Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Owl

  1. Not my problem, but...

    The stuff within the quotes is from a guy from another forum. I ended up raging at him after he said that the devs had a "responsibility" to make it "playable" in a way he understood. Still it would be nice to learn about the propick. Wait, going to post the rest of the argument because why not. tl;dr I got had CG: What he said was not that it is realistic, what he said was that it worked, and since it worked, then it is not broken, at least not entirely. In fact tell me how they found the location they started mining at, so I know how "wrong" the in game method is. The iron from said odds and bits had already been smelted out of the rock that they had originally been in. What did you use when you made the scrap into a hammer. Plus you didn't answer the part about finding minerals without any modern techniques. You have valid opinions and points everywhere else, but THIS is what pisses me off. No there isn't a responsibility, there is a desire to make the mod "playable" ( your definition seems to be "playable in a way I can understand") so people will play it, and since they already have a substantial amount of people playing it, there is no such desire. And there's the possibly that they want to make the mod the way they want to, therefor they will not care about your opinions. You just WANT there to be a responsibility so it comes out exactly how you want it to.
  2. Not my problem, but...

    *ties mephistos to rails* ONE DERAILED THREAD COMING UP!
  3. Not my problem, but...

    Going on his responses I don't think this helped. I suppose the only way would to be for him to file his complaints directly to the devs or come here himself. I'll keep my argument with him private and go ahead and say the thread should probably be closed now.
  4. Colonial Technology

    By "only flows 7 blocks" I think he means "only 7 blocks before it goes down a level" Also what's with the ellispes?
  5. Star navigations

    So which direction does the opening of the boot point.
  6. Star navigations

    Bioxx's iron boot or *someone*'s iron boot.
  7. Thoughts about Fishing

    I thought unless by that you mean what's in the oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.; not their size or shape.
  8. http://en.wikipedia....um_cobalt_oxide by lithium he means the type of lithium compound in batteries, not raw lithium.
  9. Allegedly hephaestus was lame because Hera had him all on her own (she got pissed off when Zeus "gave birth to" Athena from his head)
  10. Time to remove placed logs

    I don't think it's right for you guys to jump into his argument.
  11. New Logpile GUI

    @Azdoine Sadly it isn't your brother *is holding a smoking gun and has tally marks drawn all over him.* On topic, I rather like this.
  12. Civilization

    I thought it was cause there's no way to add civilizations at the level of complexity dunk wants them to be, due to the massive lag it causes.
  13. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    What if he added some sort of rock-climbing item.
  14. I thought Scylla was a lady who was composed of dogs below the waist.
  15. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    I thought they generally used a cheap paint/something else called whitewash
  16. SynPlay's Terrafirmacraft! I never did like challenges. Although there already is a link on the main page.
  17. Dwarves

    NONSENSE. he released a book last year, he'll probably be able to get out at least one more, and actually had one planned before this one, "raising taxes".
  18. Question about the future of the mod...

    If I recall it was mentioned somewhere that the current cutoff is 1600 AD, with the lost advanced technology (for the ages that followed and the 1600 AD cutoff, at least) used by the greeks being a point of debate. And I think dunk first thought that the nether would become a giant cave with no natural light, then decided it would become volcanic with acid rain or something like that.
  19. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    "In older days walls would be extended down till they reached rock. This feature made it difficult for invaders to tunnel in quickly." There was actually a type of tunneling that aimed to weaken the walls and make them collapse while not actually tunneling through the wall itself if I remember correctly.
  20. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    What if block protection was added but it was optional. Because there are actual anarchy servers out there, and servers that try to incorporate controlled griefing into the server's gameplay. @bsb steal and destroy is what he meant I believe
  21. Glass Blowing

    I believe it's because he got into an argument with eternal in another topic, but I digress. As for bottles, I'm sure that bioxx and dunk will eventually add some other system or profession that requires small containers for liquids.
  22. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I got told that the most effective way was to get renter's insurance.
  23. Just cause it's edible doesn't mean it taste/looks/smells good.
  24. Living Ground Cover

    There's a note about moss in the vegetation subpage under info if I recall correctly.
  25. If I remember correctly it was stated that some ores would still spawn under the old system. What type of ore is it?