Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by TonyLiberatto


    When hunting for specific ores you really need to be smart about it. The ore is only going to spawn in certain stone types, and those stone types are only going to spawn in certain layers. So if you're looking for graphite, which spawns in most metamorphic stones, you should be checking both the surface and middle layers. Don't bother with the bottom layer because meta stone doesn't spawn there. So what you should do is run around on the surface until the rock layer changes, then run a little bit more to make it more likely that the middle layer changed too, then dig straight down to the middle layer for a core sample. If neither the surface nor the middle layer is a stone type that can spawn graphite, climb back up and start exploring on the surface again for a new surface stone layer because there is no chance that any graphite is in that area.

    Thanks for the tip. somehow I always have a hard time finding graphite. maybe it will be less hard now.




    And application examples are readily availible in history. You wouldn't use windmills or water wheels for a mine water pump would you?

    Actually yes I would. Water wheels were first used to pump water.

    Water pumps have been existent since 3000 B.C. Early pumps were made with water wheels and chutes, and used animals to provide the energy to move the wheels.

    • The Mesopotamians were responsible for the first pump around 3000 B.C. They used a wooden lever next to the water bank, with a counterweight on one end and a bucket on the other. When the pole was pushed down, the counterweight brought the bucket back up and it emptied into a trough.

      500 B.C.

    • Three pumps were invented around 500 B.C. They included the waterwheel with pots attached, a waterwheel with compartments for the water, and a bucket chain, which was a line that ran over a pulley with buckets attached.


  3. v Cooking Mechanics Overhaul (With Pictures)


    This tread is about how we cook our food with the additions of several cooking utensils and appliances.

    v  The Purpose is to have different cooking experiences depending on how advanced technologically you are.The 


    v Stone Age:

      Ø Firepit

    §   Is already in the game and you can cook your meat .

      Ø The Clay pot and Pan

    §  The clay pot :

    · Made in the kiln pit.

    ·  low durability (is made of clay) .

    · It gives you access to all recipes that require boiling or cooking on a pot.

    ¨ Cooking rice, boiling eggs and making a soup or stew.

    §  The clay pan or frying pan:  Made in the kiln pit

    · low durability

    · it gives you access to all recipes that require frying.

    ¨ Fry eggs, fry meat and fry bacon.

      Ø  The Clay Oven:

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    §  low durability

    §  low efficiency it  uses a lot of wood

    §  Can bake breads, pies etc…

    §  How to build      


     Made with 2 new blocks The Clay chimney block and the Clay oven block The Clay oven block requires at least one Clay chimney block connected to the back of the Oven. More chimney blocks can be added to the top of the first one. The chimney needs open sky to work

    using the clay forming GUI

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    Just place the Raw Clay oven:

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    Now Form the Chimney Like this

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    Place The Raw Clay Chimney behind the Clay Oven

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    Open the oven interface feed 16 logs and burn (requires right click with fire starter)

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    It will take 24 in game hours for oven to be ready.

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    v Copper Age:

    Ø Stone Stove:

    §  Made with 2 new blocks The stone chimney block and the stone oven block The stone oven block requires at least one stone chimney block connected to the back of the stove more chimney blocks can be added to the top of the first one. The chimney needs open sky to work.

    §  Middle durability

    §  Middle efficiency it consumes less fuel.

    §  It accepts wood and charcoal ( cooking with coal is not a good idea)

    §  Just light the oven and place your pot or pan over it to start cooking.

    Ø  Stone Oven:

    §  Made in a similar way as the stone stove it requires the stone oven block and the stone chimney block. If placed on either side of the stone stove it makes a combo and does not need its own chimney.

    §  Can bake breads, pies etc…

    §  Middle durability

    §  Middle efficiency it consumes less fuel and it burns longer.

    How to build:

    To build the stone oven you need a new tools the trowel and a new feature The masonry.

