Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Teagan75

  1. Attracting Deer/Fishing suggestion

    Correct, the have a custom mob spawner jar to go along with the main mod. Apparently, it just reverts back to a more ancient Minecraft spawning mechanic.
  2. Whales and Whaling

    They are similar to the Archimedes' Ships, built with blocks, but much improved and have better boat mechanics. For instance, buoyancy/weight is a factor and the more wool sails affects the speed.
  3. it has always been hard to find because it it so specific. But, I really have better luck with the drying and smoking mechanics for meat preservation. Maybe down the road salt and the olive oil could be used as flavoring in food. but i digress
  4. would like an easier way to transport animals but it would have to be balanced to be further down the tech line right?
  5. Whales and Whaling

    Yeah i have been playing the technofirma modpack so we have the ships mod already built in. Would love to go whaling
  6. Attracting Deer/Fishing suggestion

    Mo' Creatures has tweaked the spawning for their mod, so it can be done. However, like you said it may cause overpopulation. Honestly, it could just be my luck, but the amount of animals in TFC now is much better than when I first started playing. But that could just be me and maybe because i have been playing for a while.
  7. Whales and Whaling

    I guess but i have played with the mod Mo' Creatures and the dolphins don't always behave that way to warrant not putting them in. If that was the case you couldn't do animal husbandry because of animals escaping the fences and suffocating in walls. We all learn to deal with the issues Minecraft has and fails to really solve with any of their updates, but it doesn't keep us from added new features. As far as the op, i say stick with one type of whale, no whaling ships, harpoons ...maybe and must be iron or steel. Definitely the processing to make it balance with the olive oil. Olive oil should be the best oil with whale oil under that since it was stinky and replaced fairly quickly in Europe with kerosene. Olive oil was used in the Mediterranean regions while whale oil was used by the north/norse people and Inuits.
  8. [Rule #4] Additional Fuels for Lanterns

    Ha, well great minds think alike then Typed in whaling and oil but didn't find this topic oh well
  9. [Rule #4] Additional Fuels for Lanterns

    I agree that animal fat would be too easy to get unless it dropped in small quantities by a specific animal (i.e. you don't really have the skill to extract all the fat, and not all fat is created equal). I personally don't like the idea that it is only olive oil which if I spawned far north would be very tedious to find. AND on small privately run server, without Cauldron now, chunk loading causes MAJOR issues making exploration hard and aggravating. 1. Introduce a new mob, the whale and have us hunt those for animal fat. not as easy as just any animal. Boil the fat to make the oil and it would last longer than torches but greatly shorter than the olive oil. Make clay lamps that would break every now and then when trying to refill. The whales could be far out in the ocean and not as close to shore as squid. 2. Make whale oil a second choice oil to use in the metal lamps and create a new iron kettle or use the minecraft cauldron to have us boil the blubber strips down into oil. Still keeping it a luxury for the iron age but allowing for a cold climate source of oil (due to minecrafts nasty chunk loading issues). I am glad that there are lamps in the game, but was surprised it was olive oil only. That was realistically only used in the Mediterranean areas and not the northern European areas. I know there are discussions about what realism and believability is. I also know you want a progression in the game. I am someone who likes to play TFC because it feels like a real progression through the ages so having us go whaling and make clay oil lamps would make me feel like I am progressing.
  10. TFC with Ancient Warefare mod

    what i like the most from the ancient warfare mod for TFC is the old power systems. water wheel, windmill power
  11. [TFC 0.79.29] Cellars Addon

    Does this addon take into consideration preserved food to reduce decay or is it only for raw? Also, have you considered making a greenhouse to add to this mod? The cellar is awesome and very helpful in warmer climates but a greenhouse would help with early planting in the extremely cold climates. Just a thought because you did a great job here already! Edit: I concur about the silo for grain and also maybe changing the ice bunker to use wrought iron so people can't get it too soon or maybe the lower version is just cool not freezing. Since iceboxes were wood and metal contraptions dating to 16th/17th centuries it was a later invention. Although, the ancient Persians had quite a process for storing ice through the winter.
  12. Thanks for all the work you put into this
  13. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin I just updated my forge to match the new updated TFC B79.12 with forge10.13.2.1236. I am getting the same error. Will try to update my code chicken but not sure if that will be compatible with this plugin. Edit: I have the latest versions of both NEI and ChickenBones. Edit: Just updated the NEI plugin in as well (should be made more obvious on OP that there is an update) but I am still crashing when using NEI in game with same error.
  14. Brewing Issue.

    Happened to me too. Planted the seed and it disappeared.
  15. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    *face palm* you've missed my point entirely and I won't waste time explaining it again. edit: directed at Dawnwraith and Thrainn
  16. [Vanilla Bug] Animals escaping pens

    Version #: Build (Single/MultiPlayer): Single player Suggested Name: Escaping Animals Suggested Category: Annoying Description: My animals keep escaping through the fences they are in and seem to sink into the earth as well. The escaping that part of the wild vs. familiar mechanic? Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin-1.7.10- ReiMinimap-1.7.10-3.6 NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- fastcraft-1.9 DynamicLights-1.7.10 CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- [1.7.10]DamageIndicatorsMod-3.2.0 If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? I do not have either of these installed. Crash Report: No crash
  17. [Vanilla Bug] Animals escaping pens

    Yes I have done this as well. I just made a completely enclosed pen with wooden planks. No escapes however one or two animals die inside the pen when the chunks are loaded again. I just see their bones and hides on the ground hehe. frustrating
  18. Impressions on B79

    Mushrooms I can see added raw to salads and sandwiches. pumpkins on the other hand are winter squash. They are never eaten raw but always cooked into a soup or pie. Since we have no clay brick ovens for bread baking, pies are out for believability. If they added soup then pumpkins could be used but you have to bake the pumpkin so it's soft enough for soup. So yeah complicated.
  19. early structures for latest builds?

    Oh my gosh, that's thinking with your head. Never would have thought of that.
  20. Thatch as of Build 79

    Hi First of all a huge THANKS for this mod. I have been playing with this mod for close to 2 years now. I thank all of you for your time and effort into making this mod very good. Also a HUGE thank you to the addon makers as well As of build 79, thatch is now useless as a roof material because it allows spiders to crawl up the walls and come into the house defeating the purpose of having a secure home. I want you to know that I completely understand that you didn't want it to be an extremely easy housing material. With that said, Native Americans and tribes in Africa do have thatch houses. However, I have never seen a thatch house or roof without a wooden frame first. You could make it so we have to construct a wooden stick frame and with straw in our hand right click to fill in the wooden frame. I see two benefits with this: 1. Its not simple to make a thatch house anymore and is more believable 2. It is a solid block again and offers protection. It should also be able to be destroyed by hand and without tools. Another benefit If that is too much to change you could just make it so that a torch or campfire within a certain amount of blocks would catch fire and burn down very quickly. Either way would be acceptable but I prefer the first suggestion. I play the game 7 Days to Die and they have a similar wood frame that you right click with a tool to fill in with materials in your inventory and it works beautifully.
  21. early structures for latest builds?

    Logs. The pit kiln inside a house makes me laugh No offense, was just visualizing it.
  22. Thatch as of Build 79

    Why ravines? I rarely ever see any ore in ravines to make it worth going down there.
  23. Impressions on B79

    I am actually going to try the support beams again. I used them in B78 but they seemed like they werent very durable so maybe I was doing something wrong.
  24. [0.79.9] Lonely Mountain and Falling Down Hotspring

    very cool mountain