Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Alternative to water jug?

    I think it would be great if there was an upgrade to the current water jug. It can break at any time, which could be inconvenient, so i think it would be cool if we could make a metal cup for water, and it would never break. Or have durability or something
  2. New Tool: Trowel, New Masonry edited

    New Tool: Trowel, New Masonry THE TROWEL The trowel would be a metal tool and needed for most stone work. You need a chisel to create stone bricks but you should need a trowel to create the stone bricks block. We could also use the trowel to create cobble blocks they would need mortar and rocks. The same recipe used today for bricks could be used for cobble. As for cave ins maybe we can make stone turn into rubble. Like piles of rocks, I think that makes more sense than the caveins magically making coble blocks.. So the ruble behaves the same as rocks on the ground . Just giving you 4 rocks instead of one. And the only way to obtain coble blocks would be with mortar and the trowel This new cobble behaving block would not be gravity affected so everybody that wants the look of the cobble for the castle and towers would have it. In a believable way. I don't think is needed but it could also be added as a config option to require a trowel on the hotbar and mortar in the inventory every time you want to place any stone block ( stone, smooth, brick or cobble). THE MASONRY The New Masonry: right click the trowel to open up a new GUI. The GUI will be 8 x 8 to allow the creation of complex structures. Like for example The stone oven, stone Stove and Chimneys described in my post " Cooking Mechanics Overhaul" The main difference between Knapping and Masonry is that you are adding material not subtracting. You should be able t to use rocks or stone bricks depending on what kind of look you want. Off course you need Mortar in your inventory. No need to add Mortar to the Gui (to facilitate on the creation designs)it will just be deducted from your inventory. For the Mortar one way to improve how fast you can make it, would be using the barrel. So you could mix high quantities of mortar at once.
  3. Add Slabs and Stairs as a Creative Block My idea would be to Have the most common blocks to be removable and going into inventory. Those blocks would be available in creative mode. You should still need a chisel to create a slab or stair. But we would be able to remove and replace then. That should work for all the blocks that we currently can use to create slabs or stairs. So the same way I can create smooth stone and remove it and place it. I should be able to create, remove and place slabs and stairs. By the way I did search the forum but could not find this suggestion anywhere. I was sure someone would have suggested that before. I am not proposing the vanilla recipe. You would use the chisel the same way you have been using. Decided to bump this tread since the main question has not been answered: Can we have half slabs and stairs as a creative block? Also can we have those blocs as retrievable blocks? Again only for stairs and exactly half slabs not partial slabs.
  4. Mushrooms in TFC

    What do you think of the idea of having like as many type of mushrooms in TFC as rocks or trees? some would be found in caves, some on trees, some edible, some poisonous, some grow big some grow small, some grow in a type of dirt more, some doesn't, some grown in a biome when it rains, but dies off, some even grow in winter(?) some don't. some spread fast, some don't. Some grow in the sun, some dies. Some causes hallucination other are fine. Some, oh you get it. (in case you don't they WILL go and grow in between your crops) You can pick them, inspect them, hopefully not confuse them with a similar but venomous one, water them, Humidity might be something to brought in though. EDIT 1 As people liked the idea more than i expected I will write how i would like to see mushrooms in-game: First step: Humidity - dont know much about mushrooms but i know they love water so some important factors are for mushroom growth: Humidity, Rain, Season, altitude, Soil (can be dirt, stone, trees, leaves, clay, ORES! and of course different kinds of these trees, stone, dirt, stone), Sunlight, Temperature, Blocklight, Nutrients, Distance from water block, Water block type and just maybe... stabilty Humidity is the only one that needs to be added every mushroom has different needs Purpose So what would them shrooms be good for? I feel these would be good: -Food -Medicine/Potions -Indicators -Aesthetics -CollectiblesWell here are some of my favorite shroom ideas: -Peat indicator shrooms -Icy winter shrooms -Some what can be fed to animals but not to players, becuse they cause bad stuff -Boiling water near indicator shrooms -oreshrooms
  5. ---Original suggestion--- original name:TFC (massive) Earlygame changes + sticks and planks update Soooo... In vanilla minecraft you basicly spawn down, punch wood make a pick, in 10 minutes you have a diamond pick and like everything. and Terrafirmacraft is survival mode as it sould have been So you spawn down knapp some knifes, cut grass (magicly turns into yellow straw) and build a shelter. So (again) dont get me wrong i love terrafirma, BUT, i love it because i love its beautyful evironments and because its realistic as it can be without getting boring (THIS is whats so awesome) OK so you might have guessed that the 5th line was irony of its realisticness... BUT you can make that realistic without getting it boring (like the game would get boring if you couldn't carry like 15 tonnes of dirt in your hands, cause then the whole game would be about transporting resources) So ones idea may be like okay so obviously you need to dry that straw, like place it on the ground, fill up to 8 1/8 block with straw, similar with the pit kiln, and wait until it dries, like starting from the top and stuff, and also to keep it realistic you can't 2 full block on top of each other, like dirt, it full fall to the side (also the full blocks would replace the blocks of thatch,or grass and it would be solid, the others with 7 or less would be ghost blocks, but harder to go through them (like +2 level slowness) OK, so yeah... great, now its good because you need to wait until... oh wait what about a shelter or something like that, seems usefull on the first night. This would be the first part of my suggestion, but we need to solve the problems so lets get to it. NOW, straw/grass lying around, well sometimes this should be blown away by the wind depending on how many blocks are next to it (of course during storms more would be blown away, and under rain grass would reset in the drying prosess) So to make a full block not be blown away by the wind, you'll need to tie it together with 3 pieces of string or wool yarn. and what you could do it make the pile stronger (and this would also be the way to make a wall) is add some stick yeah... great but how? well, the answer is easy: stick would be placable, and it would be different color from different trees. and how would it look like? like the blocks/miniblocks that are now called planks. those if placed are 1/64 of a block, but if you craft 4 together, you get a plank block. WHAT?!!!!! so the planks would look like this. 1x1 on the face, 1/8 block wide. These still aren't realistic to get 4 pieces and get a full block, I think, we would need either 6 or 8, depending on how you look at them but with chiseling it needs 8. So either a) we don't change the recipe, so we don't interfere with crafting table crafting or be just wont have plank blocks, just place 8 planks on top of each other so thats it with planks. With sticks? well I was thinking using it so make roofs out of thatch stand, as support beams for straw and grass. SO maybe this would be my suggestion but there IS one other thing. and this would fix the problem with shearing leaves. and the first night shelter problem (if it is a problem) leaves would be ghost blocks. like you can't interact with them. (or only with shears, but you can't get them. or you can but not as blocks but as items to compost it or something) so a tree would spawn with branches (with look like places sticks cause they are) (and RANDOM braches, and not only one per block), and if you brake them you get sticks. you might just build a hideout is on/in a tree (you could make ladders) ---End of Original suggestion--- ---suggestion v2--- Main suggestion: Harvesting tall grass with a knife or a scythe would give you grass (not placable vanilla grass of course) which you can place down like a 1/8 slab, in a similar style to straw placing in a pit kiln. This grass would dry in time and turn yellow but this woudn't affecting building with it. These would be like ghost blocks, so you can go through them unless it reached 1 full block. After you build a block with this straw and want to stack more up on top of it, it (the second block) falls over randomly like dirt would. So in order to build In order to make a wall with that, you'd need to support it with sticks on the side, which would be placable like planks To make a roof, you'd need to support the straw from underneath. If you place 1 more straw/grass on top of them (represented by orange carpets, block of thatch and a clay grass block) That won't work, because it'll fall over So placeblack sticks would look like these planks (not their texture) which is needed to support these blocks, min 2 on all sides of grass, only one for straw. explanation (with pictures )for roofs coming soon Sticks are weak materials, and get break under heavier blocks like dirt, sand, gravel, or any block that can fall exept grass/staw. They can also be breaken by mobs if collided with them, but it would also break under them (or players) making it ideal for traps (covered by grass) Water could also wash it away. Side suggestion #01 ADOBE - Block somewhat similar to current thatch: Maybe we could add a higher tier block which can be used to build huts similar to the ones currently build with thach blocks. Needs 8 straw (dried), 8 clay, 1 dirt or sand and 4 sticks produces 4 blocks of adobe. this block could be used as thatch for building, it wouldn't fall down (or be blown away by the wind if that would be a thing still in the suggestion (i might bring it up as a separate suggestion)) Side suggestion #02 Tree branches: So as I said trees should have branches INSIDE the leaves, and if you destroy all naturaly sticks in a leafblock the leaveblock breaks, otherwise you can't interact with leafblocks maybe only with shears (side-side suggestion) and even then it wouldn't give a block, just something to compost. BALANCING TIP #01 cutting grass with a knife or scythe would give 1-3 grass, with bare hand this would be 0-1. because of higher cost of thatch block. Pros of this suggestion: [*]Making straw huts believable [*]Adding adobe which would serve as thatch does now [*]Believable trees, especially in winter [*]Inspiring players to build treehouses or realistic straw huts on day 1 [*]Adding a storage solution for sticks ---end of suggestion v2---
  6. Different variants of trapdoors

