Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by danagor

  1. Hello Forum, i made this thread because i had this idiea that sliuces couldn't detect ores above tier 0... so i made a test to see if that was true... I created a new world and made a 64 tall pillar since the Sluices detect ores 60m deep, then i made a small vein in the center of the pillar and surround it with raw stone (Gabbro) and made a sluice system (24 Sluices) and see if my theory was true... Found this: Sluices finds copper veins if they're surrounded with raw stone, doesn't count floor or ceiling... My guess is that higher tier ores have a slight less chance to be detected by the sluce... i was going to test with tier 0 ores but they do not appear on NEI so i can't test if the sluices detects other ores more easily... Found two bugs on the sluices: 1. Sluice dirt/sand count is off sometimes, when i check to see if they're empty the arrow is mid way to done but it freezes, and it marks as it is not, so they're empty but they don't seem to be 2. When a sluce is cheking for ores in this case Nat. Copper it gets the small ores but there's a chance that the ore that rest in the sluice UI become a stone knife... this bug can be caused because i did the test 64 blocks away from the floor so the sluices just detect the small vein i putted into a platform i made maybe it detects air as a stone knife vein??? So if this is true we can say that it is posible for the sluice to detect high tier ores if in range, but that might be bugged, also it is posible to have a infinite small ore production if you have some veins totally surrounded with raw stone... Posible exploit? don't know... i would love to test the rest of the ores but i don't see them on the NEI interface Opinions?
  2. Block Heads isn't ready either i'm using Jhon Smith ATM because is the onlyone up to date with 52e that i like (and is better than vanilla textures)... thou i really want to use either this or Block Heads
  3. Spumwack's Video Tutorials

    Hey awesome tip about making the tools in the anvil i'll use that formula seems very accurate LOL the basement part was funny keep up the fun work
  4. Sluice bugs and other stuff about it

    i have a bug really annoying, i started a new SMP world i got to the point where i create sluices, i made 6 sluices i split them in two groups one close to a Nat. Copper Vein and the other close to a Cassiterite Vein, here is what happens, at first i got a very nice ore yield on both groups, on the first round one of the sluices had 4 nuggets, and the rest just one or two, i picked up all the ore yielded... now on the second round, i get a max ore yield of 1 per sluice if any, but when i grab the ore and try to merge it whit the big stack, the ore i picked up is lost, the only way not to lose that ore is to put it in a chest and then close the chest, open it again and then merge the ore... So i belive that when the sluices get bugged they'r yielding this ghost ores, and because of that same bug any extra ore that the sluice could yield is lost, like overwriting on top of the first yielded ore and that makes the sluice yield just one ore at a time because it can't stack them... already updated my bug report
  5. Sluice bugs and other stuff about it

    Awesome thanks that's good to know
  6. Looks really nice i hope it gets updated soon since most of the other texture packs are good for build49x i'm going to have fun trying all out i can't wait
  7. Block Heads [0.79]

    i like this texture pack a lot will wait for the 52e update
  8. Hello i'm new on using these texture pack, first i want to say it is really nice i like it second i just installed it on 52e and i noticed that some textures don't match with the item i know this because i'm using NEI for example the bellows(thou i found a bellows later on with the proper texture) don't have any texture, nor the double ingots or the molds/calymolds, and the unshaped ores have the textures for the double ingots did i do something wrong on the install??? i understand that some textures are under dev. but i know the ones i'm mentioning are ready can anyone help me please thanks
  9. I'm a YT personality who wants to do vids for TFC

    Nice vids i just want to make a suggestion four your youtube channel, make a playlist just for TFC tutorials that way any subcriber will find what they want to see quickly, i often need to refresh my knowledge about something in TFC so if i want for example review how to make ingots i would go to you cahnnel, then to your playlist and re watch the video i need, all that = happy subcriber... remember being organized helps you and the comunity you're helping keep up the good work
  10. Spumwack's Video Tutorials

    Keep it up Edit: Awsome videos spumwank to the point exellent for new commers keep it up
  11. Sluice bugs and other stuff about it

    ok will do that... ASAP Edit: done made the bug report Edit #2: by the way is there any way to have all the ores in NEI??? i would love to do some tests whit thous
  12. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    This mod simply made us all forget what vanilla is!!! for all the hours of fun and all the love you're putting to this mod Thanks Bioxx and his Team you people ROCK!!!
  13. Food, how to survive until you can farm

    Nice guide also it is good that when you find a place to call home do not hunt the animals around unless you're like 500 - 1000 block away, that way you won't need to worry killing all the animals you're planing to breed later
  14. i have a local server i don't know if it acts the same way this server but for me is very stable in the new builds i'm using 52d right now... my world gen is from 51 thou i don't know if it is the same also i don't have death ban or anything just TFC and SM... hope it helps
  15. How SSP players should play?

