Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by daveris

  1. simple texture pack

    i wanted to know if someone could start a simplecraft type texture pack as my freinds computer sucks and needs a simplecraft style texture pack
  2. new passive mob AI

    i think the the passive mobs like chickens cows sheep and pigs should not run away when they are hit, they should run away when you run or walk near them like cats current AI. this way hunting would feel more involved right now i just have to walk point blank with my javalin and hit em with it just thought this would be something nice. plus another touch would be after taming them with wheat they would not run away
  3. simple texture pack

    well im asking because he has the simplecraft texture pack and it does boost his fps but this is uneeded now bc he doesnt play
  4. new passive mob AI

    this is what happens when i dont come on for a few days my topic explodes but i like alot of things here like everthing has to eat and wild breeding i really cant wait for all of this to be in the game
  5. Real Name -> David Cook In Game Name -> jeoy18 (sisters account untill i can get my own Age -> 17 (17 on the 29) Skype Name-> aweshoot Mic? -> yes Where do you live? -> U.S.A How much time do you want to spend recording? -> any time im not busy (so alot of time) Any ideas what series we could do?-> i have some ideas! Can you record?-> YES! i have videos channel is MinecraftDave101 look me up Anything alse i should know that could be usefull in any way?-> i have 3, 6 day long camp sessions comming up but ill have a nice 3 break in between
  6. new passive mob AI

    the fishes could work the same way as in tropicraft
  7. dont you just hate it when topics die to be honist i cant belive i didnt look at this before it looks amazing
  8. new passive mob AI

    yeah i like all this, i dont know how easy it would be to add the line of sight coding or hearing and if thats the case then you would have to change the animals AI to make them easier to sneak up because right now if you tried sneaking up from behind then they would turn to you extremely fast
  9. Mobs and Damage Overhaul

    i really like this idea and considering this is a complete overhaul mod this would be interesting however it should be done after hes finished ironing out the current things in the mod
  10. Smelting and other things

    bioxx has said plenty of times that hes not changing the propick because its already "realistic" and it works like in real life because you would find trace minerals that tells you there is a source of it nearby but you cant tell which direction and sorry but its not supposed to work like to diving rod from EE did you try a javelin?as for your kiln idea idea id be very interested to see were that goes
  11. Mining Supports Modification

    yeah this would be very nice (when i actually start mining with support beams right now i dont lol)
  12. Updates to the wiki

    thanks for the ideas i can use on the wiki see you there
  13. Early power systems

    ? i hope your not talking about me? if so again i did not mean to sound rude i was just saying that since bioxx wont be adding anything then there is no point in arguing for it looking back i did sound a little rude this is why i try to put emoticons when im talking on the internet. again i wasnt trying to sound rude
  14. Early power systems

    if thats the case im done fight for this topic see you guys in another thread
  15. Early power systems

    ? if hes coding pipes( id have to wait and see what they are like) then he could do the same thing he did there only instead of water it would have power and it would look like wire and agian im not asking for much just simple generators to lightbulb deal.also srry for the double posting all the time i dont get you stuff untill after i post the first one
  16. Early power systems

    hey i dont mean to sound rude here but unless i hear it from a developer im not gonna believe it just my way of stopping rumors or false information from spreading you could be right but again not trying to be rude
  17. Early power systems

    i know its about survival but it feels like advancement more then what they say it feels like
  18. Early power systems

    with what we current have, progressing form stone to steel in a few days on single player compared to how long it happened in real life so your telling me steam engines(the ones people want invented around the 1700s) and the when the first electromagnetic generators were made in the 1800s (Faraday and his laws and stuff never thought i would need physics class ) takes longer then i think
  19. Early power systems

    i disagree about it not fitting the feel of the mod because i feel this mod is more about advancing through the ages of the world, however i do agree that this stuff is more longterm but thats the point of pointing this out maybe this person feels once you get to the high level steels whats the point with the progress we already made (im including if steam was added) this far power is only one small jump ahead and for people fearing the complexity of IC2 all i want is just water and wind with just some copper wires to create i feel that this is not impracticle just further into the game
  20. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    you would have to simplify this alot for it to still work and be fun but otherwise great suggestion. the only problem i see is that you would have to focus alot on farming maybe even to much. there was a time when we really only had a few vitamins and some protein so really what you could do instead is have so we needed meat and plant instead of vitamin a,b,c,d, and all that stuff.
  21. Professions

    and now to the plus sides this is something i would love to see in a multiplayer only type thing and only as choice.
  22. Professions

    i dont see any "new player" jumping to red steel or steel i barley know anyone whos made it to red and blue steel in a couple of days and a new player getting to it fast is highly unlikely.before someone says they have made it that far in less than a day they better show proof
  23. Professions

    this is a great idea on paper but in practice it wont work for three reasons 1.) it would make the mod more grindy 2.) lets say i was smithing and i was finally able to make bronze but then i need copper for it, with you decreasing each skill a day you would lose your ability to make bronze and would have to start smithing stuff you dont need to get to bronze. 3.) single player would become twice as hard and this would probably only work in multiplayer
  24. Wheat Domestication Flow Chart

    also for wheat maybe instead of 5% chance to random cultured wheat have it so if its planted in full sunlight it makes heirloom wheat seeds, in a cave with only torchlight drop cave wheat seeds. and if in an extreme biome have it the hard wheat seeds. that way it would work a little more like adaptation
  25. Wheat Domestication Flow Chart

    it would determine if it had blocks over its head and were the y axis is for it not if in sunlight or not same for cave it would have to have blocks over, and if thats not how it would be set up then there are plenty of thing you can do. dont forget this is a beta complete overhaul mod you could also change it so torchlight and sunlight are two different kinds of light but the other example is easier most likley