Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. Mod or addition to TFC

    In the end you are absolutely right. Of Course if any of us were to develop a mod we would do the way we like and since the devs are not getting paid to do it, we cannot say that they are wrong in implementing witch ever features they like. But for the love of god don't tell me you are not trying to achieve realism and at the same time you try to code TASTE into the mod. Many times I fell like We are being censor for the use of the world Realism. I would say that 90% of the people that came to this mod were looking for more realism. Again, I am extremely grateful to the Devs for the creation of this mod. They have every right to just say "I will not include this in the mod because I don't like the idea". I would only ask to stop the censorship of the word "Realism" on the Forum. Believable is just another word and a question of semantics.
  2. Make Stone Age Longer.

    Totally agree with you. I just wish some of the devs would consider this overhaul. In my mind metal tools just make the job easier and faster.
  3. Mod or addition to TFC

    I hate the idea of an addon that creates a stone wedge with the only purpose of bypassing the stone age. I would love to have the stone wedge added to the game and have the whole stone age redesigned. Like in my post The stone age was a lot richer than most people think. Ingenuous people were able to make a lot. Using only stone tools prehistoric man were able to wedge logs for planks and make houses with it, they made canoes and actual boats, they made doors and chests Using hot vapor they were able to bend wood to make several kinds of utensils. Here are some pictures and references: That structure was a water well around 5200 BC using only stones no metal. So yeah stone knifes can do a lot more than people think. This is a webpage describing a wood house in stone age circa 3200 BC some diagrams: I first got interested in stone age by reading the books by Jean M Auel, The Clan Of The Cave Bear. They are fantasy but they are backed by research and the descriptions of stone age achievements are very detailed. Archaeologists find submerged Stone Age settlement and 6,500 year-old boat in Denmark - See more Here One of theTechnicsused in stone age was to dugout a boat from a large tree log and then sew planks to the sides of the dugout making the boat higher and capable of caring more cargo.
  4. Corrupted Chunks

    My server is hosted and uses multicraft, so if deleting the region file fixes the problem, it will be easier for me. Thank you all.
  5. Corrupted Chunks

    I have some broken chunks in my server and they cause the server to crash whenever someone enters it. It's so severe that it clears the console and the server has a hard time restarting by it self. Most times I have to manually stop and start the server. Does any one knows a good tool that I could use to fix corrupted chunks?
  6. Torch Discussion

  7. Corrupted Chunks

    Thanks Kitty. I really appreciate. Will try the links.
  8. Add Slabs and Stairs as a Creative Block edited

    Edited the post using the word creative. Anyone who enjoys creating nice buildings in TFC for sure would like the ability to have those two blocks. Hopefully is not too late to have this added to B79
  9. Make Stone Age Longer.

    I loved to see other players like minded. Let me address each point: About wood, the crafting grid would not give you access to high tier wood constructions since they would need nails (metals) Native Americans had a process for curing leather using the brains of the animal. Is not the same as tanning but they were able to make clothes and get protection from the environment. The issue with pottery for me is that it makes no sense to go around caring a water jug. Yes on those ancient civilizations woman would go to the river with pots to carry water back to the house. It's not the same as water jug. The jug would be filled with water and be left under a wind shade place to cool the water inside. (As the water sip through the clay it evaporates and actually cools down the water inside.) The first water caring utensil was the water leather sac, made from the stomach of big animals and protected with leather. Edited the post, removed the non portable for clay. Have in mind that what I wish to discuss in this tread is the concept of making the mod longer. The merit of each individual thing is not the issue here. I like the idea of taking longer to get to top tier metals, but I don't like grinding stuff. I get bored easily so once I achieve a technology I want to move on.
  10. Make Stone Age Longer.

    Love the idea of really tall grass. Don't know if it should be everywhere, but it would be cool in a like jungle biome. We could add a machete toll and we would need to open a track in the field. As far as different metals for tools, The thing I miss more is speed. TFC adds a lot of durability as you go up on the tiers, but I think it should add more speed. For the amount of work and material used in high tier tolls I think it should give more speed.
  11. In my postTo Make Each Age In TFC Longer.I talk about how the game is kind of backwards now. We should explore more beforeestablishinga base. The idea is that once you have killed your first animal you should have everything needed to go exploring and collecting seeds and fruit tree saplings at the same time that you are looking for the ideal place to settle. I wanted to have some kind of camping setup that would keep you safe for the night. If it sets your spawn point or not it should be a option on the config file.
  12. New Torches and Light

