Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by DaGoblin

  1. Complete Noob Questions

    Lol - I haven't been here long, but I've hoovered up as much info as I can.. Part of my effort to convert more friends to TFC prior to upping and making semi-public a server. Dwarf Fortress themed server anyone?
  2. Firepits

    Yay stew pot! I haven't been around long enough to see those comments, so this makes me quite happy. I'm hoping some form of brick oven 'structure' is in the mix too. Defined structures like the Bloomery and Forge truly lead to the dedicated buildings that really help make communities look more lived-in and realistic.
  3. Complete Noob Questions

    There's a few more too from Dunkle on the 'Go to Hell' thread here: http://terrafirmacra...l/page__st__100 So unless that's changed from the middle of July to now... Yeah, Nether reworking is on the very long to-do list.
  4. Complete Noob Questions

    They're completely reworking the Nether. Different terrain (probably still Netherrack?), different monsters, probably additional resources. I'm looking forward to it
  5. Sticks Vs Handles/Rods

    If we're talking handles with leather grips, I could see needing a good workplace with the appropriate tools and space for that. It'd be hard to measure, cut, shape, and properly attach leather to a handle without such a setup. If however you're talking about just whittling down a piece of wood to a handle shape then sure, you could work it down that way pretty much anywhere. Heck you could also make some sort of leather wrap in the field, perhaps, but I don't think it'd be easy or productive in most cases.
  6. volcanic forgeing and smithing

    Couldn't (easily) find the other thread, so this may've been suggested before, but what about simply requiring a lava source block to be included in the structure's base? This is taking a page from Dwarf Fortress magma smelters/forges, of course, but it'd negate the need for a mechanism to move the magma around in a bucket. Given the scarcity of lava on the surface on most maps, you'd end up with forges deep beneath the earth alongside part of the magma sea. Unless we also get crazy metal magma screw pumps like Dwarf Fortress, but I won't hold my breath on that!
  7. Cooking & Baking the Terrafirma way

    I think its a fine idea, though I don't see why the oven would have to be metal. I'd think a brick oven would make more sense in general giving TFC's 'tech level' overall. If you wanted to make it more complex than having someone chisel up a few bricks, require it to be made out of actual clay bricks. Combined that with a suitable heating source into an 'arranged' structure (same way we do Bloomeries and Forges) and you're in business. A stew pot would be nice also. I'm sure its been mentioned dozens of times before, but it would seem like an appropriate upgrade to the firepit - Or perhaps part of a new component to a 'fireplace' structure that works on coals OR logs and requires a chimney? Lots of options all around.
  8. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I'm pretty sure that soon we're going to see both shears and shearing overhauled. Maybe alongside the butchery update. I believe there was a comment from dunkle about using a knife to rough-shear sheep corpses as a possibility - I imagine that's only part of what they're doing. Maybe being able to us a stone (or any material) knife for shearing in the short term, if they have the time to update it?
  9. How do you feel about new charcoal mechanic?

    Not had too many problems with the new 'spit out' mechanic, but I do feel compelled to loiter fairly close to the pit now. It takes a great deal of effort most times to get a really stuffed-full charcoal pit set up and the risk of losing it all magically is disconcerting. Mostly because if I go off and do something else I tend to get distracted by that task and more time passes than I intended! I like the idea of a charcoal block for sure - it'd save my nerves a bit when I do go work on other projects!
  10. Combine surface metal

    Converting the ore to larger lumps definitely seems simpler than the current arrangement. +1'd
  11. Ships!!

    +1'd It's like a wood version of the stone and metal shards we already have. Aside from the obvious benefit from being on an island, it'd be great right at start (when near a coast) to grab up a few of these logs just to throw on a fire!
  12. Sticks Vs Handles/Rods

    I'd definitely be for this, particularly if we can carve some sort of worked wood into said handles. I think the idea of having worked handles become part of the durability (as a bonus) would be excellent as well - It fits with the trend in this mod of careful planning giving better results. Perhaps it can also dovetail into the apparent (to me anyway) addition of carpentry we're going to see in the near future? I'd not be surprised at all to see a woodworking bench or somesuch as part of the construction and carpentry changes. Creating higher quality handles and hafts at one of those would be a fitting upgrade to sticks and stones.
  13. Saw + Plank block = 4 planks

    Since planks are almost without a doubt part of the construction overhaul (carpentry first?), I think we'll have plenty of uses. Using a saw to break the block back down into planks would be a big help. That is, if we're still going to have ye olde wooden blocks following the overhaul.. It's entirely possible we'll be using planks like half-slabs or something.
  14. I think that's a yes, Jed, but I could be wrong I love the idea of steeper interconnected river valleys in a mountainous area. It'd make for both great mining opportunities and a quite visually pleasing place to build settlements. Hopefully some of your more complex suggestions (complex for MC..) can be coded as well, but just receiving this sort of biome would be great!
  15. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    I could definitely do without Creepers, but understand why the team would want to leave them in one way or the other. Perhaps as some sort of horrible byproduct of Nether Portals? =p What I'd love to see in TFC later on would be something akin to the goblin invasions of Dwarf Fortress, where the community as a whole is definitely threatened by an outside force. I'm sure someone who has been around longer than I suggested it already, but such a threat would definitely keep people on their toes!
  16. Thoughts on B47 ?

    I'm thinking Bloomery first myself, as you can still throw the surface shards in there when you find them in droves. Much better (to me anyway) than having to slowly cook them down on a campfire.. I imagine it's more a 'to each his own' matter, though. Folks who are more mobile wouldn't benefit nearly as much from a bloomery at start!