Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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[Offline][0.79.15] -New- Small Tfc Server - Whitelist, Dynmap, Lockette, Antigrief

22 posts in this topic

Posted Image

  • [*]
Server Status:   or


24 / 7 running


Posted Image


Posted Image


Posted Image


Posted Image

Mod Links:

  • [*]
Streams Mod [*]Cellars Mod [*]Water Sac

Additional Help & Information:

  • [*]
Server Idle

To prevent the server ticking (Food decay etc.) the server goes in standby-mode when no player is online.
  Therefore Dynmap is sadly not available when no player is logged in.

  • [*]
Shader Config

if you wish to use shaders with custom water blocks including Streams river blocks, edit your shader's gbuffers_wqater.wsh file to replace the line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9) {with the following line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9 || mc_Entity.x == 426 || mc_Entity.x == 427 || mc_Entity.x == 428 || mc_Entity.x == 429 || mc_Entity.x == 430 || mc_Entity.x == 431 || mc_Entity.x == 500 || mc_Entity.x == 501 || mc_Entity.x == 502 || mc_Entity.x == 503 || mc_Entity.x == 504 || mc_Entity.x == 505 || mc_Entity.x == 506 || mc_Entity.x == 507 || mc_Entity.x == 508 || mc_Entity.x == 509 || mc_Entity.x == 510 || mc_Entity.x == 511 || mc_Entity.x == 512 || mc_Entity.x == 513 || mc_Entity.x == 514 || mc_Entity.x == 515 || mc_Entity.x == 516) {

  • [*]
Server Hardware:

CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1271 v3 @ 3.60GHz (8 Cores)
Uplink:  1000 Mbit
Ram :   6GB true Ram


  • [*]
Server IP / Adress

Edited by BlazeAndAce

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World information


- fully pregenerated and pre-rendered in Dynmap 

- Map will be expanded as needed


- Visit our Dynmap Posted Image


Posted Image

Edited by BlazeAndAce

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World information


80.000 x 80.000 blocks


- fully pregenerated and pre-rendered in Dynmap   

- Requires 4 hours sprint in one direction 90° to reach the nearest edge starting from spawn !


I was excited when I read your posts. Then I visited your Dynmap. It looks like it's roughly 10.500 x 10.500 blocks. That's less than 2% of what's advertised <_<


Or am I missing something here?


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Thank you, you are correct this number was a misconception since i was told it was x amount of chunks not blocks.

Post edited accordingly


The terrain is still beeing generated on a seperate machine though and messures 20k x 20k atm.



For me however this is not a race to have the biggest map in any means. Its purly meant for fun and will mainly stick to friends and a bunch of interested people.

Also the worldborder might differ from actual map size when we are convinced it benefits gameplay and may be in- / and decreased accordingly.

Edited by BlazeAndAce

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I'm Froggeh, age 24 in the PST (GMT -8) time-zone

I would like to join because I've seriously been craving more TFC but haven't had the means to play with others since I closed my own server due to financial problems

I do play very often, I used to play almost 24/7 and I am a master when it comes to the blacksmith (I have patterns down to be able to craft almost anything in under 20 hits)

Time zone I'm pretty sure I already answered (You might want to remove it from the top one), but Pacific Standard Time (Greenwich Median Time -8)

As I said I'm a great blacksmith, I love all the little things you can do and I tend to end up doing everything myself around the town such as the blacksmith and farming as well as the cooking and building. However the gathering portion (particularly mining) I tend to get impatient with as I can't keep my creativity in layouts and constant planning into motion... It's mostly just digging a straight line or using the + grid until you find a vein and just dig, not a lot of strategy to something you can't see. I'm also a great fighter and pretty wicked with a bow (Been good with ballistics for as long as I can remember)

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My name is Kickersub, my age is 18 and I am on Mountain Standard Time.


I want to join this server because I really want to play some actual Terrafirmacraft with a sweet community. I am looking for a server to dedicate myself towards and be a full active member. I also work well with others.


I play fairly often. If I were accepted on the server, I'd probably play for around 15-30 hours a week depending on my schedule. 


Like i noted, I like to communicate with others. I am the band president at my High School and am almost done with this years activities. I like to lead but also follow. Although my game style is typically lone wolf, I enjoy being parts of bigger communities. 


I hope you consider me as a potential candidate and I hope to see you all soon.


