Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Xechon

  1. Jumping up and placing a block under yourself.

    I like this. It would make it so the best you can do without long-term planning and work, is a lean-to, or a covered up cave (we need caves), or maybe a pile of sticks. Some call me a masochist. I call myself a simulationist.
  2. Natural disasters

    Right, I'm just giving facts for observation and elimination. However, I would like to note that you shouldn't build on sand, unless it doesn't rain or sandstorm. I would like to see 2 new stats for blocks: weight and strength. In reality, there are 3 types of object strength, compression, expansion, and shear. However, for the sake of the mod and everyone's fps, 1 value could approximate the general resistance to breakage of an object (strength), and stronger objects would hold up better to these disasters, with the exception of earthquakes, which would actually reverse this. Ex.) Stone would be stronger than wood, and hold up better to tornadoes/hurricanes/sandstorms, lightning storms, etc., but would break easier to earthquakes than wood. For more proof of method, think of the air "block", but IRL (using game terms). Strength .0001 (meh, arbitrarily small number to account for air resistance). In storms, the air "blocks" are easily moved. However, earthquakes effect the earth a lot more than the air, because strength is reversed. Rambling now, sorry.
  3. Natural disasters

    You are quite right. Flexible supports, such as isolated bearings, are good at allowing the structure to move with the earthquake, therefore causing less damage to the structure itself. Securing any heavy items to the floor and walls also helps to keep weight more uniform while the building is moving, and in turn prevent people in said building from getting crushed by a sofa. I can't seem to find it, but I remember hearing how some buildings in japan were supported on giant spheres (what did you think I was going to say *eyebrow raise*) so that the buildings could move freely with the ground with their frequent earthquakes. However, these are pretty advanced supports, and I don't know how they held out in the big one.
  4. Natural disasters

    I say, don't hold back developers. Hit me with every problem you got, and when I fail, I feel accomplished to get as far as I did. When I succeed, the joy gained from the process is many times that of any easier way. When a (very rare) disaster occurs and destroys all of my progress so far, assuming I haven't died (always play on hardcore), I rebuild. It's difficult, but very rewarding, and I am willing to put up with any amount of disaster, grief, or even needless repetitiveness to have a fun, rewarding, and believable system to play in. Also, you would have some control over the disasters. Location, support, bunkers, etc. can all affect what disasters, how often, effect you how much. And when worst comes to worst- live underground, or in a mountain. Earthquakes will still get ya, but not anything else, and you can just collect what is salvageable and dig a new hole.
  5. Natural disasters

    Remember: Losing is FUN!
  6. Trees That Grow

    This is good, and with the growing times, sequoia and kapok could possibly have saplings. Just be careful what you ask for, as trees take many, many years to grow to a log-able level. Also, I just want to say, make slimmer trunks for smaller trees please, like the fruit trees. And I used to think that fruit trees were just random dead trees laying around. Just sayin'.
  7. Smart Movement

  8. Rock Piles

    Might be bypassed by adding a different block for how many rocks are in the pile, with a block of cobble being a full area and a stone being just one. Would probably take a lot of work though. +1
  9. Tree grow mechanic - sprouts

    I'm a bit late to the party, but I have to say- of course you like this, its a sample of fractal tree growth. Now we just need fractal mountain formation, tree/branch placement, and everything else that exists in the universe generated with fractals. Would it wreck too many computers to make trees an entity of sorts? I've always wanted better looking trees, bigger and better branches/leaf placement. And then, chopping it down could spawn an appropriate amount of sideways logs on the ground adjacent, instead of raining logs. Also, I like this idea. +1
  10. A Reason to Fear the Night...

    That's the point. Although, I believe the vanilla mobs need to go anyway, but that's a whole other post.
  11. Specified World Gen.

    I like to think that beginnings matter a lot, and make it more believable. That doesn't mean huge animations and simulated wrecks, just a couple spawned items and a more believable landscape. And I did mean tavern, it was a joke referencing how most D&D players are started out in a tavern, because DM's aren't original. Never played Civ, but you could still do that. If you want continents to play on, inhabited or not, there could be a game mode for that. You could also start your society on an island. We do need to keep the singleplayer functioning, also, as that is all that some people's rigs can handle, or some people just don't wanna take the chance of getting greifed (Although I have never played a TFC server before, any recommendations would be appreciated. As for bigger biomes, at least this. And better biome placement. I'm not (yet) suggesting simulation of tectonic plates and detailed history of the land, etc., but at least make it believable. And yeah, it would be difficult to find materials, but that is also good for the immersion. It took generations to get to the bronze age, and you can get there in, say, a couple weeks. And the D&D bit was a joke, sarcasm is hard to convey online Challenge maps, eh... I like to restart a lot (habit I'm trying to break), and I want a fresh world each time. I don't personally like scouring the interwebs for premade maps, and not many of them are very good anyway. I say let the worldgen do it for us.
  12. A Reason to Fear the Night...

    Trying to remove health system. It kinda sucks as it is. The code is in the mod I posted above, so it shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Though, I admit, many of my ideas are very hard on the programming side . And finally, yay.
  13. A Reason to Fear the Night...

    *kudos, not kidos I personally like this for damage/health mechanics, but it might be hard to simulate what happens to the character when it happens to him, and how to repair it. Concerning the armour, it should not block all damage. Obviously, as you said, certain types of damage would get through armour better or worse, but either way, it would convert some damage to bludgeoning. Same with shields. Also, scale is susceptible to piercing if you do it right, stick it under a scale and push up till something snaps.
  14. Specified World Gen.