    Make trapdoors look differently depending on the wood they are made of, just like normal doors.
  7. Water Pump the TFC Way edited again

    I have seen a lot of water pumps proposed. One thing they all have in common, is that they all want to change the way water behaves and or add a whole bunch of pipes and valves. Don’t get me wrong pipes are ok but not for early or mid-game. They should not be used until later in the game. My idea of a water pump is a device that can move 1 water source block from 10 blocks dawn. That is as much as a suction pump can do. The pump needs to be at a maximum of 10 blocks higher than the water body. Be it a river or pond. From there you have to use canals to move the water horizontally. Since water will flow for 7 blocks before it needs a slope you can make it 70 blocks farther. To be usable we need to tweak a few things, like been able to fill jugs and buckets from flowing water. Also I have no idea if flowing water irrigates farm blocks. I would like this system to be obtainable by mid game. Like copper age. A water wheel or windmill would provide power for the pump. History: The first suction pump may have been invented by the Egyptian engineer Ctesibius in the 3rd century B.C. Suction pumps were in use during the time of the Romans, and diagrams exist showing an early European pump model from the 15th century. More pictures The Water wheel The mechanics: gears and the pump, in the image a note block The top where the water source is created
  8. Cooking Mechanics Overhaul

    v Cooking Mechanics Overhaul (With Pictures) v This tread is about how we cook our food with theadditions of several cooking utensils and appliances. v The Purpose is to have different cooking experiences depending on how advanced technologically you are.The v Stone Age: Ø Firepit § Is already in the game and you can cook your meat . Ø The Clay pot and Pan § The clay pot : · Made in the kiln pit. · low durability (is made of clay) . · It gives you access to all recipes that require boiling or cooking on a pot. ¨ Cooking rice, boiling eggs and making a soup or stew. § The clay pan or frying pan: Made in the kiln pit · low durability · it gives you access to all recipes that require frying. ¨ Fry eggs, fry meat and fry bacon. Ø The Clay Oven: § low durability § low efficiency it uses a lot of wood § Can bake breads, pies etc… § How to build Made with 2 new blocks The Clay chimney block and the Clay oven block The Clay oven block requires at least one Clay chimney block connected to the back of the Oven. More chimney blocks can be added to the top of the first one. The chimney needs open sky to work using the clay forming GUI Just place the Raw Clay oven: Now Form the Chimney Like this Place The Raw Clay Chimney behind the Clay Oven Open the oven interface feed 16 logs and burn (requires right click with fire starter) It will take 24 in game hours for oven to be ready. v Copper Age: Ø Stone Stove: § Made with 2 new blocks The stone chimney block and the stone oven block The stone oven block requires at least one stone chimney block connected to the back of the stove more chimney blocks can be added to the top of the first one. The chimney needs open sky to work. § Middle durability § Middle efficiency it consumes less fuel. § It accepts wood and charcoal ( cooking with coal is not a good idea) § Just light the oven and place your pot or pan over it to start cooking. Ø Stone Oven: § Made in a similar way as the stone stove it requires the stone oven block and the stone chimney block. If placed on either side of the stone stove it makes a combo and does not need its own chimney. § Can bake breads, pies etc… § Middle durability § Middle efficiency it consumes less fuel and it burns longer. How to build: To build the stone oven you need a new tools the trowel and a new feature The masonry. Right clicking 8 or more rocks with a trowel on the hotbar and mortar on the inventory opens up a new GUI. In the example similar to stone knapping but instead of removing pieces you would be adding then. You have to create the oven block and the chimney block. see pictures. § Even though stone and oven are made of stone humans didn’t build then until they had metal tools to work on the stone. Ø Historically stone stoves and ovens required a lot of maintenance since the plaster used would break down and result in a lot of smoke inside the house and heat escaping to the outside. For gameplay we can simulate that by a durability indicator. Ø The stone stove and oven requires mortar in its creation and needs at least a copper chisel Ø Copper Pot and Pan § The copper pot: · Made in the anvil using a metal sheet · Middle durability · Can Cook all recipes that require boiling or cooking on a pot ¨ Cooking rice, boiling eggs and making a soup or stew. § The copper pan: · Middle durability · Can Cook all recipes that require frying. ¨ Fry eggs, fry meat and fry bacon. v Iron Age Ø The iron oven § Made with 8 double ingots v 6 - Finally getting to the Iron Age we have first the Brazier. This is a portable indestructible block. It will provide Light and heat using combustibles even more efficiently. v 7 - The iron stove oven is what was used by our great grandmothers is cast iron but is a lot of iron. (Maybe a double block?) Again is indestructible but not portable. Very efficient it can cook everything and it will keep your house illuminated and warm for 24 hours with one load. v 8 - As part of the Iron Age we need iron pots and pans the main advantage is that they do not break. As far as cooking you can cook the same with a clay pot or iron pot. v The main Idea for me is to make it possible for Steve to do basic cooking in all ages but having advantages in progressing technologically. v I don’t know if we should try to advance this into steel age as is a very new technology and I think out of the game scope.
  9. Shears recipe

