Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Maga

  1. Forge metal pot out of wrought iron sheets. Boil potatoes. Take hammer off anvil. Mash potatoes. Hang pot over fire. Stick potatoes in a stew. Yes please.
  2. Ambient Sounds

    Probably one of the better return on investment suggestions out there, great idea.
  3. Tree / Forest Improvements

    I will agree with you that rubber isn't exactly all that useful. Truthfully the civilizations who had it way back then pretty much used it for water-proofing boots and making balls to play their games. (Road to El Dorado, anyone?) The pine needle tea and syrup is really what i am looking at here with a hopeful grin but adding the tree tap would provide a logical way for people who wish to mod the game for further technological advancements to eventually bring rubber into the mix since we have sulfur already and all we're missing is the raw material. I'm not asking for rubber... just trying to point out additional benefits of a tree-tapping mechanic.
  4. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    Is anyone else interested in trapping? Not saying it needs to be in place for large mobs like deer etc (I would prefer to bring those down with a bow) but perhaps if Dunk coded animal trails where small game would repeatedly travel a path we could find evidence of "game trails" in the world and set wire snares or deadfalls etc. If a player is in an area too often/builds too much the game will move away. Just something to spice it up.
  5. Archery Overhaul

    For a strong quality bow this is counter-intuitive, if anything they should withstand tension more than weaker bows. The second suggestion doesn't sound bad but I think at this point we're splitting hairs. Personally I think fewer shots per minute is the logical trade-off for higher damage per shot, it benefits people who are better at aiming and keeps pvp across different gear levels semi-balanced but really its such a small detail I don't feel it's worth debating into the ground. D & B will most likely do the tier balancing the way they like regardless. The main focus and what makes my suggestions for archery more unique is the crafting process, target practice and archery skill. The other mechanics are all fairly run of the mill, standard stuff. I just felt like including them for the sake of being thorough.
  6. Archery Overhaul

    Ironically this is very similar to a mechanic that i suggested in the original post. Check the spoiler at the bottom and read the section titled Addition of Archery Skill. The general feeling was that it would be code-heavy and that most people have a hard enough time aiming already.
  7. Archery Overhaul

    I can draw a 20 pound bow faster than a 60 pound bow, granted the difference is minimal compared to the one am (and will be) suggesting. I made a judgement call and decided it was appropriate to sacrifice ultra-realism for believable progressive game-play. If you could propose an alternative mechanic for keeping high power bows from becoming over-powered that is more true-to-life I would be happy to implement it.
  8. Grass rope

    Grass skirts. We can talk about rope later. Priorities.
  9. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    Try it. I dare you.
  10. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    The wiki states that turning sand into glass requires it to be Bright Red** (requiring a forge) when in fact it only needs to be Dark Red** and can indeed be made in a campfire using most log types.
  11. Melt alloy into alloy mixture

    One might suggest having each alloy ingot remember the % of the metals it was made with but that would pose problems with crafting and stacking of all the different alloy ingots. A workaround for this would be a pain to code, best thing to do is just be careful and work with small amounts until you know what you're doing.
  12. IGN: magaminer Age: 19 Why this server: The no-frills & no-nonsense original post caught my eye. Other server rules go on forever. Don't be a dick seems like it should cover just about everything. I like that. About me: Played MC since beta release, did SP, bukkit community, map-making world edit/voxel, minigame servers (currently # 7 in Hypixels Blitz Survival)... ...All that has gotten to be old-hat. I'm new to TFC and loving the return to basic survival made fun again.
  13. Tree / Forest Improvements

    As a Canadian I would love nothing more than to wander around the forest every February - March and start placing barrels and taping my beloved maple trees. Please, this needs to be a thing. Certain tribes of Native Americans also used pine needle tea as a way to obtain Vitamin C (preventing scurvy). During the summer months vegetables and fruits supplied this vitamin but in the winter the lack of proper nutrition devastated early European settlers. Pine needle tea as a way to replenish food stats and thirst would be great for people just starting out or who wish to live in northern climates where fruit & veggies are scare and the growing season shorter. Now, assuming tree-taps are used to collect the maple sap it makes sense that they could also be used as a way to collect caoutchouc. This primitive form of rubber was collected and used by Mesoamerican (Olmec, Aztec etc) civilizations well before the age that TFC takes place in. They also had means of processing the sap into somewhat-usable rubber. It was not until the 19th century that the process of vulcanizing rubber by adding sulfur at very high temeraptures was discovered. (This was what made the rubber elastic, resistant to heat and cold and and able to return to it's original shape after being deformed) Main point: Maple syrup good. Scurvy bad. Rubber balls bouncy.
  14. Archery Overhaul

