Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bunsan

  1. Baby animal familiarity

    I've looked into this and the babies not getting the familiarity from mother is a logic and not a sync issue. The babies are born with the proper level of familiarity however the value for the lastFamUpdate is set to day 0. If the baby is born with a familiarity level that is less than a white outline it gets a familiarity update and immediately reduces its familiarity to 0 as the Familiarized Today is false and the lastFamUpdate is day 0. If it has enough to get the white outline the the familiarity is correct and the lastFamUpdate is 0. As familiarity is at a level where it doesn't reduce so it doesn't trigger the familiarity update and so it remains 0 until it is fed. So I guess solution is to either assign the Familiarized Today boolean as True on birth or set lastFamUpdate to age for new babies. Althoughthis only effects babies born without a white outline. Babies can be raised to this level in 3-4 feeding. So a minor issue.
  2. Planting Season

    -14000 is quite far north so it likely won't be safe to plant until atleast Spring if not late spring.
  3. [WIP] Leiti´s Terrafirmacraft Addition

    He last posted a bit over a week ago. Perhaps some patience as this work would be done in free time.
  4. (0.79.26+) TooMuchTime-TFC

    This addon does nothing to the length of seasons. All it does is use the TFC method for determining season. Season length is determined by your days per year setting in TFC config. Shortest possible should be the default 96 days. Since there are 12 seasons (early, middle and late)that means 8 days per season. If if you are getting 2 days per season that is a TFC or some other mods bug. What is your year length set to?
  5. bug with chimney

    I can verify this bug. I did get the text warning that there wasn't enough ventilation once, but the forge formed and was able to be relit without issue. I completely encased the forge in a smooth granite box with one block removed to light forge.
  6. End of TFC 1

    Figured this is best place to put this. I posted maybe entice a few folks to try or retry TFC. I obviously love this mod and want more people to play and make modpacks with it. There are aspects of TFC2 that appeal and more than once Bioxx has nearly sold me on it, but then the "most mechanic won't be included" makes me long for this to continue. Anyways with this likely being the last update of TFC I encourage everyone to share their experiences and encourage others to give it a try. Be itpure or any of the modpacks.
  7. WIP TFCTech Addon

    The excavator already can mine whatever you want as it has full minetweaker support. You could also register the ore items as oreIron etc. (must be done with mod)and set terrafirmacraft it the priority setting in the config, although that will register the ore items as equivalent to 1 ingot and introduce a number of issues. We dealt with this by creating an ore item that was equivalent to 100units and registered that as oreIron etc.
  8. [TFC] TerrafirmaPack

    Build 8.0 TFC Updated to the latest version of TFC. Please see changelog for changes. Updated Mods: - Terrafirmastuff - TFC-Additions - Bibliocraft - VoxelMap - NEI
  9. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Do what is fun is my suggestion.
  10. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Yes we've added recipes to the metal press for a lot of items including tools and weapons. It is the trade off of convenience vs the smithing bonus. When using the tool heads in crafting recipes you don't care about the bonus anyways. We've not added armour items to it. Also the mold disappearing is not a bug we've encountered. You can swap molds without issue.
  11. Vanilla planks?

    There is an NEI hiding option in TFC config. It is an all or none though. Im not sure where you heard that there is an issue with Cuchaz ships and non-vanilla blocks, because that isn't true. Blocks are inert and fine. The issue is with non-vanilla Tile Entities.
  12. Remember this crashes first run so it can generate load order config json.
  13. [0.79.28+] TerraFirmaStuff

    Totally forgot to post update. Version 0.1.4. Fixed tool durability being used when clicking on invalid blocks.
  14. Lag - Lumber vs Chiseled Blocks.

