Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

98 posts in this topic

The calculations would have to be made before spawning the terrain. Also, most dirt isn't loose topsoil, it's packed earth. I can easily dig a big, deep hole without dirt falling into it as if i were digging into a lake. I could understand this with sand, as that's small, loose grains, but normal dirt wouldn't collapse very easily.


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He basically wants materials to have strain on them. materials affected by gravity would only be able to support so much before they fall down, much like the cave-in mechanic.

I know this. The mechanic I've been discussing is a means to replicate that. :U

I think this would cause issues with mountains. The dirt would roll down the mountain side and leave the grass and stone still in their place.

If you had read that other thing I said, you'll note that this mechanic would only apply to dirt that is picked up and then later set down by the player. Steve would mine a dirt block, and receive a dirt item, then upon placing the dirt, it would behave like a liquid for a short bit before actually changing into/spawning a dirt block.


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To add to the topic. There could be two variations of every dirt block. (which could be named the same to the player

and look the same). Loose and dense. Every dirt could be generated as dense at start, but on mining would drop loose.

There maybe might be a way to make it dense again by some process.

And btw even if all dirt was using this mechanic, it wouldn't be an issue with world generation lag or anything.

if the world creation algorithm was made so that no movement at loading the map/chunk would be necessary.

If such an algorithm is too time consuming to make, it would IMO be better even if such a simple primitive version would

exist as to eliminate those columns. It's neither cpu consuming, nor difficult to simply check if the block currently being

set is at the top of a too high, unsupported column (as in e.g. the third/4th/8th block on top with emptiness around the

sides of this block and the two below). Just like it's impossible to set the Bloomerry without there being a pattern of blocks.

After checking that it wouldn't collapse in any spectacular way, instead just refuse to build there or drop the item on top.

Thus the column would not collapse, but at least it would be impossible to build those insane columns.

That's some middle ground between vanilla behaviour and cpu consumption + author programming work.

Better than nothing.


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We (by which I mean "I", haven't talked to Bioxx about this) like this idea. It could be refined, I think though. While dirt is often compact in the ground, earthy walls do not last for ever, especially under the erosional pressure of wind and rain. Collapsing dirt on mountain sides would be much more realistic.


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Omg... All I see is a lag bomb. I only get 20fps in a plains biome, 6 in a forest. Don't screw it up for me and other Intel 4 series express chipset family users and/or those of us with 4GB RAM and/or 2.2GHz processor. lol I suck, but I like the Idea. I just don't want to see dirt tumbling down mountains constantly or all the many ways this suggestions could make me get 0fps in a mountain biome, I live there and I get a solid 11.


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Omg... All I see is a lag bomb. I only get 20fps in a plains biome, 6 in a forest. Don't screw it up for me and other Intel 4 series express chipset family users and/or those of us with 4GB RAM and/or 2.2GHz processor. lol I suck, but I like the Idea. I just don't want to see dirt tumbling down mountains constantly or all the many ways this suggestions could make me get 0fps in a mountain biome, I live there and I get a solid 11.

The calculations wouldn't take much and the entities wouldn't be hurting your fps much at all.

And if so many people don't like entities, why am I getting so many requests for 50 000 animals?


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My gpu can't calculate shit, that gpu is the worst up to date gpu out now. We want animals because it's not like an animal can spawn per block in this mod, and there will be 1 entity per block here. We only want a few animals, and a chupacabra or something to eat you at night. By the way, I like the idea of a chupacabra, no werewolves like you've seen me post about.


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I actually love this idea, more for building materials, but the liquid pathfinding too, i want to not be able to build minecraft stuctures, i want to have to learn how to build a supported house, without making my comp chug that is :D


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We (by which I mean "I", haven't talked to Bioxx about this) like this idea. It could be refined, I think though. While dirt is often compact in the ground, earthy walls do not last for ever, especially under the erosional pressure of wind and rain. Collapsing dirt on mountain sides would be much more realistic.

Everything could always be refined, but at the cost of deprioritizing something else, time and effort.

So it would be nice if it would be more refined. But I believe it's better to make a simplified, not

refined version that is better than vanilla and not difficult to think of and implement, than if Bioxx

or anyone else looked at the extent of the project and decided to not start or quit.

Any of those dirt-water types of algorithms seem pretty uneasy to make and implement.

Thus the first step would be made and there would be something with not that much effort.

In later versions it could always be refined step by step.

Besides, if a first step is made, then it can be tested and unforseen issues and ideas inspired by

it can be more easily reported on the forum when put to practice.


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Everything could always be refined, but at the cost of deprioritizing something else, time and effort.

So it would be nice if it would be more refined. But I believe it's better to make a simplified, not

refined version that is better than vanilla and not difficult to think of and implement, than if Bioxx

or anyone else looked at the extent of the project and decided to not start or quit.

Any of those dirt-water types of algorithms seem pretty uneasy to make and implement.

Thus the first step would be made and there would be something with not that much effort.

In later versions it could always be refined step by step.

Besides, if a first step is made, then it can be tested and unforseen issues and ideas inspired by

it can be more easily reported on the forum when put to practice.

I did not mean "complicate" when I said refine. As a modder you'll learn that certain features don't pan out the way you want them to, so when adding any new feature, there are steps of trial and error that occur until you come up with a balanced system. This balanced system may not be exactly like the original idea, so I was implying that if we implement it, don't expect it to be exactly like the one you've all suggested.

