Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by SeanyGlass

  1. Enchants!

    This needs to go on another thread, written specifically about enchanting instead of a list of enchantments.
  2. Underground Ecology

    Piping air and toxic vapors are one of the reason people don't live deep underground in real life. While this is no reason we couldn't add something to filter air without having to pie to the surface, I think that living underground should be an easy but end game thing.
  3. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    Probably wouldn't help this topic. We want sand/dirt to randomly fall off a 1 blocks wide tower, or something like that.Although, I think something like that would be help TFC in general, given that wood currently flies.
  4. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I think the falling calculations should happen when you place a block near it, and possibly when the world is generated.
  5. Resins and Awesome Tree Stuff

    this things look like giant leafy mushrooms O.o
  6. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    Voting down multi server admins.
  7. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I quite like that idea, although at the moment I can't think of anything else to say about it.
  8. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    Most of this is right, but I am against having any sort of minigame. Hmm... was thinking more that when your boat exits the server, it comes into a multi-server ocean. it is then stearable around this ocean. when it goes into the border of another server, the boat and you is transported into it along the border of their map. lol...The travel is the only similar aspect, and even then it's using player-made boats. Multi-Server admins.
  9. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    No, but this would be the only way we could get giant empires wailing on each other.
  10. Emphasis on Caving

    I've already built a tunnel all the way around where the propick say's there's cassiterite and strip-mined through it. I will try your advice though.Edit 1: Wow. I really did waste those picks, the method you specified is saying that the ore is in fact in an entirly different quadrant. Edit 2: I found it! and that's not a 100% chance. you need to dig up and down too, and then it's 12 blocks^3 for a 100% chance. I actually found the cassiterite when I dug down right into a cave trying to figure out whether it was up or down.
  11. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    Well then, let me solve those possible problems.* You could definitely play normal TFC multiplayer. ** The servers would have an offline limit. *** All of the servers would be controlled by the main server.
  12. Calamari and Mutton

    The more food sources, the better!Almost all non toxic animals are eaten in rl as well as several toxic ones. As well as a large amount of plants, poisonous or not.
  13. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    You need black steel and red steel forger ranks.
  14. Calamari and Mutton

    Offtopic again: believe me, you KNOW when you didn't install the texture.Ontopic: I'm suprised there isn't allready mutton, given that notch added meat for every passive mod except sheep and squid.
  15. Underground Ecology

    You could simply add the invisible liquid smoke. It would be toxic to breath, be upsidown and have a hard time rounding bends. It would be destroyed above a certain height and could be pumped. it would be finite and created from and source that burns fuel and torches.
  16. Underground Ecology

    Ah yes, thank you. Although I don't see anything about a dismemberment mod....
  17. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    All of the land is generated ahead of time and then sectioned off.In this case, unexplored mean that nobody except people that spawned in that server had ever seen it.
  18. Underground Ecology

    Bioxx has already mentioned why bloomeries aren't as good underground, and it's because while he could add air effects, he couldn't do it without a considerable amount of lag. Therefore, he simply reduced the temperature underground as a good approximation for those people on lower-end computers. Unfortunately I don't remember where I saw that
  19. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    I don't like the delete creations thing. Yes, the server owner could become a ruler, but if the people in his server decided to rebel, there would be nothing other than non-admin stuff that he could do about it. I think the server owner would simply being the one funding the server as well as possibly being the head moderator. Yes, A server could "Own" multiple islands. Let me just quote myself. The main reason for cross-server is a good way to get lots of people to fund a large server, as well as breaking the system up into smaller more manageable server sizes (you don't have to host a 1000 player server for 1000 players to play together.)Edit: Although, I do wonder about that... If all of the people decided to migrate to one server, how would/could it be handled?
  20. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    First of all, let me get something strait:would each new server generate new land? I would like exploration to be a thing, and that would completely destroy it... What I envision is each multiserver planet being generated when it is created. Server regions are sectioned off on lines of low passibility or bodies of water. New servers can join on unexplored sections of land, and if they leave then it is either allowed to be claimed by another server or if it was unexplored by any other server, claimed. Advanced servers destroying new ones would be part of the process, and I do not see it as a problem. It happend in real life, and the players would simply become part of the conquering empire.
  21. RedPower Compatibility

    I like the idea of big war machines, especially consedering the thread I posted:
  22. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    Wow. I had never though about it in that much detail. Sure, I guess some could be connected by land, but I'm not sure about infinite or near infinite land. I can see continents, which would be several servers pushed up together or even merged, but I'd like to stick to a limited server size and each server being a single landmass or a collection of smaller ones. The normal terrain generation just wouldn't fit very well. Edit: Islands starting as overpowered would be natural, and even if it started as uneven, it would straiten out eventually. In fact, I think the experience of being in the middle between empires of different technological advancement would be fascinating.
  23. Calamari and Mutton

    pigs are useless. for meat I would use cows (if I could find any. The ones on my world disappeared without me killing them.)
  24. Updates to the wiki

    What do fruit trees even LOOK LIKE?!?!?!As far as I know, I've never seen one, or any of those small plants mentioned.
  25. Just a small suggestion...

    Making glue is a good idea, yes.