Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

85 posts in this topic

you now dunk, clay is quite hard to get by on some servers, if you make stuff completely clay-relient, most people will get boned, just like spum and his flux quest :3


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you now dunk, clay is quite hard to get by on some servers, if you make stuff completely clay-relient, most people will get boned, just like spum and his flux quest :3

That's part of the excitement of TFC. I want there to be a hundred different things you have to do that all work together to advance your technology. Science isn't a step by step process. Wool clothing will be a thing, which can protect you from harsh winter weather, but to get it, you have to kill some sheep, get clay, make a spindle, spin the wool into thread, weave the thread in to bolts of cloth, and craft the cloth into clothes. So we now have clothes AND bolts of cloth, and we all know how useful those can be, for making beds, or linings, or anything else that needs to be strong, light, flat and soft. It all meshes together in the end.

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well of course that sounds exciting, but it'd be a pretty big problem if one of the core resources (clay) is quite hard to find on your particular server, it'd trap you in the current age until you get lucky :D


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well of course that sounds exciting, but it'd be a pretty big problem if one of the core resources (clay) is quite hard to find on your particular server, it'd trap you in the current age until you get lucky :D

that's the way the world is though. It was through the collaboration of thousands of cultures that the modern age is possible. During the bronze age of the Mediterranean, the cassiterite needed for bronze working had to be imported from Afghanistan. If not for the cooperation and trade of different peoples, technology wouldn't have advanced.

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but, in a gameplay aspect, its nigh impossible, look at spum and his quest for flux par example, clay can be equally hard to find atm if you get unlucky.


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I don't understand why people are complaining about the clay bottleneck. You need to find clay anyway to make metal moulds. This just fleshes clay out more.


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but, in a gameplay aspect, its nigh impossible, look at spum and his quest for flux par example, clay can be equally hard to find atm if you get unlucky.

For the right materials, sometimes, i walk more then 5km away from my base... i look at this as just-around-the-corner.

In RL needed stuff travels much-much more then 5km.

TFC is not supposed to be easy ... it's supposed to be challenging.

I feel it should be MUCH more harder then it is now ... so challenging that you get a few headaches figuring things out.

I would also use the wiki only for hints on how stuff point you in the right direction...but i guess thats not so practical because someone would put up a wiki themselves with all the info he/they found.


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A woman is incapable of doing things by herself?


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A woman is incapable of doing things by herself?

Sorry ... was not my intension ... women are at least equally capable as man, and i really like that ... so i will correct myself -- she/he/they

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The issue with a resource being very scarce is when you're relying on that resource to get "further" into the game completely.

Requiring a certain resource to "tech" in a certain way isn't much of an issue. It's when you need one single resource to "tech" in _everything_ the issue appears.


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