Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by LtChae

  1. Planks first toughts

    I second this. They need to be wider. It takes forever to make a wall as it stands.
  2. Food Prep Suggestion

    Now that I've confirmed that it is not bugged, food prep needs some work. At the moment, recipes are randomly generated by the seed. Which means that what you can combine into a meal is entirely arbitrary. As a chef myself, I can say that this system is very confusing. There is no reason that I shouldn't be able to combine any set of ingredients together into a meal. Right now, however, I can put a logical set of food into the food prep gui, (let's say a steak, an onion, a carrot, and a loaf of bread) and sometimes (who knows?) not be able to make a meal. I agree that some randomness makes the whole process more interesting, but not to the point of illogical restrictions like this. I would suggest randomizing the potion-like effects of food, rather than the recipes. That said, I have a few other suggestions for items to use in food prep: Salt (mined or evaporated) (could also be used for curing meat and pickling veggies) Butter Milk Lard Oil (Olive or veggie) Mushrooms (Seriously, why are these not already used?) Sugar Pumpkins Melon (Are these still in the game?) Edit: Maybe also a system where meals are better for having multiple categories of foods? Like a balanced meal of Eggs (meat), bread(grain), onion(veggie), and salt(additive) would be better for you than eggs, steak, and pork.
  3. Food Prep Suggestion

    Perhaps we could have bonuses also based on the meal container. Bowl = no bonus Bread (sliced?) = sandwich. Cannot be heated, but retains a 50% bonus at all times. Good for travelling Pie crust (flour, butter) = pie. 100% bonus, can be further increased by heating And, sorry, but gold as a cooking ingredient is pointless. Even in real life. No, Especially in real life.
  4. [b69] [SMP] Buckets and Sluices not working

    I'm using multiplayer on a server. I suspect that of being the issue. Are you just playing singleplayer? (I realize that it's all the same code, but something may be getting lost in transfer.)
  5. When I fill wooden buckets, the bucket appears filled. But when I move the bucket at all, like from my hotbar to my inventory, the bucket reverts to being empty. It feels like the bucket is not being updated on the server. Also, sluices do not seem to work. Even when placed appropriately. I'd have picture, but I'm not sure how to put them in here.
  6. [b69] Food Prep Not Working

    I loaded the latest build of TFC last night and tried to prepare food (I haven't played for a while). I successfully made a food prep table with the knife on a cobble block, and put two peppers and two fried eggs in the four slots. I then added a bowl to the marked slot and pressed the "make" button. Nothing happened. Am I missing something? The UI seems self-explanatory.
  7. [b69] Food Prep Not Working

    Fair enough. Off to the suggestion forum!
  8. [b69] Food Prep Not Working

    Whoa, hold on a tic. As a chef myself, as well as a programmer, I can say that that is a horrible implementation. What if I want to cook two eggs with a pepper? Ratio can be as important in a recipe as ingredients. I'm all for a little randomness, but any amount of food of any type should be able to be put in a bowl and called a meal. From four eggs all the way to a steak, a potato, an onion, and a carrot. It will only confuse people if they put what seems to be a logical collection of food into the GUI and get nothing back because that "is not a recipe." Knife in your hand, right click on a solid block (rock, wood, etc.. just not dirt/sand/grass)
  9. [b69] Food Prep Not Working

    I tried with just a single egg and a pepper. That didn't work either.
  10. Discussion: What is your first tool? :)

    Chisel, to help smelt all the ore I scrape off the surface. Seriously, I hardly ever use sluices. There always seems to be plenty of ore among the small rocks. Also, why does the bloomery treat small ores and regular ores like they were the same size? I should be able to pack a lot more nuggets than ores in a bloomery.
  11. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I want to add my support to the gentleman from CivCraft. The key is not for the mod to enforce rules, but for the mod to add the ability for the players to enforce rules. This is emergent gameplay we're talking about here, after all. That's what minecraft is all about. Honestly, I think that all we really need from TFC are some basic tools: The ability to use Citadel with all TFC metalsThe ability to mint coins (But not be required to use them. Currency could be anything)Compatibility with Civcraft's existing mod suiteBetter mass transportation of resourcesMore, and more uses for, raw materialsHonestly, I think that if Bioxx simply made an environment that supported player towns/government (i.e valuable resources in scattered places) players would organize government on their own.Basically, we don't want to force players into a mold. CivCraft seems to have achieved this, and I say it's worth emulating.
  12. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I have to say, I like Bioxx's "Homestone" idea. It provides protection and control to players, while still allowing for warfare to take place. I think that all high-level politics should be purely player-based. However, game mechanics could be added to help it along like in-game bulletin boards, and other ways of disseminating news. Also useful would be a means of accessing a screen that summarized who is in charge of your town, along with voting options (if enabled by the government of your town. If not, Viva la revolution!) Also, a way for towns to band together (voluntarily, or forcibly ) into factions that would act like nations, with their own rulers and government over the towns that make them up. I would love to see large conglomerations of towns band together and wage bloody war against each other, with smaller factions forced to take sides (or sell steel swords to both sides for a tidy profit)
  13. Economy Ideas

    Might the impending implementation of village trading have some bearing on all this? Gems, gold, and silver could be used to trade for more useful goods at villages, giving players a way to "cash in" their currency. (At horrible rates, of course. Those villagers are awfully shifty...) This would definitely benefit SP, by letting a player trade worthless (to him) gems for more useful materials.
  14. Temperature medition

  15. Now that we no longer have access to stone pick-axes (frustrating perhaps, but definitely logical), the hole left could be filled with the ancient method of fire-setting. In it's essence, fire-setting is heating rock, then rapidly cooling it, making it fracture. (There is some historical debate about this, but do we really care for this mod?) I would suggest building a fire-pit and getting it up to a certain temperature (perhaps using hickory/maple) and then dumping a bucket of water on it. This would break a given radius of stone around the fire-pit. (I was thinking the blocks adjacent to, and above the firepit) Let me know what you all think!
  16. Fire-setting: Stone-age Mining

    The contention between historians is whether or not the water itself actually helped crack the rock, or if it was just the fire. I was thinking it would be useful for when you find exposed ore deposits during the stone age and need a way to mine it, as well as a way to obtain some extra stone. And, it would only need more behind the scenes coding and would not require new blocks/items.
  17. Bloomery Mold Patterns

    Allow me to suggest one very appropriate and useful cast object: Anvils. It would certainly beat welding 14 ingots together, and save on finding flux early, and would allow Bioxx to finely tweak the metal cost. Also, an excellent use for casting Iron.