Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ThinkTank

  1. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Unfortunatly I'm imagining that they are getting told exactly the same thing by the makers of the other major mods. Really, any mod team would do well to have a 'compatability' guy or two, just to focus on keeping up with the communitys favoured mod combinations. If only so the ones developing the mod wouldnt have to spend time on such things.
  2. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    If your stuck on Redpowers generation I would think about just disabling it. Theres no real need for volcanoes, TFC worlds are pretty good for lava and basalt. Metals wise we are good aswell, Its the nikolite for blulectric stuff thats going to be the main thing there, Not sure if you could have one of the less used TFC ores produce nikolite dust if the Devs dont want you messing with TFC code. How TFC would handle its finite water with redpower pumps & grates though might be a bit strange. Can see why your working on the Thaumcraft world gen though, the vis crystal ores and aura tick are pretty much indivisable from the mod as a whole. Might want to hit up Marcopolo from better ore distribution as well as the TFC devs. Personaly from experience choping and changing mods with TFC, its always been TFCs unique worldgen thats been the main stumbling block for any other mod which needs nonstandard materials. Although a few times it was issues with Chests that did it more recently.
  3. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Intrested to see this patch in action. Compatability is a great goal for the larger mods, even if some of them arnt for everyone its nice to at least have the option to put them together with TFC. Good work.
  4. [b71] Crash: Null Pointer->WorldGenTFC->CreatingOreVein

    no idea, I'd recommend just putting it out there that for now the newer versions of optifine + TFC is a no no.
  5. [b71] Crash: Null Pointer->WorldGenTFC->CreatingOreVein

    Tested and confirmed. Versions of optifine after D3 cause the latest build (72) of TFC to memory leak hard. Versions of forge make no noticable diffrence.
  6. *Cough*
  7. TFC (b72) crash when generating new chunks

    Ditto this above crash report, minus mods. Was running with only: forge player api universal 1.2 optifine HD Ultra D7 Symptoms I had where a 5min or so DOWNLOADING screen during world generation, followed by 99% memory use for the first 5min of actual playtime, running at about 1fps. Then java runs out of memory. Somthing in the world gen seems to be leaking memory all over the place with this last update.
  8. Huge Mountains

    nope, was just a tumblr image hanging around. I'd ask the voxelbox team, the big crater map was one of theirs, and I'v made similar useing the voxelsniper tools.
  9. Huge Mountains

    The map height was generaly a bugbear on this one, but could be partialy solved by increasing the size of extreme mountain areas and evening out the slope upward across miles, with vertical 'no dirt' stone cliffs toward the end when the blocks reach a certain z level, and snow blocks when it reachs the final z level. While still small, and still a bit odd when put next to the larger 4 block trees of TFC, it does offer somthing which doesnt involve trying to 'fix' minecraft worlds height limits.
  10. Complicated maybe, but good (as long as finding ore can become more standerdised by the time your emergant civilization has moved on from beating pigs to death with rocks and is reaching desperatly toward its own little industrial revolution), I think that arguments regarding 'this is to much work, not enough fun' could be worked out by introducing later devices which simplify the whole process, but require you to do a bit of work to get there. Thus players are rewarded for their troubles with what they were after, and easyer ways of getting what they were after. I would like for large scale mines to still have little bits of ore in them even after they have officaly 'dryed up'. As always, when mucking about with ore gen, remember that a large vein needs to be large enough to justify expenditure in materials to create a mine to dig the stuff out. (the 'rails aint cheap' argument), so having a huge cloud of 'little bits of ore' giving rocks around the vein itself goes some way toward providing for that, as with a area that size to hack happly away at a shaft mine is entirly worth the effort. Generaly I find that I need all that ore for use in other mods, which are very metal hungry, also as above, to support the construction of a shaft mine to make getting the ore out from bedrock level less of a slog.
  11. Huge Mountains

    With Bioxx talking about terrain generation, thought I'd bump this up to the top for a while.
  12. Fireplace/Hearth Multiblock

    A suggestion for a multi-block structure, the hearth or fireplace. This is mainly an idea to connect with previous ideas on the forum about temprature, cold and taking damage/slow effects from getting to cold. It also takes into account a more advanced cookery and brewing. Function: Primary - fixing or increasing the temprature of a X/Y/Z block of the world for a long period.Secondary - cooking food faster or with greater efficiency than a firepitTertiary - can be used to brew like a cauldron/brewing stand.Construction: firestarter/flint&steel on the log pile activates the multiblock GUI. This turns the log pile into somthing like this: possibly it could also create a more shaped fireplace mouth, but not a necessity. somthing like this for the GUI, the secondary slots being for pans (food) and pots (liquids), much like a hammer is required for an anvil. Considerations: No longer allow food to be cooked in forges, trying produces a generic 'burnt/spoiled food' item.Require a metal grill (baking) or metal pan (cooking) to be added to the GUI to activate the cooking function.Require a ceramic pot (stews) or metal kettle (brews) to be added to the GUI to activate the brewing function.Cannot be used to heat metals or be used in forging, but doesnt burn up wood as fast as a firepit or forge.Of course its true purpose is only really effective if cold/winter conditions were dangerous to the player.
  13. Anvil molds : place and fill

    misc thoughts: maybe require metal bonding/welding to take place in the metalurgy table, and require the liquid ingots to be surrounded by clay/sand/flux in order to bond correctly. I'v always kinda wanted a liquid metal, finite liquid block. Or at least to have a pouring animation between blocks that has a thin stream of white hot metal spitting sparks all over.
  14. Fireplace/Hearth Multiblock

