Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Peffern

  1. Some TFC fanboys are extremely pro-realism, to the point where they don't want any of the hostile mobs. Other people, mostly anti-TFC, quote smosh: "can you imagine how stupid it would be if video games were realistic?"

    My answer to both of these people is this: video games need balance. Instead of trying to balance everything yourself, why bit start with a system that is inherently balanced (real life) and tweak it. To the first group, realism is just a guide, not a set if rules. To the second group, realism is just a guide,...

    Tell me what you think.


  2. Related: why arent my fruit trees growing fruit? I went in at the right time of year, but no fruit I'd showing in the leaves. And it isn't a graphical bug, cause I checked all the leaves and none of then dropped fruit. Also, what are olives for?


  3. Ok. I like the digging I touched in that with the dragons. How about, the adult/wild dragons are TOO intelligent to have diplomacy work on them to anything more than getting you an egg. However, if you provide the baby dragon that is gracing you with its presence with all the hunting, gold and jewels it could possibly want, then it will allow you to potentially negotiate a way to let you ride it / fight with it. That's basically what I meant anyway, I just stated it badly.

    Oh and sand worms from Dune?

    Aww YEAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!


  4. I agree with the last post, but it doesn't have to be so clear cut. If hunger is fixed so you have to eat regularly and frequently, and a mill required several components like moderately high metals, then the work required to with your way up the tech tree to the point would require enough food to make *primitive* agriculture a necessity.


  5. Please do not question the validity/balance of this. It probably deserves to be an addon or optional feature anyway, so quit yer whining.

    That said,

    I see a couple of things. Basically, there needs to either be a way to get the alloy furnace(which I oppose for the reclaiming recipes) or a way to replicate allot furnace recipes. I choose the latter.

    Bloomerying cinnabar will give you unshared liquid redstone. Combining 4 unshared liquid redstone with 1 unshaped pig iron yields 4 unshaped red alloy (which can be made into an ingot.

    A similar to cinnabar ore will be found, allowing the crafting of nikolite and the bloomeryification and metallurgying in the same manner.

    Brass already exists.

    Combining two iron and two tin yields 4 ferrous tin, which can be worked into a tinplate.

    Combing 8 sand with a hammer yields 1 sand pile, combining 8 coal with a hammer yields 1 coal dust pile, combining these gives a silicon pile, smelting gives a boule.

    Doping would be done in the crafting table.

    Cobble and planks, iron and gold, iron pickaxes, and emeralds(only for the sonic screwdriver recipe) would have to be usable of the TFC versions.

    All regular smelting recipes would be forge-able. Marble and basalt generation would be disabled until further notice.

    Did I miss anything?


  6. I agree with eternal on all counts, although I would prefer my *tendencies* to be towards skeletons instead of zombies. However there are three things missing here.


    Blades: squids have soft flesh so blades are fairly effective (x1.5 modifier)

    Puncture: puncture wound go very deep, causing squids to bleed.

    Blunt, considering squids live underwater and they are very squishy(squidshy?) blunt gets a 1/2x modifier.

    Fire: N/A for obvious reasons.

    Bleed: normal.

    Behavior changes: none.

    Everything has 50% chance to get stuck.


    Behavior changes: as now, wolves hunt in packs. They will attack any animals they see, with a fondness for domesticated(recently bred) animals.

    All attacks do normal damage.


    With no armor, all attacks do normal damage.

    Depending on where the attack hits, different armor pieces come into play. (hitting a player in the head with a chest plate on will not be blocked.

    For anything except helmets, blade and puncture attacks have an 80% chance of getting a x0 modifier. However, they still damage the armor. Blunt attacks still do normal damage and damage the armor. For helmets, the x0 mod chance is reduced to 50% for blades and 10% for puncture. Armor blocks bleed effects. Armor does not block fire.


  7. Simple version:

    Obtain a rune pattern (I'm all for this just not the random patterns on the ground)

    Enchant your gem using the rune pattern.

    Affix to tool.

    The interesting part is how to get rune patterns. I support anything as long as it doesn't require finding rare formations in the world or an ungodly amount of effort (even metallurgy isn't too bad). Is that a good enough compromise for you guys? The research table is a perfectly cromulent way to get runes. As to people who support "learning" enchantments, how about the required items to get a rune in the research table are related. So for a creeper slaying enchant requires a lot of gunpowder to get the runes (which last a limited number of uses)


  8. Stop lumping Redpower with ic2 and buildcraft! Redpower is a carefully constructed set of building blocks to complement the vanilla ones. With a little tweaking, TFC and RP could be extremely powerful and fun. But yes, electricity is a little much (for now)


  9. Okay whatever. From an expected value perspective they are identical. But if you're anti-randomness can you join the anti-random pro-simple argument over on the other enchantment thread? We're running out if arguments.


  10. One thing: instead of "this ability works once every 4 hits," make it "this ability has a 25% chance of activating" functionally the same, but less reliable.


  11. Why is this system becoming so arcane (no pun intended... Well, pun intended)? Why not simply enchant a gem, then affix it to the correct tool? All this talk about runes and glyphs and primordial ooze is making my head spin.