    The issue is rendering, which is client side. The effect somethings has on client performance depends largely on its number of faces. In 1.7.10 MC renders the faces whether you can see them or not. So each piece of lumber has the same number of faces as a full block. So if you fill the block 1 block has the faces of 64 blocks. Each part of a detailed chiselled block faces as a block and there are 512 of them. Stairs and chiselled are 8. Eitherway the effect of these blocks is on the client and so effect depends on your system. Some peoples fps will tank where others are fine. The reason why you get block placing delay is that you are receiving so much information from server for the chiselled blocks you are getting latency. The TPS for server is not effected.
  15. Minetweaker+TFC question

    I assume this is for the food crafting ingredient. In which case I believe it is fine and is simply due to the fact you've only given ingredient partial NBT. If it is output, yes it may cause issues. Be certain to test your recipes in, in survival, ininventory crafting grid and vanilla workbench. Only the player crafting grid uses TFC crafting manager.
  16. Minetweaker+TFC question

    You want onlyWithTag for ingredients. Be warned that food behaves strangely in crafting because of the TFC food crafting handler. FYI this would be better posted in the ModPack discussion section. More likely to get noticed. Was actually dumb luck that I saw it.
  17. Nether monsters in overworld TFC?

    The other option is to use the mineral ores that are in code that are no longer generated. Rename, ore-dict etc. There is satinspar,microcline, olivine, serpentine, selenite and petrified wood. This was the solution we used.
  18. [Solved] Horizontal support beams can remove blocks

    Bug? This sounds like a feature
  19. Black Sky server issue

    You need to report this to the modpack dev. There is no official TFC on any Launcher.
  20. Nether monsters in overworld TFC?

    OneWolfe has JustAnotherSpawner working. And the caves are usually filled with skelly, zombies and creepers, but I'm unclear what that has to do with my point.
  21. Nether monsters in overworld TFC?

    You can use something like Just another spawner to cause them to spawn in the overworld. I can't imagine the devs implementing such a thing into mainline TFC, especially since it can be done with existing mods.
  22. Few causes. TFC lags when generating terrain. However the main causes arelow RAM and poor GC parameters. help. 1GB of RAM is minimal amount for TFC, surprised you haven't been getting OutOfMemory crashes when exploring. I'd suggest 2GB of RAM and be certain you are running 64-bit Java.
  23. If you attempt to use the smooth mode on a smooth stone it does use animation and uses a durability despite it not being able to smooth the stone. This is especially problematic with add ons that add chisel modes such as my TerraFirmaStuff mod. This was tested in build 28 with only TFC, NEI and fastcraft.
  24. [Solved] Weather, potion effects

    The issue with the PMP poison is that it is just a tick and does vanilla level of damage, so 1hp at most. It is possible to scale this damage in the damage handler, but as TFC does not ever trigger poison effect they haven't scaled. The damage effect is scaled in the TerraFirmaPunk pack. Weather 2 storms are entities. You can set configs to have invisible vanilla weather running, but it means you'll have at times clear skies while everything else is behaving like it is raining. Including thunder. It is possible to have compatibility where TFC sees the storm entity and behaves like it is raining. We've done this, but requires compatibility added to TFC. It isn't perfect because the range for rain effects from storm entity is variable. So sometimes when you see a storm barrels will fill with no rain particles or the opposite.
  25. Millénaire for Terrafirmcraft

    Repost for others that can't read that horrid font. Millenaire for Terrafirmacraft finally!!! I am a modder for Minecraft and after talkinng to Cedric, the owner of the Millenairemod, he has decided to give me access to the source code for 1.7.10. Now I know that the Terrafirmacraft people are hard at work for TFC 2.0, and thank you for that, but I thought that this would be fun to have until they are finished rewriting this extensivemod! In about a month I am going to be posting a Terrafirmacraft conversion for Millenaire 1.7.10! so I hope you guys are as excited as I am to actually have a village in your Terrafirmacraft worlds for the first time in literallyyears.Also, when I am finishedwriting the conversion for Millenaire I plan to move on to some of the tech mod packs such as FTB Infinity to integrate with Terrafirmacraft. I plan to integrate many mods and mod packswith Terrafirma to get more popularity behind TFC which is, in my opinion, the best mod for Minecraft!