Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Seed pouch

38 posts in this topic

especially in the start of a game, i always like to collect my sticks rocks... and seeds. and walk around to find myself a nice place to settle.

There are many kinds of seeds wich is good, but they take up a lot op space in you inventory. Then I thought.... if this was real life wouldn't I just make a pouch out of leather? just a simple little bag with the same space as a storage box.

but only and just for seeds. no saplings ore wood etc.

any thoughts?


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I think that this has been discussed other times, but yes, a good idea. Maybe not a simple pouch, but a pouch with different pockets for different seeds.

Oh and...

:D Welcome to the forums :D


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If this was real life, you couldn't make a leather pouch just like that, you would need something to tie up the leather in position .-.

And in real life, you wouldn't be able to recognise which seeds are which if you just save them together, so you would basically be planting multiple plants in one spot -which is fine in real world, but sounds just too hard or unconvenient to do in a game-. Unless it had pockets, but again, it would need something to keep the leather in position so the pockets keep separated ._.

Nice suggestion, but it needs a little more work. And there are things from real life you won't see in the mod, as well as there will be things from the mod which you won't see in real life, so you should ignore real life when suggesting and pay more attention to what makes sense to you. Just a little advice :)


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I personally think this is a great idea! What about different bags though, like in forestry? Like,

- A farming pouch (Seeds, Plants, Fruit tree saplings)

- A mining pouch (Rocks/Ore)

- A logging pouch (Logs/Saplings/Sticks/Leaves)

- A digging pouch (Dirt/Clay/Peat/Mud)

- A hunting pouch (Leather/Meat)

- A toolkit (All tools)

They would only store the items shown, and have an inventory smaller than a chest, (the toolkit is even smaller than the rest) but they automatically pick up the items making the jobs a lot easier without making the bags overpowered.


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I personally think this is a great idea! What about different bags though, like in forestry? Like,

- A farming pouch (Seeds, Plants, Fruit tree saplings)

- A mining pouch (Rocks/Ore)

- A logging pouch (Logs/Saplings/Sticks/Leaves)

- A digging pouch (Dirt/Clay/Peat/Mud)

- A hunting pouch (Leather/Meat)

- A toolkit (All tools)

They would only store the items shown, and have an inventory smaller than a chest, (the toolkit is even smaller than the rest) but they automatically pick up the items making the jobs a lot easier without making the bags overpowered.

It is like the backpacks of forestry, right? Yes, it can be

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We already have an in world equivalent to the toolkit (i can't remeber it's name though : but i have a ton), and i personally don't like forestry's bags, for the same reason i don't like the backpacks mod: it just doesn't seems believable. Your inventory is already pretty damn big -though, the weight and size system of TFC helps a lot with this-, and you are basically spending a number of items to get one item that rises your inventory space a lot more, with no limits. It's just insane.


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and you are basically spending a number of items to get one item that rises your inventory space a lot more, with no limits. It's just insane.

Yeah, after all it's true.

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If this was real life, you couldn't make a leather pouch just like that, you would need something to tie up the leather in position .-.

And in real life, you wouldn't be able to recognise which seeds are which if you just save them together, so you would basically be planting multiple plants in one spot -which is fine in real world, but sounds just too hard or unconvenient to do in a game-. Unless it had pockets, but again, it would need something to keep the leather in position so the pockets keep separated ._.

Nice suggestion, but it needs a little more work. And there are things from real life you won't see in the mod, as well as there will be things from the mod which you won't see in real life, so you should ignore real life when suggesting and pay more attention to what makes sense to you. Just a little advice :)

Well this got me thinking. ( ignoring the fact you could not tell the difference between the seed. on which i agree, but lets just think 'gameworld' )

creating leather clothing from just pasting leather pieces together is also weird. there could be another way.

why not add, needle and thread?

knap yourself a needle from stone. or shape one from a stick with a knife.

get yourself some thread. and make yourself a pouch, or clothing.

again personally i'm not a fan of making backpacks, in my mind you all ready have one from the start, having such a big inventory.

or have another kind of crafting bench with the interface somewhat like the scribing table. have yourself some needle and thread ready and put in some leather pieces, and craft! this could have multiple uses. say not only clothing or pouches but maybe even netting for catching fish.

all this could be very handy starting out.

should probably have made a different post for this :P

and thanks for the welcome! huge TFC fan/player


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..... but i have a feeling the 'sewing-craft-table' idea might also have already come up. ( searching.... )


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I think the seed thing is only an issue now because the only way to get seeds it by breaking grass, which gives you random seeds. Apparently the randomness works really well because you tend to get one of every type of seed.