    ORIGINAL POST UPDATED! Changelog: -stuff -more stuff ... -basically all the stuff Thanks for all the feedback and positive comments on version 1 Special thanks goes to kaldskryke for highlighting the positives, Visitor for outlining the negatives, AllenWL for suggesting a better set of balancing mechanics and shoutout to Dano6655 for suggesting blunt arrows!
  15. Archery Overhaul

    In my reply to Dano6655's suggestion of blunt arrows I mentioned I would like them to stun mobs, I've already re-written most everything and it's in the changes. Another one of my edits was to remove all bow specs except draw speed, draw weight, durability and how long you can hold a full draw. Looks like we're on the same page this time Visitor Metal age bow crafting GUI diagrams and explanation will take me some more time but I'm almost ready to post updated archery mechanics as well as stone age bow crafting.
  16. Transportation Infrastructure

    If you look at he number under my name you might notice it's not 1,595+ Still new around here and very much ignorant of what has and has not been discussed over the past months. Thanks for letting me know it's a closed subject.
  17. Transportation Infrastructure

    Obviously this is true... players take the fastest route. The next part is assuming that roads provide no speed buff. If a road was planned properly and provided a speed buff when used then they would absolutely be better than going in a straight line over hills where you constantly have to jump / avoid leaves
  18. Transportation Infrastructure

    In order to make roads to mines none-redundant you would have to nerf inventory capacity so drastically as to render day-to-day gameplay a nightmare. The alternative is to change world-gen to have far fewer, but much larger veins of ores in a manner similar to real life where a single mine can last a decade+ of heavy mining. This could then be combined with non-game-ruining inventory nerfs to create an environment where transportation infrastructure has a desirable cost to benefit ratio. In order to make the early game possible despite the more spread out larger veins, smaller surface veins (embedded in boulders...cliff faces...not too hard to find etc) of roughly 1000 units each would be made much more common, enough to make your next tool perhaps but far less than the current 3 sets of armor and full size blast furnace you can make from every single vein of iron you currently find in the world. The problem I see is every vein has enough to supply your needs for roughly the same amount of time... variation is desperately needed to make transportation infrastructure beneficial.
  19. See food saturation and item durability?

    I can see all my tool's durability so it seems to work enough for what this fellow is looking for. Though I'm curious which cases it was disabled for... elaborate please?
  20. Irrigation / Water Channels

    Absolutely correct. Historically this was a very real concern with farmers and it would be fun if grains posed a little more of a challenge. Without aqueducts enabling larger farms in the early game (as opposed to being limited to lake and river shores) this would make the player's first year miserable, but adding irrigation opens up so many doors with farming Here's another one that just popped into my head as i was typing this: Aqueducts that have no porous segments are considered to be "fuller" by the game and would be able to power a rudimentary watermill that could grind large amounts of grain (nerf the quern so it can't do a stack of grain at a time) BAM! More progressive game play from aqueducts already. Water being the most vital resource to any settlement or town it seems logical that it deserves a feature or two rather than the choices being simply "Build right next to infinite water" or "Don't build right next to infinite water" [EDIT] Just found a thread that covers this exact idea. I guess I'm still too new to know exactly what has and has not been discussed. My idea for creating aqueduct networks still seems to be unique though In regards to modern times and seed-keeping in many places it's illegal to keep your seeds because they are all GMOs and the patented property of massive corporations. Keeping seeds to plant is theft and you can be sued millions. Usually you are forced to buy seeds from the company that patented the GMO if you want to replant at all. Sad, but true... Though not exactly something that will ever need to go in TFC
  21. The whole "holds a stack of charcoal" thing seems a bit high to me compared to the rest of TFC but the numbers aren't a big deal. I love that you could heat your home in the winter. Once body temperature gets added something like this would be a welcome addition to the game... Now if only we could make oatmeal and hot apple cider on it I would never leave my log cabin November through until May
  22. Irrigation / Water Channels

