Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Pyrocantaes

  1. Ceramic bowls - another tedium

    So whilst were all complaining about torches how many other people, assuming you're bothering to eat, find having to continually create and fire ceramic bowls yet another tedious task that detracts from gameplay. Why exactly are the bowls consumed when you eat its contents?
  2. Graphite

    Graphite is notoriously difficult to find..although not as hard as sylvite to find. I've found it both by accident and when looking for it, and almost every time in marble, although I'm sure the ravine I fell into last night by accident had graphite in one of the walls, and that wasn't graphite.. more interested in getting out and avoiding the mobs that actually finding out what. As with my inability to find Rocksalt on one particular world until I gave up and then found it when returning home (still some 5000 blocks from my base), just keep looking in the right rocks and eventually you should find it..
  3. [Intentional] Vanishing Salads

    Version #:79.8SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer):Multiplayer (DarkAgeCraft Server)Suggested Name: Vanishing SaladsSuggested Category: AnnoyingDescription: Logged off last night .. game time was October .. Had 3.5 salads in my inventory Logged back on this morning .. Game time January .. Salads vanished. Inventory held food in SMP should not just vanish when the player is not logged onHave you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?:No - Config files are vanilla and un-alteredDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? Smart Moving, Fast Craft, NEI, Leather Water Sac
  4. [Intentional] Vanishing Salads

    Food stored on the server is subject to decay .. meals in my inventory.. when I'm logged off for n game months should not be .. I have no control on how much time passes on the server when I'm logged off.. If I log off with food so I can feed myself at the point I log back on.. then I expect to still have my food otherwise playing on servers becomes completely pointless.. TFC is hard enough when starting out with out the hassle of having all your food vanish during the very first winter the server is up when your not there!
  5. Torch Poll

    I didn't like the mechanic when it was first proposed as it makes caving, especially in some of the massive underground complexes pretty much impossible.. even in iron armour in B78 it would takes days to light up large caverns to make exploring them possible. With the current mechanic, having played for some time, it's just tedious and irritating.. I don't want to have to spend time going round an relighting torches just to keep my base lit.. it stops me doing anything else..
  6. Some observations of how people play

    I'd say a 70% death rate from cave-in will drastically change your assement.. However, every cave in I've had has destroyed every single support beam so in that respect they are pretty much useless. When starting out, they also don't help as you want to mine as minimal amount of rock as possible (strangley if you lock at medieval tin/copper/slate/iron/coal mines they had the same idea but the current mechanism insists on you having to create 5x4 tunnels to get them to work at all...
  7. Version #:79.6SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Multiplayer (Darkcraft Server)Suggested Name: Can't place support beamsSuggested Category: SevereDescription: Using Douglas fir support beams.. Can only place if I can't place if I can see the top of a beam .. this means that for beams of more than 2 high you have to jump to place the 3rd beam, and if the "hole" into which you wish to place the beam is 4 high you're stuffed. mining in chalk.. You can't even mine the block on the opposite side of the corridor to the beam i.e block x below (for a 2x1 corridor) RCR BPx RCR Any collapse destroys the beams and you can't then shore up the roof because you can't place beams without being able to see the top of the beam. Also doesn't appear to be any "Safe" zone .. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: No - vanilla install and not changed!Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? TFC NEI Plugin, NEI, Fastcraft, Journeymap, Smart Moving
  8. Can't place vertical support beams more than 2 high

    Sorry I don't have an infiinte supply of copper/bismuth/sphalerite/casserterite to make tools. Having barely scrapped enough copper for 300 units, saw, pick, pro-pick, and every where being chalk for 1000 blocks radius .. copper has to be down..that's at least 40 blocks through the chalk plus whatever I need to locate the deposit plus enough to at least be able to replace the pick in the first place.. Therefore I need to dig as small a tunnel as possible to locate the copper before my single pickaxe wears out.. The more I learn about Build 79 the more inclined I am to stay on Build 78 or stop playing TFC for another 2 years or so..
  9. With current access to only vegetables and grains .. I've managed to stabalize my health at around 195 by cooking what I have..still can't get more than 50% on either vegetable or grain though Not sure what relevance at all that will have to any fruit as 90% of fruit is more nutritious if you don't cook it.
  10. Can't place vertical support beams more than 2 high

