Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EternalUndeath

  1. Gem Cutting

    ...What? Eragon's magic was based on truenaming, not fucking chemistry
  2. Grass

    ...No. It's a Zero Punctuation reference.
  3. Remove F3

    But the F3 function was never meant for you in the first place That's like complaining that your PS2 game supports gameshark cheats
  4. Crops hybridization

  5. Remove F3

    Why the hell would you remove a feature intended for devs, mods, admins, and map-makers? That's stupid as fuck. You don't want to see the dev screen? *gasp* ... press F3 again. It goes away! Maaaaaagiiiiiiiiic...
  6. Grass

    ...Uncle Tusky?
  7. I know I've said it MULTIPLE times in other threads, but this really needs to be an official forum suggestion, so here it is. Please, PLEASE add a sage function to posting. For those who don't know, 'sage' is a check-box option on some forums, which when checked, will allow the post to be made without bumping the thread to the top of the forum - it leaves it right wherever it was, and doesn't give it the chance for any extra attention. To quote something I said to Dunk in chat- When we have a thread about "I WANT A DIRT SHOVEL THAT MINES AS FAST AS RED STEEL HERPDERP", I want to be able to tell him what a retard he is without bumping the thread On forums about ideas and random crap, functions like this are necessary to perform smacktard fumigation. Because as it stands, telling someone how utterly stupid their post was only bumps the thread right to the top where everyone else can see it and post in it, and it keeps threads alive long past their expiration date. So please, I beg of you, let us do as they do on certain other forums, and let stupid threads sage and age to death. Because given my experience, it is currently not possible for anyone around here to just leave a dying thread alone. (and yes I do know it normally goes in the email all fields. I have a plugin that makes it a checkbox, and a checkbox would be better on this forum. Suck it.)
  8. Thirst!

    Silly Sugarnoodles, you are not a goliath
  9. Crops hybridization

    Oh fuck off mate, I attack stupid posts, not members. And it's not my 'job', it's me having a low tolerance for bullshit, like what's coming from your keyboard in this thread. It's the internet, and Acchy over there can say whatever the hell he pleases.
  10. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    The king of derailments keeps his play outside his palace. Fucking item improvement people. GRINDSTONES.
  11. ...I just twitched so hard my neck cracked.
  12. Runescape >__>

    >_> Bump
  13. Grass

    Hell if I know. MC was originally made to be played on computers that still used punch cards, so I have no answers for you here
  14. Grass

    ...Am I the only one who has buttery smooth minecraft, has never installed optifine, and can have a million billion particle effects going without any lag?
  15. And here I'd almost forgotten why I liked you. There it is.
  16. Sage-man, archenemy of the evil Dr. Retardo

    Ha. problem with that though, is that idk what your 'useless topic' button would do, but keep in mind people can spam buttons, and abuse any feature you give them. Saging is by necessity a collaborative effort, because if even one person posts without saging, it gets bumped. Sage also relies on the well-established forum mechanic of old threads being forgotten once they fall off of page 1, rather than introducing anything new to the way the forum operates as a whole
  17. Because names are proper nouns, and in the English language proper nouns are supposed to be capitalized [thread_derail.start]
  18. ...he already said that in the OP
  19. Grass

    Goddamnit Trey!! You've been around long enough to learn how to use the fucking edit button edit: on a related note, I just noticed my new title. Lawl. To be clear, I did not put that there
  20. Thirst!

    These two people I have never met already know me better than half my family
  21. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    No but you do buff out scratches and dents
  22. Iron and steel nails

    Bah, double post...
  23. Iron and steel nails

    Gah, this swiftly got too long for me to decide which post to reply too I misread the word as 'hydrocarbon', and then just re-typed the word I saw in my reply, thinking I was typing hydrocarbon Well, I was at least correct about what I thought I was saying Actually HDLs and LDLs are very complex spherical molecules, whose behavior in the blood stream has little to do with the types of fatty acids incorporated. The reason that saturated and trans-fats are bad for you is that, when they get incorporated into the phospholipid bilayer of your cell membranes, they create stiff rigid sections that are easily broken, which kills the cell. You see, saturated fats are, as you said, essentially straight lines. So when they cool to body temperature, they easily form together into one solid mass by laying right next to each other. That's why animal fat (mostly saturated) is solid at room temperature. When stuck into the fluid mosaic model of your cell, they kinda remove the 'fluid' part of that, and the cell's overall flexibility is reduced Unsaturated fatty acids come in 2 configurations, however, based on the positioning of the double-bond. Trans-unsaturated chains have the bond set across the molecule, and therefore retain the line configuration of unsaturated fats. In addition to this, it makes them easy prey for ester hydrolysis, or 'rancidification'. Basically they 'go bad' quicker. The other configuration the fat can take is Cis-unsaturated, which places the double bond to one side and forces the molecule to kink on one direction. This makes it MUCH harder for the molecules to line up neatly, and keeps them rather loosely scattered. Most plant fats (we call them 'oils') are cis-unsaturated, and that's the reason that your canola (or 'rapeseed') oil is liquid at room temperature even though your butter isn't. These fats, when incorporated into your cell membrane, keep things flowing smooth and flexibly, and are excellent for cellular health. So eat more veggies kids, or your cells will rupture and die horribly
  24. Thirst!

    ...Go home, sit in your room, and think the fuck about what you've done. No dessert, and no TV for 3 days. Search bar exists for a fucking reason, the word you were looking for is 'thoroughly', and you're a liar because if you had lurked so well you'd know how many threads have been curbstomped because the new guy never used the goddamn search function
  25. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    Fair enough but how will you animate it without making it feel like one of those PS1 RPGs instead of minecraft? I honestly cannot picture a grindwheel being operated in close 1st person without seeing more detailed graphics than minecraft/tfc is really classically comfortable with. Second, while that's simple enough (and fucking awesome) for a sword, which is just a straight line, how the hell would you improve a pickaxe or armor on it? I can even see an axe, but you can't tell me we'd get full 3D rotation to get the nooks and crannies of a fully rendered chestplate properly buffed. third, and totally unrelated to my criticism, that would give me a GREAT excuse to use the 'accuracy' low-dps setting on my mouse Seriously though, that second bit is a pretty serious issue with your idea. I'd like to hear about ideas for some resolutions