higher-tiered tools at any metal age?' So, here's what I think for- Tools/weapons: Item + knife (in craft grid) = tool head/sword blade (the stick is lost). heated item + anvil (with new rule set and target area) = 'finished [item] head/blade stage 1' 'Finished [item] head stage 1' + grinding wheel* = 'finished [item] head' *smooth stone + chisel + stick + wooden pressure plate The grinding wheel UI has a similar 'progress bar' as the anvil, only instead of the target being a range, it's a point which varies from item to item. You click the various buttons to move the progress marker just like in the anvil, but once you get close enough to get the product, a previously greyed-out 'finish' button becomes available. A pedal button will need to be constantly pressed to increase the 'speed' meter on the side, similar to a temperature bar. Certain metals will require certain speeds to be grindable (idea credit to ECC). Other buttons include Grind (large movement right), Buff (moderate movement right), and Polish (small movement right). The grinder has similar rules to the anvil, preventing you from just polishing everything to perfection (such as grind last, etc...) The closer the marker is to the goal, the better the durability, but if the marker goes past the goal entirely then the tool is ruined and you get a broken tool head*. Not going over and hitting 'finish' in the proper zone, gives you a "'Finished' [item] Head/Blade", which carries half the durability of the completed item. *Can only be tossed into the bloomery for 90% of the metal back The handle will have to be made separately. I'm thinking that for the meantime, you craft together a knife, log, leather, and a gem, and the quality of the gem determines the durability of the handle (which makes NO sense, and is only a placeholder idea until the woodworking update gives me something to work with on this). The handle will also carry half the item's durability with it. You just combine the handle and finished head like you would a regular head and a stick, and get your 'finished' tool, the current and max durabilities of the 2 parts being added together for the final item. Armor: heated armor piece + heated metal sheet + flux = finished armor piece stage 1 finished armor piece stage 1 + anvil/hammer = finished armor piece stage 2 finished armor piece stage 2 + grinding wheel* = finished armor piece *rules for armor are always: Polish last, Buff not last, Polish not last For steel armor and up, you also may have the option of crafting a feather onto the stage 2 armor piece to get a plumed finished helm. This, however, changes the rules for the grinding wheel for the final step. Since these are only available on high-tier armors, change the normal layout of the process, and MUST be added mid-crafting (preventing people from getting a helm from someone else and just tacking the feather on themselves to increase the value). Concluding: Finished items are separate items from their normal counterparts (not like there's any shortage of item IDs, hell...), and are 20% 'better' at whatever it is they do (mining/digging speed, armor rating, damage, etc...). Also, when enchanting is implemented, only finished items will be capable of receiving enchants. This ensures that players are forced to work for their enchanted gear, and makes it a little less OP Moreover, finished tools present an additional layer of challenge for not that great of a reward, and at the risk of losing all your progress on a tool and having to re-smelt it. As such, smithing finished gear will become the mark of a master, and carry high status and coinage value on servers. Smithing a plumed helm would become the ultimate sign of a true master, and they would presumable be worth a small fortune. Server admins (kings) would refuse to step onto the field of battle without their plumed helms to mark their rank. so, interesting idea or just a shiny turd? Lets hear it EDITED FOR CONTENT AND FORMAT
  14. Wooden/Clay Walls

    Hi there.
  15. Anime?

  16. Runescape >__>

    Honestly you could just do what I do, and ask for monthly paid subscription cards as stocking stuffers and birthday gifts from the relatives who don't see you as often but are still close enough to feel obliged. I've never paid a cent out of pocket for RS. They sell them at places like Toys R US, Walmart, Gamestop, and most places like them
  17. Who wants to see a 15 yr old guy scream like a little girl?

    1) it's 'grown' 2) 15 is not a 'grown man' by any stretch of the imagination. 20 is a grown man. A case could be made for 18-19.
  18. Better Pets

    Details damnit. How can I vote on game mechanics you haven't provided This thread isn't a suggestion, it's just bitching
  19. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    Oh blush >///>
  20. Improving Leather

    Be Bear Grylls
  21. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    Mine or Dunk's? lol
  22. Crops hybridization

    Well ex-fucking-scuse me, princess, but who are you to tell him how to act? And I'm not an asshole, I'll have you know. I'm just the thought police.
  23. Gem Cutting

    Stretching it. 'Gem quality = powerful magic' has been a staple formula for both western and japanese games and movies for quite a long time now. The differences offered here were in the specifics, not the base concept
  24. Grass

    K. 'Watch Zero Punctuation' There ya go. That's the key to my reference, my personality, and my sex dungeon enjoy.
  25. Crops hybridization

    Didn't the last noob that pulled this (try to say he) thoroughly lurked the forums first? If you get hospitalized for drinking Drain-o or whatever, it's your fucking fault for NOT READING FIRST Sure it can, ya adorable little fuck