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What is TFC to you?

15 posts in this topic

Hey guys. I just thought It would be cool to get the idea of what you enjoy about this game, what you like to do with it, what would you like to see added and what you are disappointed in so far.

Just interested in the perspectives of other players.


I'll start.


What I love about TFC is the idea. It really is 'survival mode as it should have been', and I love the changes and direction it's heading in. The mechanics are exactly like I always though they should be in Minecraft. I love the realism, the complexity, the difficulty of accomplishing it, the feel of advancing, actually doing something.


But in current version I find it more like a chore and less like something I can enjoy. The new mechanics are brilliant, but once you spend the time needed to do everything there is to do with it, there's nothing else left. The days are boring and consist of monotone breaking blocks for resources. The nights are even more boring because either I skip them in bed, or quit playing at all if I don't have one.


What I'd like to see are two things.


1.) Mobs that are a real threat during the day - bears, wolves, monsters, what have you. And ones that make it worth traveling - Deer and rabbits that activelly and effectivelly escape from the player who needs to hunt them to avoid starvation, which would lead to long chases and stalking that would make it worth exploring the infinite world.


2.) Landscapes. Bigger and more varied biomes. High mountains, varied hills and wide flatlands. Forests that feel real, deserts that make you desperate for water. Seasons that bring snow. The lands I have seen so far are basically just mountains and hills sticking out of the ocean, sparingly covered with trees. But maybe I was just unlucky with the seeds.

A brighter and more colorful texture pack wouldn't hurt. :P


Anyway. What's your experience, waht's your perspective?


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Both of those things are planned to be redone in b78.


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I am a bit biased and will probably be promptly ignored for it because I play single player, but...


The only thing I dislike is how much digging is involved in finding ores. Well... how long you spend digging to find ores. I wouldn't mind digging out the thousands of blocks if it didn't take untold hours to do it. My last world, I spent a RL week prospecting a whole gabbro layer for garnierite and only found 15 pieces and that was 2 separate veins. I can't even tell you how many steel picks/pro picks I used doing that. At least with this build there are more things to do that don't take so long, but by the time it comes to find higher tier ores, it will be back to the same old boring grind again. I love the rest of the game, just the ore hunt kills it for me.


I would like to see picks have double mining speed with half or quarter of the durability, and smaller veins that are closer together. Less reward and more resources to get there, but you are more likely to find a little something in one nights playtime rather than going a week or more before you find a vein so big you will never use it all.


That's my 2 cents, just leave my change on the counter.


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i think that minecraft lost something improtant when they implemented beds and such things,


they lost the fear of the night, i remember that some of my first nights in minecraft were spent cowering in a tree or a cave hoping that my luck would prevent any mobs from trying to get to me.

i like these recent changes with making mobs almost impossible to fight in the early game, it kind of restores that fear of the night, the need to create a safe shelter for the night.


also, this also gives a satisfaction to proceeding into later game, when you have armlour and decent weapons to fight mobs with, it's fulfilling to finally be able to take down those monstersthat you've been fleeing from and hiding from your whole life in minecraft.


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Creative building, difficult survival, adequate terrain generation, exciting goal to work towards for end game, many different avenues, ECT. I'm very very very very excited for build 78, terrain updates are my FAVORITE!


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Hey Dunk, have you looked at "Cubic Chunks" at all? It might help with proper scaling for terrain. Besides that, a nice idea would be to replace the lava with water. Water tables and aquifers are the natural barriers to most mining endeavors, and it would be much more realistic (assuming it's even possible) to actively replace any air block with water below a certain level - which brings me to the topic of discussion:


TFC, to me, is realism. I love the realistic application of the hardships of simple living, and how accurately it depicts the processes that go into making technology possible. TFC is my favorite tech mod. Everything makes sense and there are no shortcuts to success (except for that accursed crafting table! *shakes fist*). It makes things that were trivial in vanilla feel like a real accomplishment, and gives me something to look forward in anticipation (ropes and pulleys? wink wink?)


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i think that minecraft lost something improtant when they implemented beds and such things,


Hmm... maybe TFC would do well to make beds a health/status recovery item, but have a different block (a flag?) that sets the spawn point. That would remove the annoyance factor in worlds with no sheep and stabilize the night-day risk factor when day-time enemies come about in 78.


Edit: I expanded on this here.


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Hmm... maybe TFC would do well to make beds a health/status recovery item, but have a different block (a flag?) that sets the spawn point. That would remove the annoyance factor in worlds with no sheep and stabilize the night-day risk factor when day-time enemies come about in 78.


