Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Palisight

  1. Body Temperature Tolerance Build Up

    Body temperature won't be implemented until after canoes and clothing. You can of course still discuss the topic now, but I'm doubting it will be implemented soonTM
  2. B79 Food Preservation

    There are many types of pickling processes Basically you are changing what types of organisms can survive in the solution to determine the product of fermentation NikkyD is probably talking about a regional process that doesn't use vinegar for some reason
  3. Help Kitty with Homework!

    Kitty can include the paragraph if she wants, but just to point out the actual reason somone would be offended by it The paragraph is equating Islamic radicalism as being part of Islamic activism If you don't understand why that would be offensive to non-radical Muslims, I don't know what to say.....
  4. Help Kitty with Homework!

    If the presentation was about 1940s Catholicism, would you cite Catholic involvement in the genocide of Serbians? You probably wouldn't becuase the genocide while commited by Catholics was motivated by Balkan nationalism and politics. The genocide itself had nothing to do with Catholic ideals Your presentation is about the compatibility of the ideals of Islam and the internet. Your presentation includes many points of contention from the restrictive code of Islam and the internet. Your conclusion mentions none of them and only mentions the positive aspects of information spreading
  5. Help Kitty with Homework!

    Personally I'd remove For example, the internet has drastically influenced jihad oriented campaigns by networks such as al-Qaeda, making significant changes to the spread of Islamic activism and radicalization. Without an internet presence, it would be almost impossible for these campaigns to recruit members from such great distances like the United Kingdom and the United States. Otherwise you are unneccesarily opening a can of worms. Remember your presentation is focused on Islam as a whole, not specifically radical Islam
  6. Drinking water

    Body temperature mechanics will discourage people from living in extermely cold areas such as the coldest areas of Canada/Russia/Norway etc. Its unlikely anyone but the most masochistic players will try living in the TFC equivalents of those climates And Hubertus, you can't claim poll results for a poll that was never created
  7. Animals and the extinction of monsters

    Someone actually came up with some type of replacement for overworld skeletons. Good job thinking outside the box
  8. Agriculture and farming ideas

    Simplifying the code is fine. The issue I think is unreasonable here is you can grow crops without water And you can make it so crops won't grow without hydrated soil. I know of at least one mod that does this
  9. Agriculture and farming ideas

    You have mentioned this. Its just one of those decisions we really hope falls under the category of "Bioxx hasn't gotten around to changing this yet" instead of "this is a deliberate design choice" Why not have both as a option. That way watering/rain and irrigation would both be valid ways to hydrate crops
  10. Drinking water

    I think its the whole suspension of belief that your player is really thirsty and you are drinking a little at a time with your hand instead of just puting your mouth to water and gulping or something I'm trying to think a rationale for why someone would do this and the best I can think of is you want to visualize the water in your hands before you drink it to see if it looks dirty or something Which brings up the point, if you were really concerned with contaminants in the water you would be purifying the water before drinking.
  11. ProPick Change

    This suggestion doesn't actually violate the suggestion in the do not post thread noname_42 isn't suggesting a more accurate propick. It seems to be entirely a visual change. Its certainly a different implementation that I can't imagine a dev would ever consider implementing, but it not more accurate than the current propick
  12. Purifying Water

    I wouldn't use a forge for this. You want to boil the water for a several in game minutes (which would only really be ~10 real life seconds anyway) Which would give the firepit a late game purpose instead of being completely obselete once you have a forge Also I think the implementation of this would include the additions of ceramic and metal pots (or maybe just metal if the devs want to simulate the quality of life improvements with metal). You want the width of the pot to be greater than the height to increase the surface area of the bottom of the pot Soups and stews are supposed to be added at some unknown point in the future. Maybe water boiling in a fire pit should be added to whatever item is required for soup/stew creation
  13. Purifying Water

    While I would agree water purification should be added to the game (i'm not sure how it should be implemented), I'd edit your suggestion to include a disclaimer stating you are suggesting mechanics that simulate the effects of vommitting, and not that you actually want to add vommitting to the game
  14. What do you do with excess food ?

    Survival as it should have been is also a opinion. In this instance of the world, Survival refers to survival mode, not a difficult to survive mod TFC is mostly about aesthetics, immersion, and specialization of labour. Difficulty is not one of those goals. Many people want it to be, but they tend to play other mods/modpacks because TFC isn't challenging
  15. What do you do with excess food ?

