Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Azdoine

  1. Dunk Blade

    (1)(1 Black)


    Lock target nonblack thread. You can only play this card with the assistance of a forum admin.

    Rarity: All too common

    ...In all seriousness, this topic is going off the tracks now, and the devs said that this was far off in the future update scheme of things. If anybody has a brilliant idea they'd like to share, then do, but otherwise, I think we should let this die.


  2. I already said that, Peffern:

    In this system, you die when your injuries reach a certain, critical point, when the human body just can't cope any longer. It's a somewhat random thing; every time you get injured, or an existing injury worsens, there's a certain chance that it just kills you outright. The more damage you've taken already, the higher the chance of death.


  3. thank you, i really hope the devs see this

    Thanks man :)

    Wasn't all me, though. It was mostly a summary of what other people have said.

    2 more things:

    Hunger, thirst, stamina, and what have you, are tied into the paper doll health sytem, effectively functioning as injuries with a severity linked to how much food you eat, etc.

    Devs? Can we please have a sign from the heavens about where the health sytem is going?


  4. So far this is what other people have suggested, with a bit of clarification (in italics) where I thought it was appropriate.

    In the inventory, there would be a sillouhette of the character, with different parts of the body tinted different colors to show the different injuries you have. You can scroll over your body to show what injuries you have in a tooltip.

    You could have different severities of injury, marked in the tooltip with asterisks and maybe different names for different severities (i.e. Sprained Ankle **, or Burned *****)

    Different treatments exist for different types of injuries, like a splint for a broken limb, or a bandage for a cut. Treatments can be applied by putting it into a slot, like the armor system. A treatment only works once.

    Of course, some injuries just can't be healed with stone age medicine, but we'll handwave that because permanent injuries aren't fun.

    Keep in mind, little cuts and scrapes will probably heal on their own, but you should probably treat them anyways, in case you aggravate the injury and it gets worse.

    On the HUD, there would still be a health bar, but that would just be a quick way to see your overall condition, not your physical condition itself.

    Debilitating injuries will have an effect on your character.

    Broken limbs force you to slow down, otherwise the injury gets worse.

    Blindness makes the screen go almost completely dark.

    Poison warps the screen like the 'nausea' effect that's alread coded into the game.


    In this system, you die when your injuries reach a certain, critical point, when the human body just can't cope any longer. It's a somewhat random thing; every time you get injured, or an existing injury worsens, there's a certain chance that it just kills you outright. The more damage you've taken already, the higher the chance of death.

    When you die, any injuries you had when you died are still there when you respawn. You get a short, 2-minute grace period when you can't die of existing injuries but you can still rack up new ones. That way, you'll be able to walk to the crafting table and craft a splint without dying of a broken leg. Again.


  5. Nah, the people on Youtube just got butthurt and wanted to make you feel bad, they didn't actually think you were nine. You can't deny that maturity comes with knowledge and life experience, things that 14 year olds are usually lacking in. (No offense to OP, just something in general)

    No, here's the sad thing: Under immense exposure to internet stupidity and trolling, people (mostly children)... can change.

    They develop trollish characteristics, become immersed in their world of 'troll fighting', and will become just as agressive and utterly stupid as some trolls would make themselves out to be.

    Some trolls... actually believe in what they say!

    Oh, the humanity!


  6. Yeah, 14 year olds are pretty bad, but still it is sort of annoying to be repetitively labeled as "stupid" or more immature than I am just because of common stereotypes. Anyways, what do you think of woodworking?

    Right! On topic:

    I love the idea, but whenever I see a thread about a new crafting system, it's always a reskinned version of smithing and the anvil.

    You put a tool in a slot, you put some material in another slot, and then you hit different buttons to line up some arrows.


  7. I don't really mind, I get that condescending attitude from a lot of people. Especially people like Eternal.

    I hate when people make assumptions about your age just because of the way you type a post.

    I once got tagged as a 9-year old for getting pissed at a troll. Granted, it was youtube, where the stupid levels are off the charts, but it still stung.

    (Just to point this out, making an example out of Eternal probably isn't going to help his attitude towards you.)


  8. plate armour will be nearly impervious to most damage types. (try seeing attacking a metal pot with a kitchen knife and see how much damage it does). Crush damage will be the only attack type that will have any noticeable affect to your armour's damage.

    Crushing damage?

    *evil grin*

    Nobody uses swords anyway. Maces have become the weapon of choice for hipsters.


  9. ...Idk if I want it used with TFC or not, but this should be a thing. This should DEFINITELY be a thing.

    It used to be a thing with Better Than Wolves (hence the name of the addon).

    If you want to use these two mods together, then you are missing the point of TFC completely

    You know, I hear talk about 'The point of TFC' getting thrown around a lot, and it always kind of bothered me because that's not why I'm playing.

    I like TFCraft not just because it's more realistic or believable, but because the new gameplay mechanics are more interesting and challenging than vanilla MC.

    I guess that's why I'm more comfortable with the idea of enchanting, or vanilla mobs, or industry, as long as we have Dunk and Bioxx to make it fit in with the style of TFCraft.


  10. I'd love to see compatibility, but not with vanilla BC.

    A better than buildcraft type integration mod that made the buildcraft objects much more advanced and expensive would be awesome.


  11. I certainly hope you continue this.

    I do hope that some element of grid-based crafting remains, though, that feels like a staple of minecraft to me.


  12. Totally love this.

    Just to point out, you wouldn't nessesarily need to implement seprate hitboxes for each part of the body.

    You could instead get a random chance to hit different parts of the body when you attack a player or mob.

    It's easy to smack someone in the chest, so you would hit that most often, but if you want to stab someone in the feet, crippling them, you'd need to get lucky.

    That way we could still have realistic healing and wounds, but we wouldn't have to drive dunk to suicide. Yet.

    Anyways, correct me If I'm wrong about how feasible it would be to code this.


  13. If we get a woodcarving mechanic, I'd like to see the saw being used to make slabs and stairs, and the possible carving (1-Cubit-Edit) functionality would be handled by the existing chisel, or shunted over to the knife.