    1) I'm not Sneaking ... no shift key involved 2) How are you supposed to place horizontals IF having placed a vertical you CAN'T even cut another channel for another vertical 2 blocks away because placing the first vertical gives no support!
  11. Can't place vertical support beams more than 2 high

    Sorry .. "beams place 3 at a time as long as you have them in your inventory" .. So having a stack of 32 in my inventory and right clicking places 3? sorry only places 1.. So due to a cave in I have a 3 high gap above my head and a 4 high gap to the left.. the cave in having broken the 2 beams that were there previously supposedly supporting the ceiling of my 2x1 tunnel .. I now need to place 4 vertical beams in the gap to support the ceiling .. can't pillar up to it.... and don't really want to, the ceiling is just fine as it is.. I just want to support it.
  12. Lokking for TFC Server running Build 79

    GenerationGateway has a build 79 server .. see the post in the servers thread
  13. Steel is the next step .. think I 've now got enough iron for the 8 double sheets for the blast furnace block and the 24 sheets to cover the 2 high stack of firebrick blocks.. If only I wasn't waist deep in fruit, veg, cereals, and pigs, I'd be able to make more 79 trials aside
  14. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    Smart moving works just fine.. If you want to give it a try see the Generation Gateway B79 alpha post in servers
  15. [Offline] B79.10 Public Test Server - Generation Gateway

    Okay .. first impressions .. The spawn could have been better .. island spawns are notoriously bad.. Edible seaweed saved my bacon as I traversed to a more southerly isle .. unfortunately its full of bears. Not encountered any other issues yet ..having previously thoroughly read through the change log .. so didn't hit any issues with thatch .. yes all you TFC fans you now need axes and logs not thatch for that first night hut.. or a small pillar in the middle of an ocean Will be on again tonight .. hopefully it won't be autumn so I can plant some crops an make progress.. bears aside. unless some kind soul kills the 3 that are around my hut.. Seriously.. if you want to get your feet wet with the new TFC and 1.7 then this is the place to do it.
  16. Enter the iron age ...check Complete Iron anvil ...check Acquire Kaolinite ....check Acquire Graphite ....check Acquire Town Residents .. nope everyone seems to want to play SSP on a server.. I have however cut a ladder descent off the plateau to make getting out of spawn easier
  17. Town of Myrhurst now established Town Hall at 4220, -9547.. beds and basic supplies (including food) available Waystation at 4495,-10078 .. I will try to keep food in the cellar Town plots available .. I'll add more based on how fast I can acquire more gold.. I've completely exhausted 1 large poor vein already (so yes Exo you do need 80 ingots to set up a decent sized town and I've spent close to 40 already) Food situation has improved as I've been "North" exploring and acquired a lot more seeds... still no jute though..
  18. Thanks for you post Exo... a sub-forum on GG for TFC might be useful.. I'm currently working towards setting up a town.. but only having "poor" gold makes it really had to establish (64 chunks = 980 units = 9.8 ingots) so doesn't even cover the basic cost.. and it takes a lot of effort just to mine that amount of gold.. And with 4 ingots per additional chunk I recond I need about 80 ingots to set up a town .. so no quick solution especially as I'm trying to get into the iron age so have to mine other ores, manage my tree farm for charcoal, meage crop supply, etc.. Change the cost to iron ingots and then being able to buy them with gold would so help get a town estabished. Once I get my wrought iron anvil, I can make some decent tools and armour, and then potentially go further North (towards 0) across the ocean in search of more crops.. In terms of the market.. being able to buy seeds for copper/bronze/iron ingots would be useful Having more active players would also help . only seen 2 others (TangWystle and guil-2) on this week and neither seem communicative.. BTW my IGN is Cailong
  19. Only spawning far north?

