Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Serkas

  1. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    I thought about this "ban idea" for smp and got a idea for singleplayer. What if the death of your character would mean that he has to regenerate (kind of the crippling idea from before) but as player you would simply have to wait (one/two days, hours, depending on the difficulty (should be choosen before starting the game). So you simply can't play with this character in this world, untill a certain amount of real life time has passed. The point is: you would have to be carefull all the time, because if you die, you get a time-out. While this may seem somewhat ironic at first, it would mean that you have to play way more concentrated.
  2. Animals!

    but I thought some bear-types can climb trees (not quick and agile like a squirrel, but with their strong claws and if the tree is big enough)By the way: can you say something about the bears? Untill now they seem quite rare (too rare) and they aren't as active as they could be, like defending a cave they are living in, or even catching fish in rivers like grizzlys catch salmon.
  3. Animals!

    Only if they are named Flutters... Oh shit, what am I talking O.o Anyway: what about sleeping animals. I can imagine that this would be quite tricky to creat, but it would be cool AND realistic if farmanimals (cows, pigs...) would sleep during the night while wolfs and possible other mobs are active at night (Owls? Everyone is fond of owls). Sleeping animals would be sort of angry or shocked if you wake them suddenly up (they run away from you quickly because you could be an enemy.) This would add a little bit more difficulty to the "wolfs attack farm stock" idea from before, too. I like the idea of dangerous fast animals but I don't think that trees would be that save: the only diffrence between a brown bear and a grizzly is that the bear shakes you down from the tree and the grizzly climbs up to you.^^
  4. Animals!

    Maybe it would be possible to make animals walk into cover under leaves when it is raining, like mobs hiding in the dark in daylight to avoid death. I think sheep and chickens don't like getting wet at all.^^
  5. Animals!

    I think for the behavior part there could be some easy things to make animals act more "social". As sheep, pigs, etc. already spawn in groups (herds) you could add some group reactions to them: All animals off one group run away if one gets attacked. Baby animals often walk to their parents and male/females walk alongside each other even if they are not in breeding mode so it looks like they are connected to each other (they found a partner in the herd for example). For sheep you could add a leading individual since real sheep herds have one that gets followed by the others. (horrible english sorry)
  6. more ways to get string and making it usefull

    Whooops, so small letters... so +1 for that
  7. more ways to get string and making it usefull

    Will the special silk also be implemented for clothing? Just asking because of the discussion about cols weather, winter and freezing damage. Also silk worms (don't know the right name) would be nice: They use a special plant/leaves as home and produce silk during the warm months.
  8. mining technics (how do you work your mines?)

    Sounds like a mining corporation XD. Do you export ores too?
  9. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    Mhhhh... sounds good to me. But I would miss the cliffs. The ones that reach out in the air a little, you know, were you would build your watchtower . I don't know if it is possible to add such structures in, in addition to the other stuff falling. Because we also have giant caves even with the cave-in system, because it just checks randomly and doesn't FORCE every block to fall down.
  10. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    There you're right. But I think for smoking meat you would need lots of wood (would take a long time) and salt shouldn't add that much of "durability to the food or reduce its nurishment factor (or better, combined with the thirst idea, create much thirst).
  11. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    But still with the spoilage system, food should rott quite quickly and proper storage has to be obtainable very late ingame, cause otherwise you could just manage to slaughter everytime you run out of food, so you could max out the value of your animals. The question would be: will you obtain enough food by killing an animal every few weeks or so, or will you get to low on food so you have to farm.
  12. Make beds buildable rather than craftable?

    So you mean that you have to work more for the normal bed, so its obtainable later ingame?
  13. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    Do you mean he thought: "Hey how can I find out if it is waterresistant... put it under water." BEST. IDEA. EVAR. XD Why would you want a water resistand notebook... mhhhh... googling in the holidays in the ocean maybe? But for the dirt thing: It would be kind of sad if it destroys all those beautifull cliffs and mountain edges. I like those the most, looks majestic.
  14. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    *looks at end of thread* Ummm... I have... a... notebook, I guess ??? Are you talking about computers or airtrafic control systems? Anyway, I like the idea if it is addable. I'm just curious what this would do to the terrain on existing world?
  15. Make beds buildable rather than craftable?

