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I was in a desert yesterday while a storm came (vanilla). It obviously wasn't raining in the desert but you could see the sky go dark in the biome beside me. This made me think of having more advanced weather. Just thought it would be cool to change weather around a little bit.

Here's some ideas

>someway to read the sky visually (more, lower or darker clouds for about 2 IRL minutes prior to a storm)

There's a famous saying (that I've heard at least) that goes: Red sky at morning, sailor take warning, Red sky at night, sailor's delight. This might be a little unrealistic or unreliable IRL but thought it would be an interesting cue to look out for.

>take a berometric pressure reading with a very rudimentary tool. (liquid + gas in a glass vial)

Also, how about some more types of weather.

>Fog would be easy to implement and would only happen for short periods in the morning. Maybe more common in wet enviornments.

>Tornadoes! Probably a huge stretch but worth noting.

>Lightning _before_ a storm so the chance of fire causing damage is just a tiny bit more. Rain would come shortly after so it wouldn't case as much damage.

>Lightning Storms, no rain

>hail that causes minor damage to crops or other things not protected. The damage should not be significant enough to warrant covering all your crops, just damages a few plants.

>earthquake (not really weather) would make cave-ins more likely

And might as well add seasons to the list even though I'm pretty sure it's been suggested or talked about. I love living in snow, but it gets old fast. It would be pretty neat if it ony hapened 1/4 of the year. As well as seasons, there are 'cycles' such as Hurricane seasons where certain weather is more common. (i.e lightning storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, water spouts)

Also, not really a category but do you think rain/snow should affect fires and forges? Also, it would be cool if the moon at night caused different ambient light levels depending on the phase it's in. A full moon would be pretty bright out while a new moon would be super dark. Plus that would open the door for the red and blue moons (think terraria with different events that happen on a red moon)


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Weather already affects fires and forges.

Fog was already suggested, but I'm glad to see it get its own thread

Tornadoes would be sweet if done like the tornado mod, but I sincerely doubt it.

no opinion in the lightning etc...

Hail is cool

Earthquakes make me sad

And seasons are already in the game


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I will answer in order:

>someway to read the sky visually (more, lower or darker clouds for about 2 IRL minutes prior to a storm)

There's a famous saying (that I've heard at least) that goes: Red sky at morning, sailor take warning, Red sky at night, sailor's delight. This might be a little unrealistic or unreliable IRL but thought it would be an interesting cue to look out for.

Hey, that saying is from my lands! :3 And yes, i think this should be implemented... though there's no reason YET for really caring about the weather, as the worst effect the rain can cause is lightings.

>take a berometric pressure reading with a very rudimentary tool. (liquid + gas in a glass vial)

Err... exactly what for? ._. right now i'm opposed to this, but just because i don't know what it would be useful for...

>Fog would be easy to implement and would only happen for short periods in the morning. Maybe more common in wet enviornments.

Wasn't it already in the game? oh well, if it isn't, totally on for this to be added.

>Tornadoes! Probably a huge stretch but worth noting.


... If it is as rare as RL tornadoes are, then yes... But i don't wanna see a flying cow due to a tornado D: -remembers "Twister" flying cow scene-

>Lightning _before_ a storm so the chance of fire causing damage is just a tiny bit more. Rain would come shortly after so it wouldn't case as much damage.


>Lightning Storms, no rain

Almost the same as the previous one... and yep as well.

>hail that causes minor damage to crops or other things not protected. The damage should not be significant enough to warrant covering all your crops, just damages a few plants.

... what's hail? ._.

*checks out in google*

... Yep. But, as well as tornadoes, make them as rare as in RL.

>earthquake (not really weather) would make cave-ins more likely

Aw, men, come on!! now i won't be able to build my wood/stone skyscraper house without a earthquake destroying it! ;__;

-If it's not clear... yep, i like it. But the same as tornadoes.-

And might as well add seasons to the list even though I'm pretty sure it's been suggested or talked about. I love living in snow, but it gets old fast. It would be pretty neat if it ony hapened 1/4 of the year. As well as seasons, there are 'cycles' such as Hurricane seasons where certain weather is more common. (i.e lightning storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, water spouts)

Already in game, though still in build. NEXT!

Also, not really a category but do you think rain/snow should affect fires and forges? Also, it would be cool if the moon at night caused different ambient light levels depending on the phase it's in. A full moon would be pretty bright out while a new moon would be super dark. Plus that would open the door for the red and blue moons (think terraria with different events that happen on a red moon)

blue moons...? i know what's a red moon, but a BLUE moon? :blink:

Except for that, i'm with you on this :3


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... what's hail?

*checks out in google*

... Yep. But, as well as tornadoes, make them as rare as in RL.

Hail isn't rare. It just depends where you live. In Midwest United States hail happens just about every thunderstorm; so I could see that being implemented that hail would only happen in certain biomes.


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There should be a rare chance for deserts to get rain during a storm, as deserts are not COMPLETELY devoid of rainfall, it just comes extraordinarily infrequently.

Tying in to this, when the desert does receive rain, perhaps we should see some flowering plants pop up for a short time after that disappear after a few days.

Also in biomes that don't have yearlong ice, we should still have a chance at getting snowstorms and snowdrifts and such during winter.