    Not only does the seed affect the spawn it also affects how "survivable" your first day/night is.. My SP world I spawned around -9500 and had food readily available.. I've watched a lot of the TFC "lets plays" and some of the spawns were atrocious ( even for those who had an idea of what they are doing) I also started a "Lan World" with my daughter .. spawn was -3500 .. no food oranimals within 700 blocks of spawn.. I'm also now playing on the Generation Gateway server.. don't know what it was like when it first started.. but again no food available within 500 blocks of spawn.. I think the "spawn" setting algorithm needs tweaking to take into account the availability of food..
  20. So apart from the lack of crops issue.. Any one want to come join me .. have more than enough fruit for several people, a pig farm, and my neighbour has cows which I'm breeding when my meagre oat supply allows.. Fully functional forge with bronze anvil.. about to set up bloomery.. Could probably establish a town .. if I can figure out towny. Plenty of flatish land and fresh water about .. Douglas fir tree farm and a selection of others.. I know where there are large reserves of most things except garinite and graphite My coords (x,z) are 4219, -9516 Temporary refuge at 4495,-10078 Exit Spawn via the hill ladder exit... If you leave at 5am you can just make it to mine in 1 day but you'll be starving.. There is no food anywhere near spawn... few rocks(rocksalt) and no sticks I will try and maintain a food stock at the temporary shelter.. there are a couple of fruit trees and some bushes can make the shelter with relative ease in 1 day. I tend to be online from appox 20:00 till 00:00 UK time weekdays, and various times at the weekend.. I will leave excess food in a storage container in my cellar.. put the jars back please...same goes for the temporary shelter..
  21. So having spent all weekend playing on the server and seen not another single user online.. Does anybody who has a base on here (and there are quite a few) still actually play? Also given there are no vegetables/grains to be had anywhere on the spawn continent how are you supposed to be able survive (one cannot live on fruit and venison alone)?
  22. Rocksalt - a world without any?

    So after spending a monthof TF minecraft days exploring pangea (and yes I have one large landsmass surround by 2000+ size oceans) and not finding any surface rocksalt deposits anywhere .. where might I stand any chance of finding any? The same goes for graphite.. Kaolinite I have inabundance and the very large rich vein of gold under my house is just a little worthless right now..
  23. Use for lead, smithing practice

    Lead has had significant use through the ages. Apart from pipes, lead was, and still is extensively used as a roofing material, generally forming th water proof gullies on buildings. When used in sheet form, or even to beat or join sheets, it takes a lot of practice and skill to get it right, otherwise it sags, splits, or goes "thin". Producing complex joint such as "saddles" (the 3 dimensional coller when a hip, such as the top of a porch, joins the main roof) takes a lot of skill to get right. Lead working, and lead working tools, should therefore be considered as seperate skills and seperate tools.. they are not hammers! Lead is subject to corrosion by both acid and alkali, being more susceptable to the latter than the former. When used as a gully on an oak or chestnut roof, the constant leeching of tannin has significant impact on the lead, hence it is generally treated with an oil (unfortunately I can't rememebr how or from what it's made).
  24. food preservation

    Ice houses were extensively used by the Edwardians and Victorians for storing food. Some of them are huge, 30-40 feet in diameter and 20 feet high. They are all generally built underground, quite often into the sides of hills, and often next to or close to lakes. Having said that, the selling of ice in the cities was big business, especially after the industrial revolution. Traditional pantries, of varying size, generally had "slabs" of granite as shelves on which food was stored as these were know to slow the decay of food and therefore allow fresh produce to be kept longer. As to coding it .. there are many examples of minecraft mods that use multi-block structures (tanks) so the multi-block itself shouldn't be an issue.. just the localized temperature gradient and melting. One method that sort of has been alluded to vis sauerkraut is the "picking" of vegetables.. a better example however is Korean "Kim-chi". There are over 10,000 official varieties from preserving using chilli powder to preserving using sweetened brine. Has anyone mentioned Jam(fruit) or marmalade(fruit and/or vegetable - onion/beetroot) or chutney(vegetable) or passata(tomatoes)?
  25. Rocksalt - a world without any?

    So after another 6 minecraft days .. 3 spent replacing chisel, pick, and making a saw.. and starting to run short on food I decide to head home... Round a small peninsula I saw something pinkish.. guess what rocksalt.. So I mined 6 64stacks, all I had room for and tried to head back north.. 2000 blocks and 3 boats later .. I'd already suffered 2 crashes and lost my bed as a result.. and another land mass blocking my route .. Heading inland .. guess what... more rock salt.. I crossed that one and 1000 blocks of ocean later another land mass and more rocksalt .. so just like busses you wait ages and then 3 come along at once.. So 4 more boats later, 3 crashes, one due to minecraft running out of memory.. I'm now back home.. At least I now now salt those cows and pigs that keep committing suicide...