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Seasons Remastered

12 posts in this topic

This idea came to me of course from A Song of Ice and Fire.

But I imagine Bioxx wants something like this (considering his last post in news, read it!).

Right now a year takes about 80 hours which IMO is way too long.

But the NUMBERS in my suggestion are NOT FINAL, these things need to be tested.

PS! I'm trying to balance everything down below, it's not quite finished so more balancing might be needed.

First some ground for my suggestion:

1. No calender, if you want to know the season look at the trees and ground around you, how will you know how fast the seasons pass by? wait and see.

(This is when the seasons are working like they should).

All tho it would be cool to see the stars change depending on season and just before a season change, but I don't know if its do-able.

2. Randomness on duration of seasons

Every time you begin a new world it might take 60 hours, or at shortest it might take 30 hours for a full year.

You will also spawn on a random season.

If you begin at long years it might slowly start to be shorter and shorter years, and opposite if you begin on shorter years.

3. Seasons effects (They will be tweaked so no season is too annoying, except winter, that should be annoying).

Spring means

- Snow starts disappearing.

- Animals starts to spawn.

- Birds sounds to sing (C'mon Bioxx we need them bird sfx's! ;D)

- You can start making crops.

Summer means

-food rots, meaning you have to eat them soon after harvesting, so you cannot store a lot during summer.

(meat turns into zombie meat, wheat maybe turns into seeds? or just disappears).

- Even more animals spawn during summer.

Autumn means

- You can harvest them fruits!

- Snow and ice start to appear at some biome.

- Food stops rotting.

Winter means

- No harvest of any crops.

- Saplings don't drop off trees.

- Tree's are harder to break but also dirt/gravel is very hard (ask anyone who have tried to dig in winter).

- You become more hungry.

- Few animals wandering around.

What you guys think? REMEMBER it is NOT complete.

I know this is what Bioxx is kind of aiming for:

"Seasons: The first thing that I’d like to discuss are the seasons in Terrafirmacraft. Seasons are very very important to the overall flow of the mod because of how they truly affect us IRL.Some of the changes that are already apparent are the shifting colors of the world as it gets colder, not to mention the potential for snow storms across the world, and the growth of trees. Seasons and more importantly temperatures will continue to be factored into different facets of the mod moving forward such as crop growth, animal hibernation, types of hostile mobs and more.

Design: My design decisions are typically based around the premise that I want every game to be unique for the player. This goes from the randomness of the rock layers per world to the anvil recipes changing in every world. This also includes the thought that I don’t want players to have every single crop easily in every single game. Perhaps in one world you survive in a Taiga as a hunter gatherer. Fishing in a nearby river, hunting deer, and gathering berries. Then in another world, you have a massive farm with Rice, Corn and Olive trees."


So I wanted to add my opinion on it, and see if we can together elaborate something cool for Bioxx :)

maybe come up with stuff for seasons he has not thought of ^^.


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great idea, but how about there are things to grow in winter, like carrots and onions


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Sure, great idea! :)

I knew when I posted this that I needed to add more positive effects to winter.

Maybe some vegetables only grow if a summer is longer then XX hours!? :)


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Might as well add these to this post:

Stars shouldn't follow the sun! This has bugged me the most about vanilla minecraft. They should be made to rotate, say 10 times slower than the sun/moon currently move. Yes the moon doesn't rise when the sun sets, but I chalk that up as a game mechanic which allows you tell time.

It would also be cool if deciduous trees lost their leaves in the fall.


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Ill add that, hope its possible :)

About what Bioxx said, instead of excluding vegetables (that grows on trees) from world, why not limit them by how long say summer must be in order for them to bloom.

BUT then we have to have some way to know how long a season will be...

Because we can't have people growing stuff that can never be harvested.

Btw I'm amazed noone agrees that 80hours a year is too long =/ (counting only daytime)


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No then it's because you have too much life ;)

But seriously, I'll make a thread and see what people think.

Also playing multi is a different thing, since the world can go on while afk, then 80 is short!

Maybe Bioxx should add a option if it's a server that's up 24/7 or not.


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I'm actually happy about the timing of the current year. It takes around a day and a half to go through a season- how the heck is that too long? If anything, I'd be in favor of increasing it so that those that don't play on a daily bases get to actually see the seasons. Granted I am only referring to SMP here but on SSP can't you make the day go faster just by sleeping every night and cutting that time in half?


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Maybe a new thread?

"Having a option of year duration".

I play alone but I can imagine people who play multi-player want longer years :)

Gotta make it with poll so Bioxx see's it and hopefully can change it soon :)


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"Having a option of year duration".

Incidentally, that's precisely what I suggested in the thread I linked, and precisely what Bioxx responded to. :U


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Oh.. Hope he finds a way where a variable CAN change all other things...

Depends a lot on how its coded...

As it seems, singleplayers want shorter and multiplayers longer =/.


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There are some problems with this. It is rather more difficult to determine seasons by looking at the world around you if you can't feel the temperature of the air with your skin, and differing lengths of seasons is something we kinda wanna avoid.


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