Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Terex

  1. Torch Discussion

    Well, yes i know it has been part of TFC a long time (though not everybody was there from the beginning). My confusion came from the new way the protection meters work, and i understand them now. Just to clarify, earlier on the protection meter placed in a chunk would show a gradient of coloured bars (from red to yellow to green) showing semi-quantitatively how much protection is left in the chunk. Now the meter just shows whether there is protection or no protection (like an on/off switch). I daresay, i wish the old implementation was brought back, or the look of the protection meter needs to be changed.
  2. Torch Discussion

    With the torch in the hand not going out, I feel the dynamic lights mod is almost a necessity. Not a bad thing either.
  3. Torch Discussion

    Thanks for the detailed explanation Kitty, but such flak...
  4. Torch Discussion

    Probably an uninformed question but if spawn protection accumulates as described, is it possible to increase the radius of chunks that get spawn protection by systematically patrolling and camping regularly in the surrounding area? Or does it work in such a way that the chunk you spend most of the time in is the designated centre of an area of spawn protection. If you move close to the border of the protected area of chunks, the adjacent chunks outside the protected area are still at zero protection? I'm not sure how I would play without permanent light sources. Micromanaging torches is not really something i care about. My base would probably end up torchless. Mining might be fun with torches going extinct but that depends on how much time i spend mining. A profitable mine takes me one minecraft day and night to clear out before food and water runs out. I still welcome the change but as with other things, it would be nice to have to option to disable or tweak the feature in the config file. EDIT: I just read the part about lighting sticks to make torches from a burning torch on the wall. That is superb actually. No more wasting fuel for firepits or charcoal/coal in a forge to light sticks. Nice to do it on the fly. Now you're probably thinking of making this a slow process to prevent us from spamming stacks of torches from one lit torch on the wall
  5. Sticks

    Torches going out was one of Notch's original ideas before it got shelved would not use this feature unless there was a more expensive permanent light source solution as stated above with the lantern.
  6. Forests on the equator

    Thanks, i'm quite impressed this is possible in minecraft. Living on the east coast of a continent seems generally more preferable then, using this model shown above. I assume that the location of oceans is determined from the seed number used to generate a world. How do you work out the moisture levels in the interior of very large continents? I assume in such case the latitude and height alone determine temperature. Will seasons and mountains affect your currents?
  7. Forests on the equator

    Why is TFC terrain generation compared to Earth? What if the "planet" is tilted differently with respect to the sun? What if the continents and mountain ranges are differently distributed. All of these factors would create weather patterns in many different ways. Tweaking tree generation (along with everything else) based on rainfall and temperature is fine but does not necessarily have to mimic Earth, is all i'm saying. EDIT: what would be really interesting is a proper weather mechanism, based on rainfall and temperature. Higher frequency of rain in wetter, hotter areas than drier, colder areas for instance. Storms that occur more frequently in the evening. Light to heavy rainfall/snowfall. Etc.
  8. Slow down on animal model details

    Good work Dunk! The simplified deer model is an adequate compromise without too many small parts. As to how it's going to animate, we will see.
  9. Beds are not that precious. If you are indeed exploring a lot, you should be able to gather the resources for multiple beds. Don't be lazy ;-)
  10. Slow down on animal model details

    I like the new animal models but their movement needs some tweaking. Bears are too slow and deer zip around so fast it looks like they teleport.
  11. Horses regenerating saddles

    I've seen this too. Cheaty, but convenient.
  12. Body Temperature: Simplified

    Hmm.. I was hoping for some positive effect of drinking alcohol in TFC. So it seems there is none. Coding a brief body temperature "increase" followed by a faster body temperature decrease/drunkeness is also out of the question? When out in the wilds it would be neat to have a brief chance to improve survival odds with alcohol before its negative effects take hold.
  13. Body Temperature: Simplified

    Will drinking alcohol help to recover in cold temperatures?
  14. Favorite Rock Types

    Basalt is pretty sweet in my opinion.
  15. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    I had a look at the New Dawn mod. The mountains are too smooth for my liking. I hope TFC terrain rendering will remain rough with sweet cliffs and high mountain peaks. Sometimes though, TFC mountains can look a bit too extreme in height and filled with holes, like in the amplified terrain generation of MC.
  16. Did any of you check out this "overhaul" mod for minecraft? Sounds interesting enough i reckon. Follow the link to the original thread here.
  17. Finding new rocks

    Whenever you come across a new rock type, also check one layer down by digging a 2x1 vertical mineshaft and use ladders. Other than that, it could take you a long time to find schist, so focus on other objectives as well.
  18. How do you like to find your way?

    I make heavy use of mapwriter, not for believability but for playability. I'm not a patient player and having no map is just frustrating.
  19. EnviroMine - alternative to TFC?

    The creators of EnviroMine benefit from the fact they are not concerned with world generation. From their perspective they just want to improve MC survival. That lightens the workload considerably but also comes with limitations in terms of crafting and resources (since most of the game is still vanilla MC). The other benefit is that most other MC mods should be quite compatible with it. I likewise think it could arguably be an impressive enhancement to MC. Personally, i'm not that interested because, believe it or not, I greatly enjoy the geology and metallurgy TFC adds.
  20. Question regarding pro pick and ores

    I usually stop mining when the pro-pick reads medium to small. It's not worth your time to search and mine the remaining lonely ore blocks and better spent searching for a new deposit.
  21. Crops spawn based on temperature and rainfall conditions (each have their own criteria and chance values). Crops are also spaced apart by a minimal distance so you need to explore to find all crop types. You should get seeds so you can farm more yourself. Crops do not respawn - once you cleaned out an area, that's it.
  22. Hardcore Quest Mode in TFC. What do u think?

    I think this add on is a good idea for new people getting to know TFC. For me personally, it's not that interesting.
  23. Is this a bug?

    I reported this issue before when making blue steel from alloys. So the solution is to cast the alloys first, then mix them back into the crucible.
  24. B79 provides an update for the tips ......

    Ores should only drop from ore bodies, not from regular rock. Otherwise, ore for days indeed.
  25. B79 provides an update for the tips ......

    You can indeed type chinese xD