Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Jed1314

  1. I can see why it bothers you, but unfortunately, Cevkiv is right. If we don't regulate this, people will abuse it as an excuse to grief. You can still have unplanned battles and such. The only thing you have to plan is sieges to allow block destruction.
  2. Ore visibility/distinguishability

    Because he's an ass. The majority of his posts are just made to troll people, so it doesn't surprise me
  3. What Am I Gonna Do With You?

    That is the first (and probably last) time I will ever use that meme
  4. The talk of *shudder* pony dragon interbreeding (the image of "Threading a needle with a water bottle" was particularly lovely Eternal -.- ) or the original (and sensible) suggestion of hunger increasing when you stand still ?
  5. Combat Overhaul cont. (2/3)

    You never know .. We appear in the strangest of places ¬.¬
  6. Nice job !!! That application form is probably the nicest one I've seen I'll add it to the OP right away (though it will be getting spoilered until the 27th ) I will add an idiot check Also, consider your application accepted Also, I have been considering your flavour texts, and ECC's application gave me a great (I think it is anyway ?) idea. Not only will it give the land an interesting lore, it will also explain new arrivals. The castaway stipulation stands as before. How about a "lost island" concept though ? That would be more than adequate to explain away the numerous (and often conflicting) origin stories for peoples characters. I know this might not be desirable from a realism standpoint, but it actually ultimately requires less suspension of disbelief than other possible solutions.
  7. Why isn't minecraft as awesome as this ?

    Hmm .. Well I have tormented myself by looking over some of the user creations. You should see some of these ! I have actually done a SWOT analysis on the game (SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats - It is a management technique and is pretty useful for situations like this, it's pretty self explanatory) Strengths - Better graphics than most competitors World gen is much nicer (not just graphically, slopes etc. improve appearance) than most others Diversity of block choices in terms of shape Weaknesses - Still in early development, so missing many features There has already been one "memory scare" where the game was crashing due to running out of memory. This could re-appear as the game seems fairly resource intensive Control system is apparently more complex than other games in the genre Practically unknown to the gaming community Opportunities - Early in development, can avoid mistakes made by other games in the genre Many older minecraft fans are disenfranchised with the basic game, most play heavily modified games, potential market ? Could make the game more open to modding than others, modding community really brought life to minecraft despite obfuscation. Without these barriers, innovative mods would be easier. Threats - Could easily be labelled a minecraft clone if it does not keep away from well known minecraft tropes (zombies seem to be voxel industry standard mobs now) Small customer base, could potentially simply "disappear" Only one programmer, workload may be too much I know most of you won't have cared about what preceded there, but it is an interesting technique for analyzing early stage concepts and assessing their viability in the world at large. I feel that the game could be a success, but only if it is done right.
  8. Nice ! I love ERBoH I know that he is made to look younger by his team of PR guys, but I enjoy mocking him for it too much to stop That is some inspiring scenery you have there my friend !
  9. Why isn't minecraft as awesome as this ?

    If porting TFC to it were an option, I would be over the moon. I fear that, right now, that wouldn't be possible even if Bioxx wanted to as a lot of the basic engine features aren't there (might be wrong though )
  10. Old flames

    I understand it takes much zombie farming, or good luck in the dungeons
  11. Old flames

    I miss the fire also .. It would lend a nice aspect to war as well (although sadly, this goes hand in hand with making griefing easier :S)
  12. Combat Overhaul cont. (2/3)

    Nobody played it with me when I was younger either I only started when I got into uni :L
  13. JohnSmith TP - Anyone willing to port ?

    That would be awesome o.o
  14. Haha I don't think you'll ever win that argument. Do you remember the nineties and boybands ? Just wait till they grow out of it
  15. Arrests

    It is a thin line. I am setting up an RP server and I have faced that challenge myself. It's very much a contextual situation. I have opted for making non faction sponsored theft bannable, making thieves agents for hire. They are still punishable by law if faction sponsored, but it is fully allowed and encouraged as a method of subterfuge and "hidden warfare" This is a prime situation where I would never ban the player, but imprisonment would be useful
  16. Arrests

    It's more about the RP aspect of actually gathering up a posse and tracking down a criminal to beat them into submission (though I admit, this could be done without this mechanic, it would just be a bit more awkward at the end when you have to tell the guy to go to prison from his respawn ) Respect for the pvprp server playing by the way As far as the additional features go, I would like to see a balance between them.. I think the whole dragging thing is too difficult to be feasible, but if it were easy to implement in a form, I don't see why not ? Everyone seems to be a cynic these days Fair do's .. I think I attached far too much "snideness" to your comment, which is why I brought you up on it mainly. I've not really seen your interactions on this forum that much, so I don't know what tone to expect from you You put forward a very reasonable point, and I would certainly rather see IRC put forward their opinions than not The staff comment is very true also .. You are a thoroughly reasonable person, sorry if I came across as angry
  17. That doesn't surprise me. Have you seen the boy ? He's nearly (8 months younger seemingly) the same age as me, and I feel compelled to refer to him as a boy. It doesn't look like he has a lick of facial hair, he's built like a house made of twiglets and, to top it all off, he sings like a prepubescent girl. Perhaps he is castrato .. That would make sense.....
  18. Arrests

    Also, if you guys on the IRC feel this way, why not come and tell people that, instead of (as you said) "chuckling" at them ? Your word carries a lot of weight here as a member of staff. If you really think something is stupid, tell people. Don't just sit and laugh about how stupid you think it is. I'd rather be told an idea was stupid early than spend hours working on it with others, then be told it is stupid as we begin to resolve it.
  19. Tree Grafting

    I live in Scotland, which isn't far from France really Hmm .. I don't have much of an interest in horticulture or agriculture to be fair, so I suspect that is why
  20. Really ? That seems ridiculous for a mod intended to be an API :S Some people *shakes head*
  21. I appreciate the effort mate I can make do with player co-operation. Hopefully by the time the server is whitelisted, there will be a disapproval of players who don't obey the rules Oh, sorry for reacting so badly I don't like people twisting my words, and I thought that was what you were doing :L In that case, thanks
  22. It wasn't a poker face, and I don't much appreciate my words being twisted to imply something about my opinions. I told Arthur the same thing I told you. If you think that reflects on the quality of his work, the same reflection would apply to yours and mine as well, seeing as I have said nothing about it in comparison to the other two. I'm not snide enough to make a comment like that
  23. Arrests

    This suggestion isn't just about dealing with griefers. The ban function wouldn't be removed and people like you could easily get rid of them with that. What about those of us who like RP servers ? This suggestion would be a total boon in the form of a sensible method of law enforcement. We (or at least I) don't want to ban players for raiding one another and destroying each others town (if done in a proper RP setting), but I might want to punish them in a semi realistic way (which also allows their mates to break them out). You (and Crysyn I suspect from his cynicism regarding the suggestion) evidently don't play a style of game which would be suited to this, but that doesn't mean it is a stupid or invalid suggestion. Just saying, there's room for more than one playstyle in this game ¬.¬
  24. I want to give Danny a chance to submit one (as I think he expressed a desire to) before I pass comment on any of them
  25. Specified World Gen.

    Aw man .. I just got a look at that there .. It's awesome ! Could it be re-jigged in any way to generate similar worlds for TFC ?