Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. The purpose of this thread is to keep an updated log of topics covered in the suggestion pages, to help people find topics, andhelp keep information together. There is already one by Kittychanley but it hasn't been updated in some time. To find something, go to the category and expand the spoiler. The categories will be in alphabetical order and some may have sub categories. Some topics may find themselves under more than one category which is fine while others may not be included due to it falling under another topic. Topics will be evaluated by content on first page. It can be hard to know if your idea is close enough to a topic to be added to that idea. When indoubt skim closely related topics to see if it would fit in with the flow and then decide. If it fits into multiple categories your idea may need refining. A new topic should have no less than around 200 words. If you can explain it in less than there's probably already a topic it could fall under. If you can't find your topic using this directory then do a search by going to the suggestions directory, navigate to the top right of the page and select "This Forum".As always thank you for being polite and follow the rules outlined in this forum. Aesthetics(mostly), light, and sounds Crafting, Carpentry/Wood Working, wood and earthen building materials,and Glass Containers, weight, size,inventory, and transportation Magic, chemistry, gems, and Supernatural Mechanical, electrical, and steam power Pain, injury,illness, and fatigue Plants,bees, food/water, and Mobs Player skills, stats,professions, and progression Smithing,metals, mining, ore's and ore generation,processing, tools, weapons and armor Temperature mechanics Water management World Generation, weather, and NPCs Miscellaneousstuffthat doesn't fit in the other categories or really low interest
  2. Weapons, sheats, and ranged weapons

    VERY IMPORTANT: I messed up while making the poll, the options were supposed to be five but I accidentally clicked enter while writing. The options are the following: Yes, I love it!!!! Yes, it's a nice idea. I'm indifferent about it. No, it could be better (explain why). No, I hate it and you should feel ashamed for writing it. Please let me know in the comments what you think of this suggestion NEW: PARRYING AND INTERRUPTING ACTIONS SUPER-MEGA-SPOILER TL-DR I suggest to add a variety of shields, armours and weapons, each with its different characteristics. Also a sheath item that adds dedicated weapons slots to your inventory that show up as an extension of your hotbar, saving you from having to use precious hotbar slots for weapons.
  3. I have a good idea (in my opinion) for a way to change up the smithing/forging system with weapons and armor. To make a tool with an anvil, you will still need one made from an equal orgreaterthan tier of metal. But now, you will also need a hammer of equal or greater tier to get full durability and efficiency. Also the type of hammer will contribute to this too for what is being forged. Types of hammers may be ball peen, doming, chaser, ect. And there should also be three types of armor: Chain Mail, Lamallar, and plate. Chain mail would have really high slashing resistance, but little crushing with almost none topiercing. Lamellar would require sinew, jute fiber, or leather in addition to metal. Lamellar would have higherpiercingresistance, but less crushing and a little slashing. Lamellar would balance things out more, though. And plate would have everything pretty balanced out, but would overall be better. The biggest disadvantage to plate would be resources and weight. That brings me to armor layering and weight. You can always layer armor (as in put chain mail under lamellar or plate) to get higherprotection. But wearing to much armor will slow you down. wearing full steal chain mail and plate would protect you a whole lot, but you will move 15% slower and take up more thirst when sprinting and jumping. I also think that wearing very heavy armor will not protect a whole lot against fall damage. And now, weapons. The weapons in the game already have good variation, but maybe there should be some that do less overall damage, but domultipletypes of damage. I'm talking about war hammers (piercingand crushing), Spears (piercing and slashing), and battle axes (slashing and crushing). And when forging blades, Ibelievethat sword forging should beelaboratedtomake better swords, knifes, spears, and axes. This would involvefullers, bevels, grinding, cross guard making, pommel making (because weight should effect sword attack rate), heat treating, and oil quenching. Maybe even add tang forging todetermineweight and grip. Also different handles would be cool to add more to grip. I think grip should be related to strike force anddefense. That is my idea for TFC2. Please let me know what you think, as adding a complex combat system integrated into the forging system. I think adding so many different types of armor and weapons will let players develop their own play style and preference. I hope everyone likes this. I would really like to see this in game.
  4. TerraMisc Introduction [DISCONTINUED] 5/10/20 - I no longer have plans to update this add-on as a continuation of its original ideas or concepts. Instead I have decided that I would like to start over from scratch to produce something of a higher quality. I do not want to make any promises, my personal life can be chaotic at best, but this is a project that I did deeply enjoy producing; which is why I want to give it a do-over, done right. Thank you! Feel free to continue using this add-on in its current state, just know that it itself will not be receiving updates. TerraMisc is an addon without any defined theme; I add in random things cause I think that TFC would be better with it or that it would have a positive impact on gameplay. Feel free to suggest things as long as they aren't things that the TFC devs themselves have openly opposed or rejected, plus they have to appropriate for all audiences as per forum rules. Links: Github: Twitter: Donations: Paypal*Donations received allow me to contribute more time and resources to this project. Thank you!* Contents Note: All of my recipes should be compatible with the NEI TFC Addon. Longbow and tiered metal arrows! Crossbow and tiered metal bolts! (Crushing Damage!) Quiver for compatibilitywith Longbow and Crossbow! Alternate Red stone recipes, this includes pistons and sticky pistons! Suet, Tallow, and Candles! Additional meleeweapons such as Halberds, War Hammers, and Poniards! New chain mail armor variant! Alternate Clock and Compass recipes! Decorative road blocks for more beautiful looking roads and paths! Fruit press, which produces fruit juice from all berries and a few other fruits! (Works like the TFC Hopper.) (Now with additional fruit support and juices!) Fruit wine, fermented from fruit juice, can also be used to make vinegar! Sugar extraction from fruit juice! Soy Milk, dairy replacement! Mod Spotlights Downloads Changelog Legal/Modpack Authors/Terms of Use Support/Bug Reports
  5. I am looking for someone who can develop a tool that will allow pack creators and other developers to change the stats of vanilla and modded weapons. TFC mobs have significantly higher health and damage stats than their vanilla counterparts and the weapons and armor also have damage values to compensate. In a mod pack that includes additional gear even the most over powered enchanted sword will be useless against a simple zombie, a stone knife would be a far better weapon. I have an adventure style mod pack that includes some pretty cool dungeons and monsters to fight from various other mods like the Twilight Forest, but I do not know how to alter their weapon statsto be useful in A a TFC world. Ideally I would like a mod similar to MineTweaker, that has a separate script file where developers can set item stats one at a time. If this kind of mod already exists please let me know, and if anyone else has any suggestions or comments I would love to hear them. Thank you, OneWolfe-
  6. I went through a lot of back and forth between the forge, anvil, and wiki, but I finally got it! My first metal armor! (Copper) Now I don't even want to wear it!
  7. Armor Compatibility

    Hello! Im new to TFC and I've put together my own modpack for a playthrough with my friends, including Witchery and Mekanism, but the armor in these mods doesn't seem to be compatible with TFC. It either doesnt render at all or renders in some weird texture; here are some examples.,WH7uDrs#0,WH7uDrs#1
  8. Armour and Bed glitch

    Armour doesn't crouch with steve when I crouch. I know I can't really explain things well so here's a quick video showing the bug: Running build 78 Latest java updates Test if you have the same bug. I'll be on tommorow, need to sleep now.
  9. 2x Sheet: Bug or What

    i was testing out the new armor system and when i got to working on trying to get 2x sheet i found that i couldn't heat the sheet and i couldn't weld them ether. am i missing something or is this a bug.