Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. Crops growing and Year length

    I changed the year length on my server to 360 days. Some of the players are complaining that the crops are not growing. I told them that crops would not grow on winter and only would grow on the right season. Not entirely sure if that's the case. The reason to change the year to 360 days was because some players only play on weekends, and they would loose the crops to winter. The question is: If I am on a non snow biome, lets say around 7000 z coordinate in winter and i decide to plant crops. Will my crops start to grow? Will they kind of wait for spring and summer?
  2. Add Slabs and Stairs as a Creative Block edited

    Decided to bump this tread since the main question has not been answered: Can we have half slabs and stairs as a creative block? Also can we have those blocs as retrievable blocks? Again only for stairs and exactly half slabs not partial slabs. I noticed in a creative world that world edit is unable to copy stairs or slabs.
  3. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverEsted Please register on the forum your opinions and comments matter.
  4. Books

    Your argument has some merit. Whenever I play on a server the phrase I hear more often is :"Can I borrow a saw?" So they can unlock the crafting grid and bypass the whole stone age. What I would like is to see more unlocking mechanics like the 4 wood blocks for the crafting grid. But following a natural development. I have a post about that hereand I think maybe books could be used as a symbol for obtaining the knowledge. If people on multiplayer want to bypass all that, all they have to do is to as a friend for the items to unlock the knowledge.
  5. Ideas about food preservation.

    You have good points there. As far as realism goes I was pointing that people were able to survive for the winter with partially dehydrated meat. The totally dehydrated meat or jerky beef was mostly used for traveling. When hunters had to go on expeditions they would make small wrappings of dry meat, fat and dry fruits. As far as game mechanics my suggestion was that no mater what kind of preservation you use food should not last more than one year. I know in real life grains can last for 20 year in a silo and dry meat lasts a long time. For balance and gameplay I think 1 year is plenty of time for food preserving. That said I also think that food preserving should be something easily attained. Since caveman was able to do it. Basic freezers were also used by caveman and I think they should be a part of the game as long as they are not something that can be exploited in summer. Yes the Egyptians hauled ice from the mountain tops to have ice cream, But that was for the nobles. As gameplay goes if you want to add a fridge made of red steel so that would emulate how rich you are, I would be OK.
  6. Books

    I Like the game mechanic of unlocking technology. In Real Life nomad population did not use much clay until they settle. Clay is heavy and breaks easy. Metal came after when people working on clay were able to smelt metal. What I think should be is a way to unlock knowledge. I don't like the idea of having to find a book on a dungeon. I prefer to have a table that I have to fill with different food, like to prove that I established my farms and I am settle. Once you meet some criteria you would get a book with the knowledge of metal working. If you think about is not different them the crafting grid that is unlocked by 4 wood blocks.
  7. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the servercorode12 please visit our forum.
  8. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    I love the idea of having colored glass in the mod And really appreciate the effort put into finding what kind of mineral should go into the composition to get each color. That said I cannot understand why do I get chastised when asking for the stone tools to need plant fibers to tie then to the stick. Suddenly I am asking for too much realism.
  9. Ideas about food preservation.

    One of the things to consider is that dehydrated meat does not necessarily mean Jerky beef. If you travel around the world you will find that there are many degrees of dehydrated meat.Jerky beef is one of the most extreme. You do not need to do it to that point to achieve preservation. There are several dishes on south america that use preserved meat. Usually cooked with beans. Some times with rice and beans all together and other times in a kind of stew. You will always love the food that you got used to eat in your childhood. So even after the invention of refrigerators people continued to eat sun dried met for the taste it has. One of the important aspects as far as gameplay goes and in a mod that tries to achieve believability is that we do not need refrigerators. People were able to survive very well without them for thousands of years. Most dry grains can last for a year without the need of any preservation. If you enclose grains in a air tight clay pot it will last for many years. Like 20 or more. Sun dry meat and fruits also will last for a long time. Cheese will last for years. The same goes for fruit wine. Also we have jams and jelly. One way to preserve meat is to lightly fry it and store it in a container full of fat. It lasts for a long time and is delicious. When is time to eat you just have to finish frying or cooking it. I hope the devs look for the way people around the world preserve food. America has been industrialized for so long that we are too far away from that kind mentality. When the native Americans killed a bison they would not turn the whole thing into jerky. Jerky was reserved for traveling. Most meat was dry but not to that point.
  10. Canoes