    Now that I have that out of my system, on topic. I have always felt world gen needed options. Not like the op's. But something like shipwreck, where you spawn on a coastline of an island, all one biome, and can salvage a few things from the wreckage, but you have limited materials and space on the island. Or Alien landing, where you wake up in the middle of a field, in a populated place (villages) and have to survive further encounters with them. Or D&D, where zombies and skeletons are literally everywhere, there is no such thing as a normal sized spiders, and gelatinous cubes hiding in deep caves. So exactly like it is now. Except you spawn in a tavern. Eh, I might be overthinking it, but I've always wanted to play minecraft as a true, hardcore uncharted island survival game.
  15. Deepening combat

    I did... Anyway, there are some good, simple ideas here, but I don't think many (at least I'm not) satisfied with the changes here. Yeah, mobs now have to charge up before attacking, and a few tweaks to blocking and knockback, but we want MORE. And by we, I mean me. And by more, I mean strategy, tactics, and a tonne-load of difficulty. I want bears breaking down my door, looking for food/shelter. I want boars charging at me when I get too close to their home. I want wolves to behave like wolves, and take anything down that's made of meat. And then I want fun, balanced, and tactical ways to counter them. But for right now, I'm just crossing my fingers for carcasses.
  16. Mining

    Yes, but different. I have been planning to post a large suggestion enveloping this and a few other things for a bit now, and probably will when I get some time, but here's my version of this bit: Something like this mod. It has been out of repair for some time now, but it deserves more. Much more. What I'm saying is make every block a possible 8, 27, or 64 blocks (2^3, 3^3, or 4^3, respectively). A pickaxe takes off a chunk of the stone that is hit, maybe a rock 1/8 the size of a full block. Better pickaxes can remove larger chunks of rock at a time. Ores spawn in microblocks, so that some may be concealed inside a block of stone. Each little rock peg you find on the ground could be equivalent to a microblock, and to make a block of cobble you just place a block's worth of those microblocks in the same cube. This might go well with the construction update planned, as it would also allow you to make custom structures quite easily and more rea- , I mean it would add to the immersion and believe-ability of the game. (Whew, glad I caught myself there) Also, about pick swinging speed, minecraft day/night cycles are only 20 minutes long, so each minute of gameplay = just a little over an hour. So yeah, don't forget that. Just my 2 cents.
  17. What if we take creepers, skeletons, zombies, endermen, and giant spiders, and move them somewhere else? Honestly, a randomly generating graveyard that has a chance of plaguing anyone who enters with hordes of tfe undead, but hiding treasure along with the deceased? Yes please. Naturally spawning surface caves home to hundreds of giant spiders, plus the boss (mother) of them all, and the reward for destroying her is a large dose of lethal poison and an end to the endless waves of spiders roaming your land. A strange dimension, perhaps but a dream where all of your greatest dreams come true, but all of your worst nightmares are hunting you out, ready to sneak up behind you and explode, or react violently to being seen. That is what I envision.
  18. Imaginative Combat Difficulty Tweaks

    Sorry, this was in response to the ideas of zombies rising, providing an alternative way to get rid of them for good. If you want challenging you could get rid of their hp and just rely on the % chance to dismember, or (probably better) give the body parts different hp, and get rid of the % chance to amputate. This and the post's original suggestions would definitely make combat more interesting and challenging, and require strategy (take out the head to finish them off, or temp. disable them (arm or leg) to deal with the rest of the swarm).
  19. Imaginative Combat Difficulty Tweaks

    Personally I'd rather see something like for mobs, but probably lower the chance of an amputation. If that is too op, maybe just a nice touch like this.
  20. Equivalent Exchange

    No, this is not about the mod Equivalent Exchange. This is about rocks and wood. And some other stuff. So, I've only been playing this mod for a couple of days, and therefore am not an expert (but it is AMAZING, I've been looking for something like this for a while now). However, I still see some of the vanilla minecraft I wanted to part with. You find little rocks on the ground, pick them up, and decide to put it back and WHOA METER BLOCK OF COBBLE! This also applies to wood items. You cut down a meter wide tree, say... 8 tall. You get 8 logs, which can be stored in two meters worth of space. And then, if you use a saw on those logs, you get triple the space they were supposed to take up (in tree form) in planks. And then condense 4 planks into a 1 meter crafting table. Do you see where I'm going here? I suggest going through the crafting recipes and making sure you are not spontaneously losing or gaining material along the way. This game is big on resource management, but the space (which is definitely a resource, when you're making a building to enclose and protect some for yourself) is completely messed up. I read the rules, but this is my first post, so please tell me if I screwed anything up .
  21. Equivalent Exchange

    Oh, sorry about that . I searched through the suggestions and didn't find anything about it, and didn't even think to check the changelog... As you were, then.
  22. Clouds

    I've had problems with this mod and optifine working together anyway. I think that they could make the different weather clouds work without cloud blocks though, but I know nothing of programming.
  23. bread making

    Yes, but that would be a difficult thing to do (IRL). A flat surface and a rock, and preferably a nice simple mortar and pestle would do the same and be historically accurate.
  24. Change breeding of chickens

    This post hasn't had anything that would make the game necessarily any easier, it would just make it more realistic, and add more to the immersion. If you think that this would make the game too easy, you could also make animal breeding/maturing times more to par with reality.
  25. Change breeding of chickens

    Just give them the day's seed all at once. That way, you only have to do so every morning, and will have plenty of time to do everything else. Just make sure you come back in time to feed them the next morning.