Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by AllenWL

  1. More uses for sticks

    You can make ladders and sorta use them for firepit fuel by making a new firepit each time, but yea, I agree. For one, sicks hurt when you get smacked with them... and they hurt when someone throws them at you. Who says we need a javelin head to throw sticks? Also, wood arrows. simply sharpening a stick and holding the end over a fire can make a weak and feeble, but a working arrow. sticks can also be stabbed into the ground for a quick marker. If we could place sticks like planks, even if just vertically, it would be real nice.(yes, you can use torches, but I'd rather not wait ten minuets to get enough torches to mark my path) sticks can be used to make a pitfall trap, by covering a hole with sticks and hiding the sticks with foliage/dirt. I'd like to be able to craft 'covers' with sticks and leaves/dirt/grass/vines to make pitfall traps. Sticks also happen to hurt if you step on or fall onto it's end. having sticks as crude spikes so we don't need to have pitfalls that are 30ish blocks deep would be nice
  2. Ideas about food preservation.

    Well, I was told that sugar, like salt, draws moisture from foods, so while sugar in little amounts does nothing, adding lots of sugar to a food can and will slow down bacterial growth, and that is the reason that sugar and honey never really rots But better safe then sorry, right? So I looked up 'effects of sugar on bacterial growth' on google What I learned is yes, sugar does help in preserving food, and jam, jelly, and candied fruits are all examples of preserving food with sugar. But then again, just because it's on the internet, doesn't mean it's true, so.... Anyways from my experience, using non-airtight, non-sterile for jam seems to keep it fresh just as well. Although on second thought that might just be the fridge......
  3. Easy to Implement Ideas

    Um... no idea how the heck that works, but javelins and bows do't work on skeletons, as they give piercing damage, a type of damage that don't effect skeletons From the Wiki: Piercing Dealt By Arrows Javelins Knives Skeletons Spiders Bears,Creepers,EndermenandWolvesare weak against piercing damage, whileSkeletonsare completely immune to it. So... don't know what happened with you... probably a bug. I thought throwing rock would be simple to add, and really, being unable to do a ranged attack on the only ranged mob in the game is pretty silly if you ask me. True...... the only thing I really try to get lots of is fruit, since there is a limit to when you can get them and how much you can get at a time, but the rest?... yea. I'd like the foods to be different, not only in what they do but how you get them and when you can get them. But... we kinda seem to be derailing from the 'easy to implement ideas' topic.... like, badly
  4. Spices and seasoning: improving meals

    Tried to make do with what we have, but having a slot for spices when making the meal itself is not a bad idea. In fact, it's a great idea. It would also mean you can only put one spice per meal... hmm, I'll have to think about that a bit more not really. From what I can tell, the meal system works like this. There are two types of recipes, a 'terrible' recipe, and a 'non-terrible' recipe. Whether the non-terrible meal would be poor, or great, or fine, or whatever depends on your cooking skills. So when you are starting out with a cooking skill of 0, until you get a high enough cooking skill, poor meals are the best you can make. And from my experience, even 20ish meals later, you won't make much other then poor meals. This means that to get a non-terrible, non-poor meal, you need to make tons of meals, which in my opinion, is a wast of food and wood. What I'm suggestion is adding seasoning to food for a chance to make the food better. Something like this: Let's say I have a cooking skill of 10. I would only be able to make poor meals, right? But if I add spices, I have a chance of turning my poor meal into a fine meal, something I won't be able to get with mealmaking alone. Or lets say I don't have ingredients for a non-terrible meal, but I want a saturation boost because I'm going to fight some mobs. I could make a terrible meal, then upgrade it to a poor meal with spices to get a saturation boost from that. Haven't thought of that yet, but I'm entertaining ideas about spices adding other boosts to foods(say, a slight increase in body temp[when we get it], healing, a slight regen-effect, a strength boost, extra saturation, additional chance to improve meal taste again, etc) and spices boosting meal taste depending on what ingredients are in the meal(for example, rosemary works well with meals with meat in it, but not as well with meals that have fruits[or something like that])
  5. Skill mechanic suggestion

    why the heck does the guy keep going for the lung? In the matter of fact, can you even survive from getting your lung ripped apart 3 times in a row? I think you'd pass out from the pain or something. That aside, I think to have a skill system like this, we need to flesh out the tech-tree much more. I mean, as of now, farming, cooking and wood-cutting is somewhat rudimentary, Brewing is pretty much non-exsistant, and so on. To have a particular skill for one thing, we need it to exist in the first place, you know?
  6. Ideas about food preservation.

