Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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23 posts in this topic

This might already be on the 'plate', but I think it would be cool if you could use cooked bread instead of a bowl to create a meal with and it would create a sandwich instead of a stew.


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bread + knife = sliced bread = achievement "The greatest thing..."

(would be cool but it doesn't do that)

sandwiches aren't on the 'plate' but idk, its not the best suggestion in the world nor the worst. I'm rather neutral tbh, but I think Bioxx and I are experiencing some coding lethargy atm.


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I just wanna be able to take some lettuce, tomatoes, beef and bread and make myself a hamburger... can't we have that? it makes this flamboyant god sad :(

EDIT: in fact, meals could do a little more variety... why can't you make a salad? Steve can feel bad about his weight as well, you know?

What's more, why can't you use some specific meals to make other meals? i mean, imagine a meal which needs 7 ingredients. Instead of modifying the GUI, you just make a first meal made with 4 of those ingredients, and tehn mix it with the remaining ones to make that big-ass meal.

I may be overthinking this, but the idea is just that meals should be a little more variable... :


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Yeah I realise it's not like a terribly important game mechanic or anything... more aesthetic, so it should be low priority compared to the other things that are still demanding their own attention. But perhaps something to put on the side for a day away from coding the usual stuff. Nothing slices through lethargy like a finely crafted digital sandwich :)


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Can haz cheezburger?

Seriously, this would be cool. You need bread, tomatoes, some cow meat and some oil that you can get from the seeds. You first put the oil in the firepit, and when it's hot, it goes in the slot below. Then you put in the firepit some meat and when it's hot, it acts like the mold when you fill it. In the below slot a hamburger appears. Probably not the best suggestion, it needs improvements.


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I'm somewhat leery about sandwiches and burgers. While they are a very popular mod in the Minecraft Forums, for TFC--which seems limited to prehistoric times until about 1500 AD max--both sandwiches and burgers would be terribly anachronistic.

Additional meals and more complex meals would be fun though.


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I'm somewhat leery about sandwiches and burgers. While they are a very popular mod in the Minecraft Forums, for TFC--which seems limited to prehistoric times until about 1500 AD max--both sandwiches and burgers would be terribly anachronistic.

Additional meals and more complex meals would be fun though.

We have bread, we have meat... why can't we make a f+cking* sandwich? it's not that hard to figure out, just slice the bread and place the meat between the slices :

*Not trying to be mean... but i love sandwichs.


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This thread made me hungry :P but hell ye for sandwich!! But just dont make it so that we need wifes in game...


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This thread made me hungry :P but hell ye for sandwich!! But just dont make it so that we need wifes in game...

I'm being forced by a gun to post this image, so yeah... here you have:

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I'm being forced by a gun to post this image, so yeah... here you have:

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It's not sexist. Studies have shown that sandwiches are at minimum 73% more appealing when made by the hands of another. Wives and girlfriends just happen to be the most common "other" nearby.


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so that 27 % are mcdonalds workers? do they make sandwiches?


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I'm sorry, but Sandwiches anachronistic?

We've bread and meat, a sandwich could accidentally be made were someone to fall down. with both on a plate.


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It's not sexist. Studies have shown that sandwiches are at minimum 73% more appealing when made by the hands of another. Wives and girlfriends just happen to be the most common "other" nearby.

That means men should be just as likely to make them for their wives/significant others. It takes two to tango, so they are no more common than their male counterparts.

(To everyone discussing it - not pinpointing redundantsage) Please, please do not make me sidetrack this thread and force me into a lengthy rant about why feminism is both important and necessary and not particularly what most people seem to think it is. I'd be happy to talk about feminism and why most males are arrogant privileged asses who have no idea how easy the world is for them and thoroughly pwn any dissenters, but this should be done in off-topic.

I'm somewhat leery about sandwiches and burgers. While they are a very popular mod in the Minecraft Forums, for TFC--which seems limited to prehistoric times until about 1500 AD max--both sandwiches and burgers would be terribly anachronistic.

People were putting food between bread much earlier than that. Just cause the Europeans didn't figure it out until then doesn't mean that the principle of a sandwich wasn't around much earlier.


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That means men should be just as likely to make them for their wives/significant others. It takes two to tango, so they are no more common than their male counterparts.

This is under the assumption that women prefer their food in sandwich form as much as men, which I find doubtful. A generalized sandwich (and admittedly superior one) contains both carbs and protein both staples of the makeup of men. I've provided a diagram to help illustrate.

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So what this turns out to be is that we would end up adding several pre-determined recipes or just more meal types (sandwiches, stews, soups, meat, meat, possibly more meat or maybe a salad depending on your length)


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Holy fuck. How did this thread turn into hatred against women? I'm disgusted. This is the problem with men... they think it's perfectly fine to make fun of women but take one step - just one little step - to suggest that they maybe have it easy? BOOM they explode and act like the world is against them. Sometimes males make me very very sad to be male. Truly sad, pitiful little expressions of insecurity.


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*double-posts on purpose for hopefully obvious reasons*

So what this turns out to be is that we would end up adding several pre-determined recipes or just more meal types (sandwiches, stews, soups, meat, meat, possibly more meat or maybe a salad depending on your length)

Well the reason I suggested it with sandwiches is because if you replace the bowl with bread, it would make it easier to code the difference and treat it primarily as aesthetic. So they need be no more pre-determined than anything already, but when you use bread instead of a bowl, it uses a sandwich icon instead.

I don't understand the comment about hair length. In light of preceding comments it suggests a sexist slant to eating vegetables (which would be pretty absurd...) but I'm not sure that was intended.


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Daaaaaaaamn, pux. You need to calm down. Unless they're telling you to get down on your hands and knees, you should probably just shrug off the offhand comments.

On-Topic. The difference between our standard meal and a sandwich has to be more than aesthetic. If the only difference between a sandwich and a bowl is the sprite, I'll use the bowl every time. Bowls are quite a bit easier to make, you understand; far easier than getting bread.


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Come off the gender topic, please. Gender relations are full of stereotypes, it's not efficient to ruin them as a whole, because they are functionally indestructible, and I do think that initial feminism's goal is achieved at the moment.

On-Topic. The difference between our standard meal and a sandwich has to be more than aesthetic. If the only difference between a sandwich and a bowl is the sprite, I'll use the bowl every time. Bowls are quite a bit easier to make, you understand; far easier than getting bread.

I'd still make sandwiches. It's my own bug, I like to have "rainbow-colored" food chest contents.

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Well, technically the bread would add something, 'cause you are eating it as well and is food after all, so foods make with a bread instead of a bowl would be a little better than normal meals. Just enough to make it worth the difficulty of making bread.


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Why not half sandwich? When you have your sandwich, like what JAG said before, it restores more food bar than a dish. You can take a knife and cut your sandwich in 2 parts. You can eat a part now and the other later, when your food bar is empty again.


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