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New custom mobs, no minecraft mobs

22 posts in this topic

So Terrafirmacraft is supposed to be a more realistic version of Minecraft, the way survival was supposed to be.

Well, creepers and zombies aren't in real life. Giant spiders? I propose a complete overhaul of the aggressive mobs, adding in many mobs that one might see in real life.

For instance, maybe some mean flying creatures like crows, or maybe add snakes, other four legged animals, etc. I was pretty sad to see creepers and such still in this more "realistic" version of MC.


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Personally, I have no issues with the supernatural in a mod like TFC - the draw for me is challenge, verisimillitude and believability more than strict realism. Thus the giant spiders aren't such a big issue, but hordes of undead in a place with no other humans kinda break the believability, as do creepers.

But regardless, I hope that Bioxx, when the game leaves the beta phase, works with Daveyx0 at AtmosMobs to make those fully compatible - they have what you mentioned (except snakes so far) there and much other things.


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So Terrafirmacraft is supposed to be a more realistic version of Minecraft, the way survival was supposed to be.

Well, creepers and zombies aren't in real life. Giant spiders? I propose a complete overhaul of the aggressive mobs, adding in many mobs that one might see in real life.

For instance, maybe some mean flying creatures like crows, or maybe add snakes, other four legged animals, etc. I was pretty sad to see creepers and such still in this more "realistic" version of MC.

If you had lurked more you would know saying realistic is a death sentence here. Also if you lurked even more you would know they are going to be confined to Dungeons.


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Creepers are fine by me, they are natural habitants of the area. All undead will be moved to special places eventually, proposition as a whole is already being worked on.

Dunkleosteus is working on mobs. Snakes probably aren't going to be in the mod, according to his words. Somewhere deep in the suggestion subforum lies thread with some of the mobs he is working on and want to work on. Just don't necro it.


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I am entirely against us going and adding a bunch of 'real life' mobs. No, Im not saying keep the zeds in as part of survival, far from it. I rather see all the current vanilla mobs HEAVILY buffed and prepared so they can function in adventure/premade maps.

what I do want to see in survival is an entire ecosystem built up from theoretical creatures. Perhaps the dinosaurs never died off in the world and instead evolved into some new creature that we now use as a horse, or perhaps even as cattle. I would love to see us move away from 'real world' creatures, if anything just to show the real side of tfc is not about realism. its about survival, adventure, and most of all, challenge.

Now, onto what is apparently my asshole mode:

-This topic has been brought up in the past. In fact, there is a megathread somewhere with a list of all mobs that I believe one of the developers went though at some point and checked off what they wish to do, some they will do, and others they said hell fucking no to. Next time you want to bring up mobs I will implore you to use the search feature all users have on the forums.

-You did a biiig social no no here by saying 'realisim' in that particular context. TFC is not about realism and never has been. We in no way attempt to mimic reality, much less strive to be real. TFC as I said a few lines up is 'About Survival, Adventure, and Challenge.' along with a deep and thorough stent of creativity. We stand for believability, not realism.

-Recap: Realism: Mimicking or recreating the real world. Believability: Making a world that could very well be real

with that said, stick about the forums, dont let our kicking this thread down stop you from posting, even ideas people like me get shot down almost daily... Ok, I'll be honest, they get shot down hourly...


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I must say, I have a hard time seeing creepers as natural habitants in that I can't really understand how they'd place themselves in the ecosystem. Blowing yourself up might make sense for any kind of flock/herd/swarm/group animal that are quite far down in the food chain, and maybe for hunting group animals if only a small minority of them blew themselves up (like wasps), but for quite solitary beings that are among the largest creatures around, I just can't see it.


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You asked for an explanation so here you go. Creepers are a special type of moving fungi which grow deep underground and after full maturity come to the surface in an attempt to breed they are led only instincts up to the surface as they remember the path they once took as young spawnlings. The time spent in caves serves two fold; as protectionary measures and a way for them to pull geothermal energy from the ground. As they surface fully mature (at night to prevent blinding) they began to search for live creatures, in particular humans, and as they approach they swell with forced pressure and finally explode releasing millions of small spores, some of which may land on the target. If the extreme pressure was enough to kill the prey, these spores begin to feed on the neurons within the brain, the only access being through decaying flesh, after feeding on these neurons for several nights and days they increase in size and gain legs, thus becoming adolescents (about the size of a lady bug, they are there but they are just very hard to see) after they have got their fill they rush to the nearest dark place attempting to burrow or, if lucky, scamper down to the deep depths where they feed and grow on cave spiders and geothermal energy, eventually becoming full size and resurfacing again. And so the circle of life continues on our planet Terra.

