Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by aeroc

  1. Random crash, flying around in creative B71, Forge 436


    at TFC.WorldGen.TFCChunkProviderGenerate.replaceBlocksForBiomeHigh(

    at TFC.WorldGen.TFCChunkProviderGenerate.d(

    at im.c(

    at im.d(

    at xv.e(

    at xv.h(

    at TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenMinableTFC.BODgenerate(

    at TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenMinableTFC.BetterOreDistribution(

    at TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenMinableTFC.generate(

    at TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenOre.createOre(

    at TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenOre.generate(

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld(

    at im.a(

    at zs.a(

    at im.c(

    at il.<init>(

    at ik.a(SourceFile:172)

    at ik.d(SourceFile:300)

    at gm.d(

    at iv.a(

    at ec.a(SourceFile:136)

    at cf.b(

    at iv.d(

    at iw.b(

    at bdr.b(

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(

    at bdo.q(




  2. Also, you can't expect to find every ore in the area you've settled.

    It might not be expected but it's certainly possible. I settled in a place and within about 3km of tunneling had access to all metals, the longest tunnel was around 1km from the settlement. I found it disappointing to be able to find everything within a short distance, as well as the predictabilty of ore generation. It nullifies the opportunity to trade with others if one can simply access every metal within such a short distance.


  3. Here's my firepit array. Seems to me 32 logs produce on average 12 charcoal. It usually takes around 23 charcoal to smelt 20 ore in a bloomery. In a firepit, it's possible to cook tier-0 metals with a nearly 1:1 log to ore ratio, so it's much more wood-efficient than a bloomery. However it does require more attention and much clicking, compared to a bloomery. Each firepit has two stone anvils for ingot storage.

    Posted Image

    And here's my gem-production facility. 24 dispensers dispensing sand into 24 sluices at the touch of a button. I contemplated adding a 25th dispenser that would act as a clock by dropping a waste item onto a wooden pressure plate which would activate the 24 dispensers, and when the waste item despawns it would dispense a new waste item to make the system automatic. You can also automate the production of small ores if you place the sluices on top of your desired ore, but small ore is not fuel-efficient to smelt. And it seems not all ores show up in a sluice. Gold and limonite seem to show up in the sluice, but galena, hematite and magnetite don't seem to generate in the sluice. Still have yet to try garnierite.

    Posted Image


  4. -In B69 SMP, smelted metal that gets cold in a bloomery will crash the server when accessed and will require the bloomery to be broken and rebuilt.

    -In a firepit, when a mold in the first slot fills and there is excessive liquid metal it overflows to a mold in the second slot. However when a mold in the second slot fills, the overflow is lost, it won't attempt to fill an empty mold in the first slot.


  5. -Eating a meal does not show the "eating animation", only the burp at the end. This was working fine in B66.

    -Placing a vine on a vertical surface (side of a block) appears to place nothing while removing the item from your inventory, but sometime later a vine may appear on or near that surface. Placing a vine on the side of a block with a block directly above will make the vine appear underneath the block above.

    -Cactus in desert can be discovered as item entities on the ground in a freshly generated chunk.

    -Can repair some damaged items by adding them to a less damaged item/stack, bows are a good example of this.

    ^^ Tested in B69 SMP.


  6. Let me make the case for this utility. My goal was to keep track of the recipes that I have already tried, so that when I experiment for new meals I don't repeat the same recipes by accident. Making a list in a notepad (or in-game book) or a spreadsheet of the recipes I've already tried would be incredibly tedious. How many recipe combinations are there? How do you guys keep track of the recipes that you've already tried, or prevent yourself from repeating the same recipes during experimentation by accident?

    I think most players will be satisfied when they find a decent recipe for their desired effect, and not necessarily the best recipe for that effect, and because there is no way to keep track of the recipes they've already tried they'll stop seeking improved versions of those recipes. For me this utility allows me to experiment even more than I would have without it.

    Maybe I made a mistake by sharing this with other server members and it should be emphasized for individual use, and in that case the utility would still have value for me.


  7. Would you mind posting a video aeroc? You got me curious now.

    It's not pretty or polished, but here is the rough concept:


    Two things are happening. When you break smooth stone it turns to cracked/cobble stone, and rock debris entities are spawned. When they land they make gravel. Ideally the rock entities would make rock debris blocks, which I haven't implemented. The rock debris pile could grow in height the more debris lands on it. I wasn't able to get the rock debris entities to render, so they're not visible, but they do pop off and follow an arc like any other time you break a block.

    My other idea was to make smooth stone require multiple pickaxe strikes on it before it completely disappears. On each strike part of the block would be removed in a similar way to how TFC chisels work with the slab mode. Also why not have the rock debris entities continue to roll and fall, say down a mountain or hill, until they stop rather than have them spawn blocks the instant they touch ground.

    If you're interested in the code, message me, it's not very complicated.


  8. Fabulous piece of coding you have here, it certainly by no means is game breaking, but isn't quite what TFC needs. If you could incorporate this in a recipe book style item this would be absolutely perfect for our gameplay. The only difference is the flow of information, it is what makes a newbie a newbie. If they come in to a well developed server and we hand them the recipes it will ruin the system of discovery, which some people would like to keep. As a book instead information could still be traded and copied, but would also now require a flow of information. It could give way to many things, like libraries, recipe exchanges, while still allowing recipes to be confined to a small group(kitchen staff?) if such was desired.

    I agree, an in-game solution would be ideal. I also agree it is important not to share recipe compendiums with new server members, it would be a huge spoiler if the best recipes were shared.