    The "vanilla" recipe for shears could have been more in the tread with TCF's "mindset". Suggeston to shears recipe: Weld two knife blades together.
  10. BODY TEMPERATURE MECHANICS AND IMPLEMENTATION With Pictures v This post is not to suggest Body Temperature. We already know is coming in the next release.Is about how it should be implemented: v New blocks items and devices to help preserve body temperature raise it or lower it. v I did some research on posts that already marginally talk about these ideas and will try to link to then. v world generation : Ø I should call attention to the fact that the equator is not a huge desert. On the contrary the equator is where all the rain forests are located: Amazonia, Congo, Indonesia and so on. Actually the biggest deserts are located on the tropic of cancer and Capricorn as North Africa and Australia. Note the red Line for the equator. Ø One other thing to consider is places like Alaska that are pretty up north but have huge forests and are rich in wildlife. Ø That said I believe we should have some kind of disadvantages for people that want to live too much north or south also some kind of problems for living on the equator like too much rain ( I have a friend from Brazil that use to live on the Amazonia, according to him people use to set appointments as before or after the rain as it would invariably rain every day in early afternoon) or diseases. To be honest is a lot easier to live on hot places then on cold climates. v Some suggestions for early game: Ø Thirst aggravation: § When over 35C the thirst bar would deplete twice as fast, so the player need to drink double the amount of water. Ø Scraped Hide: this low quality leather would be obtained just by scraping a hide with a knife. § Scrape Hide can be used to make a Cape and basic clothing (To keep game balancing you should not be able to make any kind of armor with it. § Scrape Hide can be used to make tents for night time (especially when travelling) there is a tread about that Here § Water bags: Heat will make you more thirst (historically the clay jug was never a portable thing as is very breakable) It should provide enough water for 2 days if no thirst aggravation. Ø Heat Sources: There is a tread about that Here: any source of fire raises ambient temperature around then. § Change Fire Pit to allow it to be fuelled for the night ( on single player if it gets too cold in the night you would wake up before morning, so no sleeping if is too cold.) § Add stone stove and ovens (Again we need a way to fuel then for the night and on more advanced versions (cast iron stove and ovens) 24 hours stocking. Tread about that Here Ø Hats: Anyone living on a hot weather knows how important that is: Maybe as a penalty for living in very hot biome any one without a Hat under sunlight when over 35C (95F) would suffer slowness and have a thirst aggravation. The hat is not needed indoors or when mining. § Straw Hat would be easy to make but not very durable. It eliminates slowness from Heat. § Leather Hat more durable No slowness and only half thirst aggravation. § Leather Hat with cloth inside No slowness and no Thirst aggravation. Ø Clothing and outfits: there is a tread about that Here § An idea would be to have a way to create skins from inside the game ( no idea if is possible or how to make it work.
  11. More animals