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One thing I never see mentioned but would be fantastic if implemented as weather is sandstorms.

Seriously, sandstorms would provide an amazing level of atmosphere to deserts.


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One thing I never see mentioned but would be fantastic if implemented as weather is sandstorms.

Seriously, sandstorms would provide an amazing level of atmosphere to deserts.

...Seriously guys?

On the subject of desert weather...


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...Seriously guys?

whoops, sorry, I ctrl+f'd sandstorm because there was a lot of material here I wasn't particularly interested in reading through.

Anyways, a lot of the ideas here are based on the idea that weather is localized, which would be a huge feature in itself to implement. There's tons of issues with a localized weather system, but it would definitely be amazing if implemented.


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I think for the variety of weather is to be made believable, a kind of world generator would have to be made, to include poles an equator and such, but how this would affect game play idk. Continents maybe? and each continent holds common materials, but rare ones are exclusive to where the continent is. Also, biomes should spawn more logically. I'm tired of finding Taiga's next to a desert.


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Actual positioning takes a lot of thought and that would mean the worlds are no longer endless which I suppose they really aren't but it sure feels like it. Continents would take an insane amount of thought to actually reorganize we are close enough already. Dunk mentioned something about completely removing biomes and everything would just be based off temp, altitude, humidity, and so forth so that would solve things.


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ooh maybe instead of rainstorms in deserts, we could have sandstorms?


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On the subject of desert weather...


One thing I never see mentioned but would be fantastic if implemented as weather is sandstorms.

Seriously, sandstorms would provide an amazing level of atmosphere to deserts.

...Seriously guys?

whoops, sorry, I ctrl+f'd sandstorm because there was a lot of material here I wasn't particularly interested in reading through.

Anyways, a lot of the ideas here are based on the idea that weather is localized, which would be a huge feature in itself to implement. There's tons of issues with a localized weather system, but it would definitely be amazing if implemented.

I sure hope your trolling.

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Hey guys it would be really cool if we could include this concept I thought of like with a storm but with sand instead of rain whaddya think!?!?!


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ooh maybe instead of rainstorms in deserts, we could have sandstorms?

Hey guys it would be really cool if we could include this concept I thought of like with a storm but with sand instead of rain whaddya think!?!?!

... I think some guys here love to troll Lumireaver :mellow:

Hey, i have an idea... sandstorms snowstorms!(?)


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... I think some guys here love to troll Lumireaver :mellow:

Hey, i have an idea... sandstorms snowstorms!(?)

Actually, right now snow is just a light shower. Full on snowstorms/blizzards would be pretty cool, especially if they actually persisted, instead of lasting less than a minute like current snow does.


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Actual positioning takes a lot of thought and that would mean the worlds are no longer endless which I suppose they really aren't but it sure feels like it. Continents would take an insane amount of thought to actually reorganize we are close enough already. Dunk mentioned something about completely removing biomes and everything would just be based off temp, altitude, humidity, and so forth so that would solve things.

You could just do a simple radius. 1000 blocks in all directions (circle) begins a new latitude and thus a warmer enviornment. You would then have to start at a pole though, which means you start in ice and would not reach the desert until about 5000 blocks away.. Or just reduce those numbers to whatever you like. from pole to pole would be 2000 blocks away with the equator being at 1000 blocks. Or even better, our world could be a square instead of a sphere :D


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You could just do a simple radius. 1000 blocks in all directions (circle) begins a new latitude and thus a warmer enviornment. You would then have to start at a pole though, which means you start in ice and would not reach the desert until about 5000 blocks away.. Or just reduce those numbers to whatever you like. from pole to pole would be 2000 blocks away with the equator being at 1000 blocks. Or even better, our world could be a square instead of a sphere :D

I think you are forgeting something important, and that is that the minecraft map is infinite. Therefore, you could build your house in the north pole -just an example-, travel to the south pole, go ahead traveling in the same direction that before and you would never come back to the house... and even come across another north pole completely different to the first one. Now, tell me that's not confusing ._.


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its possible to change that but why would we that's one of the best parts of minecraft, the possibilities never end.


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I want more weather too guys, but their are some problems :(

we want TFC to be as compatible as possible with as many mods as possible and messing with the atmosphere messes with optifine, a mod that is hugely popular and really useful, especially for TFC.


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I want more weather too guys, but their are some problems :(

we want TFC to be as compatible as possible with as many mods as possible and messing with the atmosphere messes with optifine, a mod that is hugely popular and really useful, especially for TFC.

I dunno about the "as many mods as possible" part. I doubt they want it to be compatible with thaumcraft or buildcraft/IC2.

Besides as long as they implement it without severely changing the rendering classes, it shouldn't affect optifine or hd fix mods.


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I dunno about the "as many mods as possible" part. I doubt they want it to be compatible with thaumcraft or buildcraft/IC2.

Besides as long as they implement it without severely changing the rendering classes, it shouldn't affect optifine or hd fix mods.

...If you're playing this with IC2 and TC2, I think you may be missing the point of this mod rather spectacularly...


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...If you're playing this with IC2 and TC2, I think you may be missing the point of this mod rather spectacularly...



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