    Well, so far, the ways of preserving foods discussed is 1. smoking meats 2. fruit into jam(disapproved) 3.dried meats and fruits 4.pickled fruits house 6.granaries Well, I can't think of anything else to add. So, opinions?
  7. Ability to spawn (almost) anywhere in the world

    Hardcore-spawn mode? what about a config option?
  8. Well, I shall then go with the community, not review&revive the zombie angel horse, and let the hand-drawn map idea be put to rest. Printing press would be great, but what will the stamps be made of? wood or metal? But for the record, I think if we have a printing press, we should have a press for other stuff as well(say, oil) then make the printing press by getting a press and slapping a printing stamp/thingy on it. Um, and you said two of the holytrinity of inventions. what's the third? That aside, I think we should now turn our attention to making ink, quill/pen/brush, and paper/parchment/etc Agreed?
  9. How would we make this? I have a few ideas for it though. 1. just like forge, but with a full log pile instead 2. a stone, covered on four sides by metal sheets, with three logs on top. Light with firestarter 3.same as firepit, but with logs 4. craft rocks in a barrel shape then place. 5. craft rocks in a barrel shape with metal sheet on bottom. place. If you didn't notice, I think it should accept logs. But not peat. just logs
  10. New early game tool: broad axe

    Um, I'm guessing the broad axe would be a metal-age tool. So eh, if we exchange the saw for a broad axe and planks for timber.... er... what do we get? I mean, what would make planks, and what will be the difference between timber and planks? How far apart would it be? what would be the incentive to change to planks? I don't mean to be rude or anything, but to be frank, this isn't a small change by any means, and I don't see how this can benefit the gameplay.
  11. TFC is missing a goal

    I think the best would be to make the mechanism hard to master, kinda like the propick. While you can learn enough to get by, to actually become a master at it, it takes loads of practice, and a bit of instinctual knowledge. So while it is possible to master everything, it takes a long, long time, and by the time you practice and master say, 5 professions, you might have forgotten specifics of the first one or two professions you learned. Well, something like that
  12. Melt alloy into alloy mixture

    .... eight years probably isn't enough to understand stuff like that.
  13. TFC is missing a goal

    How about the longer you play, the higher the chances of a disaster? To elaborate, TFC has a year system, right? it starts at year 1 and progresses. Perhaps from year 1~2, we could have a 0% chance for disasters, then from year 2~5, a 5% chance, then from year 5~10, a 10% chance, etc. And other things such as storms being really common, but not doing much damage other then killing crops, stripping trees of leaves, killing grass, breaking glass, etc. Earthquakes would simply create 'fractures' that destroy all blocks above it, so while destructive, all you need to do is cover up the fractures and repair the damage. Volcanic eruptions could be rare, and only happen in a 'active' mountain biome, but be highly destructive and leave lava and obsidian and etc everywhere, etc. Balance it out. True, after some time, many will get bored. But what can we do? No matter how good it is, people will tire of it eventually. That's just the way people are. All we can really do is try to let people have fun for as long as possible, and if after they tire of it, the decide to come back after some time, well, that's a bonus. Different 'tech trees' is something I discussed at one point in discussions, it ended with a 'for now, we focus on metallurgy, but we will turn to other 'branches' when metallurgy is done' But I really like the idea of having different 'professions' I especially liked the idea because I felt that it would be a big incentive for people to make towns on servers and work together. Like there could be a farmer, keeping the townspeople well-fed and healthy, a hunter-gatherer/explorer that goes out to bring back wild crops, animals, new mining spots, etc, a smith that provided everyone with top-notch gear, miners that gather the ores and build mines, builders that build defenses and homes, etc People will be more willing to gather and share what they get, because they get things they couldn't get/make themselves alone, or would have taken a lot of efforts to do by themselves. I did think about getting a profile picture, but I was much too lazy to. I think I'll really should get one though. I think I'll use that picture that my sister drew. I like that picture
  14. Easy to Implement Ideas