    Personally I find the animal farming bland so I have some suggestions... -goat: goats can make milk and make more than 1 offspring but have little meat on them -Moose: kinda like deer only bigger and slower -black bear: a less aggressive bear that breeds with berries -bees: found in hives on trees. break the hive with anything but shears or a knife and you receive 200 damage otherwise you get the hive and you can move it. right click monthly witha wood bucket in order to collect honey lastly I have a love for elephants so may you please add them they could be ridden and drop ivory when they die (please suggest ivory uses)
  12. Credit goes to Djakuta for inspiring me to think beyond braziers and cauldrons and create a total revision of how hunger, cooking and nutrition are managed. When posting suggestions that deal with a specific idea in this broad topic please make sure you have looked through the detail section to ensure your post is fully informed and contextual. Purposes of better cooking(If you just want to skim the basic ideas read this) [*]Create incentive for players to invest in food preparation (more early game dietary restrictions, max health better uses player diet, variety to keep the boredom away, feasts with friends ...etc) [*]A more realistic and entertaining variety of food items and recipes that uses existing ingredients [*]Implement various ways to cook different food items and recipes (ceramic and metal cookware, clay and metal ovens, pots, cauldrons, cooking in vessels ...etc) [*]Reward players who invest time in cooking with more than just a skill level (better tasting food can be eaten faster, meals that include more food groups later in the game, better ways of creating meals, fancy desserts ...etc) [*]Make use of the ceramic pot (item available in creative mode, currently not implemented) [*]Re-work the idea of meals (random ingredients that make no sense irl seem like a good placeholder to me but not a finished product) [*]More realistic cooking in fire-pits (using clay pots and cooking on coals instead of flames) [*]Multiblock ovens and iron/blue steel stoves double as efficient home heating for body temp update [*]Allow players who want to do other things to survive on basic foods while still providing benefits for spending time on fancy cooking [*]Tweaks to nutrition, hunger and taste Detail Section(Possible ways to actually implement these ideas, open to suggestions and will be updated, key points in bold text) General changes(nutrition, taste, hunger) [*]Food groups not longer all require the same amount to fill up. A balanced diet would include more fruit and vegetables and grain than meat and diary. [*]Filling up your food group bars takes a lot more work and is difficult until late-game cooking, players starting out are stuck at lower max health values (compensated by adding ways to eat grain early game) [*]The taste of all raw foods is a set value (ie: lemons/garlic lower- apple/tomato medium - peaches/blueberries higher) [*]The taste of cooked foods (except stews) is affected by cooking level. [*]Taste determines how many oz you can eat during each eating animation [*]Burnt food is still edible but will always taste terrible (eaten 1oz at a time) [*]Ounces consumed determines the hunger bar change [*]Nutritional value of food multiplied by ounces consumed determines how much the nutrition bars go up [*]Having a higher cooking level will also give you more time before food that you place in a fire/oven/stove gets burnt [*]Each food group bar takes much longer to fill up and much longer to empty. Severe malnutritionshould not be solved by eating 2 good meals. Neither should someone become malnourished if they go 3dayswithout a steak. Nutrition levels would follow the harvest cycle, at the end of the fall players would be very healthy from all the food they had gathered over the summer, as winter progresses into spring they would become less healthy unless they had preserved enough food from the year before. [*]Hunger would be less related to nutrition, think of hunger as needing mostly carbohydrates for daily energy(fruits veggies andbread) and health as an indicator of how balanced your diet was over the past month or two. [*]Fun idea: Once per season (winter/spring/summer/fall) players should be able to enter a"Feasting Mode" where hunger drops 3x faster and you can still eat when you're full. Overeating would apply a slowness effect for 1-12 hours (proportional to the amount you over-eat) This would be fun to use during a feast in SMP, but would also benefit players who are malnourished after a long winter by providing them a way to quickly boost their nutrition levels after the first early crops come in.NEW! Practical application examples if you are slightly confused by all the bullet points: You eat raw garlic 1oz at a time, it's gross so you to eat it slow, it's not very nutritious so while you might not be hungry anymore, your max health doesn't skyrocket. You eat raw potato 3oz at a time, it's not terrible, it's a little more nutritious but baking it would make the taste and nutritional value go way up. You eat a banana 5oz at a time (all raw fruit tastes good except lemons and olives), good nutritional value You eat hot apple pie 15oz at a time, even without a high cooking level it's delicious and will saturate fruit and grain bars quite a bit. You eat a 5oz bowl of stew (8oz if savoury) You can carry a full pot with you and it includes grain, meat and vegetables (and possibly cheese) so up to 3 food groups stay high (and maybe dairy gets a small boost) Cooking Methods Roasting in fire-pits-Earliest game cooking, to use a fire-pit to cook you must use coals, not an open flame. To build up coals burn logs for a while, a "coals" bar in the fire pit GUI will fill up. -After the wood runs out thefire pitwill continue to stay hot and emit light until the coals die, which would take quite a while. -To cook on coals place maize or meat (except eggs) infire pitcooking slot -If placed in the fire pit when logs are burning it will almost always burn before it cooks. (High cooking skill lowers this chance) -There is no output slot that cooked food magically goes to when it's done. -If food is left in the fire 5secondstoo long it will burn Boiling in ceramic pots (clay cookware) -Early game cooking, add water to clay pot (same way you add to jugs) and place food in inventory slots, then place full pot in the fire pit cooking slot. -Boiling certain vegetables (carrots, squash etc) will improve their nutritional content and the taste -Can be used to boil eggs -Can be used to boil oats or rice for early game grain consumption -Later in the game could be used for recipes such as french onion soup (see new foods and recipes section) -Food being boiled in ceramic pots does not burn when left in a fire, and can be cooked over a flame as well as coals Baking (see Ovens and Stoves section) -Middle to late game cooking, baking foodsinsideclay, fire brick and metal ovens is done the same way. -All ovens would be used to bake dough into bread. -Clay/brick ovens and metal stoves would be used extensively in conjunction with clay and metal cookware to cook more advanced recipes such as pies, complex breads, casseroles etc (see new foods section) -If food is left in an oven for 30 seconds too long it will burn -If food is left in a stove 2 minutes too long it will burn Making Stews (see Pots and Cauldrons section) -Middle to late game cooking, requires either a copper pot or a wrought iron cauldron -Copper pots would hold less and would be placed over an open fire-pit to boil -Iron cauldrons would hold a massive amount of stew but would need to be placed over top a metal stove to boil -Stews would be able to use any meat, any grain and several types of vegetables -They would provide the benefit of making large amounts of food portable and would be the best type of food for filling tp the meat grain and veggie nutrition bars -They don't have a taste rating and are eaten in 5oz portions (one bowl) to maintain balance -Doesn't burn Grilling (see Ovens and Stoves section) Late game cooking, using the grill on an iron stove top provides a way to cook large amounts of meat at a time with a much lower risk of burning Ovens and Stoves NEW! For ovens and stoves I'm not sure if applying the same "coals" mechanic requirement for cooking from the fire pit would benefit gameplay, but if it was, adding charcoal would fill the "coals" bar 4x more than burning a log. Clay ovens Multiblock structure, used for baking breads as well as poorly heating homes Crafting Building a clay oven would be done one layer at a time. Placing clay blocks with a clear path to the sky and letting them sit there from dawn 'til dusk turns the clay block into hardened clay blocksOnce each layer is dry you can add the next, when you have the entire oven built and dried, load the center with a log pile and light it to create the oven (you could just place clay blocks everywhere, wait for them to dry, mine them all then build it all at once)When lit, the air block in front of the log pile becomes a minecraft furnace block, re-textured to match the hardened clay blocks.Lit ovens would use the burning furnace blockBuilding the clay oven Bottom layer Middle layer Top layer Lighting it Finished oven Clay oven mechanics Right clicking the furnace block would access the GUI where you could add fuel, see temperature and add dough to the cooking slotsWould use logs and charcoal as fuel and would burn fuel at a normal rateCan cook 2 items at a time Brick ovens Multiblock structure, used for baking breads, cooking complex recipes and firing pottery faster than a pit kiln (only brick ovens could fire pottery, so they are still useful after you get an iron stove) It would also poorly heat homes Crafting Same shape as clay ovenUses a 3x3 base of fire-bricks, layers 2 and 3 could be any brick type (requires chiseling)Lit the same way as clay oven, by placing a log pile and hitting it up with afire-starteror flint&steelWhen lit, the air block in front of the log pile becomes a minecraft furnace block, re-textured to match the fire brick blocks.Building the brick oven Bottom layer Middle layer (some chiseled blocks) Top layer (all chiseled blocks) Lighting it Finished oven Brick oven mechanics Right clicking the furnace block would access the GUI where you could add fuel, see temperature and add dough or cook complex recipes to the cooking slotsClay ovens would use logs and charcoal as fuel and would burn fuel at a slower-than-normal rateThe brick oven could cook 4 items at a timeIf using charcoal as fuel, the brick oven would be able to fire pottery using the burn time of 3 charcoal (This is because a pit kiln can do the same 4 items at once but uses 8 logs. In a charcoal pit 8 logs produce an average of 3 charcoal so the fuel used is the same, but the pottery is finished significantly faster) Wrought Iron Stoves Placeableblock, used for making breads, baking complex recipes, cooking with an iron cauldron and easily heating large homes Crafting Making an iron stove is done on the anvil by working a double sheet of wrought iron, welding it with another double sheet and then working againIf two stoves are made and placed next toeach otherthey connect like a chest to form a large iron stove.The chimney can be placed in the block above a metal stove (and on either side of a double-stove). Making a chimney is done by working a double sheet of wrought iron on an anvilIron stove mechanics Right clicking the iron stove would access the GUI where you could add fuel, see temperature and add dough or cook complex recipes to the cooking slotsIron cauldrons can be placed in the block above the stove by shift-clicking (both a cauldron and a chimney can not occupy the same block, to use both you need a double stove)The iron stove could cook 6 items at a time, or in the case of a double stove, 12Iron stoves would burn fuel at the slowest rate, requiring little maintenanceIf a chimney is placed above the stove it will cut boiling time in half for cauldrons, double the time it takes food to burn and have a larger warming radiusBy having a double stove you can benefit from having a cauldron that also cooks at double speed byplacingthe cauldron on one half and the chimney on the other, double stoves would also have a larger heating radius even without a chimneyUnlike clay and brick ovens stoves can burn charcoal and coal, when cooking food inside the stove coal can not be used, when boiling a cauldron on the stove coal works fine Blue Steel Stoves Almost identical to iron stove but does not require constant refueling Crafting Same as iron stove, but using blue steelThey can also be placed next to each other to create a large blue steel stoveBlue steel stove mechanics Blue steel stoves can also use the chimney block to decrease cook times by 50%They can cook the same number of items as the iron stoveThe advantage of blue steel stoves is that they use lava as fuel, a single lava bucket will fuel a blue steel stoveindefinitelyor until the stove is movedMoving the stove requires that a new lava bucket be emptied into the stove as fuel Cookware & CauldronsNEW! Cookware Made of clay or metal, clay having a chance to break, iron cookware beingindestructible For the sake of simplicity clay cookware would be the same ceramic pot item used for boiling veggies/oats/rice/eggs in early game cooking Metal cookware would be worked from an iron sheet and would give you 2 pieces of cookware Cookware would be used for making and baking the complex recipes, in order to make using the cookware beneficial, food baked in cookware should decay slowly enough to justify the effort required to make it. Surviving off basic bread, boiled veggies, cooked meat etc would be possible, but throwing a feast with your friends where everyone gets drunk and eats delicious pies and casseroles would be super fun. Iron Cauldrons Cauldron mechanics Worked on anvil from a double wrought iron sheetCauldrons would be placed and picked up via shift+right click with cauldron/rempty hand, respectivelyRight clicking a cauldron with stew in it while holding a bowl would fill the bowlThere would be an EMPTY button in the cauldron GUI to dump the last 1-4 oz of stewThere would be aCOOK button used to create the stew (see below)The GUI contains 6 slots where full stacks of food (160oz) can be placedThese 6 slots would accept items from the vegetable, meat and graincategories.The GUI would also have 3 slots for 20oz food stacks where players would add additionalingredientssuch as garlic, onions, or rock salt to apply theSavoryeffect,boosting the taste to allow a bowl to contain 8oz (for more info on theSavoryeffect, check the new foods and recipes section)Please note: One vessel can hold 640oz of food in a single inventory space, so a 60+ lb stew is a lot, but not unbalanced. In fact, considering the effort involved in making stews I suggest that stew in cauldrons not be affected by decay, or if it is, make it compound at only +5% per day so that players actually want to make stew instead of surviving off a vessel of assorted food groups from early game cooking. Making stew -Fill at least 4 of the 6 main slots with 160oz of undecayed food stacks -Optionally add savory ingredients -If not already done, place cauldron on top a metal stove block not occupied by a chimney -Open stove GUI and hit the COOKbutton, this takes away the GUI (same as sealing a barrel) until the stew is done -For the cauldron to boil the stove must remain at or above cooking temperature for 1 minute (or 30 seconds if using a double stove with a chimney) Copper Cauldrons -Given that players could hold so much bread, boiled vegetables, cooked meat, fresh fruit or cheese in a single vessel, making a copper cauldron with reduced carrying capacity seems rather redundant to me. I don't think there is a good reason to add this, I've only included it here to let you know I've considered the idea. Leaving cauldrons at iron encourages progression. New Foods and Recipes(coming soon)
  13. Regarding Blueprints