From what I saw in the change logs, eventually this method of getting seeds will go away, and you'll have to find the plant in the wild first and then turn it into seeds. So at that point you won't have the issue of one of every type of seed taking up your inventory, and instead you'll have a stack of one type of seed that you found. Then bags won't be necessary.

EDIT: This is all speculation based on my memory of what I've read around here.


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I think the seed thing is only an issue now because the only way to get seeds it by breaking grass, which gives you random seeds. Apparently the randomness works really well because you tend to get one of every type of seed.

From what I saw in the change logs, eventually this method of getting seeds will go away, and you'll have to find the plant in the wild first and then turn it into seeds. So at that point you won't have the issue of one of every type of seed taking up your inventory, and instead you'll have a stack of one type of seed that you found. Then bags won't be necessary.

EDIT: This is all speculation based on my memory of what I've read around here.

Well... yeah, but we could for now have the seed pouch as a placeholder so we don't have our inventory completely full of random seeds ._: . The needle and string idea was already suggested (and would need an own thread anyways, due to all it's applications).


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If you need the seed pouch that bad just download the backpack mod. They even have different colored backpacks I believe.


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If you need the seed pouch that bad just download the backpack mod. They even have different colored backpacks I believe.

How does carrying 10 backpacks on your person make any sort of sense? TFC could make a much better system than the backpack mod.

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How does carrying 10 backpacks on your person make any sort of sense? TFC could make a much better system than the backpack mod.

Hey, backpacks mod isn't good in TFC, because we need something from Bioxx. The seed pouch is the best idea of this topic.

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Putting in a seed pouch as a placeholder until seeds in the world are more distinguishable due to actually having a source sounds like a very nice waste of time to the developers. There are however others suggestions for generic containers that have been fleshed out pretty well. You could always raise one of them back up.


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Putting in a seed pouch as a placeholder until seeds in the world are more distinguishable due to actually having a source sounds like a very nice waste of time to the developers. There are however others suggestions for generic containers that have been fleshed out pretty well. You could always raise one of them back up.

It's not a placeholder until seeds are more distinguishable, it's a placeholder until you don't get they randomly while breaking grass, and therefore won't fill your inventory with random seeds; until the seeds are obtained from actual plants spawned in nature, instead of some grass.


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It's not a placeholder until seeds are more distinguishable, it's a placeholder until you don't get they randomly while breaking grass, and therefore won't fill your inventory with random seeds; until the seeds are obtained from actual plants spawned in nature, instead of some grass.

I apologize if I wasn't more clear, but this is basically what I meant. Either way though, it's still an object that would have to be made for temporary use that wouldn't contribute in the long run to the mod. It's definitely not my call, but it seems a far stretch that Bioxx or Dunk would be motivated to actually code something for temporary use to alleviate an incomplete system in game (saltpeter anyone?)


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I apologize if I wasn't more clear, but this is basically what I meant. Either way though, it's still an object that would have to be made for temporary use that wouldn't contribute in the long run to the mod. It's definitely not my call, but it seems a far stretch that Bioxx or Dunk would be motivated to actually code something for temporary use to alleviate an incomplete system in game (saltpeter anyone?)

Or, placing a before tiny rock makes a block of rocks appear anyone?


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Or, placing a before tiny rock makes a block of rocks appear anyone?

it's already been stated that this is going to be fixed with the construction overhaul, so un-rustle your jimmies there pal

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I was just adding to what he said... but okay :X


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I personally attempt to keep my jimmies unrustled to begin with, much more comfortable that way you know.


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I believe I had an idea for how the backpack could work. Total change of inventory. Let me check for a link

Edit: Yep, found it... apparently I wrote the OP for it too. Forgot entirely about it.


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Well this got me thinking. ( ignoring the fact you could not tell the difference between the seed. on which i agree, but lets just think 'gameworld' )

creating leather clothing from just pasting leather pieces together is also weird. there could be another way.

why not add, needle and thread?

knap yourself a needle from stone. or shape one from a stick with a knife.

get yourself some thread. and make yourself a pouch, or clothing.

again personally i'm not a fan of making backpacks, in my mind you all ready have one from the start, having such a big inventory.

or have another kind of crafting bench with the interface somewhat like the scribing table. have yourself some needle and thread ready and put in some leather pieces, and craft! this could have multiple uses. say not only clothing or pouches but maybe even netting for catching fish.

I think the metallurgy system works absolutely wonderfully, but other crafting systems are definitely lacking, I'd prefer every kind of work have it's own method of construction, leather, must be tanned(akin to smelting of ores) then worked with needle and thread(in a system like the metallurgy one), now that'd likely get you leather panels which could be used likely individually in the construction of bags, or combined into armour/clothing.


