Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by CreepyD

  1. Should we be able to fill from running water?

    I'd rather be able to fill my jugs from the flowing water than have quick panning I only recently discovered that, and it's still pretty fast holding right mouse button, and looking up at a gravel block and back down at the water, repeat. And that's only for the first part of the game, where gathering water is forever. I suppose I could gather it from barrels instead thinking about it now they now catch rainwater..!
  2. Carrying on your back?

    I'm assuming Kitty meant that the thing on your back will drop and keep everything contained in it when it drops. It would be a bit stupid if dropping it lost everything inside.
  3. Support beams

    I can confirm 4 blocks appears to be the max distance from the horizontal beam. 5th block can cause a cave in which can and will bring down the supported ceiling as well as it propagates. Just suffocated even though was standing well back pretty much under my beam lol Can't remember how it was before, but the beams appear to support 2 levels below, but 0 extra levels above. So you cannot dig any blocks above the support beam without risking a cave in. Oh and it supports cobblestone and dirt (I think as it did before) but not gravel.
  4. Just noticed the sandwich bug myself. Made my first sandwich, 4 diff ingredients, 1 protein, 3 veg. Final sandwich had Salty and Savoury. However I've eaten the whole thing and the health bars have not budged a bit, I have 2 pixels of Protein and zero everything else. The protein came from Cooked Pork which is Savoury and puts it up a tiny bit, not enough to have a HP effect though. ------------------- Hm this morning I ate the 2nd sandwich I made (same ingredients) and it raised my Protein bar by 2 pixels. Can those health bars go below 0 I wonder?
  5. Support beams

    Ah right interesting, that would fit what I saw. I believe I was 6 blocks away from the beam, but as you say the cave in propagated (and jumped) randomly, even to right next to the beam about 3 blocks away from the next nearest block that caved (It was propagate only to a block next to it before right?) Once you get how it works, you can work to avoid it much more effectively! I guess the difficult thing is I was digging with only 2-3 stone above me before the top dirt layer, so it was difficult to dig out enough to put the first beam in place without exposing that layer of dirt. Although admittedly I have once again upped the cave in chance to 1 in 2, masochist or what
  6. Carrying on your back?

    Awesome, this is a great addition to the game since you really need to travel a lot in this mod. I assume if you die while carrying it, it still drops as an item that will disappear in time along with everything in it?
  7. Since 79 I've been experimenting and basically to me the spawn protection feels like it's too easy.Standard settings (-24 hours start, +8 hours per hour spent).You barely spend any time in an area and you have complete safety in almost no time.I've changed down to only +2 hours per hour spent, but now I'm not able to keep my home safe as it's not building up enough.I think what I'm really after is keeping the +8 hours per hour, but changing the starting -24 hours to something more like -48 or even more.That way my home would get protected and keep it, but new areas wouldn't get protected.I basically shouldn't be able to spend a few hours that day in an area and have it already protected that same night.Could we have that time configurable in the config file as well please?
  8. How far did you get in TFC build 79?

    I started from seed 1 and counted up until I found an interesting one that wasn't too far north. Settled on seed "28" You start in a jungle, which is actually a MASSIVE chain of large jungle islands which look amazing. You'd think it was an easy start place, but jungles are pretty tough going and mobs stay alive during the day because of all the shade. I ran about 10 mins before finding fresh water so built a wooden house there from a nearly full inventory of wood. It's funny when you use up 4 stone axes to chop down just 1 Kapok
  9. Zombies + water = spinny zombies?

    I only have the main mods. I wonder if Optifine has something to do with it, that's the only mod I have now that I also have in 78.
  10. [0.79.5] How to make tannin ?

    It's in the patch notes on the main blog page. Could be you're using the wrong wood type, they aren't all listed. [*]Tannin can now only be made with a full (10 bucket) barrel of water and a single Oak, Birch, Chestnut, Douglas Fir, Hickory, Maple, or Sequoia log.
  11. Hm it works, but I see every item over 6 pages on the right hand side and can't access the buttons to the right of my inventory. Can't seem to tone it down in the mod options. I doing something wrong?
  12. New Item ID's for water blocks (0.79.3)

    What version of the shader core mod did you use? I downloaded the one for 1.7.10 (2.3 something I think it was)but it crashed minecraft while trying to load it. Playing shaderless for now.
  13. Don't Cut the Rot

    Wow that sounds great!
  14. Let's See Some Builds

    Ah ic! That looks fantastic though, I'll have to try something like that.
  15. Let's See Some Builds

    That's awesome! I just learned from you that you can combine different wood planks in the same block! How did you make the diagonal above the window with two different materials? I can't seem to do that.
  16. Torch Discussion

    That's good to hear. Personally I'm going to go further when 79 is out and reduce the spawn protection hours given from 8 down to 1. I don't want just 4 minutes in an area to have it spawn protected My first few game months at a new game with torches burning out was way too easy. Being I was gathering local resources from a large-ish area and building a home, the whole lot was spawn protected, I never saw mobs anywhere even at night with no torches in sight. I once saw a skeleton way off in the distance towards a desert I hadn't approached yet.
  17. Torch Discussion

    I could see bed spamming attached to that, maybe it could just work for the previous 2-3 beds you slept in or something. Nice idea though. I do think spawn protection activates too fast for the area you're in though. That comes from me testing while exploring and being caught out at night while chopping trees away from home or something - spawn protection has already kicked in by the time the sun sets so no danger. Ahh, I see the default is just 3 hours to activate spawn protection but it's changeable in the config file! I'll change it for myself
  18. Torch Discussion

    Hate to see people arguing, kiss and make up please I think we really need to just wait for the update and try it. I honestly think it will be fine - there is a solution in place already for almost every issue mentioned in this thread.
  19. Torch Discussion

    So it sounds like some of you will be on each evening, and then nobody on until the next evening? Your scenario sounds like it wont be a problem since Kitty said that time passes super slow when nobody at all is online - no worries. Other than that, jack-o-lanterns are your friend for those super important places like bedrooms
  20. Torch Discussion

    I like the idea of building your house over lava, that's cool. You say about using less torches too. Something that in my testing I automatically started doing. You quickly find that you don't actually NEED all those torches For the time being I have a handful of jack-o-lanterns to do the job in my main few areas.
  21. Torch Discussion

    Will you be able to hold a lit torch (e.g dynamic lighting)? It's just in the test I was doing using the UnlitTorch mod they feel REALLY important when revisiting a mine for example. The torch still burns through its 2 hours while holding it. Obviously while you're holding a torch, you're not holding a weapon too, so that's a good trade off I think. It's quite spooky and cool going down a pitch black mine with ONLY my held torch light showing maybe 6 blocks ahead of me.
  22. Alloy Calculator

    Awesome, I tried to make something like this but yours is much better.
  23. Torch Discussion

    Don't forget digging a narrow shaft means it's highly unlikely mobs will spawn there anyway since there are bound to be numerous cave systems dotted around where there is open space and many more blocks for mobs to spawn on than your tiny corridor.
  24. Torch Discussion

    Trust me the 5x5 is plenty. In testing playing with no lights I'm not seeing mobs spawn anywhere remotely near me. There already is value leak since you don't spend all your time in 1 chunk, you move about. I'd even suggest reducing it to 4x4 maybe lol
  25. Torch Discussion

    I thought Jack-O-Lanterns were light level 15? Changing them to light level 6 would be the key so spawning is still allowed but we get some light. I look forward to it how ever it's done though, people can always turn it off in their config. I don't think it's as big a deal as people think having played like it with the other mod.