Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Joey

  1. WOW... this is a fantastic server... friendly dudes, cool custom mods, CHEST PROTECTION THANK THE LORD, and a lot of work put in by the owners. I highly recommend gett off of your ass and getting back on your ass so you can play on this server.
  2. 15 JoeyTehPwnzar Orange The Cool Terrain, or the new building materials.
  3. plant genetics = allsume

    Evil_Etho? uh-who?
  4. Damascus steel

    ...not as hard as my co- oh nevermind...
  5. plant genetics = allsume

    What would I be? The super cool older brother with too much swag to handle?
  6. House Ideas/Designs/Styles

    I like to use raw logs as a south of outlining frame for the house, and use a plank color that looks good with it for the walls. Since I am evil, i do usually make giant red castles with flames and death surrounding it, but wooden cottages are nice.
  7. Sickness, Illness, and Infections

    A tad harsh, don't you think, EU? Anyways, this has been suggested a lot, there are many posts you can read about what's already been discussed, just skim through the suggestions a bit.
  8. Damascus steel

    This would add to the AMAZING depth and detail in this mod, I LOVE this idea. The ore could be distinguished from normal hematite by a SLIGHT discoloration in the ore. BUT VERY SLIGHT. So, pretty much unnoticeable except to master prospectors.
  9. Secondary and Tertiary Foods

    I fully support this. Also, full meals should have A LOT of saturation. What I mean is, as well as healing 8 hunger bars, they keep you at 8 hunger bars for a long time.
  10. Vanilla Minecraft getting anvils

    "Vanilla" minecraft? Is that like... a crappy addon for TFC? It looks weird, I don't wanna play it.
  11. [Offline] Survive & Thrive Group Survival

    JoeyTehPwnzar. I didn't get to particiapte in teh last one.
  12. Uhm, did you just copy and paste half of the raisercraft thread? Whatevs. I'll check out this server later, sounds fun
  13. New gamemechanic instead of the almighty WORKBENCH

    Well Well, not really, because the idea itself is only weeks old... OHGODWHY. I recall my previous statement
  14. New gamemechanic instead of the almighty WORKBENCH

    This idea. I want to make sweet love to it. Could the same principle be applied to stone, to make cool stuff like large furnaces (NOT vanilla furnaces). That's the only stone example I could think of, but anyways, yeah dude, your idea is magnificent.
  15. Redstone placeholders

    This sounds fantastic. I didn't even know one could craft dispensers in TFC... What would be the recipe for the wooden button? It's gonna be implemented in 1.4, and it detects arrows.
  16. Oil! [not petroleum]

    I like this, very much. How does one go about getting oils from a fatty animal or an olive? What is the process we would need to do?
  17. Amazing server experience, slink, you were a great admin. Gonna miss it a lot. Hope to see DHB V2 soon.
  18. plant genetics = allsume

    hehe... I know. I don't know much of anything about mutation, but I guess, in TFC, mutation would just be random aquiring of small traits. Maybe a randomly slightly taller crop one season. This would help TFC farmers get desirable traits faster.
  19. plant genetics = allsume

    Yes. Mutations, over the course of (let's be realistic here) 2-3 generations: GIANT MAN-EATING GRAPES
  20. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    @ sasquatch, That sounds good. But being able to place butt tons of flags everywhere sounds a tad OP. I mean, even if they can be broken, what is to stop people from making giant stone pillars with flags ontop everywhere? That would stop anyone from ever getting that land.
  21. Slink, you gotta update. More and more people are moving to Raisercraft. I checked them out today, they have like an average of 15-20 ppl online at once, and many from DHB. Please slink, I will not sit back and let this server die.
  22. plant genetics = allsume

    Woohoo, this idea sounds super fun, and adds a bit of brain to agriculture. I think every crop would have a certain number of mendelian traits. Such as, size (big/small), crop yield, toxicity???, and hunger bar fillage. There could be other stuff like color to add, for the lulz.
  23. A new thread for the forums, Mods

    I guess no mods are fair. But little tweaks for SMP like the ones Slink730 has made should be encouraged. They are great.
  24. A new thread for the forums, Mods

    I think this would be great for server owners, to customize their servers.