    I would prefer stuff to be functional, but as a purely aesthetic block I'd agree that a portal code re-write that replaced the log blocks with a new animated 'burning pile of logs' block when lit with a flint & steel would do it. Indeed you could simply make log piles in general turn into 'burning pile of logs' blocks when lit on fire in any situation. Quick textureswap code or the like. Depends if the devteam would be intrested in spending time on this sort of feature if it lacked function.
  15. Writing/Paper/Books/etc.

    http://www.minecraft...-magical-books/ The storage bookshelf and its filling texture changes are intresting.
  16. Fireplace/Hearth Multiblock

    the idea is to provide an upgrade from the firepit once the player has moved up from log cabins and mudhuts and starts building in stone. It also would be a fire heat source that doesnt chew through wood as fast as the firepit, so you can keep it burning far longer befor you'v deforested half the map. To counter this benefit, it wouldnt be able to reach tempratures that can smelt metal, but rather it would be used for food and brewing (and of course keeping you from freezing to death in the winter, but world temp is a whole other issue). While smoke, as a finite liquid block with its gravity reversed, might be intresting, I believe its already been mentioned elsewhere.
  17. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Heh, how about the barrel once it detects being filled with new brewed beer, will count down the number of minecraft days it remains untouched and at a cool temprature. every X number of days it increases the 'toxicity' level. For every level you stagger about with blurry screen effects for longer. Eventualy the 'toxicity' reachs a level where it just plays the bed animation as you fall over and pass out for a while. Good times.
  18. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Hurrah! my giant dwarven waterwheel powered distillery creeps ever closer to actuality.
  19. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Beer needs: BarleyYeastHopsBarrelsBeer Glassfun extras: finite liquid beerbrass/copper pipesbrass/copper vats
  20. Forests,and how i think they should be

    How do you get rid of that altitude wind noise effect for matmos? Im getting sort of tired of having a howling wind in my ear because TFC worlds ground level is what matmos considers halfway to space.
  21. Sewers

    Important to note, that the romans didnt live in a world where the living dead rose every night to devour the living, or one where exploding plant creatures suddenly pop out of thin air behind you every few hours. Poisoning from lead pipes aint exactly high on the ol' prioritys list here is all Im saying.
  22. Forests,and how i think they should be

    Thought I'd stick this here for future referance.
  23. Redstone (And How It Should Work)

    There was also this mod, for purely cosmetic purposes. http://www.minecraft...ered-onoff-413/ However, as the mod author says, you can adjust the size and speed of the rotating images already though key commands. If the speed command could be given to it via other connected rotating entitys and connected blocks that produce mechanical energy units, then translated into mechanical power units for blocks which use those units when in contact with them, you might have somthing there. Although water flow and wind power might be an entirly diffrent matter. This is more about translation from one multiblock machine to another and gearing rather than production, you'd still need BTW style mobile entitys for that.
  24. Sewers

    If I recall, Finite Liquid did much larger waterpipes than I'v seen used in say, buildcraft. I rather liked the look of them, they'd suit a smaller town sized sewer or pumping system. Of course if we are really delving into this matter, you might want to think about a sewage liquid block with the same movement properties as lava. Might want to bug djoslin about the sourcecode.
  25. Redstone (And How It Should Work)

    Essentialy it works a little like buildcraft but without object transporting pipes. Pumps when powered suck up waterWater fills up the boilerFireboxes heat up the boiler and produce steamsteam is piped into the pistonsthe pistons animate and turn the gear pipe thingsthe gear pipe things can be connected up in series to provide mechanical powerso far it seems to only provide mechanical power to the motorthe motor then produces universal eletrical energy, which can translate to redpower, buildcraft and industrialcraft devices.All very neat, the animations could be smoother and the GUI interfaces could use some polishing, but it all works fine in 1.4.2 and doesnt seem to be physicaly incompatable with anything in TFC. Overall if the mods gear pipes eventualy can apply mechanical power to other devices, rather than just use it to produce eletricial power, might have a great number of other applications. Such as connecting up waterwheels, or powering bellows for bloomerys and blast furnaces. This mod and Railcrafts steam boiler and steam turbine are the first power sources for mechanical and eletrical energy that doesnt seem to weird for minecraft, (like solar power or disel engines). I mainly prefer this mod to buildcraft, because the autoquarrys and item transporting pipes have never really appealed to me for addition to a TFC world. It could do without the circuit boards, but cant have everything.