Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Palisight

  1. Add in Disease and Medicines

    The devs only implement ideas they want to I know recent polls have made it look like they cater to public opinion a lot, but they don't do it a whole lot Just because a suggestion hits this forum, doesn't mean you have to respond to it to say you don't like it to prevent it from being implemented Take a look at this suggestion: It mentions diseases, a topic that has been discussed frequently (therefore it doesn't need to be discussed again) in a 1 sentance line It mentions implementing STDs, which implies that sexual mechanics would have to be implemented first. We all know the devs would never do this My point is you can ignore posts like this. Now if a dev or Kitty actually took interest in a really bad idea, then there is certainly cause for concern and objections would need to be raised
  2. Food don't matter

    Kitty's change is a really good idea from a gameplay standpoint It however affects people actually playing the game correctly. The change doesn't affect the issue in this thread much at all. The only change for suiciders is to make suiciders have to committ suicide twice as much. And since they invariably have a bed nearby when they do this, its a minor inconvienence at best She did however say there are no plans to fix the suicide issue Basically they are going to ignore the fact that people can do this exploit. Which is most certaintly a valid choice. It just sounds like a terrible idea to people that believe game designers/modders should eliminate exploits from thier games.
  3. Rename Protein to Meat

    Personally I think the nuitrition section should have the following categories Carbohydrates Lipids Protein Free Sugars So yeah, protein should stay protein
  4. Slowed movment from tall grass

    Its a good idea from a gameplay standpoint This is however part of the whole some terrain slows you down idea Basically the issue here is that Better Than Wolves did it first. The devs find it annoying that so many people keep comparing TFC to BTW as they have completely different design goals and have very little similarity other than they are both low tech total conversions. They aren't fond of adding features that were added by BTW, even if the features are obvious ones that people would have easily thought of even if BTW was never created.
  5. Adding New Music?

    Rain sound locations .minecraft resources sound3 (or newsound, I'm not sure which applies to 1.7.10) ambient weather rain1, rain2, rain3, rain4 You should be able to replace those files in a resource pack with sounds You will need to convert the sounds to .ogg first
  6. Food don't matter

    Shiphty, the topic of the thread had more or less changed to the issue about how death resets nuitrition Death resetting nuitrition encourages suicide. Kitty is arguing that if death doesn't reset nuitrition, death spirals will result I'm arguing that you could always recover given a mininum health is above skeleton damage. Especially since if you have spawn protection on, the likelyhood of facing a skeleton isn't too likely unless one spawns in your spawn area if you know what you are doing The penalty for death in TFC is health loss. Which works for players with high nuitrition and levels There is no penalty for the system if you just don't eat and suicide to get your nuitrition penalties reset. Its a exploit that players without levels can use to speed up tech progression (you are saving the time you would be using for food gathering/processing) Obviously you should still be allowed to gain levels and have high nuitrition. This is actually what death penalties are trying to encourage Of course alternate penalties could be implemented such as skill point penalties upon death It could also be changed so its easier to go from low nuitrition to medium nuitrition than it is medium to high nuitrition to make "getting out of the hole" easier
  7. Food don't matter

    Look at the subject like support beams Would people use support beams if cave-ins didn't occur? Very few would for immersion reasons, but the rest wouldn't So you have cave-ins which force people to adapt Its the same here. People don't spread out because they don't have to spread out. If they had to, they would You would probably see more hunting parties form. There would be a adjustment period, but people would learn
  8. Food don't matter

    If there are too many players in a area for the food supply to sustain them, the sensical choice is to move and find food elsewhere Your concept of TFC is balanced for multiplayer arguments typically ommitt the fact that more players mean that more ground can be covered in the same amount of time And its probably true >90 % of servers play with spawn protection on. So surviving isn't really a issue even if you need to go out by yourself to find food.
  9. Heat capacity would be a more appropriate mechanism than melting point
  10. So a mechanic that encourages the usage of multiple crucibles is considred a bad thing? We apparently think quite differently. I would think a mechanic that encourages multiple crucibles is a good thing
  11. Food don't matter

    You could always set a minimum health. I don't know your numbers, but lets say a skeleton attack does 65 damage The mininum health of a player should be above the ranged attack enemies (it is unfair to be constantly one-shotted by skeletons), so maybe mininum health of 100 if skeletons do 65 damage
  12. Bats!

