Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by LordOfWolves

  1. The weird side of YouTube

    I like this song too much :3 However I still don't understand what PSY says
  2. water level setting

    Then you want to implement standard values, true? yes, this is the best fix that I can think.
  3. Localization

    The Italian is the same thing, because it's a Latin language and you can guess how much hard is learning it . It has a lot of exceptions and a lot of other small things that can ruin a whole phrase. It's like programming with a veery difficult language, but the other person can understand even if there are some errors. Luckily.
  4. water level setting

    No, Doc, it's Bioxx Also, Yes, Killster, this can be a good idea, but there could be problems in world generation if you set the water level IE...level 1. And also a similar config will not be implemented while TFC is beta. You know why, probably.
  5. [Solved] Simple instructions?

    The guide to install TFC will be forever in my signature. Feel free to look in. There are also some tips in my sig, but I don't remember in what section.
  6. falling sand

    Sand should damage you when a block falls on you. Like what ECC said. And also, remember that sand is a lot of motes that fall in your head and enter in your eyes. Aww, even if you close them, some sand will damage you, trust me.
  7. Game Crashes :(

    Then, is this crash solved? Or do you still need help?
  8. Excess Metallic Ore

    The anvil sound is still a mystery. However I would prefer placeable ingots instead of metal blocks. Yes, piles of ingots that work in the same way of log piles. But maybe you could need metal panels to make your walls stronger, not necessarily metal blocks. The idea itself is not bad, but metal blocks can I say this...simple. Yes, they look too simple for me. I don't like them very much. But if you have ideas that could make them different than vanilla ones I am ready to listen.
  9. Suggestions for um... Suggestions forum

    I agree with the OP. I saw one of thse phrases once only, but it's true what he says. This behave discourages some people from posting. However I will see "already suggested", because if it's already suggested, the poster must know this. But I won't make a big problem out of this. Just an "aready suggested and have fun " or similar things.
  10. Ok, nw there is an official group in the IRC!!! It's me, puma, flamestrider, Ditto and some others. Maybe I know why I stopped posting here...maybe because Dunk is gone who knows where. Seriously, before his leaving I posted very much, but now...I am mostly on the IRC.

    1. LordOfWolves


      My guess is that he is coding. Meanwhile I look Ditto's streaming :3. He streams KSP, Torchlight 2 and Saints Row the third.

    2. transcengopher


      Either Dunk is coding, or it is exams time. Because I post very little exactly because of my exams.

    3. LordOfWolves


      Maybe you're right. I hope that this situation will end before or after :(

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  11. I feel nice today, then go here:

    1. LordOfWolves



  12. Kerbal Space Program

    And maybe then a chess game always with the camera. Good luck with this, idle.
  13. Your chisel creations!!

    You, perfect. +10!
  14. Kerbal Space Program

    Ahah me too. I still didn't land on the mun, or at least I did, but too quickly
  15. Looking for Help Setting up Server Jar

    I'll update my signature with the tutorial for server jars now
  16. Temperature bar

    Are they useful images at least? Or just the common derail things?
  17. Crash report-TC

    You installed the wrong TFC version or you installed it in an uncorrect way. To install it good, look my signature, there's a guide that says how to install TFC.
  18. Project gnh20

    Nice, thanks for the Link!
  19. The Hades Code

    How did this become a derailed topic? it was fine until some days ago.
  20. Kerbal Space Program

    Yeah, there is a good group there. Search me, Ditto, puma, Leo and also flamestrider. We're the ones that play KSP and that are in the IRC. We are the only players in this tfcraft channel afaik.
  21. Your chisel creations!!

    Cool! Seems like a painting!
  22. Your gamer's obsession?

    I played it in the past and I arrived to tanks and things of the 2nd world war, then I got bored.
  23. Kerbal Space Program

    A space simulator, totally awesome...and Bioxx plays it too!
  24. Kerbal Space Program

    Yeah, again, I'm just fine with this, but if you didn't make this topic, I surely would make it, because we need it
  25. Your gamer's obsession?

    Woooow there are some people (me included) that would be happy if you teach us in the IRC how to do such things !!!!Nice, very nice. Also there is an user in the IRC called Puma, and you can help him doing his spatial station, and me too in my first munar landing