    Knowing that you have to chisel a block, then get a schematic for it is tough work. Maybe you could implement a feature that allows the game to list Blueprints, based on any blueprint files that are stored in a folder. It would be kind of like the Buildcraft Schematics Library. You could even make a Creative Tab for the Blueprints in your folder! I really enjoy TFC and I want to help in any way I can to make this awesome mod even better.
  14. About braziers Fire-pits are very early game, rudimentary means of containing fire, however, later in the game they seem out of place, barbaric and unattractive. A brazier is a metal cage that contains a fire so that it can give off light and heat and in some cases be using for cooking while maintaining a safer indoor flame. I don't like the feel of cooking meat in the same forge I am melting steel in and I feel this would make a great addition to the game. Once body temperature is added braziers would be very useful as a means for heating your homes during cold winter nights. In real life TFC chiseled concept art Mechanics Crafting a brazier would require working a double ingot of copper, any bronze, wrought iron or steel, then welding it with a double ingot and then working again The brazier would be similar in size to an anvil and, like the anvil, would be placeable in line with both the x and z axis Right clicking a brazier would open the GUI where you would find a temperature gauge and inventory slots for fuel When burning, the top-most fuel slot is burned first, logs migrate to the top and coal and charcoal automatically go to the lowest possible slots Right clicking an unlit brazier with fuel inside using a fire starter or flint and steel would light it Right clicking a lit brazier with a water bucket would put it out Braziers are not affected by bellows Lit braziers would have 3 stages, or modes:flames,coals andembers -Flames are from a lit brazier that has wood being burned in it, the brazier is replaced with a fire-block ( that burns until the wood runs out. If possible, there would still be a hit-box in the center so players could add fuel to a flaming brazier. A flaming brazier would obviously be have a luminance of 15 since it becomes the default fire-block. When a flaming brazier runs out of wood the fire block is replaced with a brazier with embers inside. (no harvest-able charcoal is produced by the brazier) -Burning coal or charcoal in the brazier gives lit coals but no flame, however the temperature of the brazier would be higher. Lit coals would look like the brazier was full of the texture used for an active bloomery. A brazier with lit coals would have a luminace of 11. When the lit coals run out the brazier becomes full of embers. -Embers are the final stage of a lit brazier before it goes out. They would last quite a while (maybe 1/3 day-night cycle) but could not cook anything. The texture would be the same as lit coals but with more muted colors. A brazier with burning embers would have a very low temperature and a luminance of 3. Adding fuel to a brazier with burning embers does not require re-lighting the brazier. Fuels Logs, coal and charcoal are used as fuels (not peat) Copper and bronze braziers only burn logs Wrought iron braziers can burn logs and coal Steel braziers can burn all 3 fuel types. Logs would burn shortest, followed by coal and finally charcoal as the longest burning fuel. The brazier would stay lit significantly longer by taking the burn time for logs, coal and charcoal and multiplying it by a certain value so that players wouldn't have to stoke the fire every 2 minutes. I think that for a brazier with 8 inventory slots, a full load of 8 charcoal should last about one fullday-night cycle (that means to keep a brazier lit to heat your cabin for a 45 day winter would take roughly 5 stacks + 40 charcoal) Other fuel types could be scaled back from this. Cooking To use the brazier for cooking arange or ametal pot would be placed in the block above a brazier. When food items are placed on the range or when the pot is set to 'boil' the brazier consumes it's fuel at the same rate it would normally be consumed in a fire-pit or forge (depends if it's logs or coal/charcoal) EDIT: Cooking aspect moved to new thread that deals with cooking and foods.LINK Here is an example of how using a brazier might play out. Steve loads his brazier with 3 oak logs, 1 kapok log and 4 charcoal The charcoal sink to the bottom and the logs go to the top Steve lights the brazier and it turns into a minecraft fire block First it burns the kapok log at the burn temperature for kapok but for much longer than kapok in a campfire Next go the 3 oak logs, the brazier stays a fire block and the temperature goes up Steve is now boiling stew for 30 seconds so the oak logs are consumed at the same rate as they would be in a campfire until the stew is done When the logs run out the fire block disappears and the metal brazier returns, now full of lit coals The temperature is hotter but it's not as bright now Finally the charcoal runs out and the brazier is now full of embers Steve notices the lighting change, walks over to the brazier and stokes it again, enjoying the cozy atmosphere inside his cabin along with a bowl of hot beef and vegetable stew while not dying of hypothermia The end.
  15. Gold Coins and Coin Stamps