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Name is Bob_Saget54, I am 15, and my zone is EST


I want to join the server because, in my own opinion, TFC is boring singleplayer and every server I have been on so far has gone down within 25 days of myself joining.


I play usually every day or so, depending on how I am feeling.


I am a person who usually brings humor and a sort of flavor to the community. I feel that I am the guy who tries to help people out even though he doesn't have much himself. I enjoy being a part of a bigger community and I feel that I could lead some people who need leadership. 


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Posted Image


  • Bob_Saget54 
  • Kickersub
  • Froggeh


You are now whitelisted ! See you on the server.

Edited by BlazeAndAce

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Blaze, I can't get into the server due to a fatal error that causes me to crash. Any fixes?


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Make sure you have all required Addons installed, inculding Streams-Addon and its Core Addon as described in the Streams post.

Links to the needed Addons are in the initial post, but read the install insturctions of the addons carefully in their designated posts.


Otherwise you will get errors.


This is what your mod folder has to look like :


Posted Image


Of course you can also use a minimap mod/fastcraft etc. but these mods are the required to join the server

Edited by BlazeAndAce

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Froggeh's Review! Huzzah!3.5/5 rating, with much potential to grow   - 3/31/2015 8:06pm PSTSo far, I've gotten ungodly lag... I'm -very- certain this isn't me as I literally just left another server of TFC to join this one and was experiencing no lag with dynamap, 3 wiki pages (TFC is impossible to remember all of this information with lol), skype, steam and bittorrent open simultaneously. I had to close -everything- and still receive tidbits of lag here and there but it's manageable so I was a little annoyed but it's not that big of an issue, thus not that big of a rating hit, just a personal complaint...I love the map, it looks beautiful and so far everything I come across isn't tainted with ugly slapped-together buildings but I imagine time will change that, I hope not but we will see. I found a beautiful massive lake that I intend to base near and make look nice.There presently is no website and anything outside of PMing the owner is not possible to suggest for ideas considering there is no debate, it's all left for the owner (Is there a website? I haven't seen one)Empty... Feels very alone so far... I see signs of other players (Only a single house so far) but ever check of the dynamap has always revealed nobody, hopefully that changes with time!Love the mods! Only 3 were added but they seem very cool... I like the idea of flowing rivers and water pouches. The cellar mod? Absolutely wicked... Best idea I've seen for a mod for TFC so far! No more 1x1 wood pillars to the sky and 3 minutes of climbing a tower to store food!YAY FRESH START! A SERVER THAT DOESN'T HAVE 9999 PEOPLE USING RED STEEL AND BLUE STEEL :DAll in all I can see great potential for this... I intend to start a base myself and get some things rolling and checking in on it from time to time. If I see people coming in more it's definitely a server I'll be sticking to. My biggest fear is that this server doesn't get the attention it deserves or the owners do something stupid (like frequent wipes, not testing things before implementing them, power hungry assholes, etc etc) and the rating drops. If this post is ever removed, odds are the server took a turn for the worst and they deleted it because I marked it down. I will try to keep the rating up to date


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My IGN is earlyshooter, I am 15 years old, and my timezone is pacific standard time. 


I want to join the server because I want to play hardcore minecraft with people and without pvp. Sadly I couldn't do this in vannila minecraft so I decided to play terrafirmacraft.


I play ever so often right now, but if I were to get really hooked to the server I might just play every day.


My timezone is Pacific Standard Time


I love minecraft, I love communities, and If I try hard enough to learn terrafirmacraft, I might just love it to. 


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My IGN:BlattImPopo






why I want to join: because I LOVE survival games like minecraft but for me minecraft is not survival enought so I discoverd terrafirma and played on 1 server for like 1month with a guy who was friendly and helped me a little bit. Then the server went down :( and I searched for antoher one but didnt find one... so I tried singleplayer but its REALY boring and now after some time I found this thread and everything looks like I imagine a perfect TFC server.


How often will I play: I will play on the weekends maybe 1-8 hours it depends on how friendly the community is and how I feel in the server. In mid-week I will play for 1-3 hours it also depends on how I feel.


Tell us something about you:I lived in Germany before but I moved to Lima (perú) and I LOVE all kinds of survival games. l played Rust for some time but there are to many players and then the new game Reign Of Kings came out but my PC is to shitty for it.. so I went back to Terrafrima and I hope to be able to play on your server  :) 

(I know my english is not perfect im still learning it ;) )


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My IGN:xantan0






why I want to join: Ive played terrafirmacraft on single player for a few months, and my SSP world is getting dull. I'd like to join a community and maybe do some commerce.