    Right clicking 8 or more rocks with a trowel on the hotbar and mortar on the inventory opens up a new GUI. In the example similar to stone knapping but instead of removing pieces you would be adding then.

    You have to create the oven block and the chimney block. see pictures.

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    §   Even though stone and oven are made of stone humans didn’t build then until they had metal tools to work on the stone.

    Ø  Historically stone stoves and ovens required a lot of maintenance since the plaster used would break down and result in a lot of smoke inside the house and heat escaping to the outside. For gameplay we can simulate that by a durability indicator.

    Ø  The stone stove and oven requires mortar in its creation and needs at least a copper chisel

    Ø Copper Pot and Pan

    §  The copper pot:

    · Made in the anvil using a metal sheet

    · Middle durability

    · Can Cook all recipes that require boiling or cooking on a pot

    ¨ Cooking rice, boiling eggs and making a soup or stew.

    §  The copper pan:

    · Middle durability

    · Can Cook all recipes that require frying.

    ¨ Fry eggs, fry meat and fry bacon.



    v Iron Age

    Ø The iron oven

    §  Made with 8 double ingots

    6 - Finally getting to the Iron Age we have first the Brazier. This is a portable indestructible block. It will provide Light and heat using combustibles even more efficiently.

    7 - The iron stove oven is what was used by our great grandmothers is cast iron but is a lot of iron. (Maybe a double block?) Again is indestructible but not portable. Very efficient it can cook everything and it will keep your house illuminated and warm for 24 hours with one load.

    8 - As part of the Iron Age we need iron pots and pans the main advantage is that they do not break. As far as cooking you can cook the same with a clay pot or iron pot.


    The main Idea for me is to make it possible for Steve to do basic cooking in all ages but having advantages in progressing technologically.

    I don’t know if we should try to advance this into steel age as is a very new technology and I think out of the game scope.


  4. I can only dream on all the devices that could be add to the game with the inclusion of the water wheel and the wind mill.

    The first obvious thing is mechanical power to grind grains and pump the bellows.

    I specially Like the idea of a Water pump. We are so pressed by the necessity of water that by the time we have the red steel bucket is kind of to late. We Have a beautiful base practically build inside the lake or river.

    So having the water pump in the mid game so is easy to move the base is a must.

    I don't think  the water pump should replaced the red bucket making it possible for people to live in the desert.

    If you want to go there you should need to move water using a pump and aqueducts. 


  5. Definitely not trying to hide statistics. Is just that is very easy to distort facts depending on the wording of the statistic.


    consider this from cavemen to today roughly 14 Billion people were born in this planet. We have 7 Billion people alive today.

    So I could conclude that only 50% of all the people ever born have die.

    In the sequence Maybe I will never die.


    I have no idea what the actual numbers are, but i think  we all would be surprised if we could see all the numbers divided into categories from totally intolerant passing to mild tolerant all the way to full capable of absorbing all the nutrients in milk. 

    since most pools are paid by someone with a agenda, be it the dairy industry or the natural options to it. I don't think we will ever know the truth of the issue.

    I just go with my guts. I am my family have all drunk milk since forever without any noticeable reactions. Most people I know are not lactose intolerant. I had travel to other countries (never Asian countries) with the same experience. most people drink milk and eat pizza with cheese. So unless you can tell me with certainty after visiting China (or if you are Chinese) that no one there drinks milk ever or eats cheese. I will say that the 75% is a gross exaggeration.


  6. Yes I agree with you. We need better ideas on how to implement clothing, specially how that is going to work with armor. 

    to simplify clothes would have to work as a skin (as far as coding goes) or we would need to have 2 slots for each body part one for the clothes and one for armor.

    Merging clothes and armor together is not a solution because you would have to create armors for cold weather and armors for hot weather.

    You have to remember that we have winter and summer so is not a question of just warm clothes you also need light clothes.

    An idea is to have armor not to interfere with body temperature ( witch is very unrealistic ). 