    Yeah I don't think The Ship should be slower than a vanilla boat. it would make no sense. Lets make the building of the ship as fancier as possible, but once we have the ship it needs to be piratical. I think the main usage for a ship like that would be to transport animals. Is the one thing you cannot carry in your inventory.
  11. Food Decay to Fertilizer

    Not really advocating the creation of fertilizer. I just wanted to correct the notion that meat would not be a good fertilizer. As for the bear, It was a planet animal special. If you search for Alaska forest, salmon and bear you will find on google. here is a site with a video. The bear needs to get ready for hibernation so it really needs to pack on fat and calories. Fish don't have many calories, so the bear will concentrate on the brain, eyes, skin and ovaries. The rest is discarded as some bears walk into the forest to eat they drop the remains with in turn fertilizes the forest. Many years ago people considered exterminating the bears to have more salmon. Today scientists realized that there is a balance between the salmon the bear and forest. No bear means no forest fertilization, no forest no streams, and no salmon.
  12. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    The town is looking really good. congratulations.
  13. Food Decay to Fertilizer

    rotting animal mater works as an excellent fertilizer. Native Americans used fish as fertilizer in harsh conditions, like growing in sand for example. Just a few weeks ago I watched a special about how there is a forest up north that is kept alive by the leftovers that the bears leave on the forest when eating salmon. Since the bears need a lot of calories to survive the winter they only eat the brains and eggs living the rest of the salmon to decompose and fertilize the forest. Off course a good fertilizer would be a mixture of all kinds of food and organic mater, and it should need some time for the bacteria to digest it and actually turn it into fertilizer.
  14. Canoes

    Love this idea. I think the first step should be the requirement of building a shipyard. That could be emulated by the necessity of a specific block that would touch the ship but it would not be part of the ship upon activation. Maybe some metal bracers that would sustain the ship out of the water, once the ship is build it would drop the ship into water.
  15. Body Temperature: Simplified

    In real life there are different races of cows for different climates. So we do have cows that are acclimated to cold weather and also for hot weather. The same goes for sheep, goats and horses. With that in mind The logical thing would be to either design different skins for the animals spawning on different biomes, or just to ignore the climate issue and have animals spawning everywhere. I personally don't think is worth the time to code different animals for different climates. If you see for today's perspective we have cows from Canada to Argentina. Before white man came to america there were bison from Canada all the way down to mexico. The main point for me is that there are adapted animals to every single climate on earth. So unless we add a dozen more domesticated animals to the game we should leave the existing ones spawning everywhere.

    Got same message just right now.
  17. Food Decay to Fertilizer

    It could also give a use for zombie flesh
  18. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverNinjamaskdude. Please register on the forum and make sure you have all mods and config files.
  19. Tofu and Soymilk

    I have no idea how tofu is made in real life. I think the soybean has to be ground in some step.
  20. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    For dynmap there is a kind of bug that requires you to select a player to show the map. As far as archimedes ships please go to the forum and present your idea there: Do a nice presentation and let's see what everybody else thinks.
  21. Sticks

    One solution would be to have trees producing nuts, cones etc that we could just right click. the same way we do for fruits on fruit trees. As discussed here This way you only need to break leaves if you need sticks.
  22. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

  23. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server. Zolarbear Lordkillerus
  24. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Very welcome to the serverLordkillerus . Visit our forum and register. also remember to get the modpack .
  25. Sugar from different sources (maple syrup, sugar beet)

    You right, that's why I was talking about adding sugar to more recipes. I agree that if is not added to new recipes it makes no sense in having more sources for sugar.