How often will I play: Probably a few days a week. no more than 20 hours a week though.


Tell us something about you: I'm a college student who plays video games for fun. I study chemical engineering at my university.


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My IGN: Expert_Potato


Age: 17 (2 months until I'm 18)


Timezone: US-Central (-6)


Why I want to join: I would like to join the server because my single player world has gotten boring to play alone plus I want to make some new friends


How often will I play: Probably an hour or 2 on weekdays and maybe more on weekends unless I'm playing baseball or curling


Tell us something about you: I am a grade 12 student from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada (Winterpeg Manisnowba ;) ) and have been playing TFC since around build 75 but have never gotten past steel. I know most of the mechanics of TFC though so it would be no prloblem for me to help anyone out.


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My IGN: XristiEno

Age: 24


Timezone: US-Central


Why I want to join: I enjoy working with communities, it gets lonely playing alone on single. TFC feels more alive and welcoming with more players to work with. 


How often will I play: On and off for a year.


Tell us something about you: I am a college grad, majored in media arts and animation. tend to be found on Secondlife.

I been playing minecraft now for atlest five years now.Tend to have extra free time then I know what to do with x.x

Edited by XristiEno

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Hi all!


1. My IGN is Camona2333, I'm 24 years old, and I live in the Eastern standard timezone.


2. I want to join your server because I love playing minecraft and especially TFC with other people! I'm also more of a PvE person, so I like playing on servers that ban PvP when not agreed upon, griefing, etc. I also love small servers because the community is much more tightly-knit and friendly (usually).


3. I play probably about 15 hours a week on single player and I usually play much more when I'm on a server, maybe 25-30 hours a week.


4. Time-zone is EST.


5. In TFC I love exploring and farming/cooking - one of my favorite parts of TFC is how expanded these components are. Trivia: I have a broken foot right now, so I've been playing a lot of MC lately, even more than normal.


I hope you approve me and look forward to playing with you all. ^_^


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IGN: MaxamesTheAwesom


why i want to join: Well i want to join becasue i love to play with pepole btu there are a lot of dicks out there and this server looks like you put a lot of effeort into it so im want to check it out


How Offten do i play:well i play on week days 3:30 till 10:30 on weekends it could be all day and night lol

Tell us a Little About You: well i have a little sens of childish humor,im not the best speller and i love to play with friends/making new friends


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IGN: Brianher67

Age: 22

Time-Zone: 1 + GMT

Why do you want to join our server?

Well I want to join your server because it is kind of new and that I just started playing terrafirmacraft again.

How often do you play: About a few hours a day.

What’s your time-zone: 1 + GMT

Tell us more about yourself: Well my name is Brian I’m 22 years old I have been playing minecraft for years and would like to start playing terrafirmacraft again because I’m an old minecraft player makes me want a challenge and this mod gives it to me.


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Me and my friend wanted to play a bit tonight, It's been quite a while since we played minecraft, around a year. If we could get whitelisted we would be so happy. :)

This is an application for both of us.


IGN: Alendir

Age: 26

Timezone: GMT+1


2: Well, I want to join to be able to play with other people, and your server has rollback features and such in case of something bad happening.


3: How often I play depends a lot of what type of game I want to be playing. I usually play a game a lot for a couple of months before growing tired of it. But sometimes I just play it those few times every week. Problem is that I don't know on beforehand how much I am going to play, it all depends on how much I enjoy it :)


4: GMT+1 Norway


5: I am a 26 yo engineer from Norway who plays a lot of videogames. I usually don't make much of myself ingame, but if you wanna chat, I might just talk back :)


And so my friend, he is at work, but we would be very happy if we got whitelisted today before he comes home so we can have this sunday afternoon playing a bit :) Therefore I will post his application for him.


IGN: Jonheno

Age: 25

GMT +1 


2: Same reason as Alendir, want to try out a bit of TFC on a proper server :)


3: Doesn't play as much as Alendir, but log on from time to time.


4: GMT +1 


5: Engineer from Norway. Fun guy to hang out with, gets stuff done :)


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The IP listed in the OP of this topic is not valid. Entering it into the Minecraft launcher shows no response. If this server is down only for maintenance, please respond immediately.
If no response is given within 48 hours, this topic will be locked for being an offline server.

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