    Armor made of metal is hot on the summer and cold on the winter.


    As for the scraped hide this refer to the way cavemen first treat leather just by scraping the inside of the leather and removing unwanted hair read this

    Raw hide without any treatment will rotten in a few days.


    The history of leather has 3 basic stages:

    • basic scraped and stretched leather not very durable
    • scraped and stretched using the brains of the animal needs to be smoked to be waterproof 
    • tan leather 

  7. On the topic of chopping down trees I think a solution would be to have ax durability tie to how many logs it cuts down So this way at least you cannot cut down a whole forest with a stone ax. Always cutting down big trees from the top down. Is not very realistic but it balances the game.


  8. Since we ( I mean you guys) are in the process of changing the whole food and recipe coding, how possible it would be to change some foods to a new category as condiments or spices I have a hard time figuring people eating garlic as a meal. also we could have hot peppers and herbs. Although I am just so grateful to all of you who work so hard coding and helping with the mod that is hard to ask for more. 


  9. If your Z coordinate is 1318 or 150, and you are travelling East (meaning the Z coordinate stays the same, X changes) you spawned basically at the equator. You are only seeing dry plain because it's too hot for anything to grow there. The Z coordinate in TFC roughly represents latitude, with 0 being the equator and +/- 30,000 basically being the poles. 


    If you want to move to an area where trees and everything can spawn, and perhaps actually witness the seasons change and everything, you should head North or South into more temperate climates. I'd suggest a Z coordinate of about 8,000.

    I wish the equator was more closely related to real world since most of the rain forests are actualy located on the equator Like Amazonia, Congo, Indonesia and so on. Most of the deserts are actually on the tropics of cancer and Capricorn like north Africa and Australia.


  10. My opinion as 1 of the 75% of the world's population that is lactose intolerant.  Can't even eat a slice of pizza without getting the craps.


    If you're wanting to be realistic. I'd say on world gen, you're character rolls for a 25% chance of being able to eat dairy without adverse reactions.  Fail, and you are intolerant, period for that world.



    1 of the 75% ??? what are you talking about?

    There is a huge difference in statistics on a web page and real life. according to the wiki ""Lactose intolerance" primarily refers to a syndrome having one or more symptoms upon the consumption of food substances containing lactose. Individuals may be lactose intolerant to varying degrees, depending on the severity of these symptoms. "

    what they forget to say on all websites I visited is how many of that "75%" is totally unable to drink milk.

    Again on the wiki

    "Lactose intolerance can also be managed by ingesting live yogurt cultures containing Lactobacilli that are able to digest the Lactose in other dairy products. This may explain why many South Asians though genetically Lactose intolerant are able to consume large quantities of milk without many symptoms of Lactose intolerance. Consuming live yougurt cultures is very common in the South Asian population.[34] Lactose intolerance is not usually an absolute condition: The reduction in lactase production, and the amount of lactose that can therefore be tolerated, varies from person to person. Since lactose intolerance poses no further threat to a person's health, the condition is managed by minimizing the occurrence and severity of symptoms"

    Also cheese is one of the dairy products with the lowest content of Lactose, so unless you are totally lactose intolerant a percentage of the population a lot smaller then 75% ( read this you should be able to eat cheese.


  11. I think layering if ever added to the game will have to be done on the crafting of the piece.Like creating a warmer coat by combining 2 different coats into a improved one..

    I am not a coder by i think to add the possibility to wear clothes and then add more clothes on top of the ones you are already using would be too hard to code.  


  12. Goats have not been ruled out entirely because of milk. The argument is that if goats are added, and that they can be milked, it will have to be so that you cannot breed them. In this way, goats would be to cows as pheasants currently are to chickens.

    We have six different grains,10 different vegetables 9 different fruits and even a soybean alternative to protein . Why not two different animals to give us milk?

    In Real Life humanity has been making goat cheese for thousands of years. Goat produces less milk then cows but are more resilient, specially to hot climates and can eat almost anything.