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I believe I had an idea for how the backpack could work. Total change of inventory. Let me check for a link

Edit: Yep, found it... apparently I wrote the OP for it too. Forgot entirely about it.


I loved my idea on that one, it was the second time I wrote and it still was for the most part ignored. Well you know what they say third time is a charm. I'll spoiler it too.

Alright to begin we need to add more storage for this idea to even begin to work. Piles are preferred as it is realistic, they would probably look like a mess and would be caused by items being dropped in the same area and then left there for a minute or so. They would hold eight slots. More advanced aesthetic places to put your piles would be nice barrels, cupboards, dressers, and so forth. Functional storage would be a must, refrigerators, bookcases, tool shelves, armor/clothing racks and so forth.

Now that we have the buff we must debuff, and its a big debuff so more buffs later. We remove all inventory slots except two one for each hand, this would also become our crafting table (just a small assembly thing a 1x2 is all). Now before all of you start freaking out you need to calm down, take a deep breath. reread that again so you don't miss anything in your crazed panic for air.

Now for the second set of buffs. To start much as meals are crafted right now is how we would get a 2x2 crafting table. If need be we could use a hammer instead. Then the crafting table would be debuffed (sorry last one I swear) so that would actually require tools and more complex build materials (sawing on a wooden table?). The advantage of this would mean that all of these tools could be used from inside the table automagically.

And then the moment you have all been waiting for, the part where we don't need to make five billion trips to our mines, I give you, the backpack (among other things). It would add multiple storage items which could be placed in the armor slots (backpacks, quivers, purses, satchels, pocketed coats, sheaths, etc.) they could be place on top of each other within reason of course, you can't wear twenty backpacks. Armor could also be layered now requiring padding and so forth. Single storage things such as quivers, sheaths, boot pockets and so forth would add more space to your quick bar all carrying their item. This simulates the ability to draw your sword or grab an arrow quickly rather than having to rummage through your bag.

Final piece, to prevent from everyone wearing a huge amount of gear the Armors and Bags would all receive weight values the more stuff you are wearing the slower you move the less you sprint and the quicker you tire out. This would be based on the bags weight not the items weight for obvious reasons.


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I loved my idea on that one, it was the second time I wrote and it still was for the most part ignored. Well you know what they say third time is a charm. I'll spoiler it too.

Alright to begin we need to add more storage for this idea to even begin to work. Piles are preferred as it is realistic, they would probably look like a mess and would be caused by items being dropped in the same area and then left there for a minute or so. They would hold eight slots. More advanced aesthetic places to put your piles would be nice barrels, cupboards, dressers, and so forth. Functional storage would be a must, refrigerators, bookcases, tool shelves, armor/clothing racks and so forth.

Now that we have the buff we must debuff, and its a big debuff so more buffs later. We remove all inventory slots except two one for each hand, this would also become our crafting table (just a small assembly thing a 1x2 is all). Now before all of you start freaking out you need to calm down, take a deep breath. reread that again so you don't miss anything in your crazed panic for air.

Now for the second set of buffs. To start much as meals are crafted right now is how we would get a 2x2 crafting table. If need be we could use a hammer instead. Then the crafting table would be debuffed (sorry last one I swear) so that would actually require tools and more complex build materials (sawing on a wooden table?). The advantage of this would mean that all of these tools could be used from inside the table automagically.

And then the moment you have all been waiting for, the part where we don't need to make five billion trips to our mines, I give you, the backpack (among other things). It would add multiple storage items which could be placed in the armor slots (backpacks, quivers, purses, satchels, pocketed coats, sheaths, etc.) they could be place on top of each other within reason of course, you can't wear twenty backpacks. Armor could also be layered now requiring padding and so forth. Single storage things such as quivers, sheaths, boot pockets and so forth would add more space to your quick bar all carrying their item. This simulates the ability to draw your sword or grab an arrow quickly rather than having to rummage through your bag.

Final piece, to prevent from everyone wearing a huge amount of gear the Armors and Bags would all receive weight values the more stuff you are wearing the slower you move the less you sprint and the quicker you tire out. This would be based on the bags weight not the items weight for obvious reasons.

I imagine if anyone had cared to reply they would have called you a moron and insulted you many times.

there's a fear in this and I'm sure many forums of things we have now being taken away, it's a short sighted and silly fear, when this system would only go on to enhance the game tenfold, but that's the way it is I suppose.

In the end I'd like a system like this PLUS some arcane enchantment system for super late game to get your massive inventories if you want them. But by late game I probably mean Months not weeks, we need goals in this game, currently we don't have even the ones in vanilla, which are flimsy, but they exist outside of 'get better gear so you can get better gear' we need a method to build superstructures, but by no means should it be easy or quick.


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