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30 posts in this topic

In real life building giant castles and massive stone winkies is indefeasible all by your self, and TFcraft sticks to its roots in realism by making it pretty hard too, but what else do you do in minecraft besides build giant castles and massive stone winkies, well survive for one thing but TFcraft has got that covered, so what would be a solution to make building large structures more realistic, well since this mod is Dwarf fortress inspired why not Dwarves, but we dont want slaves that would do all you wanted and asked for nothing in return that wouldn't be fun enough, Dwarves would need food,booze(or water if forced to) and other necessities less they decide to kill you and all your Dwarves. It could be a separate game mode/option, survival(in the truest sense of the word thanks to TFcraft), and Fortress mode were your dwarves would dig build and craft and you have to help them survive. I made a model for a Dwarf awhile back along with a cruddy texture for them, i dont know anything about animations but I could give it a go. post-454-0-88660900-1340137672_thumb.png post-454-0-26135400-1340137691.png https://dl.dropbox.c...ess%20Dwarf.tcn


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Terrible idea! Honestly who would want slaves that would do anything for them... Gosh some peoplsare so lazy...

Nah just joking but a great idea and may i extend upon it? Ok all i want to add is i think that each dwarf should have a different job. And by that i mean that there should be a Dwarf; Miner, Farmer, Soldier, Lumberjack and how many alse jobs you want...


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Going to plug littleMaidMob. It adds naturally spawning maids that can be tamed with cake, and given sugar in order to make the cooperate. They can work furnaces, wield weapons and I...think that may be all. I believe giving them some brewing AI was on the todo list, but I haven't been following mods outside of TFCraft for a while now. :U They can also be kitted in armor, and so on.

I think there are other AI partner mods out there, too, but littleMaidMob earns extra points for having a large number of customization options.

Anyway, yeah. Dwarfs would be neat somewhere down the line. As long as a loner life was still possible.


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There's already a dwarf mod floating around somewhere, yogscast did a spotlight on it a while back and honeydew was squealing like a little girl (as per usual).

Not a fan of this tbh. it just feels less 'survival'-y when you aren't

1) alone

2) with other equally flawed and in-the-same-boat humans. Steve is a castaway, these dwarves would be native. It just feels off.

I said the same thing when vanilla first started talking about introducing the squidwards, but then they had them only spawn in generated villages, which was fine because they aren't being shoved in your face.

Maybe if dwarves only spawned in generated fortresses deep underground (like below y=80)...


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wthing when vanilla first started talking about introducing the squidwards, but then they had them only spawn in generated villages, which was fine because they aren't being shoved in your


Maybe if dwarves only spawned in generated fortresses deep underground (like below y=80)...

Yeah that would probably be for the best also you should have to get the trust of the dwarfs by trading with them or giving them gold to be friend them and bear to breed them... XD

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millenaire and minecolony are also capable of creating people to do your work for you.


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It kind of sounds like you just want to play Dwarf Fortress in 3D modelling, and throw minecraft right out the window.


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What's wrong with that?


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It kind of sounds like you just want to play Dwarf Fortress in 3D modelling, and throw minecraft right out the window.

The way survival mode should have been.

Anyway, it strikes me as an interesting and ambitious endeavour. If I weren't so lazy I'd be itching to take a shot at it. Knowing other people have made decent AI partners just makes me want to try harder.


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I can see having dwarfs be a late game thing. By then you have the survival part down, so why not change it from lone survivor to major of a settlement? If you so choose to of course.

also, a 3D Dwarf Fortress would be awesome.


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Just to be clear, the Dwarves arn't meant to make things easier, its more meant to shift the players goal from keeping themselves alive to keeping there civilization from falling to pieces, this would completely change the play style thus making it a different game mode, if you've had the patience to sit down and figure out Dwarf Fortress then you know the feeling of this and how with the more Dwarves you get the more problems occur, if you haven't played Dwarf Fortress, give it a try, its free but possibly one of the most complicated games ever made.


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Terrible idea! Honestly who would want slaves that would do anything for them... Gosh some peoplsare so lazy...

Nah just joking but a great idea and may i extend upon it? Ok all i want to add is i think that each dwarf should have a different job. And by that i mean that there should be a Dwarf; Miner, Farmer, Soldier, Lumberjack and how many alse jobs you want...

Something like this would be good going off the way Dwarf Fortress does it, in Dwarf Fortress there's a list of certain skills, you assign dwarves what skills you want them to use and any job thats been designated to get done will get done by a dwarf with that skill enabled and Dwarves will gain a title and slightly diffrent appearance based on what job they do the most, the skills also level up but that may be going to in depth. Here's a reference to the skills in DF

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Something like this would be good going off the way Dwarf Fortress does it, in Dwarf Fortress there's a list of certain skills, you assign dwarves what skills you want them to use and any job thats been designated to get done will get done by a dwarf with that skill enabled and Dwarves will gain a title and slightly diffrent appearance based on what job they do the most, the skills also level up but that may be going to in depth. Here's a reference to the skills in DF

I still think if dwarfs were to be implemented so should skills fof them...

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Even if we don't get dwarfs, could we reskin the testificates to look better and maybe give us an option to spawn them in. Our cities are looking more ghost town than city-ish.


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Or when people log off they are still shown moving around randomly and can be killed unless they are sleeping on something that would make cities more lively and make SMP beds more useful.


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Far over the Misty Mountains cold,

To dungeons deep and caverns old,

We must away, ere break of day,

To seek our pale enchanted gold.

The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,

While hammers fell like ringing bells,

In places deep, where dark things sleep,

In hollow halls beneath the fells.