    Love the aqueduct idea. A chisel mode to create it seems reasonable. My suggestion for aqueducts is as follows: -The visual level of water in aqueducts is constant when connected to water -Aqueduct water can fill jugs and bottles but not buckets (jugs and bottles can't be used to fill barrels so no exploit here) Players would still need to make trips to water sources to fill their barrels for water-intensive projects -The first block chiseled will be the unique source block, each network may only have one source block -When an aqueduct block is created it may only connect to 1 other adjacent aqueduct block An existing aqueduct block can connect itself to multiple other aqueduct blocks as the other blocks are being chiseled The resulting structure would therefore be unable to have more than one water source and could not connect to separate aqueduct systems These rules to ensure that each aqueduct network is and isolated system are in place so the game can then calculate water output for individual aqueducts -Aqueducts are made of either smooth stone or natural stone Smooth stone will not lose water and will not hydrate nearby soil Natural stone is porous and when chiseled into an aqueduct block it will act as a hydration source for blocks in (x) radius -Each aqueduct network can contain (y) number of porous stone blocks with no negative effects on hydration Past this limit the aqueduct is over-worked, this has 2 effects. a)Overworked aqueducts can not fill up jugs and bottles (serves as an indicator to the player that the aqueduct is overworked) b)For every additional porous stone block past this limit each porous block's hydration radius is reduced by (z) Natural stone aqueduct could be smoothed using the chisel's existing smooth feature if the player wishes to remove a hydration block without breaking the aqueduct in order to get more water to the rest of the aqueduct or a new addition on the ends (smooth aqueduct can not be made porous, a natural stone block must be placed adjacent to the smooth aqueduct and turned into a porous aqueduct block if the player wishes to create a hydration point) -When creating an aqueduct block, the game would know which adjacent block provides the water and would not allow water to flow past gains in elevation This would encourage players to use careful planning when constructing an aqueduct to maximize the efficiency and support larger farms. semi-related note: Large farms (and by extension aqueducts) aren't really needed atm, a small family can survive a winter on just no more than a dozen square meters of grain. (this is silly) If aqueducts are added then I think the farming of grains could be changed so that the seeds you plant and the seeds you eat are the same. Each plant would drop many seeds but the weight of the seeds would be diminished. Because aqueducts would greatly expand the amount of usable farmland in the early-mid game (when the first metal pickaxe is acquired) It would allow for grain farming to increase in it's level of believably. This would make the scythe useful for more than hacking at trees (which is not what it is really for anyway) as large areas of grain would be required to sustain the player(s) and would take to long too break by hand.
  23. See food saturation and item durability?

    The is a way to do this that is in minecraft already. Pressing F3 + H at the same time shows advanced tooltips (thigns like item ID, durability and damage values) Here are the rest F3 + c = trigger manual crash (hold for min 6 secconds then release) F3 + s = reload sound engine F3 + t = reload texturepack F3 + f = decrease render distance F3 + shift + f = increase render distance (might not work on mac) F3 + a = refresh world renderer (reload chunks) F3 + b = toggle hitbox renderering F3 + p = toggle pause on lost focus (like alt-tabbing to another window)
  24. Archery Overhaul

    Bones don't burn that great... doesn't really make sense imho. Every arrow mod under the sun adds 12 different fire and explosive arrows, next we'd end up with egg arrows and then jukebox arrows because why not. Everyone said to keep things simpler... A believable fire arrow would need a flint and steel on the bow and an oil (new liquid) soaked cloth tied to arrow with a string... Not saying it isn't doable but it's a dangerous first step into fancy arrows out the wazoo. While I do like the idea... and oil should be something in the game anyway (olive press, anyone?) The general consensus regarding my OP was to cut down on all the frivolous details so I'm loath to trust my own opinion on this one. I'd like to hear what otherpeoplethink about more specialty arrows in general.
  25. Archery Overhaul

    Couldn't agree more... Survival is much more about acquiring/managing/crafting resources in a way that keeps you alive than just fighting evil things all the time. I really hope they continue to buff other aspects of craftsmanship the way that metalworking is currently being done. Ie: glass blowing... multi-block kilns for advanced pottery... bowyer stations... coal refining... smoke houses... shipbuilding (for bigger boats with cargo holds) It would give SSP more longevity and add so much depth to SMP comunities, but I digress. There's too many nice things I have read on the forums, but it's not like the dev team is lagging behind on content. It's still beta after all. I am trying my best keep my focus on archery here. Great suggestion. I could add blunt arrows. (Much less range, damage skeletons, stuns other mobs with slowness for a few seconds...etc) For progression's sake they should probably be metal-age, but blunt stone arrows doesn't seem like a terrible idea plz? Thanks for the inspiration