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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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i'm not trolling, i'm 100% serious. Do you accuse everybody that loudly and vehemently disagrees with you as being a troll simply because they make you angry or appear flippant?

Have you never heard this before from the published atheist authors and public speakers? an active response is the only thing that will wake people up, they'll tolerate it forever otherwise.

Persecution isn't the answer, that just strengthens group ties and deepen's the afflicted in their faith, I don't advocate complete intolerance either, but automatic tolerance is just as dumb as persecution.

I REALLY and STRONGLY do not wish to have religion invade my games as well as constantly trying to invade my life. I have enough frustration dealing with the religious in real life, I don't desire it as a game mechanic in a game that has absolutely zero need or benefit from it. Buffing mechanics could be implemented in SO MANY other ways that don't require ritualistic decor and behavior.

I know I said that I wouldn't post here again, but MRP was mature about this and agreed to leave the thread alone to take issue with me privately

You, on the other hand, are being a complete tit.

This thread is not about religion, it's about adding religion to minecraft. Your ranting about RL religion - regardless of whether it's valid or not - does not belong on this forum.

And AS for the idea - it's dead. Gone. Dunk said no dice, so it won't be happening, you needn't fret your little head over it.

And incidentally, forcing the idea of no god onto other people leaves you just as low as the idiots who force their god onto other people.

Be silent, and let the topic die in what tiny scrap of dignity it has left, please. Thank you.

fucking /thread


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would you guys just shut up already? religion will NOT be a part of TFC.


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This is probably pointless to post at this point seeing as the topic has been derailed so badly.

BUT. Shrines that give you buffs when you pray or w/e at them; No, that's too strait forward.

And if the mod remains solo oriented then shrine have no place i feel. (I FEEL!)

how ever, if there where to have NPCs introduced into the game that you have to manage (thinking DF on this one), build houses/rooms for and what ever else.

Then I could see having shrines as a required thing to keep them happy and possibly enable the deity of said shrine to randomly inspire or possess one of your NPCs to have them do somthing awful/amazing. again, taking from DF.

but as far as directly buffing the player, probably not.


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Religeon is more than just flying, invisible men in the sky. It's deeply rooted in many cultures, and is the heritage of may people. Deal with it.

Also, you seem to have more faith in yourself than anybody I've ever met has in their deity. You're also more deadset on convincing the world of your 'wisdom' than any preacher I've ever met either. This growing trend among atheists seems to be turning atheism into a religeon of its own. The faith of not haing faith.


would you guys just shut up already? religion will NOT be a part of TFC.

Thank you.

Goddamit, /thread.


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maybe a buff that gives a one-time per sacrifice amount of hearts more than max determined by a gem level (flawed, flawless, chipped, etc...)

comment politely please...


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maybe a buff that gives a one-time per sacrifice amount of hearts more than max determined by a gem level (flawed, flawless, chipped, etc...)

comment politely please...

This thread and set of ideas was already shot down.

would you guys just shut up already? religion will NOT be a part of TFC.


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Guys we love getting suggestions from all of you. We really do. Hearing from the community often lets us refine our ideas and form new ones which make it into TFC. But you have to remember, before you suggest something, question if your suggestion makes it unfair. Can something be obtained with out much work? Does it seem to counteract a feature in the game already (99% of which are intentional!)? Is it the sort of topic that will start a huge flame war in the forums? Unfortunately, this particular suggestion meets most of these criteria, and will not be added into the game. We apologize for maybe coming off the wrong way, but we can't add every single suggestion. Thanks guys for being an awesome community.


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Final word.

I'm not a religious man myself, however all this religion bashing needs to stop now. Do you think you're superior because you don't believe in something that has been apart of human culture for thousands of years? You're not. You're being as close minded as the many religious zealots that you claim to despise. Live and let live. If you can't engage in civil discourse about a topic that you may or may not agree with, then simply don't engage at all. This is not Reddit or /b/.

Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none. - Benjamin Franklin

Religion as a gameplay mechanic can work fine if properly implemented with things such as sacrifices etc. I've stated time and again that TFC is open to having fantastical elements. The likelihood of TFC actually adding this is exceptionally small.


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