    This is a suggestioin realting to the topic of gold coind and coin stamps. If there are any topics relating to this one please tell me. Link to previous suggestion: http://terrafirmacra...ts-and-fishing/ Gold coins and coin stamps: As of now there is no ingame tradeable currency in servers, but with this it is aimed to fix it. In order to keep consistent there needs to ONLY be gold coins, they would be crafted by a gold metal sheet with snips, into 2 gold half sheets. Then that would need to be heated into a workable temperature, then placing a Coin stamp into a anvil (new slot) with the gold half sheet, work it in the usual TFC anvil way, once finished it should yeild 4 gold coins. Coin stamps would be made out of either bronze or steel, you would need to work an ingot into a Coin stamp base, another ingot worked into a Coin stamp top, craft the two together to get Coin stamp base & top. Any thoughts or criticism, please detail down in the comments, as it would be much appreciated. Thank-you!
  16. Darkness and Movement

    This is a suggestioin realting to both the topic of darkness and movement. If there are topics relating to these ones please tell me. Link to previous suggestion: Movement: Depending on which block you move around on will affect the speed of your movement, encouraging players to build roads. Blocks that cause you to sink such as soul sand gives you a quarter of your normal speed. Surfaces in which would normally slow you down would give you half speed, e.g. Sand, snow, tall grass, crops. Everything else would give you normal speed. Road materials, smooth, polished and clean surfaces would give you a 2x speed, e.g. Wooden planks, gravel, cobblestone, stone. An early game road material can be packed dirt (two dirt together on top of each other), which can be used as a road material, and crafted into slabs (two packed dirt besides each other). Darkness and Portable light: While in a light level of 0 the player will receive an effect called gloom, causing the player to be slowed and more ambient/creepy noises being heard. Any block that has a brightness of 0 will be pitch black, not affected by brightness option. This will cause quite a bit of tension in caves, and mining. another idea is to have portable lighting of some kind, in the form of wax candles, crafted with wax, string and any metal plate, this will give out a low brightness in a small area around the player. Any thoughts or criticism, please detail down in the comments, as it would be much appreciated. Thank-you!
  17. Buckets and fishing

    This is a suggestioin realting to both the topic of buckets and fishing. If there are topics relating to these ones please tell me. Link to other suggestions: Fishing: An idea is that inorder to fish you would have to firstly bait your fishing rod with items of mob drops (not meat), e.g. rotten flesh. Without baiting your fishing rod it should be impossible to fish. Worms may be added as an item used for bait, the bait and fishing rod may be crafted together to get the baited fishing rod. Worms may be gotten from random certain naturaly spawning dirt and grass blocks, from certain temperature and humidity biomes. Worms may be possibly farmed in a warm farm, both giving you more worms, but also rich soil, inorder you must fead them vegtable food scraps. Fish can only be caught in certain biomes, water based biomes or sub biomes, such as rivers, and fresh water and salt water. There may be more types of fish, such as Tuna and Carp. Depending on where you are catching your fish will affect the likely hood of the catch rate. Underground is impossible, nightime is half chance, daytime is the same, but full moons are twice as likely as daytime. In order to craft a fishing rod must use the same pattern but replace sticks with a tool-rods, crafted by sawing a plank into 2 tool rods. Buckets: Instead of having both red steel and blue steel buckets just have steel/black steel buckets, working like vanilla. Wooden buckets may be able to pick up water and other water-like liquids, like in vanilla TFC, you can place it down, except the catch is that you do not place down a source block and that it disaperes once being paced, you can then pick back up any non source water blocks. Any thoughts or criticism, please detail down in the comments, as it would be much appreciated.
  18. Knowledgeable TFC Suggestions

    These ideas/suggestions are general, but I will go into more depth. This topic may be edited as time passes. From what I may suggest, they may already be suggested, but I will just resuggest them anyway. Paper: As you probably know, paper just is not made from sugar cane, but instead from wood and other fibourus pulp mixed with water. Step 1: Getting wood/other plant fibre. Step 2: Making that fibre into a pulp. Step 3: Add water to the pulp. Step 4: Place mixture onto a "deckle" or suspension mat, and let it drain and dry (in sunlight?). Mentality: Recently I have been playing a bit of "Don't Starve", one of the big things about it (Besides not starving) is that it has a mentality system. As it lowers you start to hallucinate, in seeing monsters and such. A system of your mental health can be introduced into TFC as well, it can lower when in darkness, and other things. As it starts to lower you will hallucinate as such. in order to revive your mental health a solution may be the act of sleep. Beds: When sleeping in beds, they SHOULD NOT set the players spawn, but instead pass MOST of the night. When you sleep you will use up a signifergant part of hunger, making the players less wanting to sleep. Straw beds will allow you to sleep only partially through the night, for normal beds that amount of time is set, but for straw beds the time is random, they let you sleep almost as long as normal beds or only a short peroid of time. On servers all players can just wake up. Both straw and wool beds will both use up the same amount of hunger when being slept in. Spawn and respawn: As removing the setting of spawn with beds there will be a system in place, similar to "Better Than Wolves"'s Hardcore Spawn, in which when a player dies they will respawn somewhere else in the map within a 2000 block radius of the original spawn. Thus will make players even more unwilling to die, as they will lose their entire progression, until they refind it, in which there shall be cake and parties. Of course there must be an eventual way to set your spawn, but I will say that later, or it can be up to the developers. Health, hunger and thirst warning messages: Health: Hurt: Is or lower than 50% health, then loss of sprint Injured: Is or lower than 40% health, then slowness 1. Wounded: Is or lower than 30% health, then slowness 2, weakness 2, unable to do heavy handwork e.g. blocking, ect. Crippled: Is or lower than 20% health, then slowness 4-5, loss of jump. Dying: Is or lower than 10% health, then blindness. Dead: Is or lower than 0% health, then death. Hunger: Peckish: Is or lower than 40% hunger, then loss of sprint. Hungry: Is or lower than 30% hunger, then slowness 1, weakness 2, unable to do heavy handwork, e.g. blocking, ect. Famished: Is or lower than 20% hunger, then slowness 2, loss of jump, decrease in bow power and draw speed to half. Starving: Is or lower than 10% hunger, then slowness 4-5. Dying: Both hunger and fat are 0%, results in nausea and damage. Fat: Plump: Is or higher than 40% fat, then loss of sprint. Chubby: Is or higher than 50% fat, then slowness 1. Fat: Is or higher than 70% fat, then slowness 2, weakness 2, unable to do heavy handwork, e.g. blocking, ect. Obese: Is or higher than 80% fat, then slowness 5, loss of jump, decrease in bow power and draw speed to half. Thirst: Thirsty: Is or lower then 40% thirst, then loss of sprint, slowness 1. Dehydrated: Is or lower then 20% thirst, then slowness 2, nausea, unable to jump, unable to do heavy handwork, e.g. blocking, ect. Parched: Is or lower then 10% thirst, then slowness 4-5, decrease in bow power and draw speed tp half. Dying: Thirst bar is 0%, then blindness and damage. Hunger and Fat: Instead of food saturation it will be replaced with a visible white translucent fat bar on top of the hunger bar. To gain fat you need to over eat, or eat dessert foods, e.g. cake. You cannot eat while being food poisoned, eating spoiled/decayed food results in food poisoning, food poisoning is a replacement of the hunger atribute from rotten flesh. Loses fat first before hunger and therefore goes down at half speed, with losing fat, then hunger, then fat and so on. Speed movement (roads): Depending on the block type that the player is moving on the speed of which can change. Blocks that cause you to sink such as soul sand gives you a quarter of your normal speed. Surfaces in which would normally slow you down would give you half speed, e.g. Sand, snow, tall grass, crops. Everything else would give you normal speed. Road materials, smooth, polished and clean surfaces would give you a 2x speed, e.g. Wooden planks, gravel, cobblestone, stone. Buckets: For the best effect it would be good to in all get rid of red and blue steel buckets, replaced with steel/black steel and wooden buckets. They would work just like vanilla (except wood could only do water) ones, except buckets would not be able to place down a source block of liquid, instead the liquid shall disappear once being placed. This also means that when liquids are being picked up by buckets they do remove the source block (exceptions) source block. Darkness and lighting: While in a light level of 0 the player will receive an effect called gloom, causing the player to be slowed and more ambient/creepy noises being heard. This will reduce the players mental stats quite a lot. any block that has a brightness of 0 will be pitch black, not affected by brightness option. This will cause quite a bit of tension in caves, and mining. another idea is to have portable lighting of some kind, in the form of wax candles, crafted with wax, string and metal plate, this will give out a brightness of 10 in a small area around the player. Fishing: In order to fish you will need to be required to bait your rod, this can include certain mob/monster drops, such as rotten flesh and bat wings, and and new, worms. Worms can be gotten from certain patches of natural soil. There should be more types of fishes able to caught e.g. Tuna or carp. Fishing underground is impossible, fishing at night is twice as unlikely, daytime time is the same, but fishing during a full moon is twice the luck. Garden, crops, flowers and Manure: Manure: Manure is an item that grazing animals can drop during the day after eating grass, cows in particular. When replanting natural farm plants (except crops) it will place a withered version of the block, in order to continue to farm the item, e.g. Berry bushes you will have to manure it. Manure can help fertilize soil, and speed up crop growth. At the moment this suggestion is unfished, as there are more things that I do need to suggest, check back soon.
  19. Responsible Forestry

