Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Jed1314

  1. That would be awesome ! If I could designate which deaths resulted in a ban it would make things much easier. All I would have to do then was unban players if they were deemed to be unconscious as opposed to dead Thanks a lot man
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I agree, I just wanted to give a better reason than "I have reasons" :P
  3. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    In the nicest possible way .. I don't think I could move somewhere without universal healthcare, even if it means higher taxes
  4. A surprisingly likely scenario Players have individual freedoms (unless they sign contracts to invalidate those freedoms) so they are already allowed to leave a kingdom if they wish Nice investigation of the potential hazards of losing a war :L I would certainly demand tribute from the loser if I had been the victor :L Another potential route is to force them to become part of your civilization, losing their autonomy as a town, but keeping their lives Yet another option would be to force them to become your vassal. Subservient to you, but still with the majority of their autonomy .. The potential for political interactions is almost endless in the framework set out for this server If your former king regards you as a criminal, but your new king shelters you, the only method of your former ruler extracting justice would be assassins or negotiating with your new king for you Assassins - Should they be able to knock out people for kidnapping too ? Haha
  5. Crime is handled on a server wide basis. You have the right to enforce your own laws and such, but the fundamental crimes of the server (murder and theft) are tried at a non aligned court, with a jury member from each faction (where possible). Basically, we will let you try your own criminals for everything but those two, and those two are done this way because they can also be griefing issues, so require admin input Other than that, you can do whatever you want .. You could even run a dictatorship where using any words that begin with the letter "t" is a crime worthy of the death penalty (should you feel so inclined ) I won't pass comment on your story yet, as I want to see if any others appear, so we can all can compare them side by side without any previous assessment
  6. volcanic forgeing and smithing

    Haha ! It's been at least several months for me .. Which is a poor show on my part :L Hmmm .. I too wish I had so many busts to attend to I needed a schedule .. Perhaps one day ....... A man can dream !
  7. The ship was rocking violently in the storm. Lightning streaked across the sky, followed by the deafening boom of thunder. You, along with the rest of the crew, are still out in the rain, which falls with such force that you are sure it will break the skin soon enough. Suddenly, the captain shouts. His voice is drowned out by the wind and the rain. You see him drop to the deck and grab ahold of the ships rail. Before you even understand what has happened, an almighty crack sounds. You are thrown off your feet. When you awake, the storm has cleared. The ship sits, half sunk on a rocky bank. Nearby, you can see the shore of a distant, unfamiliar land. You set off for the shore. Your only goal: To survive as best you can. That is my flavour text segment
  8. There won't really be an executioner per-se .. We can sort out these details when the server is actually running
  9. Yep, that too. Anything you want, as I said. The proposal for the punishment will come during the trial.
  10. Sounds good. To be honest, you can give anyone any punishment for a crime, so long as the jury and judge pass it For example, you could condemn a failed assassin to wear fluorescent pink clothing for the rest of his life. The justice system on this server should be very flexible
  11. Ok, added section to OP regarding agents. All other issues will be tackled when we start the server, as I think we have covered the big things Agents: Any agent recruited must be given a contract. If 1.3.2 support is live, contracts will be written books containing the following info: The name of the agent, the faction who recruited him, the payment offered and the job requested. Here is a sample contract for an assassination on me: Agent: Darkblade42 Hired by: The Resistance Job: Assassinate Jed1314 Payment: 3 chickens and a block of dirt There are 3 types of agent - Thief, Assassin and Mercenary Thief - Stealth agent. Can steal items from other factions. Not allowed to kill. Assassin - Stealth agent. Can kill specified targets. Not allowed to steal or kill anyone other than target. Mercenary - Not stealth agent, has same rights as a faction at war with the target faction, but is controlled by the customer. Example: Mercenaries could be used to ambush a trade caravan of an ally who is growing too powerful. They could even be used to lay siege to a town with a big enough force. All agents must carry their contracts at all times. Stealth agents are allowed to change their skin to blend in with the faction they are infiltrating. Mercenaries aren't allowed to infiltrate factions, but can wear any skin apart from their targets (framing other factions anyone ? ) Also, radically restructured the OP to make it less "wall of text-y".
  12. Specified World Gen.

    I'm not a particularly good internet denizen .. I also know next to nothing about LoL .. Including what it is.
  13. TFC's End: Greek Underworld

    Pretty much.. That being said .. I never really got into the whole internet thing of casual racism, so I rarely need to try and avoid offending people. I've also given up talking about religion and politics because I've come to the conclusion I will never convince anyone who disagrees with my views to change theirs, and if they already agree, you just spend like 2 hours agreeing on things, which isn't really a discussion It suddenly got a lot easier to make friends on the internet when I stopped talking about such deeply personal things
  14. Specified World Gen.

    Oranges sure are delicious ...
  15. TFC's End: Greek Underworld

    It was a joke, needn't worry I don't much support political correctness either, but you'd be a fool not to obey in certain circumstances..
  16. Specified World Gen.

    Well .. If I have other possessions, why are we obsessing over the lemons ? Fuck lemons .. I have oranges in my fridge Life can take it's lemons and shove em :L
  17. TFC's End: Greek Underworld

    Haha Is that followed by a splat as you are crushed by the nearest athletic ethnic minority ?
  18. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I'm seriously considering emigrating myself ... Of all the countries I have been considering, Canada is the most appealing .. I love skiing and hiking, and I need a decent climate. Australia is way too hot and everything out there is trying to kill you and I am unilingual (the shame !) so I couldn't really move to Germany
  19. TFC's End: Greek Underworld

    I know that feeling .. This is a public forum after all .. So you are correct. Ignoring political correctness is something to do in the privacy of your own life
  20. Combat Overhaul cont. (2/3)

    DnD is a great basis for a lot of creature and player based overhauls I don't really know where this thread is going, we're in limbo right now because it has been pretty well explored ..
  21. Decided to save reading this until the underground mine sections were finished as well .. Wow ! That is an awesome guide man I don't know how much I can use it (I'm a medieval guy myself, so no BC ) but I don't even care, it's just really interesting ! +1 !
  22. TFC's End: Greek Underworld

    Yeah, even in 1337 5|034|<, many people can understand you We had best avoid things like the n word .. Political correctness and all that -.- (God, that was depressing. I hate political correctness with a firey burning passion )
  23. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I'm not surprised you have a connection to Scotland Dunk You live in Canada right ? My family actually goes back to Ireland on my grandfathers side .. I think I'm a 3rd generation Scot Arthur, I'm honoured you're so interested in my home It's a beautiful country (even if I don't get to see the beautiful aspects that much )
  24. Tree Grafting

    I feel the same .. Why did this never filter through to me before now ? o.o
  25. Specified World Gen.

    I would probably give this advice to anyone: If life gives you lemons, fuck lemonade. Brew a lemon wine and drink away your sorrows, after all, if you only have lemons, what do you have to lose ?