Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Moress

  1. Archery Overhaul

    This should be in the combat overhaul post.But the length, thought and detail of this post is something Ive almost never seen. PROPS!
  2. TerraFirma+ : Botany & Food

    This would be a cool way to improve the quality of foods. So you could add like a maximum of .5% or so to the quality of each meal, making all the Terrible quality ones at least slightly worth it
  3. TerraFirma+ : Storage & Furniture

    I was thinking of a pyramid shape almost
  4. Best server Ive played on, much better with PVP.Server has been down (for me at least) for like an hour or two..
  5. Time management in TFC

    There are programs that will limit play time for you, you put MC's .exe and set a limit for however long you want. After that time it will stop you from accessing the program until x-time has passed.
  6. Staying with 1.6.4 discussion

    I would say, unless its very hard. Possibly just make the jump every other update? Because this would make it to where the Port to a new MC version would be less often and allow for content focused updates, while still not being so far behind that it would cut down on mod support. So I vote to stay with 1.6.4 until 1.8 comes out.Like I said though, if porting 1.6 -> 1.8 would be really hard compared to 1.6 -> 1.7 -> 1.8.Also, if we could get the content from 1.7 without the coding changes, that would be nice, I want hardened clay and colored glass!
  7. Future Animals, and hunting only animals.

    It would be cool if/when the body temperature update comes out, huntable only animals would drop Furs, which you can't get from domesticated animals, which would be used for high-end clothing
  8. [Solved] 78.13 TFC horses have Vanilla health

    My reaction to 99% of bugs back in my coding days
  9. Mud Brick/Fired Clay Brick/Pottery Age

    Don't listen to the haters MrBadBoy, I like the ideas, and yeah search the forums next time, as long as you post new ideas on an old thread, its not Necroing
  10. Burlap Sack suggested - Merge please Kittychanley
  11. TerraFirma+ : Storage & Furniture

    I know Jute came out, I hope they add burlap bags, that slow grain decay to near 0?Also I have to revamp some of the ideas to manage the new food-weight system and decay
  12. Have you checked if the mutton is actually duplicated and not cut into smaller sizes? Check the weight of the meats
  13. Roadie was on and didn't say anything about a reset, so i would assume that there isn't going to be one
  14. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    Gah.. Ive been gone too long. So many good ideas! I'll read them soon and post my thoughts.
  15. I like the setup I also like that its in a series.. Kinda like TerraFirma+
  16. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    noobsrtoast I'll be sure to add what you posted into the OP, I'll credit you too
  17. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    To clear things up, the mental health is meant to work like "Don't Starve" where it being lowered has both Physical debuffs on the player as well as parts that are meant to mess with the player him/herself.Some possible effects would bePhysical: Nausea, slowness blindnessMental: Hearing mobs that aren't there, Seeing Mobs, and what i consider the creepiest is seeing the outline of a name-tag, without a name in it (in the distance)Its mostly supposed to mess with the player, not give the effects that the avatar is the afflicted (Make sense?)
  18. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    Now that I read all of this, I think that there would be a need for a more serious death penalty? Because people would rather die than spend time curing a disease.
  19. Banished Game + Mod

    I have Banished too. Its really fun, but not forgiving at all.Also, Dunk could you make a Plains landscape? With mountians in the corners of the map? Because I feel like there's a stark lack of variation in the land.
  20. Banished Game + Mod

    Does that mean that Terrafirma is going to take a backseat to this?
  21. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    Worked on stuff a little bit. Adding more here and there
  22. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    Wow you guys are all over this lol :DThe numbing lotion is for burns. Meant to decrease the pain while it heals.The mental health is not a matter of something permanent to the player. I got the idea from the game "Don't Starve" where certain actions will cause you to lose mental health, and others will cause you to gain it. All injuries were going to be a debuff style, and not localized, to save time on dev.
  23. Episode 4 posted! more to come

  24. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    I know it isn't done yet, but I need sleep eventually Ill be adding more shortly
  25. TerraFirma+ : Storage & Furniture

    The inability to mix grains may be kinda cool, or possibly when you do it becomes "multi-grain"??