    One aspect of TFC that I like is the fact that wood is a valuble resource that must be managed properly. Unfortunately with some tree-types it is impossible to collect a sapling for every tree you cut down. I think sequoia and jungle trees should still have no sapling drops, but as for the other tree types I would like to see a way to actually grow a forest. It would take patience, it would take resources, but it would be worth the investment. Here's how it would be done. -Only during the correct time of year, each tree type will also have a chance to drop a seed when it's leaves are broken -Leaves would change texture slightly to indicate seeds are ready -Seeds will drop at the same rate as saplings -Seeds can be planted anywhere a sapling can be planted but they mustbe planted early in the year if you are close to the poles (see next point) -If the temperature drops below 0 degrees (could be changed for each tree-type) the seedling will die and disappear -Planting a seed makes a tiny sprout appear on the ground, called a seedling, similar in appearance to a plant in growth stage #1 -Each tree type's sapling has a certain time before it will grow into a tree, take this time and multiply by 2. That is the time it takes for a seedling to grow into a sapling -Before a seedling can start the count until it grows into a sapling it must be right-clicked with a freshwater bucket, a piece of fertilizer and one piece of bonemeal Making it a long process that requires patience and resources as well as player interaction means that growing your forests wouldn't be easy. I think managing forests should still be important but you shouldn't have to destroy a forest far from your home just to make a grove of trees by your settlement. Over time, a player who is willing to put in the time and effort would be able to grow their forests and practice sustainable resource management while players who are lazy and just scythe leaves and chop away would eventually be left with a scarcity of certain wood-types. I think this addition would promote more immersive game-play where players who actually care for their trees and learn to be responsible stewards of their environment are rewarded. It would also greatly benefit SMP settings where many players currently end up running further and further from home to massacre forests in search of certain wood types.
  20. This is a modified post, the original can be found in the spoiler at the bottom. Just a simple suggestion this time. One recipe, one new block, one great new addition to building in TFC. I love to build and TFC lends itself well to medieval buildings. There is a block that most medieval texture packs include and it looks great. Here are a few examples of it in different buildings (It's the wool with a wooden cross frame) Historically this building material used plaster dried on to a frame, after doing some quick research into plasters (which I should have done before I started this thread) I was pleasantly surprised to find that the means for creating plaster are almost entirely in Terrafirmacraft. Making this specific block would require applying plaster to a frame made of wood. Frames When I want to get to my attic or treehouse I use a ladder, but when I'm working on a barn or castle tower it would look sweet to have the work in progress surrounded in scaffolding for easy building, climbing and chiseling. Given that fall damage is so lethal I think scaffolding would fit in wonderfully into construction in the world of TFC. Crafting recipe for wooden frames, yields 2 frame blocks. Frames would act somewhat like a combination of vertical and horizontal support beams, horizontal armatures of frames could only extend a certain distance from a vertical column of frames, however they would not provide any cave-in support to blocks except the ones directly on top a frame. (To ensure that support beams are still useful) Frames could be climbed like ladders on all sides and would break slowly except when using a saw. Like trees and support beams, knocking out the bottom block would topple the frames above. Frame columns would have a max height of 16 blocks. For more info on possible mechanics for scaffolding check out the scaffolding mod ( One thing I think would be great is the way that right clicking the side of a scaffold block adds a scaffold block to the top of the tower, I think this would be balanced if the height limit of 16 was used for frame towers. Plaster Traditionally lime plaster is created from limestone powder, water and sand (essentially what is currently used for making mortar) so I propose that we go in favor of Gypsum plaster (or plaster of Paris) Basic Info on plaster of Pairs as taken from the wiki page... Gypsum plaster, or the plaster of Paris, is produced by heatinggypsumto about 300 °F (150°C):[2] CaSO4·2H2O +heat→ CaSO4·0.5H2O + 1.5H2O (released as steam). When the dry plaster powder is mixed with water, it re-forms into gypsum. The setting of unmodified plaster starts about 10 minutes after mixing and is complete in about 45 minutes Since we already have gypsum I think it makes sense that we start using it. Without going into super detail, the way we simulate making/using plaster in TFC is this: Take gypsum and heat it in a fire-pit or forge Crush gypsum while it's hot by crafting it with a hammer (yeilds 3 plaster powder) Craft 8 plaster powder with a water bucket to obtain 8 wet plaster (wet plaster would have an invisible countdown -like cooling metal- where once it reaches 0 it reverts to plaster powder) -(A nice bonus would be to include a way for mass-producing plaster by placing a full stack of plaster powder in a barrel of water and having it empty the barrel and instantly convert to wet plaster, the same mechanic might be used making mortar with sand in a barrel of limewater) Wet plaster can be applied to a frame, creating a frame with a grey coating, breaking the block at this time separates it into a frame drop and a wet plaster drop After 1 hour game time the plaster dries and the coating turns from grey to white, breaking the dried block drops the entire white coated block, right clicking with chisel in hand and a hammer on the hot bar (on any chisel mode) will remove the white coating from the frame and drop it as plaster powder so that frames can be recovered Once plaster is applied to a wooden frame it stops being affected by gravity unless the plaster dries and is then chiseled off. Original OP Here is a possible crafting recipe for this block. It would yield 1-3 blocks, I'm not sure which number is better balanced. Any plank type could be used. Characteristics -This block would not be affected by gravity, making it a versatile building material. -By using planks it restricts this block to the metal age. -Currently maintaining sheep is pointless, once you have a few beds you can make all your bows and fishing rods etc from spider silk. Historically sheep were much more used and useful. I think adding a block like this would give players incentive to maintain a healthy flock, regularly shear them and actually use the wool for something. Fancy Extra Bits -If more than one type of plank is used the block defaults to a generic wood color for the border. Using only one type of plank could make the wood frame be that color -The block could be dyed using the existing dyes in TFC, only the white wool part of the block would be affected by dye. These last 2 suggestions would make a butt-load of different sub ID's for this block but they would look really neat, especially the different color wood frames.
  21. First of all, hats off to the devs on generation code, Terrafirmacraft consistently produces stunning landscapes that are a pleasure to build in. I think Mojang had a decent idea with rare, randomly generated structures, but their execution was horrible. The buildings are ugly, serve no real purpose, and worst of all they all look identical. (Seriously, they are hideous... Don't get me started on the recent guardian temples.) I would like to see the landscape dotted with buildings in various states of decay. They should be rare, more so even than in vanilla. Additionally they would serve a purpose by providing the player with knowledge. The idea for learning was inspired a little by skyrim, learning words of power at locations, also by tinker's construct (MC mod) where to make a scimitar you have to find the mold at a village tinker hut. Each ruined building would impart one or more various recipies/abilities to the player when visited. (ie one blacksmith might enable throwing knives and lanterns while another only enable scimitars) This idea has the ability to pull from a plethora of other fantastic suggestions on the forums. Without going into crazy detail I'll list a few possiblities. Ruined Smithy would enable the option to making scimitars, halberds, metal lanterns or throwing knives in the anvil gui Ruined Tower/Fort allow players to craft/use sheilds or inlay their armor with precious metals for decoration (shields worn in quiver slot and come out on left of screen when using a right-click to block, reducing slightly more damage than sword blocking) Ruined Huts could have small overgrown gardens with new types of plants and trees not found in the wild (canola, peanuts, fig etc) Huts could be for different trades... so a carpenter's hut might allow players to craft new wood items, or enable a new chisel mode. Ruined Windmill/Watermill Not sure what purpose these would serve but they could look really awesome. And others (suggestions please)... I would also suggest making buildings fit the biome, such as having different huts for deserts, igloos for the poles etc Building schematics could be sourced from the community in order to attain the variety that Mojang desperately lacks, I'm thinking at least 5 of each building type is appropriate. Combine that with making stone and log types randomly vary building by building and you would have something that feels natural even the 5th time around. As you can see this would open the game up for adding many great ideas that people are already suggesting while simultaneously adding more longevity to the game. Finding them in multiplayer would make for great bragging rights. Imagine a player with gold-inlayed black bronze armor, wielding a steel scimitar and living in a house lit by metal lanterns... Infinitely more cool than some guy grinding out red steel everything and having progression stop there. A few images that articulate my imagination:
  22. Simple Backpacks

