Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Peffern

  1. New Health and Medicine System

    Srg, you really should have gone to bed last night. Sorry, I didn't mean to dupe your idea. My bad
  2. Keys to protect all your goodies

    Agreed with Jed. Good idea in principle, too hard to implement fairly.
  3. Enchantment system

    What have I done?!! I've created a monstrosity!
  4. Ash: One possible approach to fertilizers

    I did in fact mean something different. In the world, currently most blocks store only one number, their block ID. With this, dirt blocks in the world would store four times that.
  5. Scorched ground

    Sorry I was referring to overfarming as a means of soil depletion.
  6. unoficial sub kingdoms pt one land

    Right. Passive protection good. I say no to tp because that feels forced
  7. Length of Day(light)

    Maybe. Maybe. Actually, now that I think about it, build 48 added an option to configure the length of the day. All we need to have done now is have separate day and night, then it's a simple matter of increasing the day length and decreasing the night length each 24 hrs. (single for loop)
  8. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    How'd we get this far off topic lol
  9. New Health and Medicine System

    I like this. One thing to add: when you get an injury, all related injuries have a chance of worsening, and on an injury there is a chance if dying if you have a certain injury threshold. This is worsened the farther above the threshold you are. So don't go staggering around or that stray arrow might just do you in.
  10. New Health and Medicine System

    While running away, srgnoodles hears a click, then looks down to see pistons fall away beneath him, dropping into a room. Peffern walks in, somehow having regained his beard (I don't actually have one) then leaves.Srgnoodles looks down and realizes that peffern's house is 6000 blocks above the ground, and there's a hole in the floor. The room is made entirely of obsidian, and every 14 seconds a piston retracts, letting water stream into the room, knocking back srgnoodles and resetting his mining progress. Srgnoodles is slowly driven insane by the hole in the floor. I actually built this trap on a bukkit mc server after reading about the sky cells in game of thrones. My best approximation.
  11. Specified World Gen.

    "The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you can never tell if they are genuine." -Abraham Lincoln
  12. I believe instead of 3 question marks you want the phrase "then a miracle occurs"
  13. New Health and Medicine System

    Perhaps *strokes beard*
  14. Specified World Gen.

  15. Thanx. Also realtime post conversation w00t!
  16. Ash: One possible approach to fertilizers

    Another problem. Unless I'm mistaken, this would require each dirt block to store a whole bunch more data. Another bigger problem. You said that ash from sycamores is called "sycamore ash." So does that mean there will be ash ash?
  17. Does peat have another use that I'm unaware of?
  18. Magma forges

    Seems gratuitous to me.
  19. Scorched ground

    The first biological warfare!
  20. Enchantment system

    Loooool *looks around, realizing millstone, grindstone, keeningstone are missing* *rage mode*
  21. Thunder Storms

    *shakes thread vigorously* Not working!! Quick necro! {€*<|!+>~}€*%>~{<£*^>(/"&$$
  22. Great idea. Yes I was reiterating, and adding times. Think of it like defibrillating.
  23. New Health and Medicine System

    Repeat: I want to BE Steve not manage his stats. Like.
  24. Enchantment system

    (tap): remove this thread from the game with 90 time counters on it. At the beginning of each upkeep, remove a time counter. When the last is removed, return this thread to existence, it gets +Troll/+Troll until end of turn.
  25. I used pipes vs tubes as an example exactly because it is not an example of this. It is a better (read: more useful, better thought out, more balanced, more adaptable to TFC. Shall I go on?) design that was inspired NOT copied. Now, return to topic. How about torches that are crafted the same way as now, that burn for roughly 12000 mc ticks (half a standard day) but is influenced by my proposed humidity (see thunder thread). When they burn out they have a ~10% chance of leaving a stick. How about candles that are produced in the above manner that burn for 24000 ticks, and have a return a shortened candle. This can be relit ti burn for an additional 12000 ticks. Again influenced by humidity. How about lanterns produced in above manner, are not influenced by humidity, produce light when held, when placed can be GUI opened to add eel oil (see thread) or blubber (see other thread) to extend life. Remain placed when fuel is used up. How about it?