    The word balance by itself means nothing For example the Equivalent Exchange mod series is considered balanced by some people. I personally consider it cheating. Both of those are opinions Like most Minecraft mods, TFC is balanced so its really hard to fail. Its apparently a design choice that it should even hard to fail if a bunch of players on a multiplayer server cover the same exact ground as a single person would. If you want survival to be a struggle (whether it by SMP or SSP), this really isn't the mod for you. Of course the devs could do both with the difficulty settings. Given that food is part of the RNG, food could be made more rare on hard/hardcore
  16. Polished stone tools

    Stone mining tools are historical. I don't think a stone pickaxe ever existed The implementation would have to add gameplay to enhance the tech tree rather than make the game easier One notable omission in TFC "historicity" is the lack of the ability (and a reason) to make flint mines So if you want to add stone mining tools, maybe find a reason to add flint mines to the tech tree Maybe flint mining tools+fire setting becomes a prerequisite for pickaxes? Maybe you need that to mine metamorphic stone (Tetrahedrite and Sphalerite)? You can get Bismuthinite in sedimentary, so you'd be able to make bismuth bronze once you can mine metamorphic Of course then you need the ability to mine flint without metal pickaxes Kill deer, get antler pick that can mine sedimentary stone (besides limestone)? So maybe pure copper (which you can still find on the ground) can't make pickaxes anymore Copper--> saw--> support beams/water buckets/leather etc Antler pick-->flint+Bismuthinite Flint+fire setting --> Sphalerite--> bismuth bronze pickaxe Non copper ores would no longer able to be found on the surface Fire Setting Deer Antler Picks
  17. Maybe I should state my objections to gem setting and metal casting are based off the perceived difficulty of actually implementing those suggestions into the game Those sound to me at least really difficult to implement (I may or may not be right about this), and it doesn't seem reasonable to ask the devs to try to implement them for that reason Of course, I could be wrong and it might be easier to implement than I think it is
  18. Name tag/renaming

    1.) Is this griefer concern based off of observed play, or this basically speculation? 2.) Have you considered the fact that your current system allows a griefer to name unnamed community animals inappropriate names , and once they do that people can't remove the inappropriate names other than replacing the entire animal? 3.) If this issue is a real concern amoung multiplayer servers, have you considered rewriting non-dog familiarity so it is tied to specific players?
  19. Name tag/renaming

    You could consider changing the naming mechanism to require maximum familiarity for a animal Lets face it if griefers are willing to put that much effort to rename the animals, they deserve the opportunity to prank you for that one This may or may not have the side effect of making monsters unable to be named, but even if it does, I can't imagine too many people being upset about that
  20. Dinner Table: New Saturation Mechanic

    The real problem with this idea is you are trying to make a mechanic that forces people to make aesthetic builds The additions themselves are fine. People might want to have such aesthetic options for them to use if they want to. There is no rational reason for your mechanic to work. You gain saturation based off of something that should have a social effect rather than mechanical benefit Basically you are doing what the devs did with the tool rack/ingot piles. You have a idea you think is cool, and you want to force players to use it instead of trying to convince players to voluntarily use it Remember if your aesthetic addition is appealing, many players will voluntarily use it
  21. Realistic mobs

    This is already planned Hopefully it becomes a optional difficulty mode, as removing mob variety is a terrible idea from a gameplay perspective for people who want the game to be challenging But the demand is certainly here for players that hate minecraft combat and want predator animals for immersion reasons and hunting simulation
  22. make bushes.. unpickupable?

    Berry bushes should be balanced with fruit trees. How exactly you want to do that is up to you. But I think you are right about the once a month change If the bushes had no seeds, then there would be no way the nursery could get you that berry bush
  23. A Bug Request

    I think Kitty is saying there is at least one source of protein in the mod that anyone of any belief or lifestyle will find acceptable To prove her statement wrong, you would need to find someone who objects to eating every item in the protein category Although if that rationale is followed, one might consider the dairy category unacceptable to lactose intolerant people or cultures that don't consume milk or cheese I've only lived in Canada and the US, and I am not lactose intolerant, so I'm not aware if people in other countries would actually find that offensive. Its certainly Eurocentric, but thats apparently a design goal
  24. A Bug Request

    Calling eating insects disgusting is probably culturally insensitive The cultures that eat insects by far outnumber those that don't Most people in Europe/Canada/USA/Australia/New Zealand consider eating insects disgusting, but the majority of the world does not
  25. Cave rewrite or cave-in mechanic nerf

    Bioxx already said he's going to look into the effects of cave-ins on caves