    The only problems I see is: 1. Your nutrition goes down 24/7, so players might get a bit paranoid as they see the bar for their 'actual' heath dwindle day by day. 2. You're nutrition would nearly never be 100%, so all foods will increase your nutrition, meaning that pretty much any food you eat will increase your nutrition, so you can't really 'test out' what you need to eat. will beextremely hardimpossible to know what nutrition you lack most and what you have most. However, of these three problems, #1 can't really be called a problem. For #2, and #3, all you need to do is eat every food group you can at every meal, and when you get a new food group that you didn't have before, eat a lot of that to fill up the food group you previously couldn't fill. So, I like this idea very much. But rather than a line on the health bar, I'd prefer it if the hunger bar was different colours. Say, green when you have full nutrition, black/red when your nutrition is empty, with shades in between. So you can't really tell if a food you just ate increased you nutrition or not unless you are really perspective, but you can still relative tell your overall nutrition.
  15. Melt alloy into alloy mixture

    Well, I don't. But it seems like a good idea to me
  16. So if you are seeing this, I guess you have time. I just wanted to say Hi to this community of really nice people, since I'm still somewhat new(I've only been on for I think 3~4 months or less) Also, I was just wondering, is this the thread/section/whatever we call this I should use for shameless self-advertisement? If so, this is a mod idea I have, but cannot make because I know nothing about programming! Anyways, with that out of the way.... I'm brainstorming ideas on how to play skyblock with TFC. Any ideas?
  17. Ask the person below you

    Um...... aluminum? Why would you ask if lead, of all things is the lightest metal?
  18. Um, that looks kinda like a vanilla map with some tweaks to me, honestly. Though, gathering maps into a atlas could be a nice way to keep a bunch of maps together.
  19. TFC is missing a goal

    I was responding to the post above which listed extreme disasters such as "earthquakes, lava floods, storms, tornadoes, hail, volcanic eruptions, zombie hordes, skeleton raids, spider nests. poison clouds, month long eclipse" I am aware of Dunk's plan to move monsters underground. But I suppose exploring the underground could be a end-game goal
  20. TFC is missing a goal

    But would I want to build a thriving, beautiful town only to have it decimated in a volcanic eruption or be stuck in my house for hours on end as the zombie hoard wanders around unopposed? Would a month long eclipse during the winter that killed all your crops be something someone would enjoy as a challenge? And what if, for example, as I was in the early-copper/bronze age, a tornado ripped apart my thatch house and destroyed all my things? It would be even harder to get back to the point I was at because I would have taken all the small ores in the area and harvested all the crops(and possibly eaten all the animals)
  21. Easy to Implement Ideas

    Javelins don't work against skeletons, and the last time I checked, you can't throw hammers.
  22. Easy to Implement Ideas

    There is a reason I said throwing rock and not just rock. It's called a ranged weapon
  23. Apiculture ...* And more soon *...

    I think that every spring, just like wild crops, there is a extremely small chance for a beehive to generate, and a slightly bigger chance for a existing beehive to 'spread' to another tree/block and a little bit bigger chance for a (empty) artificial beehive to get colonized I also think that artificial beehives should have some pros and cons over the natural beehive, so the player can let the wild hive grow, or get artificial hives. But since some players might have to go areally long distance before they get bees, I suggest that there be a extremely, extremely, extremely(like, 5% or something) rare chance that when a beehive is broken, it drops a bee grub that can be used to colonize a artificial hive
  24. Press

    Can't we have the press over the barrel, then simply move the press to another barrel?