    If you are going to implement guano-->saltpeper Describes the process quite well
  13. BUG: Sulfur on Trees

    Trees and tree leaves wouldn't burn just by being near lava. They would likely burn if they were brought into contact with lava, but certainly not by just being near it Of course the high temperatures would not be healthy for the tree, so its likely the tree would die (possibly by the tree equivalent of dehydration)
  14. Fireworks

    Dispensers, fireworks etc can be added back into TFC using Minetweaker
  15. BUG: Sulfur on Trees

    It is reasonable for lava to be placing sulphur on dirt blocks Placing sulphur on grass blocks is reasonable, if the grass dies from the sulphur As for trees......Yeah that's pretty ridiculous. Perhaps the temperature around lava should be high enough for trees not to be able to grow within sulphur placement range
  16. [Poll] Ceramic Bowls

    If the devs wanted to keep the same game balance as of right now: The devs could basically change it so instead of producing 4 bowls being broken 100% of the time, you would produce 1 bowl broken on average 25% of the time Obviously reducing the breakage chance reduces the bowl consumption and increasing it increases bowl consumption
  17. Canoes will be able to be made with axes If they implement body temperature before implementing canoes, then water travel across cold water will become impossible pre-saw
  18. The devs need to implement canoes and clothing before implementing body temperature
  19. Stone Knife Mines Ores

    So basically what people in this thread are suggesting is a inefficient way of gathering metal for immersion reasons. I'm going to point out this is basically creating a "noob trap" People that understand ore panning and ore scavenging don't need new ways to make get copper/alloy metals Its the new players used to I see ore, lets mine ore that would be using this feature. Some new players might not understand the concept that they would be ruining the quality of ores they were "mining"
  20. Gravel ignore support beams This is gravel. It really isn't reasonable for gravel, sand, dirt etc, to be held up my a support beam And while its true that Smooth stone should be turning into a rock type other than cobblestone (this really makes no sense), the fact is even if the loose rock block or whatever you want to call it was actually implemented it would not be reasonable for it to be held up by a support beam
  21. 1.) I'd be impressed if people in real life could knap 2 knives out of one rock. That would really take some skill. Since the real inconsistency here is that you can make 2 knives out of a knapping grid and not 2 of anything that fits, perhaps the sensible thing is to remove the ability to knap two knife blades out of one stone 2.) The current system of clay bowls reminds me of people who buy paper plates because they are too lazy to wash thier dishes. While its true pottery was a big deal back then, the current system models lazy slobs that are too lazy to wash thier bowls. If you think people don't use enough pottery in TFC, perhaps we need a new reason to make pottery rather than "I don't want to wash bowls"
  22. no Inventory

    The devs plan to implement clothes in the future, so there is a good chance players are supposed to spawn naked. Or perhaps wearing only underwear as some people are offended by the concept of nakedness in videogames for some reason Either way it probably shouldn't be assumed players will always be able to start the game wearing pants with pockets
  23. Tree growth in stages

    I know Maga is at least referring to this thread (there may be more threads referenced in that statement, but I am unaware of any other threads)
  24. TerraFirmaCraft and IndustrialCraft 2 Compatibility

    Gregtech now basically replaces almost all of the IC2 content. It makes little sense to start with IC2 and change to Gregtech TFC+Gregtech is playable with minetweaker (some people on the Gregtech forums have discussed making a add-on for better compatibility. This may or may not happen) You won't be able to build everything without cheating as you can't get to the Nether/End in TFC
  25. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Environmine is completely configurable. There is duplicate functionality with TFC, but those features can be disabled If you want to add buildcraft to this pack, you will need to wait until Emris updates his Buildcraft-TFC patch to 0.79