This mod is about believability, we are not removing vanilla mobs, we may move them underground eventually, but they will not be removed. If it is explainable then it can exist, we aren't going to remove valuable game content in an futile attempt to become a block version of Sims, it simply wouldn't make sense.

ECC: Believability, putting in game content that the real world could have had but thought was too challenging :P


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That's a really cool explanation, actually. Kudos for that.


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I am entirely against us going and adding a bunch of 'real life' mobs. No, Im not saying keep the zeds in as part of survival, far from it. I rather see all the current vanilla mobs HEAVILY buffed and prepared so they can function in adventure/premade maps.

what I do want to see in survival is an entire ecosystem built up from theoretical creatures. Perhaps the dinosaurs never died off in the world and instead evolved into some new creature that we now use as a horse, or perhaps even as cattle. I would love to see us move away from 'real world' creatures, if anything just to show the real side of tfc is not about realism. its about survival, adventure, and most of all, challenge.

Now, onto what is apparently my asshole mode:

-This topic has been brought up in the past. In fact, there is a megathread somewhere with a list of all mobs that I believe one of the developers went though at some point and checked off what they wish to do, some they will do, and others they said hell fucking no to. Next time you want to bring up mobs I will implore you to use the search feature all users have on the forums.

-You did a biiig social no no here by saying 'realisim' in that particular context. TFC is not about realism and never has been. We in no way attempt to mimic reality, much less strive to be real. TFC as I said a few lines up is 'About Survival, Adventure, and Challenge.' along with a deep and thorough stent of creativity. We stand for believability, not realism.

-Recap: Realism: Mimicking or recreating the real world. Believability: Making a world that could very well be real

with that said, stick about the forums, dont let our kicking this thread down stop you from posting, even ideas people like me get shot down almost daily... Ok, I'll be honest, they get shot down hourly...

I wish I could agree with you after all the work that went into that post but I can say with definity that this isn't where we're going.

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I wish I could agree with you after all the work that went into that post but I can say with definity that this isn't where we're going.

Can I have giant mossy owls pretty please?

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I wish I could agree with you after all the work that went into that post but I can say with definity that this isn't where we're going.

Can i have my nice cave dragon, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?NO, I'M NEVER DROPPING IT, EVER!!!!!<--- nothing suspicious here

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Thought you'd prefer a hydra.

A swamp hydra that lives underwater would be quiiiiite awesome.


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:| There aren't swamps in TFC as of now, sorrily... If i was in chrage, there would be so many reptilic giant monster creatures (dragons, hydras...) most people would get sick of 'em and abandon the mod. Except me, of course.

Luckily i'm not in charge, now am i?


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So Terrafirmacraft is supposed to be a more realistic version of Minecraft, the way survival was supposed to be.

Well, creepers and zombies aren't in real life. Giant spiders? I propose a complete overhaul of the aggressive mobs, adding in many mobs that one might see in real life.

For instance, maybe some mean flying creatures like crows, or maybe add snakes, other four legged animals, etc. I was pretty sad to see creepers and such still in this more "realistic" version of MC.

No. This modification aims for believability, not 'realism'. I love the fantasy feel in MineCraft; it adds to the gameplay experience, in my perspective.

And to explain the Creeper (this is my take, Bsb23):

-They are mobile plants reliant on the sun, plants, and insects for food and water.

-Given the potential combustible food it creates in photosynthesis and its voluntary control over it, the Creeper can explode at will, though it only performs this tactic should it feel surrounded and know its going to die.

-The Creeper lives in any area that is sunny, especially the desert.

-In dark areas, the Creeper, although it turns to a photosynthesis process base on darkness, attempts to find lighted spaces.

Let me know if there is any misconception or confusion.


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not (and I am really going to regret writing this...) 'realism'.

The fact you wrote "not" before "realism" allows you to write it safely :3 don't worry, you won't regret that.


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Can i have my nice cave dragon, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?NO, I'M NEVER DROPPING IT, EVER!!!!!<--- nothing suspicious here

Can I have giant mossy owls pretty please?

Thought you'd prefer a hydra.

A swamp hydra that lives underwater would be quiiiiite awesome.

you people do understand that Dunk is not Santa right?

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D: *his childhood hopes were completely broken apart in a matter of seconds*(?)

Yeah, i know :3 i don't really care. I will keep asking for cave dragons. Forever.


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D: *his childhood hopes were completely broken apart in a matter of seconds*(?)

That's one of the things i do best ^_^

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How about a bird that lives in surface caves, that sort of looks a little bit like a dragon?


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Or a more scaly and reptilian pterodactyl?


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Yea, cuz bats are lizards, right? I know they aren't. ..


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