Edit: I expanded on this here.

well i was kind of thinking about some kind of obelisk or something like that, that you would have to imbue with magicks to bind your spawn point to, but seince magicks arent happening... iunno


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Hey Dunk, have you looked at "Cubic Chunks" at all? It might help with proper scaling for terrain. Besides that, a nice idea would be to replace the lava with water. Water tables and aquifers are the natural barriers to most mining endeavors, and it would be much more realistic (assuming it's even possible) to actively replace any air block with water below a certain level - which brings me to the topic of discussion:


TFC, to me, is realism. I love the realistic application of the hardships of simple living, and how accurately it depicts the processes that go into making technology possible. TFC is my favorite tech mod. Everything makes sense and there are no shortcuts to success (except for that accursed crafting table! *shakes fist*). It makes things that were trivial in vanilla feel like a real accomplishment, and gives me something to look forward in anticipation (ropes and pulleys? wink wink?)


I remember that I made a topic about this (Cubic Chunks)a LOOONNG time ago, I think back in 1.2.5 or 1.3. One of the members on the forums attempted a port of Cubic Chunks to the current version, but that didn't work out so well. I know that Dunk or Bioxx have looked into that, and I don't wan't to be a downer, but it can't work without insane base edits. 


The modder that was doing the Cubic Chunks thing stopped maintaining it in 1.0. In 1.1, it might have been possible, but it was still a hard feat. After that, the new Anvil format for chunk loading in Minecraft came out in 1.2 where the chunk height was increased from 128 to 256 blocks. Along with this came a ton of code changes to the way chunks were stored and implemented, and changing variables and tweaking and making base edits wouldn't make 16x16x16 chunks anymore. It would require a full rewrite of the way chunks were loaded. 


The only other way to have larger chunks is have 16x16x512 for example sized chunks, but seeing as how taxing TFC is on a lot of people's systems, that isn't really too big of an option.


On another note, why do you say replace it with water? I'd like to know more about why you think that. But I think lava proposes a much greater danger than water in Minecraft, even in real life. Of course, you wouldn't find lava 100 metres below sea level, but TFC isn't about insane realism. (Or realism itself, but that's a debate I'd rather not get involved in. :P)


EDIT:This is the Cubic Chunks topic I made for anyone interested.


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What is TFC to me?  TFC is Too Freakin' Cool, YEAH!!!



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...On a more serious note, what I like about TFC is, I think really the same thing as everyone else.  It shifts the focus of gameplay from Creative Mode, WITH A TWIST!  to a unique and challenging survival mode with a great deal of depth and an awesome sense of accomplishment in even its most basic features.  It turns survival from a novelty to the main focus of gameplay, and I'm not sure exactly what, but something about that is significantly more rewarding than just mining and crafting.


And speaking of Cubic Chunks, someone recently made a rather comprehensive suggestion on MCForums to have Cubic Chunks implemented into vanilla Minecraft, and it's gained a TON of support:


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On another note, why do you say replace it with water? I'd like to know more about why you think that. But I think lava proposes a much greater danger than water in Minecraft, even in real life. Of course, you wouldn't find lava 100 metres below sea level, but TFC isn't about insane realism. (Or realism itself, but that's a debate I'd rather not get involved in. :P)


Well, that's precisely it, actually; realism. I propose using water as the barrier because that's what it is in real life. I admit there's a flaw here because it would require additional coding to ensure that water always filled in air blocks and non-solid blocks would need to be rendered unplaceable, but it still would be a viable barrier because it's prohibitively difficult to mine underwater.


Like I said in my last post: to me, TFC is realism. That's what I love most about it.


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Well, that's precisely it, actually; realism.

Wrong, TFC is about Believability, not realism,


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Wrong, TFC is about Believability, not realism,


You're taking my statement out of context. I'm giving my opinion, not the official mission statement of TFC. Besides, IMO realism is conducive to believability. The more realistic the results of my actions are, the easier my suspension of disbelief is to support.


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Wait...Someone is attempting to update Cubic Chunks to 1.6.2? YEAHHH!!


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Wait...Someone is attempting to update Cubic Chunks to 1.6.2? YEAHHH!!


Looks like it!  Barteks2x has been working on it, though I don't think he's released anything yet.  Which is just as well as it's apparently still very buggy: "I'm working on it. My results on Minecraft 1.5.2 (Buggy terrain generator, no lighting, no world saving/loading, liquids not working): [video showin' some stuff]." --(


He has put up a couple videos though.  There's one in that link and I guess you've already seen the other ;P


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