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I did not mean "complicate" when I said refine. As a modder you'll learn that certain features don't pan out the way you want them to, so when adding any new feature, there are steps of trial and error that occur until you come up with a balanced system. This balanced system may not be exactly like the original idea, so I was implying that if we implement it, don't expect it to be exactly like the one you've all suggested.

If that's what You meant by "refine", sure. =)

I've never gone into modding Minecraft, but I had a bit

of practice with Java, so I have some general suspicions

about the issues.

I would even guess, that some things done by Notch might

make it not exactly moder-friendly to add bigger changes.

Obviously these are just ideas, suggestions. =)

By what I've seen thus far, I believe You'll make good choices.


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If that's what You meant by "refine", sure. =)

I've never gone into modding Minecraft, but I had a bit

of practice with Java, so I have some general suspicions

about the issues.

I would even guess, that some things done by Notch might

make it not exactly moder-friendly to add bigger changes.

Obviously these are just ideas, suggestions. =)

By what I've seen thus far, I believe You'll make good choices.

yes, we modders are not so fond of the one called "notch".

I mean why would you HARDCODE something so that it can never be changed or overwritten?! -.- dammit notch.


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yes, we modders are not so fond of the one called "notch".

I mean why would you HARDCODE something so that it can never be changed or overwritten?! -.- dammit notch.

You can always rewrite the game, right? :)

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You can always rewrite the game, right? :)

It's not that easy. And at that point compatibility is just shot.

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It's not that easy. And at that point compatibility is just shot.

That was a joke lol.

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If the spout project was further along you could tie in with that, but it would mean incompatability with anything not written for spout.

Would make it mutithreaded hardcore though, as that one of the core features of spout.


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If the spout project was further along you could tie in with that, but it would mean incompatability with anything not written for spout.

Not necessarily, some mods change core files. If rewritten correctly, everything will be there. Changed core files does not mean incompatibility, maybe with some things if you actually make something that will effect them, bad move.

If that's not what you are talking about... What the hell are you talking about?


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yes, we modders are not so fond of the one called "notch".

I mean why would you HARDCODE something so that it can never be changed or overwritten?! -.- dammit notch.

Maybe, at the start, he was willing to avoid any kind of mod for minecraft to be created, so he coded that way thinking it would avoid something.

Then he saw how many mods were made for the game, how popular they were, and in that moment he thinked "Well, i suck in making this game, but this guys don't... let's take advantage of their work." And there is were the "Modding API" idea was born.

At least, that's what the legend says(?) :P


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Maybe, at the start, he was willing to avoid any kind of mod for minecraft to be created, so he coded that way thinking it would avoid something.

Then he saw how many mods were made for the game, how popular they were, and in that moment he thinked "Well, i suck in making this game, but this guys don't... let's take advantage of their work." And there is were the "Modding API" idea was born.

At least, that's what the legend says(?) :P

"Modding API"

-quote from Mojang

That scares the shit out of me.


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Not necessarily, some mods change core files. If rewritten correctly, everything will be there. Changed core files does not mean incompatibility, maybe with some things if you actually make something that will effect them, bad move.

If that's not what you are talking about... What the hell are you talking about?

Spout is a compleatly written from scratch zero notchcode engine that will be able to run minecraft and then some. So it would basically require a rewrite, but would perform better than notch minecraft because it is written to fully implement multithreading across multicore platforms. Basically everything that isn't written to run on it will not work with it. It is both a server and client rewrite, but has quite a lot of work left to be done on it.


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it is written to fully implement multithreading across multicore platforms



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I do want that though...


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I do want that though...


you don't even know

I have an 8-core processor

But minecraft still sticks its cock in my rig because it takes every single calculation it makes and dumps it ALL into one thread.

Multithreaded minecraft would give me like 1600 fps or something ridiculous like that.

Also, you can't have spam and eggs without spam


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you don't even know

I have an 8-core processor

But minecraft still sticks its cock in my rig because it takes every single calculation it makes and dumps it ALL into one thread.

Multithreaded minecraft would give me like 1600 fps or something ridiculous like that.

Also, you can't have spam and eggs without spam

I'm fucking jelly. Wanna know what kind of computer I have? An Asus K50IJ (google it's specs), the Best Buy version of the Asus K50I, they put a Intel 4 series express chipset family gpu in it instead of the Intel GMA 4500M, the 4500M was shitty enough! And I have a dual core processor, I have the same damn problem!

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you don't even know

I have an 8-core processor

But minecraft still sticks its cock in my rig because it takes every single calculation it makes and dumps it ALL into one thread.

Multithreaded minecraft would give me like 1600 fps or something ridiculous like that.

Also, you can't have spam and eggs without spam

yep, basically the project has tons of promise, but also alot of work to go, and would basically as i mentioned require the devs to dedicate to spout and rewrite accordingly. That of course is completely up to Bioxx and Dunk, and at the current state of spout, I duno if its worth a whole lot of effort atm anyhow, they probably have several months before its ready for anything major.

Also, vanilla minecraft runs as a plugin on it, or will when its complete. So in theory you could totally exclude vanilla minecraft and have TFC exist without any notchian influence at all.

oh, also forgot to mention that another core feature of spout is cubic chunks and infinite generation on the Y as well as X and Z axis'.


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