    I know that this is not a new topic but I think this way of approaching it would be balanced and add to game-play. Crafting a Backpack 8 pieces of leather surrounding a clasp. Metal Clasp Made on an anvil using an ingot of any metal type. The last three techniques would be pull, bend, bend. Backpack Mechanics The backpack adds 6 or 9 slots to the inventory and is worn in the chest slot. The backpack can hold items so long as they are not designated asHuge Metal type determines durability of backpack. The clasp takes 1 damage point every time the backpack is opened. Once the clasp breaks the backpack starts to drop it's items and must be crafted with a new clasp. (or for simplicity's sake just have the backpack disappear and the items fall everywhere) Obviously extra inventory is beneficial but wearing a backpack means no breastplate, increasing the risk of melee damage. Let me know if you have any suggestions on how to make it a better balanced addition.
  23. Fall-Damage Inconsistency

    Currently I am playing on a server and have 21 levels. I'm building a new home and often fall off 3 or 4 block high walls. With 21 levels on me I can take upwards of 20 hits from a zombie wearing absolutely no armor. Paradoxically, falling off my 3 meter walls a few times is deadly and I frequently have to stop and wait for my health to get up to a safe level before I continue building. I think it's appropriate that fall damage be scaled down along with damage from hostile mobs. It makes no sense that I can get mauled by a grizzly more times then I can walk off my balcony. In order to prevent players from leaping off cliffs without worry I think the damage reduction should only strongly apply to falls of 3-5 blocks. After a 6-7 meter fall I think it should be devastating but if I can become more agile and dodge most of the damage from a skeletal archer... I like to think I would be agile enough to roll when I hit the ground after falling a few blocks. My suggestion is very simple and would be easy to implement in the code. I hope you agree and will consider adding it to the game.
  24. Pie and Cake

    I was thinking about some things in TFC, and thought how sugar has almost no use(I heard it can be used to make vinegar idk if this is true). Anyways and I also thought how most food in TFC we just eat directly after we harvest it. The only exception being meat, eggs, and the breads. So, we could use fruit to and dough to make pies, not all dough (mostly wheat, rye, and barley). You would mix the fruit with the dough to get pie dough(with something stating the type of fruit) that's placed inside a mold for baking.(pic below of the recipe i had in mind for the mold) You could bake this in a special oven the baking over for balance purposes it could be made using fire bricks like a regular furnace, but just for baking pies and such.(maybe it could be used to bake bread faster, however it doesn't need to be required for bread) My idea for cake was kinda the same, you have some flour, water(or milk), eggs and sugar and mix that in a your crafting space to get a bucket of cake batter, that's then poured into the baking mold. then this is baked in the oven as well. I think we still should be able to place it like a regular cake, but when you right click you get a slice of cake instead of eating it directly. thanks, for reading..please share your opinion on my idea below.
  25. This is something that irks me and I would like to see it change. Despite the fact that a crucible can hold dozens of ingots worth of molten metals you can only drop ores and items in nugget by nugget. It does not seem logical to me that you need to carefully place each chunk of ore in one at a time. I think there should be at least 5 slots to add ores and ingots into the crucible for melting. Of course melting 5x the ores should take 5x the fuel (and obviously more time) compared to a single ore but it doesn't feel right that I need to babysit the crucible the way I currently have to. I would prefer a more believable approach where you can place a large amount of metal in the crucible and then go take care of something else (or work the bellows non-stop) while it all heats up all at once (albeit more slowly) Little tweaks like longer melt times for anvils are also realistic but mainly I think the crucible should be able to hold more solid items (kinda like a smeltery in tinker's construct but far less OP) Thoughts?