Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Azdoine

  1. The problem is that world wraps can't be spherical without a lot of glitches at the poles or an uncrossable border. Torodial wrap on the other hand is possible however but our worlds would be shaped like donuts.

    You could have a flat square, where crossing the border puts you on the other surface in a corresponding location.


  2. Why would cave ins give rock piles. Cobblestone is practically a rock pile, just not for storage. Make rocks place rock piles for storage and leave cobblestone as it is.

    But then you'd need some way to obtain cobblestone out of rocks...

    This has more ramifications than I thought of :P.


  3. Cleaning up spills or cave ins would be a mess, but imagine if creepers blow up cliffsides, you'd have a huge pile of liquid rocks everywhere... and how would you even deal with them? (ie, break them)

    You left click and pull the rocks out. Same way you break a log pile.


  4. It would make cave-ins a bit more dificult. Don't worry about how the game is now. It's a constant work-in-progress, and will continue to update in the future. Things are changing, I assure you.

    You're right, I didn't think about falling cobble...

    Can't wait to see these changes you speak of :3


  5. What if the cobblestone block was replaced with a rock pile, similar to the log pile? You would create it by left-clicking with a rock in hand, and it could store some reasonable number of rocks. The texture would be the same as before, and the type of stone would be decided by the kind of rock in the first inventory slot of the pile.

    When/if construction is implemented, you could combine rocks with mortar to make a block with the same properties as the old cobblestone (for structural purposes, it would be too easy too take down any building made out of rockpiles).


  6. Obviously it's not exactly the best media for producing sculptures.. but here's my attempt at a greek hoplite. The biggest limitation was that it couldn't be more than 7 blocks tall, or it would be too large to fit in my parthanon.

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Awesome design, but I'd make it all one color.

    Of course, that's just me :P.


  7. Unlike the rest of you, I actually think creepers are intresting. They pose a threat to your structures in a way that enderman really can't, plus, nobody knows what the fuck they are for sure. Not quite mysterious, but it's fun to guess at what they might really be.

    It'll be nice to see the devs take on Creepers :)


  8. Make stone indestructible to the bare hand (just like trees), requiring either a hammer or pickaxe to break.

    we plan on dumping the torches sorry, we're thinking of redstone as more of a late game luxury. You can certainly find it early on in cinnabar, but you won't have the means to use it. Buttons, switches and pressure plates will merely act as an on/off. They will, by default be off, and when activated, will allow any red stone current connected to them to connect to any other adjacent deactivated redstone wires. In the future of TFC, energy will be scarce, and you will have to engineer your own full scale energy generator to make use of redstone (We might make it more worth your while too)

    How will inverters work, then?


  9. o_o

    ...doesn't iron chests have vanilla recipes? No mod with vanilla items or crafting is compatible with tfc

    You can use copper chests though. And those are roughly the same size as a vanilla chest.

    EDIT: I don't actually use that mod with TFCraft, just for the record.


  10. Everybody seems to have a problem with how much room they need to store their stuff.

    But why do you need all that stuff to begin with?

    I don't have a warehouse full of wood. I have a grove that I harvest from when I need it.

    I don't have a warehouse full of stone. I dig it up when I need it.

    I don't have a warehouse at all.

    The only things worth putting in chests are items that can't be collected locally and easily.


  11. maybe a buff that gives a one-time per sacrifice amount of hearts more than max determined by a gem level (flawed, flawless, chipped, etc...)

    comment politely please...

    This thread and set of ideas was already shot down.

    would you guys just shut up already? religion will NOT be a part of TFC.


  12. i've seen a lot of threads and decent ideas utterly killed by the fact that dunk said nope

    is he like bioxx's right hand man or something? i just want to know why everything he says is treated like the words of a god

    sorry if i sound rude im just trying to clear things up

    Well, he is the other mod developer.

  13. -snip-

    Religeon is more than just flying, invisible men in the sky. It's deeply rooted in many cultures, and is the heritage of may people. Deal with it.

    Also, you seem to have more faith in yourself than anybody I've ever met has in their deity. You're also more deadset on convincing the world of your 'wisdom' than any preacher I've ever met either. This growing trend among atheists seems to be turning atheism into a religeon of its own. The faith of not haing faith.


    would you guys just shut up already? religion will NOT be a part of TFC.

    Thank you.

    Goddamit, /thread.


  14. I was having charcoal pit issues but I think I figured out that I needed to use logs and not planks. I just tossed some in so we'll see how that goes.

    I'm running into another problem now as I can't figure out how to make cobble. I've tried to craft the stones I find in 2x2 and 3x3 blocks but no luck thus far.

    Rocks can be placed as cobblestone. Just left-click.