    It is good to know these kind of things, as we are no programmers, some times we do not understand the dificulties that a developer may find and just talk like it was easy to do... Besides this is the programmer's mod he decides what's good and what not for his creation. As i said before i will respect your desition, and it's not going to make this shy guy stop playing TFC, if i have to adapt i will because your mod is fun and surviving is all about adaptation anyways so that makes TFC more interesting i might do some new friends on the way Hey as long as you don't abandon TFC i'll be happy you're doing a great job and that's something i belive everyone reading the forums and palying your mod agrees so keep up the good work and thanks for taking the time to hear (err.. read ) and respond to what we think
  16. List of bugs for beta 2 build 52

    A stack of gold pans used on gravel/sand fills all of them... so if you use the stack will count as one gold pan used on a sluice but say you have a stack of 4 and fill them stacked and then separete them and use them individually you get an exploit there... So use stacked, you get the gravel on the pan, then put them individually on your inventory and you have 4 full pans for the price of 1
  17. I'm a YT personality who wants to do vids for TFC

    Wow gotta say that's a really cool vid Welcome to the Comunity hope you can bring both newcommers and usefull tutorials to TFC looking up for your series, i'm heading on youtube and subscribe! PS If i can help in any way just say it i'll be honored
  18. [TFC B72] MAtmos Configurations

    Can't hear the birds or the crikets just wind blowing :S Nevermind i made it work... thou my game crashed while testing... i will test some more tomorrrow, need to sleep have fun
  19. How SSP players should play?

    Well i hear all of you i LOVE TFC i mean if they would have like shirts and caps i would have hundrends of them i belive that this mod is really awsome i don't even find vMC fun anymore is just dull for me now, and i have been playing it since direwolf made the review and that's a long shot before Agriculture was done, i played SSP because that's how i like to play because i'm a shy guy and MC for me is like a relaxing place i love to go... blah blah blah... the point i want to get here is that i like SSP, now TFC has Agriculture and i got really exited about it!!! and now with the sizes and all the new stuff i mean COME ON Bioxx ROCK BABY!!!, the thing is that crops take a little too long, and animals a little too long to reproduce since everytime i turn off my PC in a SSP world well time stops in MC... Create a local Server and play alone is the "Solution" turn it off and on anytime while at work, etc... that makes the waiting a little bit less tedius in a way but even thou it's quite a long time to wait + i'm leaving on my pc 24/7... why not making a little tweak where we can make the crops and breeding a little less time consuming, like dificulties for it that, or maybe shorter years, etc... would be awsome both in SSP and SMP so if you are like me a shy guy you can play MC like there's no tomorrow and enjoy a delicious onion+tomato+rye salad and some nice lemons on the weekends or if you have a lotta friends + time during the week go ahead and play SMP... That's it nothing more... If Bioxx changes that, hell i'll be the happiest TFCrafter in this forum, and other people too, if he doesn't well i guess i'll keep playing TFC without enjoing much of the agruculture/breeding/fruits system and eat meat, fish, cactus?! whitout complaining... So no hate, i just think a little tweak here and there won't harm anyone at the end of the day we love TFC
  20. hello i want to join but i see the server is offline or closed
  21. How SSP players should play?

    Thats good to know thanks tho you should mention that somewhere in the wiki or something should be helpful for any newcommer abd keep up the good work
  22. How SSP players should play?

    I'm trying to log into that server but seems to be closed thou i'll keep trying thanks
  23. Happy Birthday Bioxx!

    Happy B-Day B-Man hahaha enjoy your cake, sorry i'm late but better late than never right?