For ancient king and elvish lord

There many a gleaming golden hoard

They shaped and wrought, and light they caught,

To hide in gems on hilt of sword.

On silver necklaces they strung

The flowering stars, on crowns they hung

The dragon-fire, on twisted wire

They meshed the light of moon and sun.

Far over the Misty Mountains cold,

To dungeons deep and caverns old,

We must away, ere break of day,

To claim our long-forgotten gold.

Goblets they carved there for themselves,

And harps of gold, where no man delves

There lay they long, and many a song

Was sung unheard by men or elves.

The pines were roaring on the heights,

The wind was moaning in the night,

The fire was red, it flaming spread,

The trees like torches blazed with light.

The bells were ringing in the dale,

And men looked up with faces pale.

The dragon's ire, more fierce than fire,

Laid low their towers and houses frail.

The mountain smoked beneath the moon.

The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.

They fled the hall to dying fall

Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.

Far over the Misty Mountains grim,

To dungeons deep and caverns dim,

We must away, ere break of day,

To win our harps and gold from him!


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Far over the Misty Mountains cold,

To dungeons deep and caverns old,

We must away, ere break of day,

To seek our pale enchanted gold.

The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,

While hammers fell like ringing bells,

In places deep, where dark things sleep,

In hollow halls beneath the fells.

For ancient king and elvish lord

There many a gleaming golden hoard

They shaped and wrought, and light they caught,

To hide in gems on hilt of sword.

On silver necklaces they strung

The flowering stars, on crowns they hung

The dragon-fire, on twisted wire

They meshed the light of moon and sun.

Far over the Misty Mountains cold,

To dungeons deep and caverns old,

We must away, ere break of day,

To claim our long-forgotten gold.

Goblets they carved there for themselves,

And harps of gold, where no man delves

There lay they long, and many a song

Was sung unheard by men or elves.

The pines were roaring on the heights,

The wind was moaning in the night,

The fire was red, it flaming spread,

The trees like torches blazed with light.

The bells were ringing in the dale,

And men looked up with faces pale.

The dragon's ire, more fierce than fire,

Laid low their towers and houses frail.

The mountain smoked beneath the moon.

The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.

They fled the hall to dying fall

Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.

Far over the Misty Mountains grim,

To dungeons deep and caverns dim,

We must away, ere break of day,

To win our harps and gold from him!

"How long do you think you can sing about gold?"


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Far over the Misty Mountains cold,

To dungeons deep and caverns old,

We must away, ere break of day,

To seek our pale enchanted gold.

The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,

While hammers fell like ringing bells,

In places deep, where dark things sleep,

In hollow halls beneath the fells.

For ancient king and elvish lord

There many a gleaming golden hoard

They shaped and wrought, and light they caught,

To hide in gems on hilt of sword.

On silver necklaces they strung

The flowering stars, on crowns they hung

The dragon-fire, on twisted wire

They meshed the light of moon and sun.

Far over the Misty Mountains cold,

To dungeons deep and caverns old,

We must away, ere break of day,

To claim our long-forgotten gold.

Goblets they carved there for themselves,

And harps of gold, where no man delves

There lay they long, and many a song

Was sung unheard by men or elves.

The pines were roaring on the heights,

The wind was moaning in the night,

The fire was red, it flaming spread,

The trees like torches blazed with light.

The bells were ringing in the dale,

And men looked up with faces pale.

The dragon's ire, more fierce than fire,

Laid low their towers and houses frail.

The mountain smoked beneath the moon.

The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.

They fled the hall to dying fall

Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.

Far over the Misty Mountains grim,

To dungeons deep and caverns dim,

We must away, ere break of day,

To win our harps and gold from him!

ah, i cant wait 'till the Hobbit movie comes out

i seriously hope it's as good as the movies for the originl trilogy


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...that was brilliant. I demand to know the origin of such works.

ah, i cant wait 'till the Hobbit movie comes out

i seriously hope it's as good as the movies for the originl trilogy

Well they already fucked up their rendition of the Misty Mountain song in the trailer, so I doubt it


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...that was brilliant. I demand to know the origin of such works.

You are one of today's lucky 10,000. Terry Pratchett. Good news/bad news about him.

Good news: he was prolific and has 30+ books, one of which was the basis for the cartoon you just watched. Most, if not all of them, are awesome. I advise to start with The Color of Magic, and follow the books chronologically from there. They can stand on their own, but there is some metaplot that idealy should be read in order.

Bad news: he has a rare form of Alzheimer's and likely won't be writing any more books.


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he released a book last year, he'll probably be able to get out at least one more, and actually had one planned before this one, "raising taxes".


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he released a book last year, he'll probably be able to get out at least one more, and actually had one planned before this one, "raising taxes".

Might have one more in him. You have to remember that the last one took him a while to write, and isn't all that good (a little scattered, or so I've heard). Which isn't surprising considering the fact that he'd be having trouble remembering things.


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Might have one more in him. You have to remember that the last one took him a while to write, and isn't all that good (a little scattered, or so I've heard). Which isn't surprising considering the fact that he'd be having trouble remembering things.

ok people, this thread is going nowhere, we've already established that dwarves = no, so lets just let this go

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I asked bioxx if i could add dwarves (although not in any way like the way you outlined. It may be based on df, but TFC isn't called "DwarfFortressCraft".

Also, bioxx says no npcs. period. ever. never ever suggest npcs again.


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I asked bioxx if i could add dwarves (although not in any way like the way you outlined. It may be based on df, but TFC isn't called "DwarfFortressCraft".

Also, bioxx says no npcs. period. ever. never ever suggest npcs again.

This is a bit saddening, i would have liked to play "DwarfFortressCraft". But alas it is not to be. But thank you for the ultimatum.


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