Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. So I installed TFC perfectly fine. I installed the forge universal that the latest TFC was built on. Then I installed player API. Then put TFC in the mods folder. Game launched fine. I make a new world and right when I get in the world (I see the TFC terrain health bar, food bar, and water bar) then MC crashes... Can someone help?
  2. Item Description Problems

    So, it seems that whenever I hover over, say, a rock in my inventory it says "Medium Tiny" under it. The screenshot will help show what I mean:
  3. Bloomery trouble

    I've been making a bloomery on TFC Beta Build 69 For MC v1.4.5 and it's not working. I've used both kinds of design and I tossed the ore and charcoal in and nothing happens. Here's what it looks like: (just click arrows to find other pictures)
  4. Crash Before Starting

    I get this crash when I tried to install TFC I first got rid of my Minecraft.jar and all other files except last login and ran minecraft again, then I deleted META-INF, then I downloaded modloader into minecraft.jar, then I ran minecraft to get files, then I downloaded Minecraft forge and Player Api Client with correct versions into minecraft.jar. I tried putting TFCraft-Universal-Core into the mods file, but I was not able to play TFC, just normal minecraft, so I put my TFCraft file into the minecraft.jar and I got this crash.
  5. Member Titles?

    Does anyone know the member titles of this forum? Like Copper Miner, Wood Cutter, etc. Thanks.
  6. Help with MultiMC and TFCraft

    Alright folks here is the deal, First I am a Mod installing noob. (now that that is out of the way...) I used MultiMc to install TFCraft so that I would not mess up my original Minecraft and could play it if the urge surfaced. After installing MultiMC I then loaded into the Jar Mods Tab: Modloader, MCForge-universal-, TFCraft-universal-core-B2-Build49h, in that order. My Core Mods is empty. My Mods Folder has Rei's Minimap in it. My TFCraft runs with this setup however I would like to install Smart Moving. The Smart Moving says it needs Player API to work but I don't know where to drop the Player API in my MultiMC. Does it go into the Jar Mods? In a specific order? Next I would like to be able to upgrade to the new builds as they are released but don't know how to do that either. In my only attempt I just pulled Build 49h out and stuck the newest build in and cleared my config folder. Doing this caused my game to crash so I undid the changes and everything was ok. So how do I upgrade my TFC? So to recap.... 1. Multi MC TFCraft- Does what I have now look right? If not what do I need to change. 2. Where does the Player API go in MultiMC? 3. Would Smart move then go in Mods Folder? 4. How do I upgrade to new builds? Can I do it without losing my worlds? Anyones help would be greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance.
  7. Beta v2 Build 49c on MultiMC Help

    Beta v2 Build 49f on MultiMC Help -FIXED- This is how I instaled .Does work ( I needed to use the forge download link displayed on the instal instruction ) Put the minecraftforge-uneversal- into the Jar mods Put the Player API client 1.2 into the Jar mods And then put the downloaded mod folder into the mods folder
  8. Hey guys, I know I'm recent to the forums and to TFC but I can't seem to find anyone's videos that are extremely helpful to newbies when they play TerraFirmaCraft. I watched the Spotters Guide but I didn't know that rocks were being used to create tools until way later on in the series. So in order to help newbies and answer any questions that they might need (and to also lower the traffic on redundant posts on the forums) I'm doing this new survivors guide. I've really enjoyed this mod and can't think of any reason to help the community out even more. So here we go, going to put up three videos today to start the series off and I'll have the links in the forum post below so if people don't want to browse youtube they can come here and just click the link. Hope you enjoy and here's to a wonderful start! Status updates are the last post in the forum! (Usually) Season 1: Ep. 1 The First Night Ep. 2 The Next Steps Ep. 3 A New Beginning Ep. 4 The Magic of Chisels Ep. 5 Bringing Down the Hammer 1 Ep. 6 Bringing Down the Hammer 2 Ep. 7 Mining Techniques 1 Season 2: Ep. 1 The Dangerous Road Ahead Ep. 2 Maintaining Survival Ep. 3 Making Charcoal Ep. 4 Building the Forge Ep. 5 Working the Forge All videos available on my youtube channel linked here:
  9. I know it's hard to keep up to date with the patches, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.. I'm following these instructions to a "T". First, I delete my .minecraft folder, after backing up my saves if I ever want to go back to vanilla minecraft, then I get a fresh .minecraft folder by running a new minecraft.exe from the minecraft main site. Then, I replace the 1.3.2 minecraft.jar file that is contained in the .minecraft bin folder with a clean, unmodded 1.2.5 minecraft.jar file. (If anything, this must be where I went wrong, can somebody please provide a link to a confirmed, working, 1.2.5 clean unmodded minecraft.jar file?) Once all that's done, I open the clean, unmodded 1.2.5 minecraft.jar file with winrar, delete meta-inf. Then I download Forge Client, open that with winrar, and drag all the files (excluding the "..." file at the top) into the aforementioned clean, unmodded 1.2.5 minecraft.jar file which has been opened with winrar. Then I do the same for PlayerAPI Client 1.1 Then I do the same with TFC_Client_Core Then I do the same with TFC_Resources In that order. Then, when I run minecraft, it allows me to login, flashes "Mojang", then remains black. Please, what am I doing wrong? Does anybody know?
  10. Need Installation Help