    Question: If mobs are being pushed under sea level, and torches will go off by it self. Will I find the baseboard I my House in the dark and full of monsters? Will this feature make it impossible to have any construction under sea level? Would it then be possible to have monster spawning checking for man made blocks? So monsters would not spawn unless in smooth stone or dirt and grass?
  13. New Torches and Light

    thanks for the answer kitty. We can always count on you to explain how things work, I really appreciate.
  14. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverSchmac
  15. New Torches and Light

    Not sure how it really is going to work for the player. Its like the food and decaying. I use to be able to do a quick play on a coffee or lunch break, but since the new build I need 10 minutes just to get ready for playing. So no more 15 minutes playing. For the torches I think it will also make it impossible to live your character in a mine or cave. They keep saying that the mod is balanced for multiplayer, That means a server so the time does not stop. It's like, every time you log off you need to make sure you are in a safe place, otherwise when you log back you will be in a dark cave hundreds of blocks away from your base in complete darkness with no way of knowing witch way to go. Every time you go back to the server your base is going to be dark, since many days will have passed. One of the way many players mark the way when cave exploring is by putting torches on the right wall when going so to go back is just a question of fallowing the torches having them on the left. Not saying I am against the idea, I am just curious to know what kind of solutions the players will find. Fear of darkness is hard coded in the human brain.
  16. Canoes

    That's great thanks for the answer. Somehow I missed that point.
  17. Forests on the equator

    I love the idea of having actual weather in TFC. It's really amazing that Dunk is even considering picking up such major task. I can envision all the possibilities, like actual wind direction and crops wielding according to how much rain they got. The sail boat would need to be steer when the wind changes direction. My only problem with this is that I think is such a big project that it will not be ready for B79 and maybe it will be a few builds in the future. So we will have to live with the tree problem for a couple of years.
  18. Forests on the equator

    Since we don't have a moisture calculator and rain is global. Could we then have trees generating by Latitude? Like certain tree species would only spawn on a latitude range. One way or another even if is by a config option. I just feel that from +5000 to -5000 is too much land to be wasted on a server without any trees. Also it has no base on the real world. Hence the biggest forest in the world are at the equator. Id we had trees spawning by latitude range we could have a zone maybe corresponding to the horse latitudes that would have no trees, but no more than 1000 meters per hemisphere. I am no coder so there is no way for me to code this myself. The only option I have is to ask the developers. If you all think this is a feature that should not be added to the mod. Could we at least have it as a config option? I think most server owners would opt to have trees everywhere in their worlds.
  19. Forests on the equator

    Would it be possible them to tie tree generation to biome instead of temperature? We could have a check for temperatures too low so no trees on the frozen lands. If we have an actual desert biome we could have it generate mostly in the Horse latitudes. So the Trees would check first for biome and then for negative temperatures but not for positive temperatures. Gotta remember that deserts in Real life are hot because of the sand and rocks reflecting the heat. They also get really cold in the night time, because sand and rocks cool very fast.
  20. Add Slabs and Stairs as a Creative Block edited

    I have a server and I use prism for easy rollback in case of griffing. Neither prism or Worldedit recognizes stairs or slabs since they are not in the block list. I understand that to have those blocks available in creative would involve creating a texture and block id for each kind of wood and stone for half-slabs and stairs, but I really think is a must. Is really an issue when we advertise that we are using Prism and have the ability to roll-back griffin but cannot do it for half-slabs or stairs. I understand that it would be near impossible to have that capability for each possible chisel creation. That's why we ask only for half-slabs and stairs, since they are the most commonly used.
  21. Forests on the equator

    Thanks for commenting on the tread Dunk. Now what about the main question? Are we going to have the world generation fixed on the next build? Is kind of annoying to have no trees under 5000 z coordinates. Between north and south hemispheres it adds up to 10000 blocks. TFC uses a lot of wood. So to have an area this big without trees is a waste of resources on a server. Most people will choose to settle close to a forest so they have lots of wood.
  22. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverMINERGUY67880 andselectrix BTW nice Houseselectrix. Please register on the forum and participate.
  23. Slow down on animal model details

    I love Dunk's animals. If the new animals are going to fallow the same style they will be beautiful.
  24. Canoes

    For the canoes, would it be possible to add the feature of tying a rope to a fence post? The existing vanilla boats have the bad habit of wandering around so we can never make a nice port.
  25. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the servermwolfert