Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by UnderCuvaHippo

  1. in my mind I was seeing a support beam that can support "stair stepped blocks" without having to add more vertical beams at each block up. X=block S = Slanted Support V = Vert Support E = Empty space

    X X X X X

    X X S X X

    X S E S X

    S E E E S

    V E E E V

    V E E E V

    In my mind I envisioned that for making arches and peaks on houses, supporting caves and mines that aren't flat roofed.


  2. From what I heard (Back in the Pre 20's) the propick checked 12 blocks front back left and right of the block you check. It checks 6 up and down. It basically gives you a 25x25x13 grid. The propick is a tool that requires a lot of patience, a lot of time and to get good with it, it requires a lot of trial and error in figuring out how it works. One thing I learned is that the propick is more about telling you where the ore isn't than where it is. The best method I found for finding or was to propick the ground until you get a hit, but it doesn't seem to working as well in the new pre as it used to. It used to only require travelling a few thousand blocks to get hits of what you want but now it's taking 10,000 block journeys to get a whiff of anything. Another good idea is to find the area where rock layers transition and make mineshafts there. Haven't had much time using these in the new releases to see if they work the same, but they used to help.


  3. Not sure if these have been suggested or not but here are a few I thought of tonight.

    -Place torches on support beams

    -breaking a chiseled stair or slab returns the original block instead of nothing

    -place torches on chiseled stone

    -stairs of each wood type


  4. If he does plan to add better storage could he have at least waited until they were added to nerf the chests, right now it's impossible to store anything. If there are no plans for better storage then the nerf is the dumbest thing added like stated above you add more items then reduce storage space, that sucks. plus the damn things disappear when chunks unload so servers right now everything you own has to fit in your inventory.


  5. At first I was like, wow a slightly better better than using a stair and signs chair/couch but when I saw the second pictures I realized there is a level of detail there that you just have to figure out. Loving that second chair, plus chert is awesome colored stone. You sir have a good hand for a chisel.

    Diorite is an ugly building material.

    That looks really cool design wise, maybe if you used smooth stone it would look a little better than regular stone.


  6. So, with your reply i googled it and it did turn out to be some kind of joke or something by mojang way back and they didn't delete the block I guess. I had never seen or heard of it before so I thought it was something I've been hoping for to be added. Mystery solved.


  7. So, I was playing single player to test out the new things in 40+ like the chisel, which freaking rocks, punched some bears to see if they would eat me, saw how bad the chests got nerfed and wanted to cry and then I stumbled across locked chests in the Item list while looking for chests on NEI. I put down some of them and can't open them. I also looked for keys and stuff to open them and no luck. My questions are, are these locked chests part of the mod? Can they be opened? Are they just a work in progress still and not to worry about them yet?


  8. I really love the color combo of blue/white when I build more decorative things in minecraft and a blue wood or stone would be really nice. Or even just an easier way to get blue dye to make blue wool. Maybe we could get some type of blue flowers for blue dye since lapiz is such a rare thing. +1


  9. The idea of butchering animals is awesome. The way of kill a cow get a few steaks has always bothered me. Growing up on a cattle ranch taught me that one slaughtered cow could feed our family of five for a whole year and we ate beef for nearly every meal. A pig will also do close to the same. A way to keep this from bering over powered of, I killed 4 cows and now I have food indefinitely would be that you need some type of cold storage or spoilage system. That one cow will feed people for a year if it's kept in a deep freezer so steve needs a way to store and keep his food for periods of time.

    Second, I like the idea of dirty wool. We raised some sheep and to be blunt, they are dirty damn animals. A process of cleaning wool would be awesome and it could tie into the other ideas of looms and making clothes etc.

    Lastly, more fish! fishing right now is so stupid and not worth the effort so I'm all for more fish types and better methods of fishing.


  10. I like the idea of keys because if you work in a group it keeps the chest secure while letting everyone you want to, to have access to the chest. Also it's way easier to hide or carry keys than to hide all your valuable stuff in secret vault. +1


  11. My thought as well, they should just be solid is all instead of posts :)

    Exactly. Keep the unjumpable height, middle of block, auto connect etc but make it look like a cool rock wall


  12. I like the idea of a net/trap block that you leave out like slack said. Further out or the deeper you place it the better chance it has to accumulate fish and such. Have some kind of marker that sits above water or maybe just mark them yourself. Good idea beacause as of now fishing is not a viable food source compared to farming or ranching in the game. A possible recipe could be crafing a bunch of string together to make a net or string turns into netting which crafts into nets. Details are rough but I Iike the idea because I do like living next to water most of the time.


  13. A couple things that might help you out are the vegetation page If you go there it will give you a good amount of info about weather and vegetation in the mod, Fruit trees are the only vegetation added as of now so the rest isn't too important at the moment.The other thing that might help is if you skim through the changelog there are some notes about weather in there.


  14. I have to agree with lady pheonix and bsb, chests do not need nerfed nor does your inventory. Nobody just goes out with a chisel and pick and cuts out a cubic meter of smooth solid granite and puts 64 of them in their pocket. Few people IRL could even lift one block of it, definitely not me. But this isn't real life, this is a game. I find most of my ores hundreds or thousands of blocks away from my base and it already takes multiple trips to bring back a good sized vein of ore and a weight or inventory adjustment is just going to punish people more by adding more and more long boring walks back and forth. It already takes a ton of chests to hold the ores and things you store and nerfing chests is just gonna be a pain in the ass to store anything. There is a balance between fun, realistic and tedious and fucking up inventories and chests is just going to take away from the fun aspects of the game and spend more time doing tedious things.


  15. First off, great job. One thing I saw that you could add, or chose not to, is that any stone tool can be made with two bones instead of sticks. I'mp retty sure this recipe still works.

    For example stone pick

    X = stone

    I = bone

    X X X