    I cant seem to get the installation to work. If anyone can leave a detailed description on how to do it Id greatly appreciate it. Ive tried manual install and MultiMC. With MultiMC i keep getting an error saying mod versions may be wrong, but from what i can find theyre correct versions.
  11. Game breaking lag at certain times

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here! So I recently downloaded TFC. I also have optifine installed. My computer is not the gratest but I can get about 20-30 FPS with optifine on tiny+16. It does the job though and I don't mind overly much. Oncce I created my first world and got all te settings proper I was getting my normal 20-30 FPS but when I tried to harvest some sticks and rocks, BAM, down to 1. It seems that whenever I left click in any way, wether I fight, use tools, use a fire, or manage my inventory my FPS shoots down, and then comes back up like nothing happened. This makes it very difficult to play the game! while it has gotten a little better, It's not gone away in the 20 minutes I have played. Another, less anoying but still problematic issue is that the world is generating really slow (despite having the multi-core version of optifine). I'm used to slow, but this is so slow that I can actually walk onto the invisible chunk BEFORE it loads. This is not as eeirly consistent as the other problem and does not seem to be present at all times, but is still frequent. So please, if you have ANY idea as to what could be causing these problems or how to fix them, help me out! If you need anymore information to determine the issue, just ask. ~Treyflix
  12. Please help... Anvil problem

    I'm having a bizarre issue with my anvil... I have some unshaped tin and I put it in to work it, but (1) the top arrow doesn't move and the rules don't appear and (2) nothing happens when I hit the buttons on either side. However... when I get some unshaped tin from my NEI list, I can work it. Help please!
  13. Using MultiMC, can't get Mod to work.

    Nevermind, figured it out. Move along people, nothin' to see here.
  14. Calendar problem

    I can for some reason not open the calendar by pressing "n". Have tried to give it another key in consoles but still nothing is happening. I am running it with MultiMC and got the following mods installed: MinecraftForge 3.2.5 120-clientOptiFine 1.25_HD_MT_C2TFCraft B2pre33CodeChuckenCore 0.5.3TFC_TexturesNEI 1.41bReiMinimap 3.1What am i doing wrong?
  15. Help oej98!

    Welcome to the Help oej98! thread. I post n00bish questions here, and you answer them! Alright, here's #1: How do I get Cassiterite? Does it pop out of Granite like the gems? Or is it in a vein like Magnetite? Aaaand #2: What is the best technique to get ores in TerraFirmaCraft? More to come as I get trouble!
  16. SMP Internal Error...

    When I try to craft flint tools and, as far as I know, any other tools my game will crash and give the following error: Internal exception: java.lang.NullPointerException This only happens in SMP, and only for me as far as I can tell. I am using Beta 16 My mods are installed with MultiMC, in the following order: JAR: ModLoaderMinecraftForge- I miss a requirement for SMP or something?