Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by AHrubik

  1. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    It would probably be easiest if you swapped Platinum one for one for it using Minetweaker. Platinum is rare( r) in TFC and as such would help keep Electrical Age end game content. Both elements are Transition metals and Period 6 elements as well.
  2. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    I am using 79.10 with Fastcraft 1.9 andOptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_A4. Mod List: [1.7.10]DamageIndicatorsMod-3.2.0[1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft-'s Blocks v3.3.0.1 - MC 1.7.10CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- 1.7.10 - Smart Moving 15.2.zipMineTweaker3-1.7.10-3.0.9BNotEnoughItems-1.7.10-
  3. Something else to consider is that anythingyou change is going to result in an increase in performance. While you might be tempted to concentrate on a Video Card it might make more sense to look at something like this. The Gateway website says the current form factor of the PC is MicroATX so ideally any MicroATX board should fit in the case. - It's a motherboard/APU combo and is only $74. The AMD APU has a Radeon 8370D in it. Add to that a stick of DDR3 1600 - - @ $42and you'll have a very functional computer far beyond what you have. You may end up needing a new power supply.$65($20 MiR drops price to $45) - and a new hard drive @ $51 For about $250 you could renovate that Gateway into a decent machine.
  4. It's a good thing I found it because youDON'T have an AGP slot. YouDO have a PCI-Express revision 1.1 slot. This is actually in your favour as PCIe (specifically PCIe rev.3.0) is the current slot being used even in the most recent motherboards. The issue is going to be finding a card from a manufacturer who has taken the PCIe spec to heart and made sure their card is fully backward compatible. This card is fairly new. Within your budget and Amazon has an awesome return policy if it doesn't work. Motherboard specs: Intel Chipset specs:
  5. TFC follows the standard chunk file writing that Minecraft does. As long as the mod is calling the standard MC "/save-off" "/save-all" "/save-on" commands it should be able to backup the world (including the player dats) without corrupting them.
  6. If his computer is what I was able to dig up he might have other options.
  7. Would you please confirm for me if this is your computer?
  8. No fruit trees.. AT ALL

    Here is the change. An equal was added to the code so that the determination would be rainfall equal to 500 or more.
  9. Stupid Chickens...

    I can see that though where a person "familiar" to a chicken would have an easier time getting close to it whereas an "unfamiliar" person might not be able to catch it. He should make it so that plucking lowers familiarity regardless.
  10. So a 14 year old computer would have an AGP slot for graphics and a single core processor. You might be running Windows XP but very badly since SP3 optimized XP for dual core processors. 2.5GB of RAM was the standard for a system sold with a 32bit Operating System. If this is correct no amount of optimization is going to help because 32 bit Java can only address 1GB of memory and a 32bit OS can't run 64 bit Java which is what provides the most gains when it comes to modded Minecraft like TFC. This is a capture of the memory requirements of TFC running on Windows 10 with Java 7 64bit. Your best bet is to continue saving and build a new system when you can save up $500 or so.
  11. My system:Core i5 4590GTX 780 OC3x500GB 7200rpm RAID-03x 24" Dell IPS monitors NVSurround @ 3600x1920. (75% of 4K)I can run plain TFC 79.9 @ 60fps. With Ultra Shaders I can run it @ 20fps.Please tell us exactly what the makeup of your computer is so we can suggest the best route to invest your money.
  12. Torch Poll

    I like the change but I really want some oil lamps to light my town up. It's not about protection it's about aesthetic. If I can a blast furnace and breed cows I can sure as hell make an oil lamp and keep it fueled.
  13. [0.79.?] Fix Shaders for Terrafirmacraft Water

    There are two lines to edit in the water config. If you don't edit both the water shader doesn't work.
  14. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    Here is the stuff that needs fixing to get the shaders to work correctly with the new version.
  15. [0.79.?] Fix Shaders for Terrafirmacraft Water

    This fixes the waving leaves, waving grass, crops, flowers and saplings for TFC 79.x (MC 1.7.10).These are in the "gbuffers_terrain.vsh" file. Search for "WAVING_GRASS", "WAVING_LEAVES", "WAVING_WHEAT" (crops), "WAVING_FLOWERS" and "WAVING_SAPLINGS" respectively. Waving Grass|| mc_Entity.x == 204.0 || mc_Entity.x == 204.2 || mc_Entity.x == 435.0 || mc_Entity.x == 435.1 || mc_Entity.x == 435.2 || mc_Entity.x == 435.3 || mc_Entity.x == 435.4 || mc_Entity.x == 435.5 || mc_Entity.x == 435.6 || mc_Entity.x == 435.7 || mc_Entity.x == 435.8 || mc_Entity.x == 435.9 || mc_Entity.x == 435.10 || mc_Entity.x == 435.11 || mc_Entity.x == 435.12 || mc_Entity.x == 435.13 || mc_Entity.x == 435.14 || mc_Entity.x == 435.15Waving Leaves|| mc_Entity.x == 218.0 || mc_Entity.x == 218.1 || mc_Entity.x == 218.2 || mc_Entity.x == 218.3 || mc_Entity.x == 218.4 || mc_Entity.x == 218.5 || mc_Entity.x == 218.6 || mc_Entity.x == 218.7 || mc_Entity.x == 218.8 || mc_Entity.x == 218.9 || mc_Entity.x == 218.10 || mc_Entity.x == 218.11 || mc_Entity.x == 218.12 || mc_Entity.x == 218.13 || mc_Entity.x == 218.14 || mc_Entity.x == 218.15 || mc_Entity.x == 219.0 || mc_Entity.x == 219.1Crops "WAVING_WHEAT"|| mc_Entity.x == 472.0 Flowers|| mc_Entity.x == 474.0 || mc_Entity.x == 474.1 || mc_Entity.x == 474.2 || mc_Entity.x == 474.3 || mc_Entity.x == 474.4 || mc_Entity.x == 474.5 || mc_Entity.x == 475.0 || mc_Entity.x == 475.1 || mc_Entity.x == 475.2 || mc_Entity.x == 475.3 || mc_Entity.x == 475.4 || mc_Entity.x == 475.5 || mc_Entity.x == 475.6 || mc_Entity.x == 475.7 || mc_Entity.x == 475.8 || mc_Entity.x == 459.0Saplings|| mc_Entity.x == 4571.0 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.1 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.2 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.3 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.4 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.5 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.6 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.7 || mc_Entity.x == 4571.8In the file composite.fsh edit the following line as shown to help with torch light color. Picture available by following the URL. vec3 torchcolor = vec3(1.0f, 0.55f, 0.3f)*torchbalance;
  16. Hide/Fur Armour

    It's important to remember that the game starts off on the year 1000 and that was roughly the pinnacle of the middle ages. During that period cotton and wool were already the primary material with which clothing was made. I think it would be far easier to implement just adding cotton as a crop and adding in a cloth weaving system that could be used to make clothes.
  17. What am I doing wrong? (SOLVED)

    DOH! The new way makes more sense.
  18. What am I doing wrong? (SOLVED)

    I'm trying work a unshaped copper ingot into an copper ingot so I can build a copper anvil but my basalt stone anvil isn't registering I have a valid ingot at temperature to work. What am I doing wrong?
  19. Mods for servers

    I support 5 people with 2GB just fine.
  20. 77.8 Silver issue

    I was able to reheat the vessel and get the metal out. Thanks
  21. 77.8 Silver issue

    I'm unable to open the vessel interface to retrieve metals. I was able to using 0.77.6 but not in 0.77.10Vessels created in 0.77.6 can't be opened and neither can vessels created in 0.77.10.Storage vessels (ie those not storing liquid metal) work fine.