    I think it would not only be cold, but also unhealthy (insects, easier to get ill on old muffy furs). You could add the option that it depletes your hunger bar or something instead of a debuff or damage, to indicate that the sleep was rather "exhausting" cause you didn't get really relaxed at night to sleep well due to bedbugs biting your toes.
  16. Things That Are Too Easy

    Now that you mention it, knapping for the javelin is a great idea. +1 In order to tweak it you could add a very short range to them, so they get a balistic angle when thrown (don't know how hard this would be to code) since such a raw spear has quite some weight. And with the food: Simply add a stack limit like wood, ore, etc. But I think this will may come with one of the next versions as well, since the inventory tweaking has been enounced already, I think.?
  17. Things That Are Too Easy

    Awww, awesome to meet some brony friends . But I can understand if people get mad about us for mentioning it in every part of the internet, so for the peace of the forum, I will leave this here. Back to the thread... god these deers look awesome. Untill today I only have seen other animals with Mo's Creatures and these look so much more realistic. For the things ancientpower mentioned: I think the beds ae a very tricky part: on one hand they are needed quite early, cause waiting through every night is annoying, but on the other hand they are to easy to make. Maybe you could some alternatives to them in the early game, like moss-beds or something like this, where you get a debuff or your health drops because you have to sleep on the cold ground. So beds would be more valuable for the player.
  18. volcanic forgeing and smithing

    You could add a durability bar for the buckets as well, so while transporting the lava they lose it quickly and if you put in the water to early they lose a great amount of it. But I also like plan B more: Lava canals that tranport lava in my giant iron forge would look so brillliant.
  19. Combat Overhaul cont. (2/3)

    Just a side question: When the topic comes to blocking I always wonder how it is usefull ingame: Why block damage from a mob, if you can simply step back while hitting him? Will you add some sort of short pause while striking with a sword for example? Because the vanilla sword blocking never made sence for me since you can simply keep your distance and even if you block you just get slowed and the mob can punch at you endlessly so your only way is stoping to block.
  20. Environmental Dangers

    What about hail instead of the blizzards: it could start like snow but get to something like a hail-storm. It destroys glass and other easy breakable materials at random, damages crops on fields, hurts the player a little bit and created some snow on the ground. I think you could add it with the rain system, maybe?
  21. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I think these could maybe be more bugs then tweaks but they are very minor things so I post them here: Why do my horizontal supports pop away when I place them on a 1 piece high vertical support like this: H== H = vertical = = horizontal And supports also act strangely when right-clicked above water: They get invisible and pop up if you place two of them together.
  22. More Sluicing & Panning

    You make LP's? How can I find you on Youtube? By the way thanks for the quick info on the sluices guys, think I will just look for a wide coast and start my sluices up there.
  23. More Sluicing & Panning

    Just a side question from me: since I have trouble finding enough ores I have considered to build a big sluice area. SO I wanted to ask: how is the metal-appereance-rate of sluices linked to the actual deposites of metals? Will they drop more if there is a trace of metal (discovered for example with propick) under it? Or do they just drop the main metal of the region with a fixed rate, so the actual distance to the ore is unimportant? And how can I find gold and other rarer stuff with it, cause I only got sphalerite so far (and gems).
  24. More Sluicing & Panning

    I thought of that too (damit, why didn't I write it). Since the self learning aspect of TFC is HUGE a personal notebook would be great, especially for the ore related facts. +1
  25. Magnetite for Compasses

    Could you maybe add that they have to be kind of "written"? So you have to carry a new map together with some marking and a feather, the marking gets used up when you travel throught new terrain and the map gets painted. I just never liked this running-around-and-the-map-appears thing and it would be more realistic.