    I mean, I got a pair of sheep once on a server, and I'd breed them, then they'd give young in around 1~2(real-life) days, so in less than week, I'd gone through a good 4~6 generations.

    While getting the animals initially is hard, breeding them is really easy, and if it takes one generations, it will have nearly no effect on the gameplay for animal care won't it? It'll be near-identical 'taming' the 'wild' animals we have now. Just find them and breed them.

    I don't know exactly how long is the new pregnancy for sheep but I think is close to one in game year.

    So suppose after exploring a lot you finally get a couple of cows (male and female) you have to wait one more year after breeding then and only if you had the luck of having a female cow to have milk. if you got a male you going to have to try again for a female.

    What I was proposing is the parents remain wild only the offspring is considered "domesticated" ( please note the quotation) remember you cant get even wool from wild sheep unless you kill it.


  14. I really like the idea of clothes. You also need clothes to protect your skin from hot sunburns.

    I agree with powerman on the need to use a needle and string but you should be able to make cotton string with a spindle.

    I love how we can use the spindle with wool to make string.

    It never made any sense for me to have to kill a giant spider to get string.


    This post is not to suggest Body Temperature. We already know is coming in the next release.Is about how it should be implemented:
    New blocks items and devices to help preserve body temperature raise it or lower it.
    I did some research on posts that already marginally talk about these ideas and will try to link to then.
    world generation :
    Ø   I should call attention to the fact that the equator is not a huge desert. On the contrary the equator is where all the rain forests are located: Amazonia, Congo, Indonesia and so on. Actually the biggest deserts are located on the tropic of cancer and Capricorn as North Africa and Australia. Note the red Line for the equator.

    Posted Image
    Ø  One other thing to consider is places like Alaska that are pretty up north but have huge forests and are rich in wildlife.
    Ø   That said I believe we should have some kind of disadvantages for people that want to live too much north or south also some kind of problems for living on the equator like too much rain ( I have a friend from Brazil that use to live on the Amazonia, according to him people use to set appointments as before or after the rain as it would invariably rain every day in early afternoon) or diseases. To be honest is a lot easier to live on hot places then on cold climates.
    Some suggestions for early game:
    Ø  Thirst aggravation:
    §  When over 35C the thirst bar would deplete twice as fast, so the player need to drink double the amount of water.
    Ø  Scraped Hide: this low quality leather would be obtained just by scraping a hide with a knife.
    §  Scrape Hide can be used to make a Cape and basic clothing (To keep game balancing you should not be able to make any kind of armor with it.
    §  Scrape Hide can be used to make tents for night time (especially when travelling) there is a tread about that Here
    §  Water bags: Heat will make you more thirst (historically the clay jug was never a portable thing as is very breakable) It should provide enough water for 2 days if no thirst aggravation.
    Ø  Heat Sources: There is a tread about that Here: any source of fire raises ambient temperature around then.
    §  Change Fire Pit to allow it to be fuelled for the night ( on single player if it gets too cold in the night you would wake up before morning, so no sleeping if is too cold.)
    §  Add stone stove and ovens (Again we need a way to fuel then for the night and on more advanced versions (cast iron stove and ovens) 24 hours stocking. Tread about that Here
    Ø  Hats: Anyone living on a hot weather knows how important that is: Maybe as a penalty for living in very hot biome any one without a Hat  under sunlight when over 35C (95F) would suffer slowness and have a thirst aggravation. The hat is not needed indoors or when mining.
    §  Straw Hat would be easy to make but not very durable.  It eliminates slowness from Heat. 

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    §  Leather Hat more durable No slowness and only half thirst aggravation.
    §  Leather Hat with cloth inside No slowness and no Thirst aggravation.
    Ø  Clothing and outfits: there is a tread about that Here
    §  An idea would be to have a way to create skins from inside the game ( no idea if is possible or how to make it work.
